View Poll Results: Herp

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  • Herp "cag" and "jazz" (both accounts are the same loser)

    7 53.85%
  • Herp "biggaydolphin"

    8 61.54%
  • Herp marco aka "Epson" (again, this forum was always a lot better when he was herped, he's utter shit)

    9 69.23%
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  1. Collapse Details
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    Get this done for me, just do it for the forum's sake, these morons are just WAAAAY too stupid and shit posters with no life.

    Use your jon influence to get this done please and you will be saving the forum from being a no-life pathetic loser fest, we need a haven from losers like that, just one fucking section where those fucking shit posting losers can post about whoever they are jealous of constantly AWAY from the good posters.

    This is fucking tedious. Get this done for me Caggles and the kudos is all yours.
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    Look there are people who when they post activity increases and people who when they post activity decreases because literally anyone who isn't a retarded no-life fucking loser leaves and does not want to post with said fucking loser.

    The people I listed are not activity increasers, in fact quite the opposite, you are losing good members in favor of these couple of losers who do nothing and contribute nothing but their jealous pathetic obsession with better posters than them. If I graphed forum activity it would spike when someone like me is here and it dives to buggery and being dead with people like I listed, the biggest dip your forum had was releasing marco by the way, that really made a lot of good posters leave because no-one wants to be seen posting with losers like this man. Nor will you see the decent posters posting here while you are having this retarded loser fest.

    Just get it done ruby you retarded bitch ass.

    I on the other hand increase activity
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    ... why don't you go away to the Outback and die?
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    i'm the last to leave

    I was literally going to turn your. Forum around ruby you dumb fuck, there were a whole heap of old posters lined up ready to return if you got this right

    But you didn't

    Now you are going to be left with these couple of fucking losers I listed who nobody wants to post with and who contribute jothing but pathetic loser jealous no-life desperate trolling of people who are actually decent posters here ruby

    You're not going to see anyone else whinge about this but you're a fucking idiot and if you can't tell the difference between a dumb pathetic loser and a decent fucking person who actually just wants somewhere decent to post that isn't already ruined and trolled to loserdom by a couple of losers who nobody postsabout, nobody is interested in and nobody wants to post with.

    this is your decision ruby but frankly you have to be dumb as dog shit to have done what you have done here, I had old decent members just waiting for a message from me to come back if I got this forum back to goodness but frankly in spite of ALL my efforts and everything lined up on a fucking silver platter you dumb fuck ruby you STILL managed to just turn around and shoot your forum in the foot.

    Fuck you loser.

    Enjoy pages and pages of clarissa and marco because no-one else is comming back for you dipshit, you need to do the right thing by GOOD people you dumb fuck and you haven't.

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  5. Collapse Details
    urkles girlfriend
    king steveyos
    jon is asleep. i stayed up late to play smite.
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  6. Collapse Details
    I <3 people who hand me $ cag's Avatar
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    greg blake's ass needs a tampon
    Quote Originally Posted by Caggles View Post
    jon is asleep. i stayed up late to play smite.
    Ask jon to move lisa into her own section (SUN), there she can bring all these imaginary friends to post with her, kinda like her own Lisaterium.

    This stupid bitch keeps flooding this site with her pure bullshit rubbish. She is bat shit insane.
    Quote Originally Posted by cag View Post
    No stevie i am a woman of honor
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  7. Collapse Details
    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    Lots of continuous crybaby posting by a mentally ill welfare lady
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caggles View Post
    jon is asleep. i stayed up late to play smite.
    No worries. Can you work your magic later when he's all rested and in a good mood?

    This forum can't function or go anywhere with those losers, I can't make this better if ruby just keeps shooting this forum in the foot and I'm sick of being angry at ruby because he's fucking oblivious.

    like you know, I just want the ones that post whatever they like to be able to without a couple of wanton losers who contribute nothing here ruining this forum for everyone who has ever been a decent person and poster. If ruby had actually done his part instead of shooting this forum in the foot it would be swinging right now but instead this is what is happening, I can't keep working with such retardation. I can't live with how utterly stupid, pathetic and what losers some people are, I can't live with adults that are literally this stupid, I just can't.

    It's not even like I can just make my own forum that is better (because I actually can make a better fucking forum) because some fucking retard loser like teknorat will come and post naked kids on it and just OMG I can't deal with how god damn dumb and pathetic losers some people are.

