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    The Word as it is of Timothy arbeu of New South Wales, Australia resurrected 
    DogManz maks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Lud, Midworld
    Once upon a time, a legendary poster named internut created a thread. A thread that would stand the test of time, a thread that was constantly updated and never got old or went off topic. You've probably heard of it.

    A few months later, I made a reddit account named barrypothead and crowbarred barry quotes from The Word into conversations on that social media site with mixed results. Little did I know, this would soon be the only known archive of The Word. I present to you now, an incomplete (but still insightful and very interesting) reconstructed 'The Word, as it is by barrypothead'.

    (note to the lizard people, read this thread, it explains why barry is better than you)

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    on DG mods can ban at discretion of "hurr you cant talk back to a mod" so they can dish out all they want and if you retaliate to their petty insult with a petty insult they will ban you and say "dont sass me boy, youre perma banned!" as they stroke their solid steel shaft as oil starts to leak
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why is this brown skin not drinking his sorrows and crying old man river
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    how is that even remotely funny, is it because of the reference "steffies"? idk you guys laguh at dumb shit anyway. it was actually a touching story, it helps in a way to understand the way a social net can change society... tax payers money or not, if you are bothered by people being on welfare, then get the fuck out and go to china. if anythign you should be mad at your government because they are the ones giving it out. its peanut money anyway you cant live a luxurious life off 20 dollars a day and you should know this. oh and mondew you laughing at welfare is heavily less funny than being a divorce victim. and fanfer youre literally gay. epic ftw. lulz.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i cant believe i actually hoped you would be really cool irl and that i would hang out with you at least once and you would be in a suit with a diamond covered cane and you'd have your own personal helicopter and we'd go flying around throwing eggs at people then you'd show me the classiest club in Vic and there would be hot babes everywhere and a general great vibe in the place and we'd both pick up hot chicks then take them back to your apartment and give them a spitroast but it was all just a dream
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    did you change as a person and grow?
    do you feel better?
    because gues what youve become a faggot
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    because blowing a wind isntrument is the pincale of intelligence
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    seriously if marks this entire time doesnt even realize he is this forums biggest problem its just another example of why hope is the most meaningless word when used in the same sentence as humanity
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    its getting closer to 21 12 2012 and uhh shit is hitting the fan in many places hit up 4chan and you can read up a few threads on people from the uk planning more riots an shit then theres been heaps of riots in the middle east and the us is fucked and japan got owned by an eearthquake whats next is australia going to be hit by a comet
    in all seriousness i really do hope the mayan prophecy is real and we all die that would be the coolest thing ever i would be so spontaneous in my last hours that i would probably do someting i would never think of doing otherwise and hopefully there is a god and we all burn in hell for posting on a gay nigger dick forum(i hope god hates gay jokes) if burning for eternity is supposed to be the worst that could happen and you keep feeling pain because your nerves dont stop working then i would just call the demons a bunch of sissy faggots since it cant really get worse but if you cant talk at all then thats homosexual hell would probably just be reading rubys megathreads with your eyes taped wide open and a demon rapes your ass with a nailed up plank of wood
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    deep like inception, youre actually a massive cunt and i hope you dont have kids theres no need for you to continue your gene pool, also have fun dying alone you absolute cunt your views and perspective is warped youre only good at your job everything else youre either retardedly dysfunctional or youre a cunt about it and your unwavering narrow mindedness clearly expresses that you have a lack of trust in others, since you staying closed protects yourself from pain, you clearly cant stand pain, and the funny thing is that means YOU are the pussy you cant take what you dish out and i hope one day someone crushes your nose into your skull and fuck everyoen that supports you you emotionally crippled ogre fuck(you have layers, like shrek, except he actually has a personality unlike you)
    ps. jthomason has bad taste in furniture
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i gave you a sstarcraft 2 trial key and you didnt even verse me in it i would kick your ass at that btw fag im a diamond league player that uses zerg(the hardest race due to micro/macro management) i beat cunts 1v1 like no tomorrow some fag using protss? yea hes a fag and he loses some fag playing terran? yea hes a fag too, zerg?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    exactly everyone knwos its me so why does it fucking matter. change your name to your first name and prove its your first name by sending me a pic of your drivers license then you can change mine after that not before it FATER it okay? is that good enough enlgish for you do you understand what words are
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    youre trying to reason with mentally ill people here. they have nothing better to do so they talk about people theyre jealous of all day every day.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    a thread that is not fit for attention and/or not relevant to any persons interests to think of a fitting response. these threads typically have no subject matter
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    didnt read this thread but anywhere wher ethey are racist is the ownage because its just degenerates hating on more degenerate people at the end of the day who gives a fuck
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    like this forum isnt interesting what was ruby thinking giving almost 200 dollars to a jew to get a forum updated full of people who arent even funny enough for that 200 dollars. he must be having a mid life crysis or something having cancer and all
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    hes a real commedian thats totally what a president needs to be a jackass comedian that jokes around all day all he does is insult people of small groups to gain the support of the majority the wrong way aka hes a big fag who shouldnt be allowed into politics
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    that pallet of schooners is graphic art, its not a real pic
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    they're doing that so no one can call bullshit and dig up where ever they claimed he be buried and find out osama isnt dead. why put into sea? then they can say "hurr go find the body at the depths of the ocean" and youll never find it because it was never put into sea because he is still alive in the arabian deserts smoking spliffs a/d/e/d

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why do u have to always show youre upset when someone says something negative or neutral about homosexuals?

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    it doesnt matter whether shes winning or not, you just enjoy her insulting me because you'd enjoy anyone insulting me. are you biased because i make you mad or are you biased because gush never loved you?

