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    Generic Ruby DayZ Videos Thread #26: Tim's Hole's Breaking Point Special Edition 
    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    the mysterious land... of scotland
    recorded 9 months after I last played this shitty mod this is the only time I've ever played a game with both stevey and barry and as you can imagine it uh doesn't go too smoothly oh also this is the first DayZ game recorded on my new computer so no more bluescreening and I now had the technology to record in widescreen every other DayZ video I've made I've had to literally put this hacker code yt:crop=16:9 at the front of the tags to make it zoom in so enjoy a DayZ thread in HD oh also also this was recorded a few months after the stand alone came out so going back to the mod just made it feel even worse to play if that's even possible

    I only just launch my game and TIM IS ALREADY ABOUT TO HAVE A FUCKING STROKE FROM THE ANGER STEVEY IS INFLICTING ON HIM and big man mental man steven yelle has to take a break to do his sits up and downs and I load in I guess the same server I played on with cag and cam since my character is already a female bandit with a lee enfield ontop of an appartment block and tim is in town and sees me up there so I climb down but AS SOON AS TIM SEES ME HE BLOWS MY BRAINS OUT and I'm like YOU FUCKING JIMMY RUSTLER!!! TIMBO!!! TIMBOOOO!!! because this autistic motherucker doesnt like that I have a female character because apparantly they dont get good camouflage as if it fucking matters then after respawning as daniel craig again I meet back up with tim and he tells me about how his new gimmick (aka 100% stolen from teknorat) is to flirt with lisa and make it seem like he wants her just to troll rootbeer and this actually made rooty put her on his block list and lisa genuinely wants him to "rawdog her" as tim puts it and I let him know that that's what tek's been doing except while rooty was actually there and making him cry in real life and tim is like and lisa loved it, because rootbeers broken dick couldn't satisfy her and when I tell him that he'd cum so fast he couldn't even get it inside her, just sat around jerking off all day and kept buying her diamonds and paying off her car and mortgage tim goes JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, WHAT? HES LIKE A FUCKING RETARD AUTIST, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM? JESUS CHRIST THAT GUY'S PATHETIC then we go up a firestation and timbo spots a guy by the hospital and I guide him towards him as he runs down there and I manage to hit the guy in the thigh as he tries to get spot timbo and he retreats so I just tell tim to go and finish him off and some bullshit happens where tim has to dump two mags on him and the fucker still knocks him out before he dies lmao what realisms so I run down and get a bandage from the guy and bandage him and then some cheeky cunt shoots at me from the hospital roof so we decide to just escape town when stevey comes back as we find some cars and trucks and tim gets it in his autism brain that we can use them to gather supplies to build houses and when stevey is choosing his character tim starts losing his shit again that hes going to be a female character and tim says IF YOU COME ANYWHERE NEAR ME YOU'RE DEAD and stevey is like DONT BE SO TEKNORAT ABOUT IT lmao I like how tek is the interforum standard of getting mad at games and stevey finds the arrows tim shot in the church while I was telling him about rooty so I run back into town while tim waits outside in case I get pwnt and as I'm making my way to him stevey starts talking about the DayZ mod for ARMA3 called Breaking Point and how we need to play that and barry yells I DONT HAVE ARMA 3 YOU STUPID FAT RETARD and stevey is like OH I DIDNT KNOW THAT TIM, I FIGURED YOU'RE REALLY AUTSITIC SO YOU WOULDD ALREADY HAVE THAT GAME BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE ALL THE AUTISM GAMES and barry is like I ONLY BOUGHT ARMA 2 BECAUSE CBERRY TROLLED ME THAT IT WAS A GOOD GAME lmao good troll cberry and then I find stevey in the church and fiddle to pluck arrows floating in the air to put in steveys crossbow while tim moans at us to get a bloodbag for him since his character had gone deaf from getting shot before and according to him it's like I'm in a quiet room with two autists talking but he gets killed out in the woods lmao and respawns back in this hellhole town of non-stop violence and then tim tells stevey about his (stolen) plans for rooty and lisa and everytime he says rootbeer it sounds like ruby since he cant pronounce Ts and Rs properly since he has a cold so it sounds like roobee anyway he says rootbeers just gone, he's in a dark place, even though he's made this fat woman with kids already pregnant, what a fucking loser, she already has 3 pregnant and hes already made her pregnant, hes such a beta, hes like the biggest beta in the world and this was the first time I heard of this and I had to clarify that it wasn't a gimmick and then we hit up the hospital as steveyos gets scared of the shit gameplay and recommends we just go and play breaking point

