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    See you fucking retarded loser bushpigs I'm out. 
    💕🖤💜~INTJ~💖 Battery Bits's Avatar
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    Inside your head
    password: whogivesafuck. I'm leaving you losers, your forum will be dead in a week.

    I don't even know how I ended up in this forum.

    I have nowhere to go.

    My family abused me.

    The only person in my life was someone who picked me up off the street battered and bruised and in shock and they turned out to be a ice junky who was using me for what he could. These are not things I want in my life. I'm fortunate I have Donny the rest of you lying retarded wastes of life need mental help.

    I tried really hard to do something worthwhile. In spite of all the shit, not even having a home through highschool and never finishing I went and got myself two degrees when I was 21 and sat an entry exam and was lucky enough to be smart enough yto blitz it in, and that's about the only time in my life where having brain gave me a lift up, I wanted to teach and help children get through school because I never did and spent years before university living in what was hell, a violent man fucking me in hospital because frankly I didn't know any better... and I did teach for a couple of years but I've seen too much shit there that I can't deal with and it only took a couple of kicks of the stool out from under me and I just can't... I just can't, I am not emotionally equipped to do that anymore. I got other jobs that wouldn't be as stressfull but when I lost those things just got worse and worse. Now I'm in a situation where junkies pick me up off the street when I'm bashed on xmas day because I'm even more pathetic than them. I've got nothing, nothing anymore and all I can worry about is what will happen to my cat. I'm not on a pension and I am struggling a lot, there is no safety net for me anymore, no family, no-one who cares... just mounting debts of bills that I can barely even pay anymore. I can't understand people at all... I can't understand why they do these horrible things to each other.... an ice junky actually looked good to me because he was the kindest person I had actually met in a really long time.

    I don't spend my money on pot... I wish I could like I used to when I had money... it made things seem better. I wish there was somewhere I could take my cat so I knew she would be spoilt and looked after and I could just go quitely die. I had stopped breathing after my brother bashed me and I wish I had just been left to die.... it was easy to die at that point but people had to bring me back just so I could suffer more shit.. why? Why is everything like this? What the fuck kind of place is this and what the fuck kind of people are some of you. Some of you here aren't bad people at all but I just can't stand these pieces of shit, Ic an't stand them here and I can't stand them in the world anymore and I don't think I can fight any of them anymore. There is no help for what I'm going through but I honestly just don't think I lay here and take it anymore.... I just want to die but what will happen to my cat? My cat is the only good and pure thing in my life.

    It's obviously true, I have obviously lost my mind but I don't even want my mind back in a world like this, if sane and doing well is doing to people what has been done to me and what I've seen others do even to children then I don't want to be sane, I don't even want to exist in way where I am aware of anything anymore.

    What the fuck is this place and what the fuck kind of people are SOME of you? Am I supossed to abuse people, lie, use people to have a good life? Because I don't even want a life anymore. There is literally nothing more I have to offer or give and I can't live in a world like this anymore, I want out. Something bad is going to happen again... I know this feeling... something bad is going to happen... I hope I get to die this time and to the shit people I hope you burn on earth and to the good people, I wish you could be spared the abhorrent things that go on in this world but I at least hope you have comfort and some measure of happiness and I hope you are surrounded by other good people.

    I'm done with you dick sucking retarded fucking loser bushpig retards. You are all awful fucking posters and I hope you all die. You all need mental help but you're too stupid to get it. Fucking disgusting bushpig idiots. Have fun being virgins for the rest of your life you no-life nerds. I just scored some pot and had sex while you sat here on your dead forum waiting for me to return. Fucking despicable retarded losers. *blows smoke out in your face*. Fucking retards.
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    Lisas womb is damaged
    *call centre crew*
    *hate talking to people crew*
    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    Rename her account to wombless wombat
    *call centre crew*
    *hate talking to people crew*
    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmy View Post
    Lisas womb is damaged
    is that why it's barren
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    Senior Member Poopalew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    is that why it's barren
    All her friends have dealt treacherously with her; they are become her enemies.
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    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    Dear Chris Benoit,

    Simple Machines has released a new patch to the SMF 2.0.x line, bringing our latest release version to 2.0.13.

    This patch is a security and maintenance release, which focuses on fixing a couple of minor bugs, while adding some enhancements and a patch to a security vulnerability reported in the software. Additionally, this release corrects an issue introduced in 2.0.12. Therefore, it is important that you install this patch in a timely manner.

