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    Dweezil Member boobz's Avatar
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    Balls deep inside ramen's asshole.
    weed beats opiates. I've done opiates once ever and it wasn't "dizzying" it was just shit.
    weed is cheaper.
    weed is more readily available in any country in the world.
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    i bet youre pretending youre joking when you're probably actually straight edge or w/e
    fag, i bet you're in college too
    "i identify with whiney counter culture but i was too much of a bitch to pick up the drug habit said culture suggested"
    i dont listen to straight edge music but i dont do drugs or smoke ciagrettes or have sex (not by choice i just cant get laid fml)

    sometimes i drink a little so no im not straight edge
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    lol gettin' replies gettin' replies
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    even the trees fucking sting you to death in australia you dont even gotta touch em you can just be downwind of the fucking things. everything organic in australia is incredibly harmful if not outright deadly (excluding one trumpet fag)
    that alone keeps australia 3rd-fucking world, not to mention its the strictest nanny-state on the planet i hear you can only buy G-rated games in australia now no matter your age or something
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 03-05-2012 at 06:25 AM.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    i dont listen to straight edge music but i dont do drugs or smoke ciagrettes or have sex (not by choice i just cant get laid fml)

    sometimes i drink a little so no im not straight edge
    youve never tried any mind altering substance beyond alcohol? at this point you probably wouldnt enjoy it
    but everyone should at least do a little grass in their life, it's the loeast-likely substance to addict you and the easiest addictive substance to kick
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    everyone should do drugs unless they havent yet are over 30 and really bright
    drugs + deep math and science are a fast-track to the fuckin flight deck at the state hospital for life
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    this is next drug im putting myself on
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Friendly reminder: Australia has banned trumpets
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    waiting for more australia is the best country in the world statistics from the aussie aspy crew
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by some stupid shit that is raging barryshithead
    Australian are very rude and have very little culture. They are blunt and arrogant because they have no concept of decorum. You will never be apart of their group if you don't swear, drink, fart, go for a football team, have an view about any other race. Australians seem to think they are the be all and end all of human existence, yet their history is completely based on criminal back grounds.
    They did not achieve much in the way of history, there was construction of great monuments, no invention that could be said to change the course of the human race or any kind of achievement that shaped the world as we know it.
    It is very clear that most of the achievements that Australia has was done by immigrants and even they are poisoned by the Aussie mentality. As help from one of them to assist someone from a non English background to better them selves. Ask them to show you how to fit in or learn the work they do. All you will receive is criticism, put downs or comments like "Its not my responsibility to teach you how to do it". Or what were you taught in your country.
    Never are you praised for good work thats up to you to do. They are short fused poorly cultured people who have no idea or care about other cultures.
    We are seeing a new era where there are more ethnic backgrounds then white Australians who are absorbing their mentality. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    you reap what you sew, bro. better get on your tractor and get out the needle and thread.
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    I used to have this romantic notion that Australians were fun, laid back and interesting, but after meeting a lot of them over the years I have come to a very different conclusion. They are incredibly irreverent, obnoxious, viciously anti-american and annoyingly self-absorbed with their country. I've wondered if it was just bad luck (over and over again). My British pals have told me that it's sort of common knowledge that Australians are, sorry to say, annoying xenophobes.

    Their anti-americanism goes way before Bush came around. When they get started talking about the US they are so sneering, smirking and cocky. It's almost visceral. They also like to throw around that the US is a racist country-- an interesting accusation from a country that is 90% white and has an immigration policy to keep it that way. Nice little eugenics experiment down there.

    They claim that they dislike Americans because they are so stupid, which is why most of the top 10 universities in the world are in the US. The last time I looked, merely one university in Australia made it into the top 30 list. Harvard isn't in Australia, nor is Yale, or Princeton, U Michigan, U Penn, UVA, Williams, MIT, U Chicago, Northwestern, etc.

    Needless to say, when I found out that sneering Julian Assange was Australian, I wasn't surpised at all.
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Interesting points. I'm an Australian who returned to Australia last year after seven years in East Asia. I must admit I was quite shocked and disappointed at what I returned to. Being Caucasian in East Asia I was a visible minority and all that entails - the sneers, racist remarks, belittling, but just as often warm, friendly interactions. During this time, I often had idealised visions of back home, it's true that Australia is a multicultural, cosmopolitan place at least in the major centres. My Dad would sometimes caution me on the phone saying things are quite as welcoming here as you perceive them to be.

