Because boy do I have some kitchen trouble.
I moved into a new apartment within my complex on Saturday. We quickly discovered some problems in the kitchen, and not so quickly discovered others.
First, my FIL pointed out that one of our cabinets was about to fall off the wall. Strange, but we put in a maintenance request.
Noticed that the shelf inside the freezer door was broken off. Also noticed the ice box was broken. Put in another request.
Began putting away dishes only to notice they hadn't cleaned any of the cabinets, and the previous tenant had a serious roach problem. All bugs were dead and gone, but all surfaces in every cabinet was caked in roach poop. I thought it would just be faster to clean them myself (with my mom and sister to help) so we did.
Discovered the oven was broken. Called maintenance.
Discovered a light bulb in the garbage disposal. Took care of that ourselves.
After washing all of my dishes in the dishwasher, I discover that the dishwasher was leaving a brown film on everything. That brown film was due to the crawdad stuck in the water pipe. Yes, apparently that's possible. We, again, called maintenance for them to come clean it out.
Began washing loads in the dishwasher to discover the new brand of dishwasher pacs don't work with my dishwasher and don't actually burst. Sent husband to get the old brand again.
I'm due Monday and I'm so done. Currently my mother and sister are hand washing all of my dishes while I type this (I was helping but my feet started to swell, and I'll get up and go help again once I'm done ranting). Luckily I had only eaten off if one nasty crawdad dish before I discovered the problem.
Can I just start this week over and try again?