View Full Version : I hate the Foundation for a Better Life

07-07-2013, 06:37 PM
ever go on a road trip and see these stupid billboards on the highway?









first things first. the interstate highway system disrupted the terrestrial beauty of our american nation, moreover greedy capitalist pigs decided to litter these ugly roadways with ENDLESS ADVERTISEMENTS mile after mile after mile after mile, nonstop in your face creating a massive distraction to drivers going about their worthless lives in environment-destroying, gas guzzling vehicles. so what could be more ironic than some protestant billionaire adding insult to injury SPAMMING the roadways with endless reminders to 'pass it on' with 'it' being some high and mighty value peddled by the 'foundation for a better life' ? Im going to burger king to get a 50 cent cone and i need to be CONFRONTED with stupid simon and farfunkle pun 'heres to you mr robinson' white guilt bullshit? this country was built on slavery.. thanks for the reminder while i cant even enjoy this cheap ice cream cone any more because im too pissed off. i cannot STAND these billboards!!!!!! or anything about any of this!!! its akin to going in a billing office with people having miserable lives just sitting in front of a computer from 9-5 doing work while rich people make money off their slave labor and theres a motivational poster on the wall with some like windows 8.1 looking wallpaper of like a galaxy or flowers with a positive inspirational message. the foundation for a better life is like this but worst. do you not realize you are making our lives WORSE?


OUR world is crumbling before our very eyes with the disney channel on every young childs home promoting sex and disobedience and the foundation for a better life thinks the solution to creating better lives is putting up spam billboards along I-10 with mundane bullshit that is so poisonously simple, the type of person who would respond positively to it is the kind of person who doesnt need a 'better life' ? (Pentecostals, etc)


Q: which is more ineffective, the foundation for a better life or feminist postmodern art?
A: trick question they are equally worthless

the most sensible move the 'foundation for a better life' could take would be to pull values.com from the internet, take down all their posters, and begin to actually try and make a positive difference in the world.

0mon Ra
07-07-2013, 06:40 PM
what a debbie downer

07-07-2013, 06:41 PM
yeah i am a self loathing liberal also fanfare dont worry

07-07-2013, 06:45 PM


07-07-2013, 06:45 PM
I agree with you, but...

first things first. the interstate highway system disrupted the terrestrial beauty of our american nation, moreover greedy capitalist pigs decided to litter these ugly roadways with ENDLESS ADVERTISEMENTS mile after mile after mile after mile, nonstop in your face creating a massive distraction to drivers going about their worthless lives in environment-destroying, gas guzzling vehicles. so what could be more ironic than some protestant billionaire adding insult to injury SPAMMING the roadways with endless reminders to 'pass it on' with 'it' being some high and mighty value peddled by the 'foundation for a better life' ? Im going to burger king to get a 50 cent cone and i need to be CONFRONTED with stupid simon and farfunkle pun 'heres to you mr robinson' white guilt bullshit? this country was built on slavery.. thanks for the reminder while i cant even enjoy this cheap ice cream cone any more because im too pissed off. i cannot STAND these billboards!!!!!! or anything about any of this!!! its akin to going in a billing office with people having miserable lives just sitting in front of a computer from 9-5 doing work while rich people make money off their slave labor and theres a motivational poster on the wall with some like windows 8.1 looking wallpaper of like a galaxy or flowers with a positive inspirational message. the foundation for a better life is like this but worst. do you not realize you are making our lives WORSE?

I stopped reading it when it starts "our american nation, moreover greedy capitalist pigs" if this is text by american, seriously needs to shut the fuck up. Why does sound like a communist?

07-07-2013, 06:46 PM
People have been trained all their lives to ignore billboards, at best these 'inspirational' quotes are useless at worst they're a waste of millions of dollars which would be better spent actually improving the world

"Hey lets give some poor black kid a scholarship so he can be the next jackie robinson or donate to a fund that's working on a cure for parkinson's"
"Nope lets put up billboards instead"

07-07-2013, 06:46 PM
Great Satan means United States of America according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Satan

07-07-2013, 06:58 PM
fuck the faggot Bolsheviks. Kill them all!