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    seriously? seriously. regardless if youre normal or not, it is you who pays the bills, not your mental health. being normal doesnt mean you automatically make your way through life, its as simple as that, with mental illnesses or not you can make it through modern society thats the point youre missing here.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    can we go one day without some nf fat faggot bringing up some shit that isnt even relevant anymore? youre fucking pathetic no wonder your wife got sick of you

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    hey let me be an observational loser and pretend being divorced isnt worse than any other event another poster has endured

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i dont know what you said but 4chan owner moot's new kittem is awesome it is so cute i would fucking steal it and love it and make it the happiest cat ever

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    holy shit man this is what im talking about i told the forum clay has problems about whats going on thats why he gets trolled so easily stevey literally raged clay to the point of ip banning stevey holy shit the part that should be paid attention to is the part where your perspective is skewed due to you being so cocky to the point that you do not question your own thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    man i might be deleting my facebook its turning into the same annoying shit that happened to me on bebo people sending me dumb fucking shit that isnt even a fucking conversation its just some shit about "DO YOU THIS OR THAT DO YOU SMELL BAD OR SOME SHIT" I DONT FUKCING CARE ABOUT STUPID QUIZES IF I WANST TO TH FUCKING QUIZRS I WOULD GOOGLE THEM FOR FUCK SAKE IF YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO TALK TO ME YOU AREN DOING ME A FAVOR BY BEING AN ANNOYING PRICK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOCIAL SITES THAT CANT BE FUCK IT IM DELETING EVERY ANNOYING PERSON THERE

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    im only bringing light to the actions of those hypocritical trolls

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    whats this obsession with white nordish people are you embarrassed about your heritage oh well breed out the whites they say

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    prescription drug abuse, yes thats the correct phrase, i changed what i was going to say mid sentence which explains a lot. i just dont understand why you choose to be condescending to stomple when he doesnt go out of his way to bother you, i was under the impression you were both good friends, yet for some reason you seem to have a tendency to steer towards who youre nice and mean to depending on when it suits you, such as taking sides of the bigger flock it is only a matter of who is considered "higher social status" or in my words "who is afraid to be an individual for fear to be drowned", someone who is behind layers like marks98. its sad to see people who are so afraid of pain. but nonetheless your behavior and lack of class is somewhat dropping to the standards that i first practiced that gave me a bad first impression. i dont usually stretch out and make long winded posts for anyone, but you really need to take a look in the mirror and realize what youre doing, and evaluate what in your real life is causing stress that creates this poor behavior of lashing out and ventilating negative energy. btw its the lack of class in this thread that is disturbing.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you may be very internet with your stupid fucking idiots the past year left swiftly once in past years, an empty void filled with someone else i do not find anyone and the cause was good but when i do not even analyzed me properly if you need to rely on an equal mind and said to write that tone of voice and be a retard its funny, the repetition of monde that will leave your body wont produce the lottery, if you

    taking a break to point out this is one of my favorites
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    youre backpedalling so hard right now i can almost see a rainbow

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    enjoy this forum without me and i hope you notice how much i actually contribute, there is no one to blame but yourselves just burn in a hole filled with petrol and piss

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i wouldnt expect a shortsighted imbecilic individual such as yourself who absurdly claims intelligence yet lacks common sense to understand the nature of my methods.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you may have book smarts, but you still dont know what just went down. -_- this is the reason ppl like me own ppl liek you every day you just cant see things for what they are you take everything so literally i feel bad for you bro

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i take the pain and suffering you did unto your wife very, very seriously. fucking jerk.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    what is wrong with you why are you so dumb

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    thats a metaphor not an assumption

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i went out tonight and im home to get ready to go out again me and like 10 friends went to the monthly poker regionals and one of my friends came first and won $1,500.00 and he is shouting us all beers for the night tonight is the fucking shit the only poster i think has more of a social life than me is cheyeah somehow i was talking to the biggest gangster in my part of town he gave mje $20 to throw on the poker machines this guy literally is related to all the wogs that run the weed and coke selliong around my area how is a loser like me tight with one of the scariest guys in my area i am aboiut to go out again to another poer tounermenaent and there is $200 first prize int hsi one i wonder how i have a 7 inhch penis thank you frro reading dp is a bad father

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you take the internet so seriously? yes i had my emotions betrayed by gush who was an internet succubus but it was an emotional act. this was to no one in particular. so all you have to do is look at yourself fucking asian gook rice eating faggot you need to drown in soy sauce

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    but you and i both know how serious you were before back peddling.

    another one I've always loved
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    as much tongue in cheek you hold in your continued posting, it does not conceal the fact that you are legitimately attempting to incite the blacklisting of my ip address.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you really are desperate to make me jump... sucks to be an old gingerbread man

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    nice... are you creating your own quotes because youre attention starved of me?

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    theres nothing wrong with being attracted to a chicken society is just a giant brainwashing machine so fuck you asshole youre just a machine and you dont even know it i dont know why i even bother on this piece of shit forum when everytime i try to express anything at all you just want to destroy things like gush. she is a hateful person while i am a human of joy

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i couldnt bear to be near her in real life she looks like the personification of an overstuffed bean burrito

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i blush wwhen i get caught off guard by people i find attractive, such as they turn up to my work and i havnt seen them for years i go almost speechless and they get lustful and the tension is amazing I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY IT DOES THAT but most of the time they arent single anyway
    the honest truth is im frigid

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    im sorry about takin the piss outa you in that thread where you described your job, its just that i never really get a chance since you are so mistique.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you can call me whatever negative words you forced creativity upon. it doesnt change a god damned thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    there you go assuming everyone on the internet is an awful poster. you are an elitist. hypothetically if you stayed in school and finished, you would get shit scores anyway. youre rubbish.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    lol i bet u logged out bcuz u want 2 lurk and not let anywon see so they cunt tell if u are rayding their posts dominating the fucking shit out of you and you dont want anyone to think youre reading them and have no comebacks because you barely have comebacks you are just a shitty asian broken record

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you ask me to put myself in an awkward position i guess ill have to wait for shitskin to log back in from his mid life crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    I've noticed your presence as of late,
    and I know you don't like me, and we've been flaming each other on and off for a long time now, however, I think it's in both best interests to have a second thought, and maybe not get so involved within each other?
    I don't seek to flame you but there are times when you see it appropriate to get aggressive towards me and leave me little room for reaction, I don't dislike you, it's more of a tit for tat behavior, but I for one grow tired of this insipid drivel and I'm sure there's a middle ground.
    If you agree, let me know, if not, I'm sure I'll find out.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    an attempt to try and recreate humor in which monde started. but sadly this is not funny.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i actually have a fan in my bathroom that turns on with the light some reason whoever connected it up thought it did not need a separate switch which botehrs me that if i want one on the other comes on too