    once timbo turns up saying I can just see two fucking terrible players walking around like fucking sitting ducks waiting to get penetrated we make our way out into the wilderness trying to get to a military base and the entire way there steveyos is winding up tim about playing breaking point lmao and he snaps at him WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR FUCKING SHIT BRAIN? THIS GAME IS REALLY GOOD! and stevey starts going THE ZOMBIES HOP LIKE FROGS THEY HOP LIKE FROGS and tim says IF I WAS YOUR DAD I'D BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU and stevey says IF I WAS YOUR DAD... I WOULDNT EXIST BECAUSE I'D REFUSE TO BE YOUR DAD EVER BECAUSE YOU ARE SO HORRIBLY AUTISTIC IT'S NOT FUNNY YOU..... DOTA 2 lmao I love these two they need their own talk show and then tim brings up for the THIRD time how hes leading lisa alone and how much he wants his dick and we all agree that rooty has become terrible and tim is like dont you recon rooty is being the worst EVER lately? I want him to die and then he starts freaking out when we run into a factory thats filled to the brim with zombies and one zombie has a welding mask on that makes it impervious to headshots and tim says its ned kelly who he explains is his hero an australian man who used the worlds first body armor to kill cops who were fucking with him lmao good for him and tim redpills me that the cops were criminals too since this was in ye olden australia where everyone was either a criminal or an abo getting genocided so we just run away but ned kelly follows us and tim has to unload into him to kill him but he gets bleeding and when he stops to bandage I save him by running around him with a flare in my hand to distact all the other zombies and then we escape to the airfield we were trying to get to but the massive swarm of zombies followed us and when we try to fight them off stevey is like HOW DO YOU EVEN FIGHT THESE TELEPORTING THINGS? and then out of nowhere THE GAME MAKES A SCREAMER APPEAR ON MY SCREEN OF A DEAD BODY LMAO wtf and then the zombies knock out tim so I let off a smoke grenade to distract the zombies and it actually works and I run to save tim from the zombies eating him and start to bandage him but A FIREFIGHTER ZOMBIE COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND KILLS ME WITH THE FIREAXE STILL IN HIS HAND aaaaaa but steveyos comes over and saves him

    after stevey triggers tims autism by calling a magazine a clip tim tells us a probably made up story about how someone ate a weed browny after it was legalized in colorado and had a panic attack and shot his wife (americans) stevey defends weed by saying my step-dad killed himself because of religion, he wasnt on drugs he was just religious and he shot himself in the head, he got sick of realizing god wasnt real I uh dont know if that's real or not but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uh oh anyway after a lot of complaining from stevey and tim getting angry I finally simulate walking my way back to the airfield and bring another dozen zombies with me which tim takes out much to his chagrin and after even more bickering between these two autists I get a massive triangle emanating from a military square building that I go into to try and get it to fuck off and then we are immediately set upon by the infinitely respawning hoard and timbo starts going rambo on them with his shotgun while telling us to shut up and stevey is like you have a good plan or you just gonna tell me to shut up while we die? kek and tim tries to make a break for it but they get him down and me and stevey unload into the crowd of zombies making a meal of him and we both get too badly damaged trying to loot timbos dead body and pass out and stevey just gives and tim is like you were pretty much holding us back you fuck and stevey says oh no I wasnt tim you're just really stupid you're really stupid you're really stupid you're really stupid you're really stupid you got anything else to say? I don't care and tim is like durrrrrrrrr how do I open my flashlight guys? durrrrrrrrrrr lmao and then I wake up and grab timbos gun off his body and go to work on the zombies but they really do just not stop pouring in and the game keeps showing me screamers of dead people as if to imply I'm low on health or infected with the zombie virus or some bullshit so I decide to just run off back to civilization but as soon as I get to a new town my character gives up on life and just passes out faceplanting into the street and a zombie comes up and kills me so I give up too and close the game and that was the last time I ever played the mod lmao

