Thread: poetry

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  1. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    At night

    A moon descends
    Shadows the forest
    With silver vetch

    u me 2
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Woman + Woman - E

    One room
    Quiet light

    The older one trembles
    The younger one does not hide her curiosity

    The older one hesitates
    Shame on her naked breast

    The younger one hungers for pleasure
    She waits

    In the cold room next door the
    Plays with the clouds on the empty bed

    On a lonely bench a lonely man dies

    u me 2
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  3. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    We were moonstruck and enjoyed every night
    in which he threw his silver shine around.
    Secrecy and silence were our friends and
    and hid our longing and desire when our silvery white flesh
    our silvery white flesh drove into each other.
    And sometimes red blood ran from your calf,
    that mingled with our flesh and made
    our love into a supper.

    u me 2
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  4. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Man + Man - C

    A room
    The older one desires silently
    The younger one smiles

    The younger one closes his eyes
    He waits

    The younger one says: I trust you!
    The older one smiles now too

    The woman behind the yellowed walls extinguishes the light
    The curtains rustle

    The silence swallows almost everything....

    u me 2
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  5. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    From you to me

    Is a dream from
    You to me
    A dream of
    Wetness, blood and sweat
    Flowed through my
    Black eyes
    Into my sea
    Of cluelessness
    Ran through my veins
    Like old wild wine
    Gone are the days of searching
    We are no longer alone

    u me 2
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  6. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Fantasy to go there

    Not a successful day, truly not
    Would have liked to take the one who did so nobly
    Snotty nose licked clean - if only what would have been
    What's the point, licked elsewhere too
    Just think of the skirt, the sinful short one
    From which legs protrude, suggesting stockings
    What else do you think - probably nothing else
    Underneath - well, not even a black triangle
    So clean & bright -, so distinguished, so elegant she did
    And yet so slippery her wit, for all that
    What she only tells me and yet does not do
    My hand did on her right - and onward
    I picked her up and put her there, where I was so hot
    A fire - and she made no bones about it
    Her grip spoke clearly, so I felt warm - there
    And dared a bold grip - underneath
    Stockings indeed, indeed only!
    And no soft triangle either, only wetness...
    She let me - and then came the kiss from her
    That spoke of more, of further, to the - there
    But he lied, the kiss -; for when I then ventured forward
    To there, by seeing the two beauties -
    Who held back under their blouses until here -
    she interrupted what I was doing
    Kissed me again, wet on the mouth
    Said sweet things and laughed in my face, very noble
    That should be good, that should be it, for here -
    Not succeeded, no, truly not -
    I'd like to have her who did so nobly -

    u me 2
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  7. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Glass bead game in the head

    Come and hold me!
    Lie with me on the sand of thought
    And sing with me the sunset song.
    The waves caress our bare feet
    And travel with us home... home.
    Holding hands we ride, relaxed, like good wine.

    The light catches in us and makes us whole.
    Come and hold me!
    Lie with me on the sand of thought.
    I whisper to your heart visionary verses
    and seduce you to thoughtlessness!

    u me 2
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  8. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    I whip you, whip your soul.
    You know it's a moment of power.
    The blood that flows, that dries my lust
    And rhymes on my greed a house of hate.
    And sings to my lust a song of questions,
    And paints ballads full of fabulous vengeful blood .
    As long as I must forge verses laden with this rage,
    as long as you suffer, as long as you suffer...

    u me 2
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  9. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Dialogue with a face in a poem

    Love stands there made of stones full of hurt
    And indulgence. With my faults about? I read
    Brokenness, sadness and pain. Why so sad?
    I could comfort you! I could hold my heart to yours.
    I'd scrape your soul from the road and eat burgers
    With you in the canyons of Arizona.

    You write that you are blinded by these lies.
    the truth only in shadows. Creeping quietly along walls
    and the doubts of others melt you down.
    I could comfort you! I could hold my heart to yours.
    I'd scrape your soul from the street and eat burgers
    With you in the canyons of Arizona.

    You ask for a hope, just tentatively, silently almost
    And that you want to keep looking, though hopelessly, yes,
    mortally wounded. Oh would you but open your eyes!
    I could comfort you! I could hold my heart to yours.
    I'd scrape your soul from the street and eat burgers
    With you in the canyons of Arizona.

    You feel like you're only alive because the fear of death is
    Is even stronger. What if the grief went on in dying?
    What if your painful longing were immortal?
    I could comfort you! I could hold my heart to yours.
    I would scrape your soul from the road and eat burgers
    With you in the canyons of Arizona.

    u me 2
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  10. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    In the ocean of dreams

    In the ocean of dreams, life is boundless.
    And longing builds a bridge through the waters
    Of lust.
    I can have all the women then, but they chase me
    A scream tears my nocturnal when I awake in fear
    I awake.

    u me 2
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  11. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Maja II.

    Leave out the comas! Laugh at me you breathless one.
    And aim deep inside me. Don't set any traps!
    Be afraid...

    u me 2
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  12. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    you say

    you say I should choose
    between you and her

    that's so cruel
    I love you both

    you want a decision
    but feelings are affected

    You won't win me this way
    You will lose everything

    u me 2
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  13. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    cold buffet

    between sandwiches
    I found you
    we stuffed the oodles
    of caviar and champagne
    and in our minds
    stark naked
    unfortunately we lost sight of each other
    before we reached the hotel

    u me 2
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  14. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    every day

    every day the same questions
    should i shave
    should I put cheese or ham on my bread?
    do i want some music
    which scarf fits to my shirt
    and - should I call you

    u me 2
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  15. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    What wind blows us to each other

    between light and dark, between morning and
    evening, blue hours last between eternities,
    between fields of stars, eons, tides of infinity,
    we meet at the salzufer of eternal silence,
    light-years of longing between our lips.
    stars fall down, waves blow away
    light breaks the shore between us..........

    good that it is useless to linger in the arms of the other.
    of the other. so it remains only under this sky
    of dreams, so it remains alive, edible,
    so a word remains a word and a kiss
    a kiss.

    we circle like eternals, tense our muscles and senses
    and still we lose ourselves, eternally silent, lightless with
    a hunch only of life... after all
    a hunch....

    u me 2
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  16. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    memories of tomorrow 1

    rolling balls of glass
    are not the messengers for those
    who descend from clouds
    and announce the end of the game

    u me 2
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  17. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    memories of tomorrow 1

    rolling balls of glass
    are not the messengers for those
    who descend from clouds
    and announce the end of the game

    u me 2
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  18. Collapse Details
    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    From dusk til dawn

    It was not a cockcrow that woke me today,
    but the rumble of the night gone by
    that vanished as soon as it discovered me
    and had to realize that I had woken up.
    A new morning that joined me,
    that threw itself with light to blind me,
    capitulates in the urge - so God reward -
    in the cry the crows send pain.
    The view prevents fog, and figures
    blur, become sick in the dull glow,
    Melancholy: the soul to manage
    Be released and lost in this being.
    Leisurely the day goes the way of the times
    defeated in the cycle of constant euphoria
    and swings in the infinity of the wide,
    of the great space that cradles us.
    The dawn holds the entry in the next hour
    and announces that the light, which was barely born,
    has now inflicted this wound
    in that the dark blue is chosen as the ruler.

    u me 2
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monde is a whiney fuck