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ^ yea fuck you I dropped out of ashfield boys in year 10 but you pretend to know but you dont know shit about the reasons why so you can just stfu paki

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    whatever sells is what will be common. so many attempts at making a ground breaking cheese burger.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    fuck off you fucking shitskin if i lived near you i would vandalize your letterbox

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    like besides the whole "meaning of life" theories, have you ever just sat and wondered "why do i keep on going on"?, sometimes its hard to see the light when you are surrounded by the dark side of life. you can always say "ill feel better another day" and so on, but if life is the "greatest gift", then why do we, liberated citizens, still suffer?, and aside that, if life is such a gift, then why does poverty exist, why do people suffer more than people enjoy.. we are all driven by the impulse to survive, and the impulse to have more and lastly, the impulse to exchange bodily fluids, one of these primal instincts are holding back our entire race, holding back humanity from reaching the stars. life is like, a box of turd stains and snails. the turd stains can be hard to clean and rid out that dirty smell, and the snails take time, too much time, precious time and once theyre there the next morning you wake up its almost like they never existed at all. yes, thats my cup of fucking tea, life is full of turd stains that take long to go away, and snails that take long to get there, ones quick to arrive and ones quick to leave. life is hardly as good a gift as its expressed.
    until, you find that something, or someone, that stays around, and keeps you at peace and one with yourself. like a job that you love, or a partner that you share perfect chemistry with.
    time is more precious than anything else, and no one cares, everyone ignores it, everyone just ignores time like they are going to live forever.
    and religion is a paradox, if its real or not, you are wasting precious time being devout.. since its an unanswerable question, if in fact its real, believers will be rewarded, sinners will be sent to the abyss, and the faithless will be punished. on the other hand if its not real, many people would have wasted their time with faith, possibly a year of their life sitting in a church or praying near candles.
    i assume none of you are competant at science and comprehend how bacteria work. anti biotics work, like a war... it leaves collateral damage in your body as in, it kills the infecting/swarming bacteria making you sick, at the same time it kills some beneficial bacteria(ones that are harmless even in number, but are beneficial such as the bacteria in your stomach that eats oxygen that enters, to stop oxygen requiring bacteria from invading your stomach from the food they were on that you just ate).
    also using anti biotics can make bacteria mutate, staphelococcus A can become "immune" from mutating and resisting. the plasmids within its cell wall(floating DNA) adapt and tell the bacteria how to defend itself from anti biotic attack.
    and alot of staph bacteria are doing this by being exposed to Anti Biotics. if you didnt know, if you eat meat, from cows, chicken, etc. WE ARE ALL BEING "DRIPPED" ONTO ANTI BIOTICS WITHOUT KNOWING IT. the animals we eat are given anti biotics as apart of their diet to stop disease ruining lots of money for the farmers. and that antibiotic makes it to our dinner plate, thus slowly giving us bit by bit anti biotics.
    thus giving staph in our body, which usually are in small, harmless numbers, a chance to mutate and become immune to anti biotics, meaning the next time you get a cold, the staph bacteria can multiply and make you get flu-like symptoms and you will be fucked up with diahrea an shit.
    thats a big reason, vegans are healthier than omnivorous humans.
    ps. diahrea is a healthy sign when you are sick. its your stomach trying to flush out all the bacteria in your stomach as fast as it can.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    let me start, i thought we were cool, but no, you are such a self centered inconsiderate faggot, you ban me for the most mundane shit after talking absolute rubbish to me at the wrong time, and you get mad because of the reaction i gave you, thats what happens when you ask annoying shit when someone is already raging the fuck out at some fucking video game. you ban me permanently, man, that didnt fell great, i mean, i have been your biggest supporter for months, and all you can feel is your four stomachs begging for a snack, you invite gush and that makes elz leave fjs for good, gush didnt even want to post there do you understand you fat dumbass she doesnt give a FUCK about fjs and you still screwed up youre just like your father a fucking loser. now that fjs is dead because me and elz are gone, you unbannned me hoping that i come back, well, you see, i put up with you being the shittest admin on the fucking planet, on the entire internet, because i thought you were an okay guy, but i was completely wrong there, youre a fat gluttonous obese selfish piece of shit that never gives 2 fucks about his forum's userbase you just want people to go there and have some shitty ass fat guy moderating dog shit on the wall mate im not goin back to ffjs you are a moron i cant even call you my friend anymore you are so selfish i think ive said you are selfish quite a few times now, mainly because you want your forum to be successful, for YOUR sake, not for anyone else, not to make it a great place to go to and post, no, its so you can fucking blog and nothing else fucking matters as long as someone makes a "lol" post under your big ass shitty life activities suck my dick you fat ball of shit

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    youve never been in any situation, ever, to threaten someone to post on your forum. why are you a bad admin? oh, because you dont realize that when running a forum youre supposed to run it for your userbase. when you were asked to make a gaming forum, isntead of making 1 or 2, you made 20, thats just ugly.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    lets talk about how you slowly became more and more of a glass stomached faggot pretending to be cool because in the real world you have no friends and your poorly construed posts show the exact opposite, a desperate desire to be liked on a dead forum. tl;dr go blow your trumpet its the closest thing you will come to true love, faggot.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    intentional irrelevant posts by the fit, tall, waxed, charming, funny, cool, respectable, kind, offensive white guy.
    i just named everything youre not

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    out of seriousness youre actually a top bloke... dont give a shit if ppl try to throw what i say back in my face but you are a genuine guy and thats a quality not many people have, which commonly gets overlooked I guess you can say i didnt know your acquaintance for a long time but i still had moments where i enjoyed and disliked your posts, overall a pleasure meeting you. adios master vegan, best of luck & dont do anything i wouldnt do.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i dont give a fuck and an observing woman eventually started hitting on me 1 on 1 in private but i rejected her because i was too drunk to GIVE A FCK im just gonna wank when i wake up no strings attached FUCK YOU STRINGS