    so that's the end of my dayz let's play at least for the mod I won't do something as autistic as this for the stand alone since there's just so much material for it the mod lets play consisted of 56 game sessions and I played the stand alone exactly 100 fucking times so far and regularly for 8 hours straight but I'll go through it one day for Banter Archive audio and to make kill compilations or something well all I have to say is I shoulda really done this last year because it was quite near over the line autism to do it now but whatever I'm also glad it's done and I'm also glad that the lizards already destroyed this community so there's no one left to lose respect for my posting career like the last season of these threads did sometimes I thought this is a really gay waste of time but it was always a comfort that no one cares either way but this gay thread isnt done yet because the next day I did actually play the game of the moment stevey has been ranting about breaking point with him

    stevey starts the conversation with man lets talk about yesterday... actually lets not... lets not ever... what the fuck... tim abrue... hes on a roll lmao and the game is actually working but it takes aprox 72 loading screens to get into the game and there is a buddy system where it always shows you a hexigon around your one buddy but the way it works is if you opt to use it it matches you up with the last person to join the game and opt up to it and since everyone else seems to opt to it me and stevey have to join it at the exact same time and load into the server at the same time and if one of us die the other has to leave and come back in to trigger the buddy system to find each other but we are enjoying the whiteness of this snowy map called Thrisk which is a nice change from the constant green of the forest maps and then after a lot of simulating walking we finally see some other players when we get to an airfield and we sneak our way in and start looting but one of the guys starts chasing stevey and when I try to climb up a ladder he of course pwns me to death what was I thinking ladders arnt safe in any arma game and after following a guy across land and water I give up and follow another guy and finally find some civilization and stevey says he'll find me since the zombies can be avoided here since it's not, in his words, Tim Abrue Presents: The Hopping Leapfrog Frogger Zombie Apocolypse: 2006 Edition and after a bunch of running away from other players and looting I find some spam and stevey is like that's what your forum fucking ate last night bitch and then tells me about how he had 8 firefoxes open spamming rubynet and I didnt even notice other than barry messaging me begging me to sell it to hi for 70 aus dollars so he could deal with stevey lmao thankfully timnet exists now where you can go for all your dead forum needs speaking of tim when we meet up again we find heidi the chicken and I blow her bird brains out and after a lot of simulating walking we find a huge radio tower but when steveyos climbs up the ladder he sees a guy up the tower with a gun aiming at him whos like GO BACK DOWN THE LADDER OR YOU'LL BE SHOT so he comes back down and comes into town with me where I show him literally over 100 zombies milling about outside a supermarket

    in this video we try and take this huge radio tower from the fagmaster camping ontop of it or like one 7th of the way up it since you cant go up to the top and since I'm the only one with a gun I send steveyos up for recon while I cover the door and steveyos starts asking if anyones there but the guy up there tells him to go down and then I discover that I can see him with wallhack by pressing my camera in third person against the wall it doesnt show the wall and the floor up there so we can see him running around and this guy is clearly doing the same shit to us rubbing against his wall watching us and he types in the chat that he's leaving and we can come up in a minute and we see him disappearing so we can go up safely and we find a dead guy up there who WE CANT LOOT HIM WITHOUT ONE OF US GOING OUTSIDE EXPOSING OURSELVES because of the stupid fucking cant open a backpack within 5 meters of another player shit so I sit on the outside platform watching the zombies through my sniper scope and then stevey calls me back when he hears someone climbing up the ladder but no one comes up since I presume he falls back since a cheeky cunt shoots me when I go back outside and puts strawberry jam all over my screen and I run back inside to bandage but I CANT BANDAGE INSIDE WITH STEVEY BECAUSE I CANT EVEN OPEN MY INVENTORY NEAR ANOTHER PLAYER AAAAAAAAAA so I am forced to go back outside one way or another so I figure I'll just have fun or die trying sniping the zombies and of course I die trying before I can pull the trigger once and while I run back to the tower I can hear stevey sitting up yelling down to him I'm not coming down my friend just died and I got shot at twice, yeah I know I said he wasnt my friend that doesnt matter, I just said my friend because I'm islamic or whatever it is the people who say my friend lmao silver tongued steven yelle talks himself out of another sticky situation and since he cant aim down of course he just stats letting off shots to scare him and the guy yells up I thought you didn't have a gun but hes lying about having a gun too lmao and then stevey tries to do the scrollwheel menu and accidentally gets on the menu and hes like he thinks I'm messing with him now, pushing the wrong button is what I'm doing and then hes like are you ok down there? if we're gonna have this long stand off I have some food if you want it, can I even throw it down I don't know lmao now hes trying to negotiate with him but when I get back to the tower the guy is wrong and I just tell steveyos to come down so we dont get pinned down up there again and then we do some super intense clearing of the town with 16 bullets between us and as soon as we hear guns going off we run to a barhouse that is actually not real since the stand alone is more advanced than this shit so we duck into an alley and then run off taking cover tactically along the way and when we circle our way around towards the church we think the gunshots are coming from the church we try and breach a door that isnt even real and when we actually get inside it's empty and I cover the door while stevey searches for loot and after a quick prayer to handpuppet jesus we start joking that we're gonna die in there because it's the ARMA2 church and hoppers and tim asking to build a house are gonna turn up soon when a fucking zombie in a ghillie suit phases through the door and we start screaming its ARMA2 coming to get us so we just run off and when we get to the supermarket we go to search it but it's the one with 100 zombies outside and they all start shuffling towards us so we run to an office building (thats actually a school and the school is actually an office, dayz) and climb up to the roof to escape the zeds but when we don't see anyone else after a while we decide to switch servers but of course this map type stops working for no reason so we gotta try a new map

