Thread: Jokes

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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Two friends, Sam and Terry, are spending the day together. As they are walking home down an empty street, they find themselves at gunpoint with a mugger asking for their wallets. As they take out their wallets Sam says "One sec" He takes a 20 out of his wallet and gives it to Terry. "Here's the 20 I owe you".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    An elderly patient needs a heart transplant and discusses his options with his doctor. The doctor says "We have three possible donors. One is a young, healthy athlete. The second is a middle-aged businessman who never drank or smoked, and the third is an attorney who just died after practising law for 30 years". "I'll take the lawyer's heart" says the patient. "Why?" asks the doctor. The patient replies "It's never been used".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    At a recent software engineering management course in the US, the participants were given an awkward question to answer: "If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your team of programmers had been responsible for the flight control software, how many of you would disembark immediately?" Among the forest of raised hands, only one man sat motionless. When asked what he would do, he replied that he would be quite content to stay onboard. With his team's software, he said, the plane was unlikely to even taxi as far as the runway, let alone take off.
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    My gorgeous next-door neighbour is a beginner gardener. I asked her how it was going so far. She said "I can't get my tomatoes to turn red like yours. Any advice?" I said "Every morning expose yourself to the tomatoes and you'll see they'll start blushing red". After a week of watching her expose her beautiful body to the tomatoes, I went over and asked her. "Any luck with the tomatoes?" She said "Not yet, but the cucumbers are enormous".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Paddy thought his new girlfriend might be the one but after looking through her knicker drawer and finding a nurse's outfit, a French maid's outfit, and a police woman's uniform, he finally decided if she can't hold down a fuckin job, she's not for him.
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Three guys go to a ski lodge, and there aren't enough rooms, so they have to share a bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wakes up and says "I had this wild, vivid dream of getting a hand job!" The guy on the left wakes up, and unbelievably, he's had the same dream, too. Then the guy in the middle wakes up and says "That's funny, I dreamed I was skiing!"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    After a few years of marriage my wife said to me "Why don't you treat me like you used to do before we were married, when we were just going out together?" So the very next night I took her to the cinema, then on to a smart restaurant for a great meal and then I dropped her off at her parents!
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A man entered the bus, with both of his front pant pockets full of golf balls, and sat down next to a blonde. The blonde kept looking quizzically at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, after many such glances from her, he said "It's golf balls". The blonde continued to look at him thoughtfully and finally asked "Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    My dad wanted to be buried in a blue suit. When I got to the undertakers, he was wearing a green suit. I told him he had it wrong and my Father is to be buried in a blue suit. He apologised and asked me to come back in an hour. I got back and my father was laying there peacefully in a crisp blue suit. I said "That's amazing, who was the tailor who did it?" The undertaker said "I didn't use a tailor. I did it myself". I said "I can't thank you enough, how did you get a blue suit so quick? He said "You see the guy in the coffin over there? He had a blue suit on. So I swapped the heads".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A sprightly 101-year-old cattleman from once told a young female neighbour that the secret of living a long life was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on her oatmeal each morning. She did this religiously and lived to the ripe old age of 103. She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren, five great-great grandchildren... and a 40-foot HOLE where the crematorium used to be.