    I had so much lined up but ruby just couldn't get on board, he must hate good people and posters and this forum, that's the only explanation. But fuck ruby, if he can't do this right and never has any idea what's going on and pandering to codys then wtf does he expect? His forum will literally be dead, and no offense to you clarissa because you're ok but the ass sniffing no-lives will not be posting when whoever their no-life loser world revolves around stops posting and they literally have no life or any qualities about themselves to post about so that will stop and sadly it will be just you posting with marco desperately following you around, hell even maks will stop posting aside from once every couple weeks making a topic about how dead the forum is, stevey... I don't know what the fuck stevey will do but he will go along with whatever.
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 08-15-2015 at 11:00 PM.
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  9. Collapse Details
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    Just ONE fucking god damn section, get ONE god damn fucking section right

    IF those fuckheads have anything anyone is interested in posting with and people who want to actually read their posts and post with them by all means let that happen in any of the other sections but it WON'T happen because they are literally utterly shit posting losers.

    Give me ONE god damn fucking section and do it rightbplease, if you don't the whole forum is for shit. Just for shit because ruby couldn't muster enough wherewithal to manage ONE fucking section of a forum right and work with actually decent people and good posters about it, no, he had to just shoot it in the foot and admin cody or some retard fucking bullshit.

    Those 3 people (4 accounts) relegated to any other fuckimg section, hell all other fucking section but I DEMAND that my brokebitch dickwad section be saved from FUCKING LOSERS in spite of ruby apparently not being able to tell the difference between a pathetic fucking loser and a decent person and good poster wanting to use his forum. Fuck you ruby you moron. Ugh, just mod me you fucking idiot, you fucked everything up and have NO IDEA wtf is going on.
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  10. Collapse Details
    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็ส็็็็็็ ็็็็็ Autistic Spectrum's Avatar
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    stop calling threads topics and stop everything else you are doing
    I am the owner of
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    Quote Originally Posted by Autistic Spectrum View Post
    stop calling threads topics and stop everything else you are doing
    i'm not doing anything

    You just don't worry your rough little mug about it bubble

    Let Mr. Lisa fix this.

    You are either with me dp or you are stuck with what will be left and you will not even be here.

    Look, nobody worry about my dp here, he will be wherever I am, the autism is strong with him.


    I want my brokebitch section FIXED to rock. I have run out of will and patience with you fucking idiots.

    my only hope is Clarissa right now because you males are DUMB AS FUCK.
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    That's already 6 voters


    not everyone is a losers ass sheeple, I have so much more in the wings but which one of you retard loser dumb fucks wants to post with losers like that instead? Even old good posters will come out of the woodwork if you stop being a fucking loser about this and stop ruining the fucking forum. Don't fucking blame me when I'm the only one with the balls to tell you and I'm fucking well right.
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    i'm still going to be right even if you fuck YOURSELF on this.


    And I'll still call you an idiot because you keep being one.... lest you actually stop being one but if this isn't done you will literally be placing yourself in that exact same caliber of loser. I will NEVER be on that level. At least you have a choice though, my only choice is to leave you for dead with a couple of life sucking losers because you have no god damn fucking discernment.

    I need to stop because you aren't even being good enough to deserve my posts because even my angry posts are better than a loser post and don't get it wrong dipshit, yeah this can be funny and entertaining, you aren't privy to some fucking joke I don't know about my posts you fucking loser, but in spite of the fact my posts rock and this is funny shit I'm not even joking you're wit just can't keep up, also I will not entretain you with ANYTHING unless you start doing the god damn right thing by this forum so that I personally do not have to post in a shit hole with just a couple of fucking losers who no-one else wants to hang out with and post.

    if they actually have followers they will rock another section but they won't because they aten't good people like me and other good posters, they are actually fucking losers and this is what you are choosing.

    just fuck off the losers and let people be themfuckingselves and post what they like, the ass sniffing losers can do the same in another section but do a search on their posts, they are contributing NOTHING, people have left because this whole forum looks like a couple of pathetic losers due literally to a couple of pathetic losers and if you EVER blame ME EVER again for these no-life fucking losers posting about me then you are as god damn DUMB AS DOG SHIT. Anyone posting about you? Fuck off.

    herp these pieces of shit FFS, I am holding YOU personally responsible for this forum being SHIT AND DEAD if you do not.


    Even my quitting topics are rocking better than your lame ass retard shit.

    I swear to god one of these posts is my last! I do NOT want to be seen with losers like this.
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 08-16-2015 at 01:49 AM.
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  14. Collapse Details
    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    Nobody is gonna read any of your long winded posts you stupid bitch. Fuck off to your other forum(s) that you constantly brag about being a member of, or were the admins there smart enough to remove a mentally unstable member from their site unlike here?
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    Senior Member Ruby's Wife's Sister's Avatar
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    lisa i come to rubynet once a year and everytime i do you are having one of these meltdowns you are the same age as my mom and it scares me kinda cag is a nice lady she was always v nice to me and shes pretty and knows how to apply eyeliner very well
    ~*~*~*~ RABBITS AND CHEETAH 4 LIFE!!!! ~*~*~*~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruby's Wife's Sister View Post
    lisa i come to rubynet once a year and everytime i do you are having one of these meltdowns you are the same age as my mom and it scares me kinda cag is a nice lady she was always v nice to me and shes pretty and knows how to apply eyeliner very well
    Yeah well why are you trying to tell me anything?

    the account "cag" is not the same person as the account "caggles"

    I tell you what scares me more than anything, vacant brained bitches who think they have a clue about anything or anyone.

