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  1. Collapse Details
    its just wiqqrs and niqqrs commiting all the crime 
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    “virtually eliminate immigration detention.” And, oh, by the way, illegals can access “free” health care. “That is tantamount to declaring publicly that we have open borders. That is unworkable, unwise, and does not have the support of a majority of American people or the Congress. And if we had such a policy, instead of 100,000 apprehensions a month, it will be multiples of that.”

    Those remarks weren’t commentary from the Democrats’ favorite immigration bogeyman, President Donald Trump. Those were the words of former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who worked for Barack Obama.
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  2. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    i'm not opposed to a path to citizenship for current aliens but this is a real issue not a fantasy
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Hey monde how is donald trump supposed to have a successful ICE raid and start mass deporting if all the aliens are hiding in sanctuary cities that refuse to work with law enforcement?
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  5. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    we could do without 6 Billion retarded Brown turds on this planet

    exterminate! exterminate! exterminate!
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    the first time i dealt with these open borders types was when we stayed in israel at the time of max's bar mitzvah and there were all these young urban israeli hipster types holding up signs protesting the occupation of palestine. with all the war and terror cells around the world its pretty disturbing the amount of pressure from above and below for various forms of authoritarianism and its a sad day when jew turns on jew like that, don't you agree marco?
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  7. Collapse Details
    Rabbi Shekelstein
    king steveyos
    of course darling
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    its pretty disturbing the amount of pressure from above and below for various forms of authoritarianism
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    king steveyos
    let's talk about this on discord
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    what is lonnie going to fear irrationally once all the mexis have been sent to auchwitz
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    what is lonnie going to fear irrationally once all the mexis have been sent to auchwitz
    idk whats the nation below mexico?
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    its pretty disturbing the amount of pressure from above and below for various forms of authoritarianism
    The above and below are the calls for open borders and calls for mass deportation. Either way will cost u because there is no viable lolbertarian god candidates, only dems making absurd promises that will result in everyone taxes being hiked up or expansion of federal power in the direction of a police state

    What's rational is to solve the issue at its source by policing the border while passing merit based immigration reform that way we don't get a bunch of Steven Santiago or Muhammad yelles using loopholes to bring 100 family members with them so they can start leeching off the system- all because the democrats want a voting block of 3rd world immigrants and republicans are too pussy to be hardline cuz if they get called raycist it will hurt their reelection
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    what is lonnie going to fear irrationally once all the mexis have been sent to auchwitz
    Whats irrational is holding me to a double standard and considering yourself intellectually honest. Whats cringe is being a middle aged edge lord.
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Dumb and dumber whatever generation.... I wish I lived durring colonial times.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    What's irrational is fearing a bunch of lettuce pickers. What's cringy is trusting the government at all for any reason.
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    What's irrational is thinking there is no crime in mexico, what's cringy is being over the hill and acting this immature
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Anyway today is moving day, I no longer need to bicker in anticipation
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  18. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
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  19. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    marks ru Gay
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  20. Collapse Details
    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    What's irrational is thinking there is no crime in mexico, what's cringy is being over the hill and acting this immature
    keep saying the same exact thing repeatedly it'll probably get to me sooner or later
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    hola, como estas?

    *lonnie pisses himself*
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  22. Collapse Details
    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    Lonnie stop it, mexicans are our friends
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Wendy is of Mexican origin

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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    keep saying the same exact thing repeatedly it'll probably get to me sooner or later
    Likewise, I'm seriously developing an aversion to taco because your mean words
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  25. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    My godmother is Ecuadorian and I let an illegal give me a tattoo in my apartment in Spanish Harlem lololil
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    have you ever gotten a handjob from an ICE agent?

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  27. Collapse Details
    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    My godmother is Ecuadorian and I let an illegal give me a tattoo in my apartment in Spanish Harlem lololil
    then why are you afraid of mexicans
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    followup, if you're afraid of mexicans why do you insist on using my money to build a wall that won't work instead of buying a gun and defending yourself like a man, like a real deal human adult, not a walking talking vagina
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    im not and it will cost less in the long run
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    a gun is a one time cost of like $600 vs a wall that is going to cost millions plus regular maintenance like replacing the heads on the pikes on top
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