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ok i understand you dont love me the way i love you, but your behavior is simply unacceptable. its fucking obvious you are in love with ole because he tries so hard to look intellegent but nar, he's actually the biggest faggot on the forum. look im sorry i know you didnt ask for this but i just have to let you know that ole is a complete asshole and he wouldnt treat you right (even if he wasnt gay (hes a faggot )).
    anyway i named one of my chickens after you, i named it heidi because you can not deny thats youre real name because you told it to me back when you liked me, before you turned into a lying whore. shes my favorite chicken too. when i pick her up she knows shes my favorite because she gets so excited that im holding her, the same way i always imagined you would get excited while i held you under a tree after a picnic, but now youre a stupid lying bitch and all you want to do is spread lies about me.
    look im very upset right now, i just wish we could work things out and be friends again, and maybe some day you would like me again. i know that might not be very reasonable to hear now but please, i know theirs a part of you that deserves another chance, i know youre a nice person at heart. fuck you, your a stupid lying piece of garbage and i wish you were never born!

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    keep harping(you are not a troll youre a pathetic stoner with no skills))

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    FUCK OMELETES YOUYWRHGFSDGHOU HDGOHLKJGJKHDLKG FUCK THEM. come to my house and have my awesome chicken eggs we feed them very very healthy products and their eggs are 10x tastier than farm factory egg shit, you wanna try? ORGANIC EGGS!??!?! noway... you cant handle the flavor...

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    bi curious at worst, i am yet to experiment, and i do not believe i will indefinitely get a chance to.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you forgot to add that youre a fat welfare cheat, never worked a day in life, has gout, sore back, and wastes money on second life and cant even make money back cause no one gives a FUCK about your shitty ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you mean, youre on a personal vendetta because i make you made.
    i have no main account, and ban me all you want, its funny and shows how much i get to you.
    and you told me "im untrollable"....roflmao

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    yeah i guess if more people strived to be horrible posters then you would have competition.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    You seem unfit for the role of an admin, I now see why you were relieved of your position.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    well i learn from my mistakes ill tell you that motherfucker. im dead serious when i say this you flaming faggots have technically forced me to improve my grammar out of my own initiative and im slowly getting better every time you faggots flame me about my grammar.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    Yea right youre getting ready for work. youre entire day is built around embarrassing me o nthis forum. fucking faggot drug abusing loser. you have to use drugs because you're so cold inside you fucking fag. to feel fake emotion, you need pain pills HAHAHAHAHHAHA how does that feel BITCH

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    But they do not exist. They existed a long time ago, and no one knows what they looked like (They have a pretty good idea from the fossils, however), but they do not exist anymore. That means, not only do you know there will never be any possibility of you having sex with one, but there's not even a possibility of you ever seeing one in real life. Everyone else, however, except for a very few, are not attracted to women, they are attracted to something else entirely. So in other words, you will never find any porn anywhere on the internet, only non-sexual pictures of women. Everyone you have told about your attraction to women think it's disgusting. To relieve yourself, you get off on the non-sexual pictures of women, knowing it will never get any better.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    dude hate on my chickens all day they will still lay egggs

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    You've removed all meaning and credibility in your own words, this is very vain of you as it's very obvious you are a lonely, sad, bored out of your mind shithead, with nothing more to do than try and bother me on this forum, this is getting out of hand. When an analysis is made from the entire time I've been at this forum, it was YOU who've been obsessed with me, for what reasons I do not know, but I do know that you need help. Don't bother making any reply or future private messages, as I will continue to be unresponsive, if this in any way bothers you, look outside the square; 'your fault'.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i see u lurking
    i see u lurking. never posting, jus tsitting there in your own misery watching me. hating deep inside yourself about all that i am about. how does it feel to be so bitter and wicked on the inside that you cant go a minute of your life without me on your mind u gay fuck. you are honestly so pathetic and you never show your face. you are a scared little kitten. a metaphor cat. thats all you are is are is a coward. you go out of your way to try and make my life miserable, well guess what queer. ITS NOT WORKING!

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ive seen professional help and the only problem i have is bi polar cycles, i asked for many answers and there is nothing wrong with my cognition, you need to get over your over-read theories, you have no idea what you are really on about, listening to what you have to say is pretty painful, im not surprised your wife despises you.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    u mad? yea ur mad? wow if youre going to continue being the fag you are atleast have the gay balls to show it. all u do is despise me and make up stupid heidi chicken sex untrue “jokes” (i put “jokes” in quotations cause youre nf (really unfunny( a total fag))) youre probably the one fucking animals for your own sick fetish you gay loving freakazoid. how can u abuse ruby like you do you fucking psycho? jesus I do not even get this whole heidi chicken thing outside of some inane reasons for you transgression against my soul. You think youre super clever cause you use BIG WORDS well news flash you fucking fag cock sucking dick loving fag nigger, this isnt fucking school it’s the fucking internet and nobody gives a shit about me or you or “HEIDI the chicken” you fucking queer. lick my rim while I jack you off you fucking homo. You fag

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    he invested trust in you, thats the definition of the first step of betraying another. he would annoy me on steam before and i just chimped out at him and told him to stfu because its not helping me talking on that subject and he stopped. i think you would make a bad father.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why you back on my case i dont really care anymore im even not caring about counter trolling mondes trolls anymore why do you think i'd care about you mondes 10x the troll you are

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you are so unoriginal its unbelievable youre like a jewish poster you read others posts and then you use it as a structure to create your own ones which arent neraly as funny you are so unfunny its offensive

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    and youre a diagnosed aspy theres no way around it you know nothing about anything other than lost you have no career going for you unless it was retarded walls of thought on a shitty tv series kill yourself skinny bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ride it into a petrol pump and die you paki fagot