    I don't care if you are vapid and don't have much between the ears but at least be a nice girl if you are and I'd suggest keeping your nose out of stuff you actually have no idea about.

    i do not sink to the pathetic levels the people I am referring to do, as you said yourself you come here maybe once a year and you have no idea who is who or what any of this about so I'd thank you if you want to interact with me the once a year you actually come here and contribute anything that you go find something with a little mroe substance than eyeliner as a subject to attempt to tackle with me in my own threads.

    You may very well be comming back next year to nothing and no-one to read your vapid posts.

    Now, you may actually find my words a little harsh to you but that be because unlike you my words actually have substance and meaning,YOUR posts aren't actually any nicer, they just lack the meaning and substance, you don't know me, you don't know what is going on here shit you don't even know who "cag" is let alone if they wear eyeliner you fucking moron because "cag" is not clarissa you fucking idiot. "Caggles" is Clarissa and frankly how any bitch does her eyeliner is NOT something any bitch should posting to a bitch like me.

    Go and enjoy your netflix toots (I'm watching shows with my imaginary boyfriend) and just hope the loser brigade gets herped so that next year when you come to make a post about eyeliner and netflix there might actually be people here to read that vapid shit....but let's face it what is there to read in any event?

    have a nice day and say thanks to me that someone actually gave you the time of day
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 08-16-2015 at 04:12 AM.
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    I'm 36

    i have no idea how old you think you are but I've taught 5 year olds with more wherewithal
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    And I mean you don't even know who is who and who the people are on that list or why they are on that list or what has happened in this forum or anything.

    When it comes to vapid bitch posting I really miss ramen, I mean ramen was an ACTUALLY nice chick, she wasn't a god damn fucking moron or pathetic, sure she wasn't a rocket scientist but that chick was cool. I could actually respect ramen. You have not earned that, you have not earned anything.
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    Senior Member Ruby's Wife's Sister's Avatar
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    lisa did you just learn the word vapid? you are using it a lot. all i am saying is i hardly ever come here but when i do you are throwing the same big dumb baby fit as the last time i was here and the time before and the time before that. i did not claim to know what was going on here on rubynet because i post like once a year get a grip. you are not even nice to me you have always been very mean to me i dont know why you act like you have been otherwise or that you replying to me is a gift this is the most narcissistic thing i ahve read since i was on obamas twitter the other week.
    ~*~*~*~ RABBITS AND CHEETAH 4 LIFE!!!! ~*~*~*~
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    Oh the word "vapid"? that strikes a chord does it?

    welp, I call a spade a spade and no appologies for that.

    Yep my giving you attention IS a gift.... Is there something wrong with YOUR topics? I mean other than the fact they are shit? not getting enough attention in YOUR topics ass sniffing vapid bitch?
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    And like I siad

    You have not earned any respect from me, oh you think I'm being mean? Welp I don't find you to be a particularly nice person. Vapid? yes. Nice? No.

    I never even make a pretense about being "nice", I see you TRY to make that pretense but you are not ACTUALLY nice or good so shove it you vapid moron.

    I'm busy being an actually honest and decent person to even bother with bullshit pretense of being "nice" when you are in fact NOT being nice at all.

    Not that I give two shits about you, you are not actually involved in this issue but I will still call it like I see with you bitch if you want to prance around being a pathetic little vapid nasty cunt in my threads and then try and talk about eyeliner like you somehow think that makes you a "nice" girl. It doesn't, it's just utter vapid rubbish and does not ACTUALLY nice make.
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 08-16-2015 at 04:25 AM.
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    no it doesnt strike a cord because tbh if i cared about what a middle aged woman who spent all her time here thought about me i would prob be p concerned about not only my confidence levels but also my mental health. yes my topics didnt get much attention but thats okay i still love rubynet people even though everyone here is pretty mean
    ~*~*~*~ RABBITS AND CHEETAH 4 LIFE!!!! ~*~*~*~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruby's Wife's Sister View Post
    no it doesnt strike a cord because tbh if i cared about what a middle aged woman who spent all her time here thought about me i would prob be p concerned about not only my confidence levels but also my mental health. yes my topics didnt get much attention but thats okay i still love rubynet people even though everyone here is pretty mean
    Look, I have no problem with you

    But you are NOT a "nice" person, you are in fact a vapid pathetic bitch. How old do you think you are by the way? You seem to think you are 13 years old? what? How old are you?