    If you are running version 2.0.12, you can upgrade your forum to the latest version by using the package manager. As usual, you should see the upgrade notification in the admin panel notifications and in the package manager, which will allow you to download and install the patch seamlessly. If you do not see the notification about the upgrade patch, please run the scheduled task "Fetch Simple Machines files" from the Scheduled Tasks page (Admin > Maintenance > Scheduled Tasks > Fetch Simple Machines Files (check the "Run Now" checkbox and click the "Run Now" button)).

    If you use older versions of SMF, you can upgrade directly to 2.0.13 from whichever version you are currently using by using the "full upgrade" archive from the downloads page. Be aware that using this upgrade method will require you to reinstall any customizations that you have added to your forum, so if you are running a version of the 2.0.x series, it is recommended that you apply the successive patches instead of using the full upgrade.
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    Breathe 🌊
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    lisa srry ma;;am
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    Senior Member Poopalew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desolation View Post
    lisa srry ma;;am
    lisas womb is barren
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    Senior Member Goodtouch MyDaughter's Avatar
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    I'll miss you ;_;
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopalew View Post
    lisas womb is barren
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    poopalew's new avatar is fucking perfect by the way
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopalew View Post
    lisas womb is barren
    He's getting stronger, I can picture skynet dishing out mad burns and taunts on a personal level when it finally takes over, using a vast database of personal information to bother people
    *call centre crew*
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    *get abused for a living crew*
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    poopalew will become mechaflaggercat
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    Flagercats legacy immortalized in a program
    *call centre crew*
    *hate talking to people crew*
    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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    Breathe 🌊
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    poopalew can go fuJCK JHIMSELF
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    flaggercat's cancer is barren
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    Senior Member Poopalew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    flaggercat's cancer is barren
    lisas womb is barren
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    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopalew View Post
    lisas womb is barren
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    Senior Member Poopalew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jazz View Post
    No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him.
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    fukc u fag0ta engage_enemy's Avatar
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    the shores of hell (africa)
    nice reddit spacing u fucking FAGGOT
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    dont' cum near me ewokmyweewok's Avatar
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    poopalew 7s proximo
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    what happened to poopalew
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    dont' cum near me ewokmyweewok's Avatar
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    poo was one of my best friehds a while back
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    that does not surprise me
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    Senior Member jessieQ's Avatar
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    How about standing up and organising your life properly Lisa and stop using the poor me card and abusive nature you've developed during your teens. A nice person will always have freinds and partners who are also good people. I hope one day you actually see the sense in what I'm saying. Don't look back at the past and drag it into your future. If you do, you won't have a future you will always be living in the past. Good luck. You can be a sensible woman and I not only saw that but also admired it.
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    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็ส็็็็็็ ็็็็็ Autistic Spectrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessieQ View Post
    How about standing up and organising your life properly Lisa and stop using the poor me card and abusive nature you've developed during your teens. A nice person will always have freinds and partners who are also good people. I hope one day you actually see the sense in what I'm saying. Don't look back at the past and drag it into your future. If you do, you won't have a future you will always be living in the past. Good luck. You can be a sensible woman and I not only saw that but also admired it.
    you got any nudes?
    I am the owner of
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessieQ View Post
    How about standing up and organising your life properly Lisa and stop using the poor me card and abusive nature you've developed during your teens. A nice person will always have freinds and partners who are also good people. I hope one day you actually see the sense in what I'm saying. Don't look back at the past and drag it into your future. If you do, you won't have a future you will always be living in the past. Good luck. You can be a sensible woman and I not only saw that but also admired it.
    how about stop fucking talking about lisa she hasn't posted here in months and it's been great fuck off
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    Senior Member jessieQ's Avatar
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    And the duck are you, you stupid lonely prick. Get a life weirdo
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    you have never made a post I gave even half a shit about, someone ban this retard
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    Senior Member jessieQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    you have never made a post I gave even half a shit about, someone ban this retard

    They should get rid of you altogether. I've watched this forum for years and posted and all you do is degrade people like you are someone special. It wouldn't be hard for the mods to check everything you've ever said on here.
    . Calling women slits, where's and mental patients as well as calling people child molesters and faggots and just about every other bad name one can possibly think of. The truth is you are what you call others Retard.
    Last edited by jessieQ; 11-02-2018 at 06:21 PM.
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monde is a whiney fuck