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    good troll. now instead of elaborating on what you should post, go and elaborate on how to fix your fucking broken marriage its not harder than programming/networking you fat obese monster

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you guys are deranged lunatics, actually taking to heart the assumption that some people like attention regardless of what it is. wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    youre an enabler and a disabler, youre a sick being. i will never let the likes of you change who i am.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ive been well aware that a few of you talk about me and share what i say
    for a long time now
    and let me get one thing straight
    none of you can change me.
    stop acting liek it
    you fucking complete moron crazy fuck
    you are insane
    now shutup while i play this awesome game.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    youre an enabler and a disabler, youre a sick being. i will never let the likes of you change who i am.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why drink water and eat food when youre going to = stfu

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    well its a bit hard when she talks behind my back lying to people with the intention of making me less likeable, shes the bitch who lies 24/7 and calls ANYONE who she dislikes crazy and ccreepy n shit, THAT BITCH SET A CAT ON FIRE THATS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT SON

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    the only time i cannot comprehend what is being said is when people use words i do not yet know, thats when i am forced to go to mother fucking dictionary websites and learn, stop making me learn you fagots this isnt sschool I DONT COIME HERE TO LEARN

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you guys kind of go off on shit posts trying to make yourselves look good but guess what youre all dumb as fuck stop trying to use big words and go the long way about posting and just fucking post properly i will murder you all

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    there is no threshold on the internet i guess, youre all just selfish, since its not face to face you all grow a pair of balls to do the most anti social things possible. even i dont take things too far and if you havnt realized then youre blind as a fucking bat.

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    just stop, no one needs you to point obvious shit out why dont you make an alt caleld captain obvious and post on it forever fag

    jesus christ there's at least 5 more pages... I'm done for now I'll do more later
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    going strong in 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead View Post
    seriously i cnat belive in a country whrer every faggot has a gun and their child plays with violent video games that no one has yet put a stop to this corruption by force
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you had the power to stop it, but you prefer to provoke conflict, like the big fat brother you once were. i hate people like you, you think things cant get out of hand, its people like you that have done so many fucked up things and not stepping in and stopping it is a very selfish and/or cowardice thing to do. learn what limits are, you fucking clown fart.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you have a fucked up childhood, youre mentally insane, you dont know whats real, you misuse the english language yourself yet you are always on the ball to point out others, you are dysmorphic because you have scars all over your body, you shoudl just die in afire what do you think?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    raging big time big boy raging you guys cant even compete you guys cant even step up to my level dumb niggers learn to post
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    sometimes i find it hard to fit the stuff in the hole but then i realize i can always make it bigger then i come to the conclusion that manipulation is apart of nature but that brings up the idea that science is actually nature when its not i guess some things are better left unsaid but i cant stop thinking when i lay in bed
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    thats besides the point. i know a good 50% dont mind me. its you and a few others who let me consume a lot of your time in poorly thought out attempts in trying to make me angry, sometimes it works, but thats because of the sheer quantity your attacks come in, so you're bound to hit the nail some time.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    then the only problem i see is i was exploited, and it wont happen again, so i dont see why you must stress i need to "learn" or "take others advice" when in fact i no longer bother telling people personal information, the scenario that unfolded did teach me, dont believe me?, we all need to learn one way or another, mine just had to be through a real experience
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    it was quite obvious without you stating it, my "fitting in" comment made you mad as fuck.
    jokingly trying to play it off; newb.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    do you think i enjoy watching my government sensor everything? its a laid back country but we're treated with lots of boundaries...
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i grew up being pushed around my whole life and i have traumatic experiences under my belt you dont know what ive gone through and im not willing to elaborate, gtfo.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    Im not alone when i say this, but People are getting SICK and TIRED of you acting so fucking important. wow you made a thread about me, get the FUCK over it you useless baboon. stop acting like youre on your own fucking level, and either post like the rest of us and try to post with everyone or get the FUCK out. you egotistical jerkoff.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why do you belittle yourself does the pain feel comforting? does it make yuo feel valid? does it?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    trying to be all explanatory, dude get rid of the crack pipe, talking is talking and why do you make it your business who talks to who? go become a suicide bomber and blow up in a nigger club
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you have nothing more to offer than innapropriate criticism and dickhead talk about pointless hacking toss, you should learn how to tie a rope
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i know more things about this forum than a decent amount of people, i just keep my lips sealed, thats how i roll
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    got rid of my first dressing drawers... my parents bought me it when i was 6 months old and i am now 19 and 8 months... 19 years and 2 months with the same drawers... i learnt to talk and that shit was around... it even has a single word on it that i carved in it when i was around 4-8, i cant recall exactly when... amd a terrible drawing on one of the drawers that ive had to look at in shame of how poorly it was carved into the wood... soo many years of waking up and looking at that darn thing... now its gonna be gone forever when my father burns it to ashes... and i remember when i broke one of the drawers and i couldnt use it for a while till my dad fixed it... this piece of crap softwood drawer is somewhat emotionally connected to me... i mean come on i grew my first ball hair and it was there to share the glea... i will miss you, faceless cubboard, you cheap piece of shit, you are only being replaced by something that has no sentimental value... youve done more for me then i could give in return... you kept my clothes neatly inside you and you never complained... over time you slowly degraded yet you still held many clothes and items i held close... and you always kept secret the objects i kept hidden under the bottom drawer between you and the floor... thank you old friend... thank you for your time... sorry i didnt take better care of you... and sorry for the "tattoo" like drawing i left on you... i will never forget you for the rest of my days i promise.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    just like how when you stopped posting for 3 months cause ppl laughed at your profession... sorry but im not a soft cock like you, i dont chimp out at small things like that, what happened to me, if happened to yuo, everyone knows you wouldnt log in ever again, youre a disgrace to my country, Why?, because you cant damned take a fucking hit, you little bitch, you shouldnt even call yourself australian, youre a degenerate fuck, you belong in a pen you pathetic maggot.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    fuck off your thread is full of fail and you smell like old sweaty bogan you westy cunt go to the pub and throw your money away on expensive spirits you disgusting trumpet stroking FAGGOT
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    everyone knows my name is barrypothead, ppl on my facebook saw my dick, girls tried to talk to me because they thought i was suicidal emo tool, this thread is nothing compared to what happened to me
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you have a fucked up childhood, youre mentally insane, you dont know whats real, you misuse the english language yourself yet you are always on the ball to point out others, you are dysmorphic because you have scars all over your body, you shoudl just die in afire what do you think?