07-07-2013, 07:16 PM

Ruby i asked you nicely not to post pics of my fucking house, please take this down

07-07-2013, 07:17 PM
the michael j fox one is the funniest

I didn't know there were more than one of thsoe there's a kermit one at a bus stop near my hosue I literally thought it was a joke and the only thought that went through my mind was lol yeah that's spot on about fatima

07-07-2013, 08:29 PM
even people with less limbs than me find stuff in life they can actually enjoy.

07-07-2013, 08:34 PM
well a shark ate that girls arm while she was surfing so I guess the moral of the story is its a good thing you have no hobbies or fun things to do or you might lose a limb

also wtf @ the one about the blind guy saying he has "vision" talk about a low blow

07-07-2013, 08:35 PM
suicide time

07-07-2013, 08:36 PM
well a shark ate that girls arm while she was surfing so I guess the moral of the story is its a good thing you have no hobbies or fun things to do or you might lose a limb

also wtf @ the one about the blind guy saying he has "vision" talk about a low blow

Erik you made it! isn't the view wond... aw fuck

07-07-2013, 08:36 PM
someone make one with elz with instruments and a platinum album

07-07-2013, 08:48 PM
well a shark ate that girls arm while she was surfing so I guess the moral of the story is its a good thing you have no hobbies or fun things to do or you might lose a limb

also wtf @ the one about the blind guy saying he has "vision" talk about a low blowlol