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    When asked for her occupation, a woman charged with a traffic violation said she was a school teacher. The judge rose from the bench. "Madam, I have waited years for a school teacher to appear before this court" he smiled with delight. "Now sit down at that table and write 'I will not pass through a red light' five hundred times!"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A man goes to the doctors for a check-up, the doctor says "You need to stop masturbating!" "Why?" asks the man. The doctor replies "Because I am trying to examine you!"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A husband and wife were down and out on their luck. The bills were piling up, they were past-due on the rent, and the fridge was empty. One night, over (what should have been) dinner, he said to her "Honey, I love you and our marriage is strong. I think the only way out of this mess is for you to start, well, selling yourself". She reluctantly agreed, so the next night, she took her "station" on the corner. Shortly after 2am, she came home, thoroughly exhausted. He said "Well... how much did you make tonight?" Beaming, she said "I made $101! I can stretch that to buy us food for a week!" "A hundred dollars... plus one?" he said, flustered. "Who's the bum who gave you the dollar?" She said "They ALL did!"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A young bloke goes for a job at sea. The captain asks "Have you any experience away at sea?" "No" the lad replies "but I'm honest!" The captain decides to take him on and they soon set sail. After three weeks at sea the lad is busy swabbing the decks when a big wave crashes over and sweeps the young bloke overboard. The first mate runs to the captain "Captain, captain, you know the young bloke we took on? The one who said he was honest? Well, the little bastard just fucked off with your mop!"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    I don't understand the point of lap dancing clubs. If I wanted a woman to take all my money and sexually frustrate me, I'd stay at home with the wife.
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A husband, wife and a son walk into an ice-cream shop. The dad says "I'll have a chocolate". The wife says "I'll have a vanilla". Then the dad slaps his son in the back of the head and says "What do you want, fat head?" The lady helping them says "Why did you hit him in the back of the head and call him fat head?" The husband says "There are three things in life a man wants. The first thing is a nice big truck. And you see that nice big truck sitting there, that's my truck! The second thing in life a man wants is a nice big house. You've seen that nice big house on top of the hill on the edge of town? That's my big house! The third thing in life a man wants is a nice tight pussy, and I had that until fat head came along!"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A dance teacher who had sex with two of his 15-year-old female pupils has been jailed for 4 years. I think that's unbelievable. A straight dance teacher?
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Just nearly talked my way out of a speeding ticket by telling the police woman she looked bloody stunning. Then I fucked up by saying "And that's not the drink talking either".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Two guys sat down for lunch in the office cafeteria. "Hey, whatever happened to Pete in payroll?" one asked. "He got this harebrained notion he was going to build a new kind of car" his co-worker replied. "How was he going to do it?" "He took an engine from a Pontiac, tires from a Chevy, seats from a Lincoln, hubcaps from a Caddy and, well, you get the idea".
    "So what did he end up with?" "Ten years in prison".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking in the city. When they see a house with the sign: "World's Prettiest Woman Contest". Snow White goes in and comes back out all happy, tiara on her head as a winner". They keep walking and see a gym with the sign: "World's Strongest Man Contest". Superman goes in and comes back out as a winner with a trophy in his hand and smiling. They keep walking when they see a house with a sign: "World's Greatest Liar Contest". Pinocchio goes in and comes out all beaten and a tear in his eye: "Who the fuck is Donald Trump?"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    I finally convinced my friend to get a COVID vaccination, but he doesn't want Moderna. He says "Just because she sang some good pop songs back in the 80's don't mean she knows how to make a vaccine!".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A man and a wife were in bed one morning when the wife said "I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed I was at a penis auction. Long penises were going for $100 and thick penises were going for $300". The husband asked "What would mine go for?" The wife replied "They were giving ones like yours away for free". The husband said "I also had a dream last night about an auction where they were selling juicy vaginas for $500 and tight vaginas for $1,000". "How about mine?" the wife asked and the husband replied "That was where they were holding the auction".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A blonde hurried into the hospital emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off.