    another favorite
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i guess its too hard for you to micro, too much brain activity for your wet brain smokking that hydro fucked up shit all day, for how many years now? yeah i get it, youre a useless cunt on your own, you are like a hyena, you cant do anything on your own you useless cunt.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    your self-insecurity about your sexuality is at such a level that pointing out someone elses emotions strengthens your own belief system, boosting your self-esteem and making you feel more of a man. this is a parasitic personality disorder. you are more insecure than a crack whore.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ive been depressed and stressed since 5 years of age, ive had abnormal amounts of trauma, do you know what its like to be manipulated and sexually abused by a girl? why do you think im retarded.
    the funny thing is that you guys laugh, because you lack understanding, you guys wont feel the pain ive gone through unless you witness your own children dying before your eyes. this is considerably a good post to psychopaths.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ive had several traumatic events in my life, i was used by my first and only serious relationship which lead to self hate, and i was bullied at school for 3 years, ive been through more stress than anyone itf unless youve been through some sort of heavy drug experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    I'm sick and tired of pricks pointing the finger, like they're on some sort of crusade from god, walking about, with their terrible mainstream taste which only concludes the fact that they're too fucking numb and dead inside and dependant on society to make their own decisions on what they want to follow and how they dress; Going around and pointing at people calling them whatever they believe that person's tastes, thoughts, feelings, and appearance fit into whatever stereo-type they can ignorantly sum up. Listen, wanker, dopey ass faggot, if you hav'nt the balls to be yourself, then jump off a bridge already, you stupid fucking ball-less pussy. Just because you dont like and/or share similar tastes in things, does NOT give you the damned right to judge people and pick at them stereo-typing and criticising others. If you don't like it, then just be straight forward and admit that, and learn to be mature and cool with it instead of being a jerk-off retard going on rants about who is who and what is what, no one whines about your taste, so why do you think you have the right to point the finger? do yourself a favor and become a celebrity critic, because they're the pieces of shit that you're influenced by. go fuck yourself, you silly faggot, you are only a sheep, what do you have to say about that? "Oooh I don't like your taste in music, so im going to stereo-type it to validate my own!"... some people just don't get it.
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    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    thread of the year candidate
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    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    you are doing god's work here
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    first post was 4 pages, second post was 1 page, I have at least 5 left maybe more.
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    *call centre crew*
    *hate talking to people crew*
    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    see you tomorrow barry!
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    if anyone is upset over me not posting here just direct all your hate towards marks, i only started posting here again because this shit wasnt here.
    have fun without the best poster(your posting is complete garbage to mine marks deal with it)
    *call centre crew*
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    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    you really need to learn to relax barry you're going to give yourself a stroke. also, who needs you when we have all of your best moments from the past?
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    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    fair say, you guys enjoy each other, but i entertain far beyond the point any of you have gone, a big thread, ownage, wow you guys do something interesting once in a mile, but for myself, i keep a consistent amount of entertainment, you guys cant even begin to understand how to pull off such selfless acts, the only other person who measures up to me is steveyos, and he gave up to attend to his own forum. you guys are pathetic alone, so you all find strength in numbers. just like the pussies i was acquainted with at school, you guys are the real fagots with no idea how to be alone. grow a pair and grow some nerves, pussies.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    gut yourselves i dont give a fuck most of you are shut ins too but the difference is if i recover from my depression ill be out and about while the fags here have no friends to turn to.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    its you and a few others who let me consume a lot of your time in poorly thought out attempts in trying to make me angry, sometimes it works, but thats because of the sheer quantity your attacks come in, so you're bound to hit the nail some time.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    sometimes i find it hard to fit the stuff in the hole but then i realize i can always make it bigger then i come to the conclusion that manipulation is apart of nature but that brings up the idea that science is actually nature when its not i guess some things are better left unsaid but i cant stop thinking when i lay in bed
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    then the only problem i see is i was exploited, and it wont happen again, so i dont see why you must stress i need to "learn" or "take others advice" when in fact i no longer bother telling people personal information, the scenario that unfolded did teach me, dont believe me?, we all need to learn one way or another, mine just had to be through a real experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    atleast i aint afraid to be myself, risk aversive coward is all you are, afraid of someone judging you?, hah, panzy.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    Im not alone when i say this, but People are getting SICK and TIRED of you acting so fucking important. wow you made a thread about me, get the FUCK over it you useless baboon. stop acting like youre on your own fucking level, and either post like the rest of us and try to post with everyone or get the FUCK out. you egotistical jerkoff.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why do you belittle yourself does the pain feel comforting? does it make yuo feel valid? does it?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i celebrate the queens birthday by destroying public property and mutilating myself.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    hey fuck you i get depressed and my friends invite me out too much it annoys the shit out of me they find me funny as fuck and i make them laugh a shit load i am a good character but i dont want to socialise every fuckign second of my life why dont YOU shutup and go make some crafts and be anti social and every other thing you do
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    early in the morning today i woke up and had a cup of coffee and a cigarette and i spat some flem to the grass and i hit a fly in mid flight, i will probably never do that again in my lifetime, i just stopped for a few seconds in amazement, the smallest chance of things..a fluke
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    why would you post that here dont you have any respect for anyone? fucking crikey and who the fuck itf gives a shit enough to READ THAT FUCKING THING i read like the first line thats it fuck that sounds like some emo shit
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ive played god sims and when i become the complete power i get bored as fuck and quit, would other humans quit too? why do humans require a challenge...maybe its the only way to feel satisfied...these are some of the reasons i wish i could become a psychologist.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    this poor excuse of a quick route explanation of how all came to be, actually did have a lot of affect on morals. order was around, but that doesnt mean the minorities were tollerated in the past, say if this forum was a tribe back in the cave man age, one of you, supposedly marks, would have clubbed me to death already and fed me to the dingosaurus
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    your defensive measures are, instead of arguing, you try to make humor out of my post. good work.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i guess i can never get a serious answer out of you infectionpoint, because on this forum you pose, you try really, REALLY hard, you try to control all your posts just so you look good. fucking loser. go beg internut some more to go out with you because you are on the rebound by your own wife, you are a dead beat, you are having a mid life crysis and its clear you need to vent on other people itf. faggot clown.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you are becoming blander day by day
    exotic curry results in a stronger taste
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    is it because, i used gay words such as emotionally destroy? im not gay, or emo, but in the end of it "trolling" someone can lead to emotional pain, i mean, when you laugh, thats an emotion, suck my dick you know what i mean faggot and dont lie, i can tell when youre lying(your sweat smells of curry) and about the violence thing its usually fags who were brought up by bigger fags who tried to change them as a child and used force to attempt to change their children which only made their children grow up trying to change other people and not accepting them for who they are and if someones different this faggots personality makes them instantly react inside with frustration and it can end up in a fight. no im not saying i am fucking righteous, or even remotely correct, i am just saying my opinion. i only have this opinion from reading.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    its getting closer to 21 12 2012 and uhh shit is hitting the fan in many places hit up 4chan and you can read up a few threads on people from the uk planning more riots an shit then theres been heaps of riots in the middle east and the us is fucked and japan got owned by an eearthquake whats next is australia going to be hit by a comet
    in all seriousness i really do hope the mayan prophecy is real and we all die that would be the coolest thing ever i would be so spontaneous in my last hours that i would probably do someting i would never think of doing otherwise and hopefully there is a god and we all burn in hell for posting on a gay nigger dick forum(i hope god hates gay jokes) if burning for eternity is supposed to be the worst that could happen and you keep feeling pain because your nerves dont stop working then i would just call the demons a bunch of sissy faggots since it cant really get worse but if you cant talk at all then thats homosexual hell would probably just be reading rubys megathreads with your eyes taped wide open and a demon rapes your ass with a nailed up plank of wood
