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    \I hope lisa dies in a car fire. 
    sherri moon zombie dcent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    fuckin with john quincy widdell
    desperately struggling with the handel as her car slowly fills with water and the light from the moon darkens in the briney sea........

    or on fire, or what ever I guess...... maybe she crashed into a moose and the antlers just fucking plowed through the windshield and fucking scewered her chest.

    I dont give a fuck.

    but to be fair...... the moose thing is pretty awesome.

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    king steveyos
    I got caught in a flood once, got a new car, well it wasn't new it was second hand but it was a new car because I totalled my last one along with some other guy's car who I later fucked, probably from the excitement from the crash... but I digress.... anyway was trying to get out of the country town before the roads flooded and had already driven through some pretty deep water on a few patches of the road... then I drove up to this bit and the flood looked a lot worse than any of the other bits I had already gone through but I thought "If I don't cross it I have to go back and the other bits already flooded will be deeper" so I tried... as I got to the middle of the water I realised that the edge was getting further and further away as the flood was rising fast... my car died and I started floating backwards... water started pooling around my feet... I was floating backwards trying to use the car tires like a rudder to keep myself on the road as if I drifted off the road it was probably a lot deeper, who knows how deep... I hoped if I floated back far enough the car would snag on the road again and then I wasn't sure what I was going to do as I was in the middle of fucking nowhere, in the bush about an hour's drive away from the next town so I sat there floating.... I was only about 10 mins but I was starting to wind down my window to get out of the car because I figured at some point soon it would be safer to be outside of the car... a tractor came by at that point (lucky for me he was out tring to find cars stuck in the flood) and I stuck my head out the window and asked him, half joking, "Should I call RACV? (roadside assist)" he looked at me rather concerned and said, "You'll be under by then"... we managed to hook my car up to his tractor and he pulled me up a hill to a dry spot.... and guess what? He helped me dry my engine a bit and after about 1/2 hour my car started! I was able to drive a long way, up over the hills out of the flood and my car smelt like poo for months because the flood water made it smell bad.

    Another true story
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    sex with dead people
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by dcent View Post
    but to be fair...... the moose thing is pretty awesome.
    Not really. Maybe you should post this at meds where someone might give a shit.
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monde is a whiney fuck