    "How did this happen?" the emergency room doctor asked her. "Well, I was trying to commit suicide" the blonde replied.

    "What?" sputtered the doctor? "You tried to commit suicide by shooting off the tip of your finger?" "No, silly!" the blonde said. "First, I put the gun to my chest, and I thought 'I just paid $6,000 for these; I'm not shooting myself in the chest!"

    "So then?" asked the doctor. "Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought 'I just paid $3,000 to get my teeth straightened; I'm not shooting myself in the mouth!"

    "So, then?" "Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought 'This is going to make a loud noise, so I put my finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    It's 1945 and Hitler, having just killed himself, is standing in line at The Pearly Gates. There being a higher than usual number of dead at the time, the line is quite long and Hitler is getting rather impatient.

    Finally, he gets to the front of the queue and meets Saint Peter. "Name?" asks Saint Peter. "Adolf Hitler" replies Hitler. "Wait a minute" says Saint Peter "Not THE Adolf Hitler?" "Yes" replies Hitler. "As in the Fuhrer?" asks Saint Peter. "Yep, that's me" answers Hitler. "Oh, no" says Saint Peter "You caused the deaths of millions of people, it's straight to Hell for you!"

    Hitler, upset that he can't get in Heaven, demands to speak to Saint Peter's manager. "Alright" says Saint Peter "but he's just going to tell you the same thing I did". So, Saint Peter picks up the phone and calls for his supervisor.

    A few minutes later Jesus appears. "Everything okay, Pete?" asks Jesus "What's the problem?" "Well" says Saint Peter "It's Hitler here, he wants to be let into Heaven". "Hitler? Heaven?" asks Jesus "Not a chance. No, it's straight to Hell for him". "But Jesus" interjects Hitler "If you let me into Heaven, I'll award you the Iron Cross". "Iron Cross, eh?" says Jesus "I have always wanted one of those. Tell you what, I'll go ask the boss".

    So, Jesus goes to see God. "Dad, dad?" says Jesus "Hitler's at the Pearly Gates, he wants to be let into Heaven". " Hitler?" asks God "Are you mad, son? We can't let Hitler into Heaven". "But, dad" protests Jesus "he says if I let him in, he'll give me the Iron cross. "Iron cross?" asks God "What the hell do you want an iron cross for, you couldn't even carry the bloody wooden one".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A guy driving his pick-up truck towing a horse trailer, along the highway by the Pine Ridge, Reservation, in South Dakota, sees an elderly Lakota man on the side of the road. He stops his truck and asks the old man "Grandfather, would you like a ride into town?" The elderly Lakota man said "Yes, thank you, I would". So he gets in the truck, and down the road they go. After a few minutes of idle chit-chat, the elderly Lakota man asks "Do you have anything in the trailer?" The guy says "Why yes, as a matter of fact I do". "I just got a new horse for my wife". The elderly Lakota man, chuckled and said "Good trade".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    There were four Catholic women drinking coffee and having a discussion about their sons. The first woman says "My son is a priest, and people come up to him and say 'Hello Father'". The second woman says "Well my son is an Archbishop, people come up to him and say 'Hello, Your Grace'". The third woman says "Well my son is a Cardinal, they come up to him, kiss his ring and say 'Hello, Your Eminence". The fourth woman takes another sip of her coffee and says "Well my son is a male stripper. He's 6-foot tall, has blonde hair and blue eyes and when women see him, they say 'OH MY GOD!!'"
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A young woman buys a mirror at an antique shop from a gypsy, and hangs it on her bathroom door. One evening, while getting undressed, she playfully says "Mirror, mirror, on my door, make my bust line forty-four". Instantly, there is a brilliant flash of light, and her breasts grow to enormous proportions. Excitedly, she runs to tell her husband what happened, and in moments they both return. This time the husband crosses his fingers and says "Mirror, mirror on the door, make my penis touch the floor!" Again, there's a bright flash... and his legs fall off.
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A bunch of typical Aussie guys is sitting around a BBQ having a few beers. There is a dog that happens to be in the middle of the men and it is licking its balls. One of the men is looking and says wistfully "Jeez, I wish I could do that". The owner of the dog thinks for a few seconds then says "Ah... you better give it a pat first".
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    Playing doctors and nurses with the wife in the bedroom last night didn't go very well. Especially when I diagnosed her as clinically obese.
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    Senior Member bananadong's Avatar
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    A sergeant was addressing a squad of 20 and said "I have a nice easy job for the laziest man here. Put up your hand if you are the laziest". 19 men raised their hands, and the sergeant asked the other man "Why didn't you raise your hand?" The man replied "Too much trouble, sarge".
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monde is a whiney fuck