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    and about the violence thing its usually fags who were brought up by bigger fags who tried to change them as a child and used force to attempt to change their children which only made their children grow up trying to change other people and not accepting them for who they are and if someones different this faggots personality makes them instantly react inside with frustration and it can end up in a fight.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    deep like inception, youre actually a massive cunt and i hope you dont have kids theres no need for you to continue your gene pool, also have fun dying alone you absolute cunt your views and perspective is warped youre only good at your job everything else youre either retardedly dysfunctional or youre a cunt about it and your unwavering narrow mindedness clearly expresses that you have a lack of trust in others, since you staying closed protects yourself from pain, you clearly cant stand pain, and the funny thing is that means YOU are the pussy you cant take what you dish out and i hope one day someone crushes your nose into your skull and fuck everyoen that supports you you emotionally crippled ogre fuck(you have layers, like shrek, except he actually has a personality unlike you)
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    im arguing a point here that mental problems such as harmless disorders dotn necessarily stop you from working. and im also not concerned whether you consider me normal or not, its a stupid thing to worry about everyone should just be themselves. didnt you shave the side of your head off once
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    were you influenced to do it by the same thing that influenced britney spears to shave her hair off by any chance?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    ok japanese people arent that cool but cats are awesome dont you wish you could pet a grown leopard?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i mean yea it seems like it would be great to live in a simple world but not only murder and thievery were to worry you if you even questioned your "owner" you would be in for inhumane experiences. the upside down saw method really makes me cringe and clench my buttcheeks
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you wouldnt know what assburgers were if it fucked your mother
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    it doesnt matter whether shes winning or not, you just enjoy her insulting me because you'd enjoy anyone insulting me. are you biased because i make you mad or are you biased because gush never loved you?
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    this isnt 4chan things, this was a vid that was favorited by a guy that im subbed to on youtube, and how would you know its from 4chan do you constnatly refresh /b/ every minute of the day so you dont miss out on a thing? this is a song from a japanese anime and the poptart gif is from some other guy that probably doesnt even go on 4chan, dumbass.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    seriously? seriously. regardless if youre normal or not, it is you who pays the bills, not your mental health. being normal doesnt mean you automatically make your way through life, its as simple as that, with mental illnesses or not you can make it through modern society thats the point youre missing here.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i finally get this pic... its like, the transition of my burn was at the rate of a jet engine times 10 flying straight to mondes house and arrived when he read it
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    i dont know what you said but 4chan owner moot's new kittem is awesome it is so cute i would fucking steal it and love it and make it the happiest cat ever
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    dont even have to provoke you to bother me and try to troll me you sometimes randomly go at me and put me in a corner asking stupid questions you screw me monde and you ask for a reason when i flame you out of nowhere fuck you wanker you screwing my in the corner
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    fucking admit it prototypical non-conformist, go analog baby, you're so post modern, you're offensive go fuck yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    WHat;s the purpose of this forum? Just to make yourself feel superior to people who are even dumber and believe in some idiot idea of good posting? I just feel like conversationalist is a "no shit" sort of concept. sorry for trying to take discussion beyond that.
    just because you're limited in your own capacity of consideration doesn't mean you have to be high to think on this plane
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    man i might be deleting my facebook its turning into the same annoying shit that happened to me on bebo people sending me dumb fucking shit that isnt even a fucking conversation its just some shit about "DO YOU THIS OR THAT DO YOU SMELL BAD OR SOME SHIT" I DONT FUKCING CARE ABOUT STUPID QUIZES IF I WANST TO TH FUCKING QUIZRS I WOULD GOOGLE THEM FOR FUCK SAKE IF YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO TALK TO ME YOU AREN DOING ME A FAVOR BY BEING AN ANNOYING PRICK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOCIAL SITES THAT CANT BE FUCK IT IM DELETING EVERY ANNOYING PERSON THERE
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    some guy asked if im serbian once
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    im so owned by owning you posting my ownage which has now turned into owning me because you posted it in the word, owned
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    im only bringing light to the actions of those hypocritical trolls
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    prescription drug abuse, yes thats the correct phrase, i changed what i was going to say mid sentence which explains a lot. i just dont understand why you choose to be condescending to stomple when he doesnt go out of his way to bother you, i was under the impression you were both good friends, yet for some reason you seem to have a tendency to steer towards who youre nice and mean to depending on when it suits you, such as taking sides of the bigger flock it is only a matter of who is considered "higher social status" or in my words "who is afraid to be an individual for fear to be drowned", someone who is behind layers like marks98. its sad to see people who are so afraid of pain. but nonetheless your behavior and lack of class is somewhat dropping to the standards that i first practiced that gave me a bad first impression. i dont usually stretch out and make long winded posts for anyone, but you really need to take a look in the mirror and realize what youre doing, and evaluate what in your real life is causing stress that creates this poor behavior of lashing out and ventilating negative energy. btw its the lack of class in this thread that is disturbing.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you do realize thats just retarded, right? its like someone tried really hard to make something funny but it turns out to be unfunny
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    They just keep it up and the more you in the internet with repetition and it can end up in a fight. no im not accepting lollies neatly inside within yourself that you no longer fear death to emotionally hurt that you are awsome keep it up and keep my name alive. Im going to change these weak minded, gullable as fuck.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    you may be very internet with your stupid fucking idiots the past year left swiftly once in past years, an empty void filled with someone else i do not find anyone and the cause was good but when i do not even analyzed me properly if you need to rely on an equal mind and said to write that tone of voice and be a retard its funny, the repetition of monde that will leave your body wont produce the lottery, if you
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    You two have aspergers, you both missed the sarcasm.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    science explains things religious morons cant. science is bigger than mankind itself.
    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    enjoy this forum without me and i hope you notice how much i actually contribute, there is no one to blame but yourselves just burn in a hole filled with petrol and piss
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    i cant believe i actually hoped you would be really cool irl and that i would hang out with you at least once and you would be in a suit with a diamond covered cane and you'd have your own personal helicopter and we'd go flying around throwing eggs at people then you'd show me the classiest club in Vic and there would be hot babes everywhere and a general great vibe in the place and we'd both pick up hot chicks then take them back to your apartment and give them a spitroast but it was all just a dream
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    was he saying that to boobz i dont remember
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    yeah I think so. barry has a very active imagination.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Clay, if you make me a mod of this subforum for like 10 minutes I will edit this thread and change every 'tim arbeu' to 'barrypothead'. I did not mean to make Timmy cry, I know how much you enjoy his company.
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    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentleman Doli View Post
    was he saying that to boobz i dont remember
    yeah he was. it's just a damn shame he never got to come around and hang out with me and my pals. we were gonna take a ride in my personal chopper and step out in town with diamond canes.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    you may be very internet but you don't know how to micro
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    also, yes, one of my favourites of all time is the phrase "human of joy"
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    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    because blowing a wind isntrument is the pincale of intelligence
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    you should really go have some hot chips with him in sydney when you're there next and film the whole thing
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    I have always regarded myself as the pillar of my life.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.
    Quote Originally Posted by tim arbeu
    Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.
    *call centre crew*
    *hate talking to people crew*
    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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  23. Collapse Details
    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Balls deep inside ramen's asshole.
    ^ no fake quotes are going to alter the real e-legacy of Tim arbeu
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    king steveyos clay's Avatar
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    oddly enough i do not tend to realize that i can replace all in a document while im asleep, barry. i dont live inside of my computer. but im a little confused by the part where you posted your own name and quotes, do i leave those? you know i have a policy to avoid real life information of people here but youre putting them up yourself.