    stevey tells me that general doli has been making fun of us for playing DayZ and I tell him to tell doli to get mad about it and stevey corrects me saying tell him to have a horrible internet relationship with cag about it but manage to sweep it under the rug and then make fun of rootbeer and shit anyway the map we switch to Atlis which I've played in the vanilla ARMA3 beta with stevey and tek and after trying and failing to get the buddy system to link us up three times we finally get it working which feels like rolling dice or something some sort of gambling game so we really need to be sure not to die so we dont have to do that bs again and of course there is another Cody in this game probably the Cody we killed a few weeks ago coming for revenge tracking us across video games and the cody from these forums and then steveyos finds a working car so comes and picks me up with it and we go for a lovely scenic drive around this greek island or whatever and then we drive up to a castle and enjoy the lovely view of the town but when we drive back down we find that our tire has been bonked out of place so now we have to drive slowly but that just means more time to enjoy the relaxing drive and after avoiding a house we heard someone loading a gun in we realize we're running low on food and water so we pull up to some werehouse complex to loot

    while finding a few scraps of food and drink and getting startled by various barnyard animals I tell stevey the story about how my mum wouldnt let me watch kenan and kel because "it's for teenagers, black people and americans and you're none of those three things" which is the first time I ever encountered racism in my life lmao thanks mum white power and then we count our blessings no bandits/zombies/sheep/ladders killed us and drive out and we head up to a military outpost thing and I attempt to have fun shooting zombies with various guns but it's extremely hard and I can't tell if I'm just lagging or have bad aim or the gun is low quality since it says rusted marakov probably all three and we count our blessings again as we leave and I see the airport in the distance so we decide to go there and it'll be our epic final stand so when we get up there stevey drops me off at a gate to do recon and when its clear he drives the car around and in and as I'm going about looting steveyos gets shot at and it sounds like its from the top of two towers like 700 meters away and his car gets all fucked up so he jumps out and quickly runs inside the building I'm hold up in but we hear a THWING of a bullet whizzing past us through a window down the hallway we're in so we hit the ground and drive into rooms and as we're formulating our stratagy steveyos starts yelling OH I JUST DIED, OH MY SCREEN, IM TURNING INTO A ZOMBIE NIGGA, IM TURNING INTO A ZOMBIE WATCH OUT, I CANT CONTROL MYSELF lmao but I guess it was just a wee fubungling false alarm because he seems fine like his control over the game got glitched out when his character was trying to pass out and hes just stuck there as his screen goes blurry or some bullshit so I go in to find him floating in mid-air and I try to give him food but he wakes up fine who fucking knows I guess hes starving or something so we decide to just run straight at the tower to get this guy and stevey starts shooting the cars engine block so no one else can use it but he passes out again so I just start running to the towers and I hear snap crackle and pops and then stevey dies so I think the sniper got him and stevey is relieved and happy that he died so he can stop playing and we had good lives and then I pick one of the towers and climb up it but I pick wrong because he shoots at me from the other one and I hit the ground and let off a burst of fire but he kills me with super loud bullets oh well that was a nice wee sight seeing tour

