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    the word as it is by smooks (the mexican raged out guy) 
    #1 𝖠𝖽𝗆𝗂𝗇 internutt's Avatar
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    hey niggers
    have you killed yourselves yet
    bev sounds like the biggest kike
    and internutt is akike too
    no wonder you people act like horrid shit to each other
    pretty typical of slimey kikes
    also explains the lisa obsession
    Extremely typical of the average kike
    just a schizo fuck head
    goddamn I dont see how monde puts up with you people
    the worst part is how much of pussy you guys are
    again very typical for Jew kikes to be cowards
    but damn I didn't think you guys were such pussies too
    I thought you were edgy but I guess your just circle jerking faggots
    like now that I've heard your voices I actually don't like you as people anymore
    I know you don't care
    Becvause you dont care about anything
    or anyone
    that's why you spend your sad life online
    so have fun spending your sad life online thinking about how cool you are to the only other people who can tolerate you
    and thats the real truth
    you hang out here because the only people who will tolerate you are miserable shits like lisa
    and I know im right about all of this because I've seen it over and over
    youre really not special
    at all
    And I also know im right because nobody can actually reply to me
    nobody has anything to say
    they just fumble over their words and mumble while lookinga t the ground until someone says some stupid shit to distract them
    goddamn you people are actually really pathetic
    getting to know you was a waste of time
    also this is a lot of text but it didn't take very long to write out becvause I'm a fast typer because I'm better and smarter than yuou
    at least monde was cool
    the rest of you can actually just die in real life

    The joke is fucking old and not funny and people keep try harding with unfunny posts. I'm not asking or expecting the forum to change but goddamn most of you guys have seriously lost your touch and the time spent in this echo chamber only excascerbates it. It was funny at first, then mildly amusing, then annoying.

    Now it's just sad. Like actually, in real life, sad.

    "Why are you here?"

    Because this forum used to be funny as fuck, even just a year ago the quality of the posts were way better. And Ruby was still around though he posted infrequently. But with Ruby gone, the has been A listers losing their touch and discord autists invading the forum I just don't see the point. This isn't some "I'm leaving" post, and I don't regret my time here being entertained I'll probably still lurk around every now and then and maybe pop in with a post or two, just like all the other quality posters the spergs drove away.

    Welp, you finally got what you wanted for years, an elite club of spergs who rely entirely on Marvel studios grade reference humor and a little hugbox chat room where nobody actually likes each other and despite talking with them for over a decade you still don't actually know anything about who or what they really are. You won't even realize what you've done until it's too late and you find yourself 30 years crusty and spending 8 hours a day online, just like the person you spend all day mocking but inside wish they liked and accepted you.

    Last edited by Skooks; 1 Day Ago at 10:37 AM.

    Oh and shout out to Monde because he at least tries to keep his Lisa posts fresh (exactly like tim arbeu)

    Why would I want to be part of a race that's currently doing self genocide? Whites are nicer and more intelligent than most other races but that doesn't mean they can't also be braindead retards. I mean, just look at Lisa, she's white but definitely not a prime example of humanity. I just think brown countries suck and that's something pretty obvious to most people.

    Originally Posted by Wendy <3
    Do you also listen to mike Jackson, he was also a child molester

    Mike didn't do anything for real he's innocent.
    Sony had his doctor kill him so they could buy his licenses. Many are not aware that Jackson owned a lot of properties such as the Beatles

    Neverland ranch was a retreat for abused children, Micheal himself was horribly abused and saw other Hollywood kids going through the same. That's why the Jewish media slandered Micheal, because they are a bunch of pedo molesters who wanted to deflect from their crimes, people like Weinstein.

    "Kick me kike me don't you black or white me, Jew me sue me everybody do me, all I wanna say is that they don't really care about us"

    Mikey J was actually a good guy.

    Also I don't need your acceptance, I'm pretty sure everyone hates me except for Monde he doesn't seem to care either way and I'm just fine with that. I'm actually more upset with Lisa than anything because she's clogging up the forum with not funny posts and bringing people who are even more cringe try hard than me.

