A husband comes home from the night shift to find his wife snuggled up in bed with the sheets pulled up right over her whole head, obviously not wanting to be disturbed.
Not to be denied, he slips in under the sheet anyway and begins making love to her.
He gets out of bed again to go downstairs and get something to eat. He is absolutely startled by his wife standing in the kitchen making breakfast and coffee!
"How did you get down here so fast?" he asks "We were just upstairs making love!"
"WHAT?!" his wife screams. "Oh my GOD!" the wife gasps. "That's my mum up there you sick bastard! She came over complaining of a headache and I told her to go lie down for a while".
The wife rushes upstairs and says to her mom: "Mum!!! Why didn't you say anything?" To which the replies: "Hah! I haven't spoken to that arsehole in 15 years, I wasn't about to start now!"