    stevey and I played breaking point again a week later which was EXACTLY ONE YEAR AND TWO DAYS AGO from today lmao oh doing work and this map is called Bystrica and it's a vaguely more light green foresty place than the dark greens of Chernarus and Origins and I think has less civilization and more woodlands to play camping in and we find a guy literally cutting down trees in a town so we go up and make friends with him and steveyos actually tries to invite him to be our friend in the game and join our group or whatever bs and this pisses him off and HE KILLS ME BY THROWING A KNIFE STRAIGHT INTO MY HEAD I didn't even know you could throw things in this lmao but I respawn close and run past and I try to learn how to throw shit myself and I manage to throw a mug at a zombie but I miss and when the axe guy comes up stevey tries to keep him still and busy by asking if he killed me before as I fiddle furiously to work out how to select and throw something and I THROW A BRICK INTO HIS FACE JUST AS I SAY "LISA" hahahahahahaha and it does actually damage him but isnt enough to kill him but I think it like damages him so badly he can only walk now and he very very slowly walks away from the zombies which very very very slowly follow him so we decide to try and rob him by zipping in between him and the zombies and riffling through his backpack and another guy turns up and we try to make friends with him by saying watch out for the zombies but he says OH YEAH THE ZOMBIES ARE SO DANGEROUS... lmao and then this cheeky cunt literally hacks stevey by inviting him to his group and as stevey is clicking no it makes him stand still when the option presents and the guy pulls out his axe and kills stevey and then he goes hahahaha and he runs off super fast and does a forward flip over a fence like a fucking ninja lmao holy shit what a baller then after stevey and I find each other again we see someone off in the distance so we come up with a plan where stevey will run up throwing shit at them to distract them and I'll use the ducktape I found to take one hostage and get his weapons and it seems to be working at and I run up behind a guy and try to click take hostage on him as he aims for stevey but he whips around and lets off his loud as hell gun and I yell I'm not doing anything mate and he goes oh okay and leaves me alone and I hear his mate shooting at stevey and this guy goes prone to try and get him to so I fidle through menus at mach speed and a thing pops up saying YOU HAVE TAKEN PRINGLES AS A HOSTAGE oh its rape time now boyo and I fiddle at warp speed through his inventory but I cant get it to give me a fucking weapon and ol Pringles here starts asking me WHY? WHY? WHY? lmao welcome to day-I mean breaking point bitch and since it wont give me his gun and I cant select anything to throw for no reason I START FORCE FEEDING HIM PAINKILLERS TRYING TO MAKE HIM OVERDOSE but his m8 kills me before I can complete my mission and he got stevey too so when we meet up again steveyos shows me his comedy shooting stance where he can scoot around on his butt and shoot which is a top lel and as we're faffing about doing that I see a dude running behind a barn so I run around the other side and steveyos gets him to stand still by talking to him and I BLAST HIM IN THE CHEST WITH MY SUPER LOUD ENFIELD AND IT OWNS HIM SO HARD AN MS-DOS WINDOW OPENS ABOVE HIS DEAD BODY AND HACKER CODE ERROR MESSAGES SHOW LMAO then we go on another walking simulation and my char is getting hungry so I try to eat and I accidentally throw a brick at stevey lmao but miss thankfully then we see another guy off in the distance so chase after him into an agricultural area that has an auschwitz sign over it and we hear gunshots so I yell ITS THE NAZIS KILLING THE JEWS WE HAVE TO SAVE THE JEWS and we run off to a supermarket we thought we heard it from but we get swarmed by zombies and we try to shoot the windows out to jump out but it doesnt work of course and stevey cant even jump over a small box without the zombies shoving him over like a bully and then I find a van with a bunch of loot near it so I go through them as steveyos fights tooth and nail to keep the zombies off me and just as I find a box with mad guns and bullets in it our games freeze lmao