11-15-2016, 08:40 PM
I recently had a very profound shift in consciousness, and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. It was very similar to what happened to Philip K. Dick in his 'religious experience' and how he described it in VALIS. I guess I could also compare it to Robert Anton Wilson and his awakening as described in Cosmic Trigger, but I read it so long ago that I cannot recall all of the details of how his little spurts of enlightenment manifested for him.
I was doing a lot of sigil work, some linguistic transmutations, had just come into a very difficult period in my life after a prolonged period of abundance (as stated in hexagram 55) that came to a screeching halt. All that I had the time and peace of mind to work on was reading and doing what little drawing and sigil work I could, as well as my little introspective speculations and meditations, psychic tricks and whatnot, workings in and of themselves which I have been able to perpetuate by means of the cumulative buildup of effort to sustain them. Little blips of meta-programming that come naturally to me when my thinking proceeds in a negative and/or otherwise unhealthy fashion.
Anywho now that you have the backdrop of how my life was organized, vaguely as I do not want to divulge the dirty personal details of a deranged magician who was teetering on the brink of madness.
I was standing in a public place. I was with a friend who was distracted and hardly aware of my presence, I suddenly saw the shape of time. Not just a linear pathway of being born living and dying, ALL OF TIME emanating from a singularity and curving outwards into a series of loops, like a magnetic field, and it was a plane of being with spatial/temporal dimensions but they were not bound by time and I could see the way the world works on this level, could see tangible events unfolding along an axis that my limited perception should not have been able to comprehend.
I have even broadened the scope of my visual capacity considerably with the aid of powerful psychedelics in conjunction with ritual and divinatory practices, as well as other amplifiers which enhanced the psychedelic effects beyond the limits of what most people could safely handle.
But the shape and nature of time unfolded as a dimension, I could see how the 3 dimensions of space unfolded as they were freed from the binding of time. It is rather hard to describe, but I wrote something attempting to describe what I saw shortly after and will include it at the end of the post.
I also had dazzling epiphanies, in rapid succession, about the nature of my relationships with people, my life and my place in it and deep and stunning insights into my current predicament and how to right the situation intentionally, in accordance with my will, which I did later on with great results.
So there it was, time dissolved or rather unfolded and the events that flowed along my timestream lying not on the linear axis I normally see, but something else entirely, something circular and fractal and like a tapestry of extra-dimensional weaving. And the shape of my destiny unraveling into what I could only describe as a magnetic field with a fractal dimension folded into it, and my own linear track through time spiraling around the timescape in vivid colors.
I was continually assailed with profound revelations of the nature of the planes of being and the subtle energies that comprise the light body (things I had only just begun to understand and visualize and write about. This was also before I began looking into Kabbalah) and much of this information was spontaneously apprehended, contrary to Bucky Fullers convention of non-spontaneous apprehension. I can non spontaneously apprehend events when I divinate with the I Ching (still learning Tarot atm but master of the I Ching here) and each line is telling me 5 things about 5 situations and I can see them all happening freed from the bondage of causality, transcending the monotonous sequentiality of linaer thought as it were.
So yeah, it was wild, and I swear to god I was not blitzed out of my mind on powerful drugs, just a little weed and a glow from the LSD I had taken a month prior. It lasted for about 20 min, and I took my buddy from the store and back to his house to let him rest, as he is mentally and physically disabled to a degree that he sometimes requires a friend to aid him in even the most mundane activities.
The after effects, however, lingered and faded slowly, but for the next couple of days, the events that unfolded were nothing short of extraordinary. Some very, VERY strange and heady shit went down, synchronious, profound, all bound up into tight bundles of meaning and from which I extracted symbolism that is so meaningful to me, I am going to put it into the calendar/zodiac I am working on. Some of the craziest things that have ever happened to me, lost and gained and renewed friendships and entered a phase of my life which, I believe, is how life looks when your path and your intent are truly in line with your true will. I realized my identity and my craft and once the chaotic stream of ideas and events calmed down, I brought those lessons and symbols to the table, and began weaving them into my work.
But it was that moment there in the store when I saw the shape of time and how the structure of the cosmos, or perhaps it was the astral plane and the ethereal plane superimposed and what I saw was a concrescence of space and time and a stream of raw archetypal imagery flooded my overloaded sensorium, and I had the constitution to process this stream of information (I was in a cell phone store, could a stream of information have been travelling via the radiation being emitted from an area that contained such dense magnetic waves that are used for communication?)
Like I said, PKD and his 'religious experience' and the way it was described in VALIS is the closest approximation of what happened to me on that day, but ever since I have been sharper, more creative, more perceptive and a stronger, more alive being, not to mention the impact it had on my practice. If anyone has an explanation, if this is an actual 'thing' and is described in some obscure magical formula, or if anyone has experienced a similar mini-enlightenment, I would like to hear your testimonial because it was too weird of a thing to happen and I have so few people to relate these kinds of ideas to.
Oh yeah, here is an excerpt from a journal entry in which I kind of describe what I saw in the peak moment of the information transfer:
Well I was having a clear vision of the shape of things recently. I saw beyond the loop of time and space folded into each other and caught a glimpse of the quantum hyperspace beyond the corporeal illusion.
It was like a field right, and it was the loops within loops like time or a magnetic field but it was like a fractal dynamic folded inside of it.
It was coiled into spirals that extended along linear axis when they translated into space and it is on those spirals that our path through space time lies.
This is why how we see events unfolding in time appear to be circular, and recapitulated in tighter loops that are tied together by meaning. Alan Moore wrote this shape into the watchmen. There was even a series of frames that were laid out in a pallendrome.
Our relationships with people are tied together in similar fashion. My workings and creative endeavors seem to bounce of of people in spiral patterns, and from this pattern you can discern symbols.
I saw all this in a holographic medium of crystalline jelly, it was fluid it had no viscosity and it was like DMT space but without all the entities.
It came to me in a series of epiphanies. The more I channeled information through my awareness in holographic space by way of linguistic transmutation the more it accelerated.
Pretty cool experience TBH Cheers, from a Black Hole LSD fairy Saturn moon-god avatar dancing in the heart of the sun with shiva forever always oribouros incorporated ;-}>

10-27-2019, 12:23 AM

Wendy <3
10-27-2019, 07:21 AM
suicide time

10-27-2019, 07:35 AM

doctor remulak
11-07-2019, 09:31 PM
i am a self loathing liberal

I am Doctor Remulak.