    I understood exactly what he meant when I returned. I thought Australia would have gone over its lingering race issues and xenophobic undertones considering first generation immigrants account for close to 30% of the population. What I found was a more polarised and divisive society than the one I left. I returned with my then Korean girlfriend and we were subject to fairly frequent sneers, rude remarks and glares, I couldn't believe it was happening, this was 2010 for Christ's sake!

    Most of my friends and colleagues in East Asia were either Korean, North American or British or Irish, and my once broad Australian accent had modified into a hybrid accent which didn't sound particularly Australian, English, or American. I was often asked where I was from and occasionally heard sneers about being a yank or fob pom (fresh off the boat English person). My clothing tastes had changed whilst in Asia and along with the fact that I didn't like to wear worn, old, tasteless clothes, often heard slurs about my perceived sexuality. And this was in Sydney, the gay capital of the Southern hemisphere!

    The longer I've been back, the more I've adjusted or just ignored the dickhead bogans (white trash). Most people I identify with are either tourists, ex-pats, Australians of non-Anglo descent or well-traveled Australians. Unfortunately, ignorance is considered a virtue still for many Anglo-Australians and that trend doesn't seem to be going away anything soon. Mores the shame, the country is beautiful, it's a pity a lot of locals are still truly and proudly insular and narrow-minded.
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    typical muslim comment
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Im an Australian,and sad to say i completley agree with most of the posts on here. Ive travelled to 30 countries and i hate coming back here every time. Australians are the most spiteful,self centered bigots in this planet. Its funny,because Australia is the the only country that takes pride in its racism,thus why i am always seeing disgusting 'were full' badges on every single car down my bland,ugly Sydney surburban street. Thats another thing that riles me. Mnay of my friends dont have a passport,and claim they will nevr leave Australia because THEY KNOW its the best place in the world,and that everywhere else is some sort of third world country. Its ridiculous. Australia is uncultured,dry and rocky,with no ambitions in its job systems and the cities are some of the most vile in the world. Melbourne may be a good place to live,but is boring and hideous. I love the fact that Australians are on hear claiming 'Oh were lovely really' bla bla bla,as an Aussie born and bred,i can assure you we are not nice in anyway shape or form. As soon as my salary can support me,im leaving this country. I hope to live in the UK or Europe,and this is me being blunt,if anyone doesnt like my opinion,tough,im totally ashamed and fed up of my country,and i cant wait to leave permanently!!!
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    I agree with many of these posts.

    My parents moved here from the US, dragging me with them when I was too young to do anything about it and I hate it every day.

    Yes, there are nice people. On that note, maybe 5% of the population.

    The others are unspeakably rude, abrasive, despicable asshats. I warn other Americans to stay away!! The only people here I can relate to are those from another country or tourists. Those 'born and bred' for generations astound me every day with new lows I witness them reach.

    I can't wait to leave this place. Can't wait.

    And it is true about the men here and their complete ineptness with emotions. I'll never forget when my brother died and the only people who truly showed me empathy and compassion were friends and family overseas. My so called friends and acquaintances here treated me like a leper or someone with the plague. Empathy, and helping people with emotional problems seem to be foreign concepts here.

    I hate it. I can't wait to hold a one way plane ticket in my hand.
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    barry: cberry has tried to do what youre doing right now a while ago
    barry: i removed him and had him off my list for a few weeks before he started telling me hes sorry
    Camoron: so in other words you got raged
    Camoron: lol
    barry: not exactly
    barry: i just dont put up with bullshit
    barry: so if you want to continue ill be glad to remove you permanently
    barry: actually what am i saying im always being called a bluffer so why dont i put my words to action
    barry: removed
    Camoron: :(
    barry is now Offline.
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    just fyi so boobz doesnt rage i only did this shit to piss off barrypothead i am sure there are a couple of decent australians over there somewhere
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    ... snorting 500mg oxycodone two at a time...
    The pill bottle didnt say 500mg oxycodone, it said 500mg APAP aka Tylenol aka liver-buster
    It should've said like "oxycodone/APAP 5/500" or maybe "7.5/500", the first number is how much oxy you snorted.
    if you got hold of an older OC-80 and railed the whole 80mg oxy, then you would feel profoundly high
    I haent seen OC in years though and supposedly they put capsacin in it now so you can't snort it without injuring your nose