    in a generic ruby dayz videos thread first this game was recorded only two days ago exactly a year after the last time we played breaking point by some autism miracle so I actually edited a game footage in a reasonable time frame for once so after choosing our characters to be black Jesus and praying to the Obama monument that will replace mount rushmore soon we meet up right away because if you're in the same clan or whatever you get put on the same squad or some bullshit and steveyos has his username as teknorat so if we get anyone too angry they will DDoS and not and we see a huge chopper flying in the distance so run towards it and it ends up crashing and when stevey goes to check it out a very bad gunman takes him out after 100 shots and one of them catches me throwing bricks around an empty warehouse and insta-kills me and after steveyos begs baddies not to shoot him by telling them we've tried 4 different chat programs to play this game (which is true, steam gave us an echo, skype is an all around piece of dogshit that sounds bad and is a virus that fucks up the rest of your computers settings, we tried teamspeak but whenever I didnt speak it would boost my mics sensitivity so the background static sounded like a downpouring of rain and we finally ended up using mumble on some random server on rhode island, I theorized that if I went to a mumble server from scotland it'd be neds discussing where to buy heroin from) steveyos confirms his step-dad killed himself and tells me how much he hates his extremely scatterbrained and stupid mother and that if he was going to kill one person it'd be her since she is so mentally unwell she might kill herself too but take him with her... wow... speaking of murder I see a dude kill another guy at, of course, an airfield and all I have is an axe that I cant aim down with so of course hes prone on the ground when I find him but I somehow manage to project my axe swing a meter in front of where it'd hit and kill him with realism and I'm like your legs have sustained moderate damage? your jimmies have sustained worse damage mate! then I get an AR15 from his victim and after I meet up with stevey and almost blow his brains out with a negligant discharge caused by picking up my controller plugged into my pc we see some guys across a bridge and track them through a werehouse complex to an old scottish castle where stevey spots one of them climbing down a ladder so I let off some shots at him and I thought I got him but I guess he just went prone and crawled away and when we go over to check I see these cheeky cunts crawling through the grass trying to sneak up on where we were so I start nailing one of them in the bum over and over again and kill him after putting 5 bullets up his anus and stevey runs over to check as I shoot at a second but a third guy kills him and then I see someone running about but take it it's a zombie from how scripted the movements seem but as it gets closer it's clearly an unarmed player but he runs up and starts scratching me like a zombie so I run away as this thing starts slapping me and I turn around and mag dump on it but it fucking kills me and then I realize [GLOW=black]THE GUY I KILLED'S DEAD BODY REANIMATED INTO AN AI ZOMBIE AND GOT REVENGE FOR HIM BY KILLING ME[/GLOW] what a fucking game and on my next life I get owned again by some cunt when my axe swings straight through him and hits the wall behind him as if its a projectile weapon traveling in a straight line or some such realism and then stevey finds a heli and tells me oh its such a big one too, its a huge chopper and I'm like I would say that's what your mom said last night but I dont even want to joke about fucking your mum she's so annoying but of course the chopper just rolls over onto its side repededly and wont take off and after someone kills me agian which is fine by me since I was being followed around by a floating gun magazine, possibly possessed by the ghost that pops up when you die steveyos mum comes in and starts nagging him to play with his nieces which is more sane than what she usually comes in to tell him which is usually to tell him someone's playing a guitar outside or they just said "what the shell" in the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie but he manages to get her to fuck off and then teknorat messages me with some very important news that barry is now unemployed so feel free to troll him about that and then after I finally figure out how to make other peoples error messages stop displaying for me I find the edge of the map and even the corner of the map which I've never seen before and we use this info to find each other again since the icons only appear if you're within a mile of each other or something and the grand finale of this video, us playing breaking point, this thread and my dayz videos is we find someones APC they've stashed on the outskirts of the map and have been using to stash loot in and since it's broken down we ruin his fun by taking all his loot and running off to hide it in bushes bit by bit until it's empty in the hopes that it will get him angry when he next logs on make sure to tune in next week for my last ever DayZ uh well DayZ mod thread for an epic kill compilation and a little something more

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    ...Tim is now shitting at home then?
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monde is a whiney fuck