I lived in this squat like share house when I was at uni for a while... it was really dodgy, no locks on our doors anyway one night I woke up in one of the bungalows and I woke up right in the middle of one of the student guys who was living in that particular bungalow fiddling away wif me bits, I was a bit drowsy and a touch disorientated so I kind of just swore and got out of the bed.... He must have been playing up my bum because I felt like I needed a shit so I squatted in his waste paper basket and did a shit... I grabbed his white towel, wiped my ass with it, all this time he's just saying, "no Lisa, no, no, no, no" I told him to fuck off and threw the towel at him and stormed back into the house and my room. The next day this fucker comes up to me with this brown stained towel asking me what he's supposed to do with it.... honestly though the look on his face.... the look on his face made me just laugh, I just laughed at him and told him I'd wash the towel.