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    Lawnmower Man style "I saw God! I touched God" 
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    (During amphetamine psychosis) I met God using Cartesian doubt, Kabbalah, and dextroamphetamine as an aid.

    God projects himself as a mortal being for the purpose of existential stability; due to omnipotence, his subconscious expectations literally form reality around him.

    If you dissect the semantics behind all thought and mental processes, it is revealed that "the will to live" is the innate motive behind all action. All action ultimately boils down to eating, sleeping, reproduction, and homeostasis -- and anything else is merely practicing those things or developing a means of enhancing them.

    The only way for God to avoid nihilism (a blatant understanding of the mechanics of the mind and their meaninglessness/simplicity), which would cause existential instability (turning existence into a solipsistic Hell - knowing that nothing around him actually exists and is a product of his imagination), is to willingly forget that he is God, and view himself as mortal.

    If we look at monotheistic mythology using Jungian psychology to relate the mythology to unconscious archetypes, we can view "angels" as projections of God's own psychological archetypes. The angel "Lucifer" being the projection of God's pride, whilst the Archangel Michael being a projection of God's humility, love, and faith. The "Great War in Heaven" could then be viewed as God's cognitive dissonance when humility and pride tried to be present at the same time -- in Judeochristian mythology, the "war in heaven" ended with 1/3 of the angels (the ones who followed Lucifer) being cast down to Earth; this supports the concept that in order for God to mitigate cognitive dissonance and nihilism, he had to view certain aspects of himself as mortal.

    Knowledge of an inherent nihilism to existence is highly present in Judeochristian works, namely the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes (which translates to "Teacher") - the first chapter of which is "Everything is Meaningless".
    Last edited by Plug Drugs; 01-31-2013 at 12:25 PM.
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  2. Collapse Details
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    Bob Hughes knows what I'm on about ;)
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  3. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    A post like this is wasted in a forum spammed by steveyos and about 3 other dickheads with an IQ of around 90
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  4. Collapse Details
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    I could see myself as a bum on the street corner screaming up at the sky chanting pseudo-Hebrew and harassing people, yelling at them about the collective unconscious and the like
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  5. Collapse Details
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    A post like this is wasted in a forum spammed by steveyos and about 3 other dickheads with an IQ of around 90
    good thing i just copy pasted it from a post i made on that forum you linked me =P
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  6. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    So can I

    if you don't get off drugs

    I can see you doing and being capable of doing anything you wanted if you stopped drugs though, something a number of people here do not even possess the intelligence to do

    Up to you of course

    I'm still in bed and on my phone, going to try and sleep more but will be on my msn later bubble, take care sweety xoxo
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  7. Collapse Details
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    i have a job though, i don't plan on ever being homeless. But I do think that's what some people view as my future
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  8. Collapse Details
    Draculas Moped of Mystery
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    Dec 2011
    I've earned my spot in the ytmnsfw crew i don't need to vote on some :lizard: bullshit
    take care sweety xoxo
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  9. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    good thing i just copy pasted it from a post i made on that forum you linked me =P
    Yes you needed a place that was more worthy of your intelligent posts and where the other members have an IQ above 140 not like here where an IQ above that makes you seem like an alien to the mentally inept

    <3 u
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  10. Collapse Details
    Draculas Moped of Mystery
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I've earned my spot in the ytmnsfw crew i don't need to vote on some :lizard: bullshit
    take care sweety xoxo <3 u
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  11. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    i have a job though, i don't plan on ever being homeless. But I do think that's what some people view as my future
    I think you'll be ok because you're fucking smart

    as long as you don't let drugs ruin you
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    Draculas Moped of Mystery
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I've earned my spot in the ytmnsfw crew i don't need to vote on some :lizard: bullshit
    don't shoot up heroin qt pie xoxoxo
    Last edited by syncan aka ken post jr; 01-31-2013 at 12:46 PM.
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  13. Collapse Details
    sex with dead people
    king steveyos
    This place is soooooo bad and the people here aren't up to either of your standards, yet you're both still here. You both should just fuck off if you don't like this place and the people here.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    good thing i just copy pasted it from a post i made on that forum you linked me =P
    Go post there
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    i have a job though, i don't plan on ever being homeless. But I do think that's what some people view as my future
    I don't care if you're homeless, dead, or driving a Bently, so long as you're no longer here.
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  16. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by dp View Post
    don't shoot up heroin qt pie xoxoxo
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  17. Collapse Details
    narnar... Alsto's Avatar
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    this lisa bitch is fucking stupid...
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  18. Collapse Details
    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alsto View Post
    this lisa bitch is fucking stupid...
    oh yeah. I've never seen anything quite like it.
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    narnar... Alsto's Avatar
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    i've been ignoring it for a week or so and absorbing as much as i could... nah, it's nothing special, just a fucking stupid attention whore...
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    (during my shower a few minutes ago)

    God doesn't exist in the sense that time doesn't exist. The ultimate nature of God is a nexus of all conscious thought; a collection of mechanical states that returns modulated thoughts dependent on these states and the input thoughts generated by sentient life. Time is only the procession of events, in the existential plane. The ultimate nature of time is actually what we call the entropy of the universe. Just as Time cannot be perceived by the mortal plane, neither can God. Only their effects can be perceived, or manipulated.

    God is no more self-aware than an AI program is. By His very nature, He would fail a turning test by default. God is an automatic operator. The angels are God's behavioral manifestations, mechanism for controls, and performance of awareness. Angels take mortal forms in order to be perceptible, whenever highly-specific conditions in the nexus are met. The angels perform miracles and unleash disasters (not counting such events originated by mortal thoughts). This is in order to keep the nexus circulating and prevent humanity from sustaining nihilistic awakenings, collective cosmic annihilation, permanent extinction, soul creation/destruction, and many other terrible things that would damage and eventually destroy God.
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 01-31-2013 at 06:06 PM.
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  21. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    I could see myself as a bum on the street corner screaming up at the sky chanting pseudo-Hebrew and harassing people, yelling at them about the collective unconscious and the like

    I'd give that guy money
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  22. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    I've always thought of the idea of the devil as like an angel of justice

    evil souls being tortured for eternity? Sounds like justice to me
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alsto View Post
    i've been ignoring it for a week or so and absorbing as much as i could... nah, it's nothing special, just a fucking stupid attention whore...
    it's like someone merged stevey and ramen which would be fine except both of them also still post here so it's a net loss for everyone
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    narnar... Alsto's Avatar
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    those two are at least entertaining on occasions...
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  25. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    never actually seen the worm maks make a post that wasn't about someone else

    that's how interesting he is
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    narnar... Alsto's Avatar
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    because you obviously don't read posts, especially your own...
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    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    if youcan find even one post of maks' that isn't about someone else then fine

    I think you'll find that's a lot easier said than done though
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    narnar... Alsto's Avatar
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    it is pretty easy, that's because i pay attention...
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    lisa he just made one today/yesterday in the race car thread that mustanga is/was his own car
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alsto View Post
    those two are at least entertaining on occasions...
    only when people are doing things to them...
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monde is a whiney fuck