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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    yup, post irrelevant characterizations. it shows you've run out of valid arguments.
    good ramen-like strategy, bRO
    yep, you're right, trolling you is totally not the whole reason I brought this up again out of the blue. That's some sound logic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    well if he's paying taxes for them why not? I mean hell I would too even if I was against them just because I would be entitled to them as long as they're there.
    Pretty much. I'm not a fan of social security but of course I'd collect on it, I've been paying into the fucking thing practically my whole life. Also I'd have no problem with it if it was voluntary, my gripe isn't with government programs but with a bunch of asswipes in washington making my decisions for me.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    yup, whine about paying into the services even though taxes are so damned low in the US and then argue they're entitled to use them when they need them. that's the pattern.
    If I pay for them I am entitled to them. When Obamacare kicks in and forces me to buy insurance, I'm going to use it. why the hell shouldn't I? In fact I may go to the doctor once every few days to try and bankrupt the system. Given the choice, though, I'd rather not be forced to buy something because some dickhole thinks it's in my best interest.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    whine, bro, you're entitled to whine about paying for something you're going to use

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    so you're going to argue about having the government provide you a service at a reduced rate than insurance companies with a guaranteed payout instead of the insurance companies fighting you on it when the time comes
    simply because it's a perceived socialist practice


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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    whine, bro, you're entitled to whine about paying for something you're going to use
    I'd be perfectly happy not paying for it and never using it, but if they're gfoing to force me to pay for it I might as well use it. I;'m going to use it so fucking much they'll regret ever passing that stupid bill.
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    really the big bamboozle has always been the insurance companies lobbying to have socialized medicine squashed and fooling people into thinking that taxes will be higher than insurance rates and premiums
    in fact it's not possible for the tax rate hike (if it happens at all) to be higher than those rates and premiums because of economies of scale
    Last edited by m0nde; 08-07-2012 at 02:41 PM.

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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    so you're going to argue about having the government provide you a service at a reduced rate than insurance companies with a guaranteed payout instead of the insurance companies fighting you on it when the time comes
    simply because it's a perceived socialist practice

    No, I'm arguing that I am an adult and perfectly capable of deciding for myself if I need health insurance. You choose to move to Canada because you apparently want a government that will wipe your ass for you and pat you on the back and tell you everything is going to be alright, and that's fine but I'd rather choose my own path in life, I stopped needing a parent to make decisions for me years ago.
    Last edited by maks; 08-07-2012 at 02:46 PM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    really the big bamboozle has always been the insurance companies lobbying to have socialized medicine squashed and fooling people into thinking that taxes will be higher than insurance rates and premiums
    in fact it's not possible for the tax rate hike (if it happens at all) to be higher than those rates and premiums because of economies of scale
    Bullshit. I'm paying exactly $0 for health insurance right now.
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    well it's quite possible that you will be paying $0.00 for a service you never had or thought you could not afford.
    as makes the most sense in the US, the US could simply shave some 5% (max) off military spending and set up health care.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    Bullshit. I'm paying exactly $0 for health insurance right now.
    do you pay for car insurance? just interested.

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    also, when you lost your job, did you partake of unemployment insurance?
    you could have pocketed all the money that went toward that instead of having it come back to help you. you didn't "need" that service at the time you were paying into it, but i guess the argument is, well it's there so i'll damn well use it.

    good strategy, bRO

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    well it's quite possible that you will be paying $0.00 for a service you never had or thought you could not afford.
    as makes the most sense in the US, the US could simply shave some 5% (max) off military spending and set up health care.
    They could, but they won't. Personally I'd like to see them cut 75% from the military, put 25% into paying off debt and give the other 50% back to us. A military a quarter the size of our current one is plenty big enough to defend our own borders, let the rest of the western hemisphere defend themselves for a change.
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    no new niggers lnopia the great's Avatar
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    I dont think anyone has anything bad to say about holland because they full on got their shit together. Canada and usa are too fucking big that you cant make everyone happy and i hate non white immigrants. Is multiculturalism actually good or is that what we are led to believe because our large shity countries need this non stop influx of poor peope to keep the unnecessary growth going

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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    where is the basis of your statement that m0nde gets welfare? from everything ive heard he does pretty well for himslf. this is a guy who flew out to utah to go to a fuckin internet wedding
    lol, what elezzzark doesn't understand about this and the 200 games thing is that it means nthing to me. i don't live in a third world shithole and don't have a job making $10 dollars per hour
    i can afford that shit and choose to buy it with my own money.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    They could, but they won't. Personally I'd like to see them cut 75% from the military, put 25% into paying off debt and give the other 50% back to us. A military a quarter the size of our current one is plenty big enough to defend our own borders, let the rest of the western hemisphere defend themselves for a change.
    i think the military/industrial complex is one thing that actually makes jobs and provides alot of the US's wealth.
    idk why they spend more than the next 15 countries combined on this, but it's business as usual.
    if they suddenly cut 75% from the budget it would put many people out of business and large companies would definitely go under.
    however, you could save a few dollars on your taxes. and of course, that's all that matters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    do you pay for car insurance? just interested.
    Liability, the minimum that is required by law. I'm in favor of that, it's there to protect people who I might hurt and I could always choose to not drive a car.