    I require actual substance from you if you want my respect, not this fucking rubbish.

    I also generally hate stupid bitches who try and tell everyone they are "nice" and have a vapid fake surface with actually no actual niceness to it. I will take direct brutal blunt and honest truth anyday over that pathetic junior school shit, how old are you claiming you are again? THAT earns respect, this bullshit of you prancing around being a nasty vapid little cunt and trying to pass it off as being "nice" and that everyone else is mean? well I suggest you take that out of MY topics, I never have been and never will be that kind of pathetic shallow fake vapid woman... you ARE a grown ass woman aren't you? because you seem to be trying to act like a 12 year old girl or something but it's gross on you because you are a full grown adult woman no?

    Go to your own topics, you'll be safe there from "mean" people (who incidently are actually nicer than you because they can afford the respect of being honest), you should be safe there from almost everyone but don't you EVER get your pathetic little tard ass on one of my bandwagons because I will shove you the fuck off.

    You may retreat now.
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 08-16-2015 at 04:36 AM.
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    Senior Member Ruby's Wife's Sister's Avatar
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    lisa i have made 300 posts here over half of which i was claiming to be half pinoy half black i dont think that is enough to give you a proper analysis of my character or lack of "niceness". i simply stated that you pull this shit everytime i've stopped in to check on my sweet rubynet pals, i think the sliver of behaviour i have witnessed from you here is proof enough that perhaps you're the one still acting out your junior high fantasies. you are 4 years younger than my mom i am not joking i dont even believe you are a real person you are so nuts.
    ~*~*~*~ RABBITS AND CHEETAH 4 LIFE!!!! ~*~*~*~
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  25. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Ruby's Wife's Sister's Avatar
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    stop giving me bad rep omg
    ~*~*~*~ RABBITS AND CHEETAH 4 LIFE!!!! ~*~*~*~
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    I actually want you to be able to post whatever the fuck you want, you are not one of the offenders of dragging this forum to a shit hole but if you had any fucking clue at all you'd get on the right side of the bandwagon because while you pop in to prance around, call everyone mean while you try to tell everyone you are "nice" (but you're not, not at all) and whinge in the threads that are kicking the fuck out of your nothing bullshit ones I am actually trying to get rid of actual pieces of shit (for good fucking reason) and have this forum actually fucking decent so that even stupid bitches like you can have somehwre decent to post, at least one fucking section without the no life retard trolls who do nothing else but post about whoever they are obsessed with.

    And don't a stupid little cunt ever tell me about Clarissa who is actually the hope of getting this done because males are DUMB AS FUCK because unlike you Clarissa has earned her respect from me... and even then ask anyone at all, my respect is... well it's not even respectfull lol.... mind you it's actually more respect than YOU have for anything.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruby's Wife's Sister View Post
    stop giving me bad rep omg

    I gave you ONE rep comment in ONE of MY threads.

    Anything else would be probably maks LOL! (He would deny that though)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruby's Wife's Sister View Post
    lisa i have made 300 posts here over half of which i was claiming to be half pinoy half black i dont think that is enough to give you a proper analysis of my character or lack of "niceness". i simply stated that you pull this shit everytime i've stopped in to check on my sweet rubynet pals, i think the sliver of behaviour i have witnessed from you here is proof enough that perhaps you're the one still acting out your junior high fantasies. you are 4 years younger than my mom i am not joking i dont even believe you are a real person you are so nuts.
    I don't need much because I'm a LOT more switched on than you.

    Pull what "shit" exactly?

    Have threads that actually mean something, get replies and have substance?

    fuck off you moronic nasty cunt
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  29. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Ruby's Wife's Sister's Avatar
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    lisa you are the mean person here most people are kinda nice to me or just ignore me and thats fine you used a lot of swears in your post and you keep calling me names. i dont care about your respect this is an internet forum not compton ok its not going to save me from getting a cap in the ass. im not getting on your bandwagon because i dont care. i just pop in sometimes to say hi when i remember you guys and i thought it was v funny that you were still doing this. also men are not dumb as fuck im listening to haydn right now and he was a very gifted man.
    ~*~*~*~ RABBITS AND CHEETAH 4 LIFE!!!! ~*~*~*~
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    You still ahven't said how old you are claiming to be

    Spill it if you want to carry on about every other woman's age you nasty pathetic vapid fucking moron, how old are you? you ACT like you are 13 but you'r a full grown adult woman yes?

    Answer it you pathetic loser or GTFO
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monde is a whiney fuck