Big Bird had just finished closing up his shop. Oh what a wonder it was! He had worked all week to get it just right. Now everyone could stop by and buy necessities, like eggs, bread, toothpaste, and whisky. Yes, that's right, everyone will love it. Especially that bitch Maria. Big Bird turned the key and listened for the click as he locked up. He didn't want those Mexican kids breaking in like they did Oscars place.

With a long and tired sigh he turned on his heels and headed back to his nest. As he did so, a window in the shop slid quietly open. Two fluffy red paws clasped the window, and pulled up the entity known as Elmo. Momentarily after it had entered, another window opened, this one however, spawned a thin blue creature. He called himself Grover. He looks toward his red peer, and they both nodded in silence. A slight click and a giggle brought their attention to the door. In came the creature known only as the Count. His OCD and terror were well known through the land he fed from. Behind him was what seemed to be a behemoth of blue? Cookie Monster. A vicious smile spread across the red entities face, as he noticed the leathery brown sack carried by the Monster. A thud that uplifted what dust remained echoed in the store as the Monster dropped the bag. Quickly, Count and Grover got to work lighting the candles. The Count commented:
"One, two, three, four candles.... Five, six, seven, eight candles....". Watching intently, Grover pulled out a small knife. His athame as these called it. A swift swipe and his palm was opened to leak the murky black fluid from his veins. He closed his eyes then, and carefully swept his hand into a perfect pentagram, and closed it with a circle. Approving his own work, he nodded to the Monster and Elmo. They quickly went foe the bag.

Inside this sealed bag was the semi comatose body of a woman known as Maria. She had been a part of this Sesame Street Coven for nigh on a century, but they could not forgive her transactions. This she had to be dealt with. Elmo examined her with a cold regard before gliding his hands across her near uncovered body.
"Elmo take you soon. And soon you take all of Elmo." he commented, in a low whisper. Count grinned, bearing his wicked fangs.

Sliding her across the floor, The Monster lifted her and placed her nearly inside the candle lit pentagram. The dancing flames created a parade shimmering across her body. All four gazed upon her body. The Monster was salivating, with each gasp his drool plopped to the ground, fouling the once beautiful smell of Big Birds shop. Without a word, it began.

It started with dancing. Their movements melodic and perfected. Music began, spawning from an unknown source. Strings and brass lightly played, the sweet music rousing the Maria. Her body resists her commands to move, and chains supported her latent inability to escape. She knew her punishment. The dancing became a discordant frenzy. Each of the Four howling and wailing vulgarities. "Fuck" echoed, returned by "Cock" and "Bitch". "Whore" rose to the surface. Marias breath became shallow and difficult. When she was sure they could not lose any more control, The Elmo began speaking rapidly. His words blending together in one unintelligible mesh. With this he leapt onto the belly of the Maria. He danced and waved, his swollen member now leaking its putrid smelling pre cum. A smack brought Maria to attention, followed by another and another. "Elmo feed Maria sauce!” She opened her mouth to protest, but was stifled. For his size, he did have a thick preice of man meat. She gagged and choked, but secretly enjoyed the feel. She had longed for this moment. Then the Grover reached up and climber upon her legs. Not even an instant had passed, and a blue streak appeared. What could be presumed to be the mouth of the Grover plunged itself deep between the thighs of the Maria. She again gasped, which The Elmo took as a sign that she was not full enough, and pushed harder.

Outside the circle remained Count and Monster. Their eyes met, and soon their bodies felt magnetically pulled toward each other. They joined as one at the southern most part of the circle. They melded so smoothly, that any onlooker would have difficulty knowing where one started and the other ended. "One, two, three thrusts" Count exclaimed as he drove his pointed cock deep inside The Monster. All four moaned in an ecstasy that rattled the windows. Maria too secretly moaned, and begged for more. Harder The Elmo pushed, and the more Maria enjoyed it.

"Elmo paint your face!" he exclaimed, followed by that horse laugh that was more likely to be gasps of air from his over vigorous slamming. The lines around her mouth were becoming chapped and chaffed. Finally The Elmo pulled out of her mouth. On a quick humiliating groan, he slammed the side of his member into her face. The slap reverberated like a deadly pimp hand, and likewise it shocked her with such a fury that her face became heated. She turned back, eyes wide with anger, which was her mistake. At that moment The Elmo launched his load across her face, splashing into every cavity it could find. Nose. Eyes. Mouth. She winced back tears of sperm that soon shuddered burningly out and dropped down the side of her face.

The Grover had already begun sliding her legs apart, and enjoyed the sound his soft furry testicles flapped against her thighs. The Count stepped back, exhausted from his abuse of The Monster. The Count sat then, counting the thrusts The Grover placed upon the now flaccid body of Maria.

"Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten." he could barely keep up with the celeritous pace the dark blue demon unleashed. Instead, he laughed his dry hiccupped laugh. All were lost in the sound of mud slapping into puddles as The Grover went unrelenting upon her underside. It was then that a new sound had broken out. A growling. A low deep growl that reached back from the depths I unholy vocals.

"C....CEE!....CEEEEEE!" It struggled to formulate words as its face contorted. It sat on the chest of this crude victim of theirs. His scrotum resting nicely between her ample breasts. "CEEEEEE! Unhhhh" it growled again, the sound of internal struggle strangling out his vocals. "CEEEEE! Is for Crap!" The Monster exclaimed as his steady stream of brown nuggets (each the size of a his fist) dropped onto her chest, and slid up into her face, streaking and marking her where they touch.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK" The Grover screamed and he violently lashed out, bruising himself, Maria and The Monster with his tiny blue fists.

Each of the four stopped, laying on the ground, spread out as much as possible, and gasping for air. They grinned wickedly as they occasionally glanced over at the war torn Maria, who also grinned internally. This was a perfect night. She thought to herself. They then grabbed her, smashing her head with a small wooden plank, and stuffed her in the bag.

As they left, no one notice the small camera lens zooming in on the now cleaned up floor. In a room nearly a mile away, Big Bird sat and watched for a moment before rewinding the tape. Especially that bitch Maria...