    Also c'mon, it's pretty obvious you guys try pretty hard. But that's why I like this place.

    As expected from an intellectual coward,no response no addressing our points, just mindlessly lashing out at everyone who won't slurp up your bullshit.

    Everyone on this forum seems to have something going on in their real life except you

    Be funny instead of just sad. It's obvious this forum is filled with sad and frustrated people, and that's okay but everyone at least tries to be funny except for you, you actually just act like a sperg who pushes everyone away. There is literally about 10 active posters on a dead forum and you don't seem to like any of them and as a result none of them like you.
    I mean Christ, internutt isn't as bad as you and he literally goes out of his way to be intentionally antagonistic.

    Why do you even bother?
    Last edited by Skooks; 5 Days Ago at 09:15 AM.

    Literally the reason this community doesn't accept people is because they are elitist spergs who don't talk to new people because they aren't as funny as they think and they have poor social skills. Just the cold hard facts. I mean, this is a dead forum with literally like 5 regular posters but certain users act like it's something elite club. It's not, it's a public shit posting forum.

    Like the whole A Lister thing I thought was sarcasm but they actually take it seriously? Like, just autistic can you be.

    Man fuck this noise, I'm starting my own club and no one is invited, especially the guy who makes the way too obvious "no one wants to join" joke.

    How do I use discord without installing a spyware app?

    One time I was at a bar with a friend and he complimented a black guys shirt who then told my friend to never talk to blacks because they might attack him for no reason. Remember around blacks don't relax.

    True story

    It's ironic how people like dp ajd internutt can be super nasty to me but I still think they are nicer than you Lisa

    I mean at least they are funny

    -----thread about me with double posting

    Internutt has been banned from over 190 forums

    Typical slimy Jews do nothing but spread lies and project their own inner hatred and self abhorrence, it's okay internutt we all know you constantly have a victim complex that's why you lash out like a typical little Jew boy. Probably just upset you were molested as a child which is very typical Jewish behaviour.

    Actually not even joking it explains why you like scat porn. What's up with Jews and their poop fetish? Is it related to how Jews have the highest rated of schizophrenia? Oh I guess you don't like these facts though so instead you're probably going to pretend to not care while making *yet another* thread about me.

    Do it faggot make ANOTHER thread about me while you keep telling is how little you totally don't care

    Im not even kidding why are Jews obsessed with poop jokes it's just creepy and weird

    Pretty safe assumption considering you keep a collection of poop porn on your PC, "as a joke", I'm sure.

    Just like Lisa does meth "as a joke".

    Also I am self-employed and mostly successful. I have my own mobile auto detailing businesses nothing crazy.

    America was 90%+ white until 1963 this is an indisputable fact.

    And you know what's really sad is Mexicans aren't that bad, Mexico used to be a nice place it has good people but they have lost their way.

    See what I mean, internutt is obsessed with me. But he'll still say he doesn't care and then he'll make another thread about me.

    This is what pisses me off about immigrants who act like their Homeland is anything more than a turd. Third worlders are cowards who abandoned their place of birth as soon as shit went sideways, cowards who ran away from their mess for someone else to pick up.

    Also again I never said I don't speak Spanish you need to stop assuming things about me.

    No habla much pero yo itendo mas. Yo viven en Tejas paras todos dias. I know how bad it is but I understand far better than I speak.

    You didn't answer my question.

    Also I'm not a pussy but I'll admit I don't feel comfortable visiting a country where riding the bus could get you killed. Just ask my cousin, he's been held up at gunpoint multiple times and seen the guy who did it just chilling on the streets but the thugs there own the police.

    Just beat off without porn

    Should specify it's the porn that's bad for your brain, not the fappin itself

    This is objectively incorrect. Do some research bro, porn is bad for your brain for real, it really screws up your endorphins. Monde will probably back me up on this, I'll be surprised if he doesn't.

