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  1. Collapse Details
    Reported Post by Dirty Beatle 
    Dirty Beatle
    king steveyos
    Dirty Beatle has reported a post.

    Yep I want a forum that postable in.

    Give me your log in to whatever it is shit joke and I will fix the colors and stuff and delete my sub forum that I'm not going to post in anyway and if maks is mod you better make me mod. I will make your forum look good for free because I have no life. IF it looks good and is pristinely I might grace your forum with presence but unless or until them.

    Also dp I want your babies ok?
    Post: Lisa said she would trade pictures of rootbeers dick for mod
    Forum: brokedick mountain
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: Autistic Spectrum
    Original Content:
    lisa's a terrible person, lmaom, the worset person really, the worst person on earth,

    she's also gonna be mod of rubynet, congrats lisa
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  2. Collapse Details
    Reported Item 
    Dirty Beatle
    king steveyos
    Dirty Beatle has also reported this item.

    I'm night time mod
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