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    aladdins a whole new world is really about anal 
    no new niggers lnopia the great's Avatar
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    pound town
    don't you dare close your eyyeees

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    no new niggers lnopia the great's Avatar
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    hold your breath it gets better

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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    God is hitlers fagot.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    this thread peaked my interest in the subject and i once again delved into the realm of disney conspiracy theories through google:

    "This song was not meant to be in a children's movie as it is about the highs of Opium addiction. Aladdin "turns-on" princess Jasmine to opium.
    The Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek, Roman, and Persian Empires each made widespread use of opium, which was the most potent form of pain relief then available, allowing ancient surgeons to perform prolonged surgical procedures.
    Needless to say it was (and still is) used for recreational use.
    While the actual images displayed in the movie while the song is playing are benign, the lyrics little little room to doubt the subject.
    "Unbelievable highs, indescribable feelings" is just one of the lyrics that Disney so recklessly put into this movie intended for children. The blantent reference to opium is astounding.
    While a part of Middle Eastern culture for millenia, Disney should have more sense and a bit more courtesy. "

    "bluewanka4fun is totally right. It's a little-known fact that Disney is a huge social commentator on drug use around the world. For example, "White Rabbit" was cut from the final version of Alice in Wonderland only because the producers at the time felt that it was in their best interests to stay as close to the canon as possible. However, the deleted scenes still exist inside Disney's vault, although it is unlikely they will be shown to the public anytime soon. Aladdin is obviously Disney's critique of the Middle East's largest export. Other examples include The Jungle Book, which dissected the ways in which illegal arms fuel gang wars between drug cartels. Louie, the "King of the Jungle," wants the same fire power that "the Man" has so he can expand his territory. By disguising these messages in children's films, they are able to sneak under the radar, but they exist for those who know how to find them. "
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    "Sex? Drugs? Don't be ridiculous! This is a satire of the ignorance of the bourgeois classes, a spoilt upper class girl is being shown the lives of the proletariat.

    "Princess" is obviously a derogatory (sp?) word used to refer to the girl.

    "When did you last let your heart decide?" is a reference to the deliberate ignorance, Out-of-sight-out-of-mind mentality... They would never stop and consider the plight of the poorer folk.

    "No one to tell you 'No' or where to go or say you're only dreaming", the "princess" can have whatever she wants.

    The "endless diamond sky" is the girl finally beginning to realise that all her wealth comes in fact from the workers, "Don't you dare close your eyes" - The working class boy urging her to accept the truth.

    "Every moment red-letter" - Red being the colour of socialism, of course."
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    people are schizo
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monde is a whiney fuck