    Google your brain on porn and look into mind geek. The porn industry itself admits it's bad for humanity but it's run by Jewish pedophiles and psychopath rapist's. Porn industry is fucking evil.

    Keep laughing while you jerk off to Jewish weapons. Besides, I'd rather be a stupid mutt than some slimy bug person from Asia.

    Beer taste like piss and anyone says otherwise is a fucking liar because they hate it too

    Ok Arthur I'll be real with you this one time. Nobody here cares about ytmnd anymore, it's a dead site. Ppl come here because they like the funny posts, and people don't like you because you are nf and cringe af.

    86 posts and I haven't laughed at a single one You're trying way too hard and coming from me that's bad.

    Discord is quite literally run by pedophile furries and I'm not even joking at all it's actually run by pedo furries who hang out and on fur forums talking about wearing diapers and eating poop.

    Internutt are you a mom or are you actually just some e-whore who lives off her tits because she's a talentless nobody

    I expect no response because we both know a truthful answer is too painful for you. At least I can be honest about myself.

    I'm not Italian what the fuck. My dad is Anglo with family background in Ireland and my mom is from Guatemala with them being 50/50 Spaniard and Native. Yeah, I'm 66% white faggots, probably more than most of you in reality.

    Also for some bizarre reason one of my cousins is 1/16th Japanese. Just one of them.

    Yeah I'm really starting to figure out who's who. Nutt is just some jobless e-thot that drifts by in life on her tits, that's only gonna last you until the age of 35 buddy. Lisa is a crazy Australian cat lady who spends too much time caved up in her house on the internet. Maks is probably in college, likely a younger user with mild autism but he's okay overall. Wendy is a quality poster but she still spends too much time online. Monde is probably the most stable and normal person here, he's a cool guy even though he mostly just tolerates me.

    The rest either don't post enough or don't matter.

    That shit is fucking disgusting. I don't know how they eat that shit. And why the fuck do they put chilli's in goddamn everything, even their fucking candy.

    You can't get a rise mutt, I hate beaner shitlets more than you.

    Zyklon-b is a pesticide for lice, it's terrible as a killing gas. The Holocaust was a lie perpetuated by Jews in order to subjugate the American populace and take over their government. In reality Hitler packed up the kikes and wanted them shipped out of the country because of all their bullshit degeneracy they brought during the Weimar Republic.

    I don't hate Lisa at all. I genuinely think she needs a break from the internet and should focus on her health and family relationships. And it's obvious to anyone who spends time here. Also nutt it's cute that you think you're A tier. Maybe C at best.
    I'm a 6'4 300 lb alpha male that was born to be worshiped. Everywhere I go people stop what they're doing and stare at me in total awe. Beta males come up to me left and right just to tell me how jacked I am and how awesome I look. Slaves and muscle worshipers can tribute me online for cam worship. I'm cocky as hell and love to dominate and humiliate beta males and slaves. Message me on Skype and tribute to see me on cam now. Submit to the ultimate ALPHA GOD now.
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    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    I bet one of his own kind stabbed him to death
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    I wish he would settle down and not be such a self loatber

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    👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽 root ghost's Avatar
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    interracial anime weed burning technical school
    am i supposed to read this? just neck yourself
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    #5 𝖠𝖽𝗆𝗂𝗇 internutt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by root ghost View Post
    am i supposed to read this? just neck yourself
    i would make a rootbeer sayings compilation but theyre not even laughable just sad. very sad!
    I'm a 6'4 300 lb alpha male that was born to be worshiped. Everywhere I go people stop what they're doing and stare at me in total awe. Beta males come up to me left and right just to tell me how jacked I am and how awesome I look. Slaves and muscle worshipers can tribute me online for cam worship. I'm cocky as hell and love to dominate and humiliate beta males and slaves. Message me on Skype and tribute to see me on cam now. Submit to the ultimate ALPHA GOD now.
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    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    You guys were mean to skookbeer and now he awayed forever
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    Senior Member DrHundos's Avatar
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    what a pussy lmao
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monde is a whiney fuck