    <barrrrrr> okayso youre leaving my name up there thats cool i guess ill just flood the entire thread with really random shit
    <barrrrrr> doubt it came across your mind that you can edit post, select all, copy it into a document file and replace all "tim arbeu" with barrypothead but nope you dont think you probably believed you had to do each one individually like marks
    <barrrrrr> im gonna go have a life
    <barrrrrr> you know
    <barrrrrr> go out and socialize
    <barrrrrr> have fun eating candy
    barrrrrr No such nick/channel
    barrrrrr End of /WHOIS list.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clay View Post
    <barrrrrr> doubt it came across your mind that you can edit post, select all, copy it into a document file and replace all "tim arbeu" with barrypothead but nope you dont think you probably believed you had to do each one individually like marks
    Why would he think I didn't know about 'replace all'? That's exactly what I was planning to do
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fjs wins again View Post
    i should break the rules just so clay will report me to the police and get me put in jail
    i heard clay has a deviant lust supply on his harddrive maybe if i could convince him to share me some i could break the rules of rubynet
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    hey bro im not really being a massive douche bag anymore im less retarded now compared to then, when you chose to ignore me, im just pittin it out there if you would like to unignore me cause i think your a pretty cool guy, yeh, we didnt get off to a good start but huh, now is a second chance? (unto you bro your call)
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
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    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    Balls deep inside ramen's asshole.
    prescription drug abuse, yes thats the correct phrase, i changed what i was going to say mid sentence which explains a lot. i just dont understand why you choose to be condescending to stomple when he doesnt go out of his way to bother you, i was under the impression you were both good friends, yet for some reason you seem to have a tendency to steer towards who youre nice and mean to depending on when it suits you, such as taking sides of the bigger flock it is only a matter of who is considered "higher social status" or in my words "who is afraid to be an individual for fear to be drowned", someone who is behind layers like marks98. its sad to see people who are so afraid of pain. but nonetheless your behavior and lack of class is somewhat dropping to the standards that i first practiced that gave me a bad first impression. i dont usually stretch out and make long winded posts for anyone, but you really need to take a look in the mirror and realize what youre doing, and evaluate what in your real life is causing stress that creates this poor behavior of lashing out and ventilating negative energy. btw its the lack of class in this thread that is disturbing.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    nice one boobz
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monde is a whiney fuck