    See I'll bet you were going to go on and compare that to healthy insurance but I just shut that misguided and overused argument down didn't I

    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    also, when you lost your job, did you partake of unemployment insurance?
    you could have pocketed all the money that went toward that instead of having it come back to help you. you didn't "need" that service at the time you were paying into it, but i guess the argument is, well it's there so i'll damn well use it.

    good strategy, bRO
    I did, because I'd been paying into it for 10 years. If I hadn't been paying into it I would have had enough savings that I wouldn't have needed unemployment. It made it a lot easier for me to sit on my ass for a few months of extended vacation instead of immediately looking for a job, further proof that programs like this essentially turn us all into Stevey.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lnopia the great View Post
    I dont think anyone has anything bad to say about holland because they full on got their shit together. Canada and usa are too fucking big that you cant make everyone happy and i hate non white immigrants. Is multiculturalism actually good or is that what we are led to believe because our large shity countries need this non stop influx of poor peope to keep the unnecessary growth going
    lol, it's not necessarily poor people coming in. alot of them have advanced degrees where americans have become too comfortable and don't think it's necessary to get them any more. i've always said that 50% of americans are like the family on Roseanne.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lnopia the great View Post
    I dont think anyone has anything bad to say about holland because they full on got their shit together. Canada and usa are too fucking big that you cant make everyone happy and i hate non white immigrants. Is multiculturalism actually good or is that what we are led to believe because our large shity countries need this non stop influx of poor peope to keep the unnecessary growth going
    It's good once the people are integrated, it improves the host nation's culture in a way that's almost like genetic, the good practices stick around the shitty ones get phased out. It's rough in the short term, though, a bunch of immigrants moving into an area makes it really difficult for people to get along especially if they don't speak the same language.
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    Liability, the minimum that is required by law. I'm in favor of that, it's there to protect people who I might hurt and I could always choose to not drive a car.

    See I'll bet you were going to go on and compare that to healthy insurance but I just shut that misguided and overused argument down didn't I
    well you did argue before about being mandated to buy health insurance.
    the car insurance, which you're strangely in favour of, is also mandated. how does one protect others while one doesn't?
    they are in fact exactly the same thing given that you have to buy health insurance now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    i think the military/industrial complex is one thing that actually makes jobs and provides alot of the US's wealth.
    idk why they spend more than the next 15 countries combined on this, but it's business as usual.
    if they suddenly cut 75% from the budget it would put many people out of business and large companies would definitely go under.
    however, you could save a few dollars on your taxes. and of course, that's all that matters.
    I have a job that doesn't involve killing anyone so yes, I deserve that money more than Boeing or Blackwater, Fuck 'em.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    well you did argue before about being mandated to buy health insurance.
    the car insurance, which you're strangely in favour of, is also mandated. how does one protect others while one doesn't?
    they are in fact exactly the same thing given that you have to buy health insurance now.
    They're not the same thing. Auto insurance exists to protect an anonymous stranger who I might hurt due to negligence. Health insurance exists to protect me, I'm the only one who is affected so it should be my choice if I need it or not. Also, it's not a mandate, it's a condition of being allowed to drive on public roads. I have the option of not paying auto insurance. This is a stupid argument, stop it you're better than this.
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    they're both insurance. they are both now mandated. they happen to be insurance for different things, but that's immaterial in the bigger picture.
    you seem to think you and some guy who you could hurt (read health bills as well as fixing up the car) having a probable accident is somehow vastly different from a probable trip to the hospital potentially costing you thousands of dollars.
    they're the same thing, just slightly different circumstances. just because one involves two parties is again immaterial, they both protect against things which could happen in the future, but aren't guaranteed to happen.

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    in some states they have no-fault insurance. this then makes each person pay for their own problems. this is even closer to the health insurance model.

    my main point is about being mandated to pay for something. why are you for one mandate, when you're against the other? if you hit someone why not leave it up to the courts to have you claim damages from the other person if you believe they're at fault?
    Last edited by m0nde; 08-07-2012 at 03:07 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    in some states they have no-fault insurance. this then makes each person pay for their own problems. this is even closer to the health insurance model.

    my main point is about being mandated to pay for something. why are you for one mandate, when you're against the other? if you hit someone why not leave it up to the courts to have you claim damages from the other person if you believe they're at fault?
    It's not a mandate, it's a condition. I could stop driving a car and never pay another dime on car insurance. The only way out of Obamacare is to kill myself.
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    so you are in fact paying insurance fees then? i thought you said you were paying $0.00

    about the car insurance, i think you're correct, but your point is moot. you do in fact HAVE to pay for insurance for something that the government, it could be argued, should stay out of.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    so you are in fact paying insurance fees then? i thought you said you were paying $0.00
    For health insurance. I don't have, nor do I need, health insurance. In a year I will have it, because the alternative is to pay a fine which is exactly as expensive as health insurance and get nothing in return.

    about the car insurance, i think you're correct, but your point is moot. you do in fact HAVE to pay for insurance for something that the government, it could be argued, should stay out of.
    The alternative is a privatized highway system and I'm not holding my breath for that, though I'm sure they would be much better maintained.
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    there already is a privated highway system, of sorts. it's called the toll-road system.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    For health insurance. I don't have, nor do I need, health insurance. In a year I will have it, because the alternative is to pay a fine which is exactly as expensive as health insurance and get nothing in return.
    i see. thought the law was already in place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    there already is a privated highway system, of sorts. it's called the toll-road system.
    tolls are collected by the state and state laws on using the roads still apply. On a private road you don't even need a driver's license.

    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    i see. thought the law was already in place.
    Some portions of it are, but the individual mandate doesn't drop until 2013. Hopefully we will have elected Romney, gotten it repealed, and impeached Romney by then.
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    mOnde you should really get off your pudgy fat retarded socialist canhead ass and excersize.
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monde is a whiney fuck