    Quote Originally Posted by lnopia the great View Post
    plug drugs mad because no one else shares an opiate addiction (for good reason)
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 03-06-2012 at 03:44 AM.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fjs wins again View Post
    united states of surveillance
    the money and freedom we waste on illegal surveillance PALES in comparison spent by UK, and soon France, Germany, Canada
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    anywhere from 1000-millions or more (i know a general figure but cant say it) man-hours wasted looking at gay nigger dick forums and shit in order to effect maybe a dozen drug busts and pedo busts each yeah, and maybe 1-2 terror busts, like those morons that tried to buy a stinger missle on craigslist not too far from me

    why dont they just read hackaday every day or other tech blogs or hell even totse, and make their own SAM or STS missiles, lazy stupid fucking terrorists
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 03-06-2012 at 03:53 AM.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    yeah, sucks hard to be a criminal. there's no law against watching people in public, as long as this thing stays constitutional and doesn't go looking through my windows I don't give a shit if they put thousands of them up there.
    what entitles you to choose who/what looks thru your windows when no such protection exists for me, you or anyone
    people (in america) have been arrested for being naked in their homes with nothing but a night-lite in the kitchen, but thats enough for some kid to trespass thru your lawn, see your wang thru the window while you gulp down the last of that qt of milk, then run home screaming to mommy and get you on the s/o registry (this really happened)
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 03-06-2012 at 04:03 AM.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boobz View Post
    Yeh they laugh at us for not having R18+ games (censored L4D2 etc) but when there's a drone flying over your weed stash you know shit is bad lmao
    yeah australia doesn't have any draconian drug laws at allllllll
    dumbass, they are even MORE strict about what you are allowed to put in your body there than in the US. Many countries are much less strict, but not yours boganface
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    these drones aren't going to be flying around everywhere or something taking pictures of you in your house to see what you're up to and create a dossier on you; they're probably going to be reserved for things like on-foot chases and car chases, because they're cheaper to fly than helicopters.

    If they were flying around like mosquitos, helicopters and aircraft would be bumping into them and shit..

    Still, better start training my rock-throwing arm just in case
    yeah that's destroying government property. you can't plead ignorance, and unless you're john fucking elway then the drone won't be close enough to you to hit with a rock or anything. Your only choice is to disable it with a hacked laserpointer (details on hackaday), then run, and leave the country.
    Actually best thing is just ignore it, if you think you are really the target.
    I'll never have to worry about drones. being "a fed", I do receive more surveillance than the typical person, but it's leg work and pavement art, nothing expensive. I just don't let it bother me. I'm one of the good guys. I avoid meeting new people. They don't care if I pop a pill sometimes. Not unless my job becomes obsolete one day, then they'll use the drugs as an excuse to fire me.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
    yeah women get raped en masse instead. they've been made "equal" to men by: removing all the handguns, duh
    How to immediately prove America is the best country:
    Your country gets invaded by America, then you don't have to worry about being mass murdered, raped, robbed, beaten, extorted, taken advantage of, (other than in some isolated incidents). No other country or civilization can claim this.
    Germans, Russians, did it en masse in WW2 along with any other beligierents with their own, ignored codes of war ethics and pretence to adhere to a Geneva convention. most other commonwealth & ex-commonwealth allies did a fair share too, but in almost every case involving an American soldier which could be easily proven, the American was sentenced to death by Court Martial. Some 40-50 isolated rapes & a few murders by our servicemen against either liberated/friendly women, or of women of occupied adverse powers, like Germany & Korea, led to hanging sentences by Court Martial. WW2 was the worst, but even by that age, it wasn't the end of spoils-of-war for other countries.

    I can't think of any war involving the USA (other than the American Civil War), in which the aftermath involved wholesale exploitation of the defeated adversary's civilians. But WW2 was a fucking Total War... americans today would be used as egg/sperm & organ mills, or maybe janitors by the Axis powers, and all of our wealth would be in Europe, had the Axis powers won (stupid ass Japan really had no chance, by itself, we killed many, many civilians by firebombing cities made from rice than were killed by the fission bombs). Instead we won and Germany and Japan and especially Italy are more powerful, yet generally contrite.

    When America defeats your contry in a war, we don't loot and steal outright, we just demand to build bases in your country, and also economically exploit your resource-rich, entrepreneur-poor supply of [resource]. It's not nearly as bad. In fact it's not bad at all if you actually think that our implementation of free-market economics is actually free.
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 03-06-2012 at 04:57 AM.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^etc god look at all this care from me here
    this place is at a momentary calm and actually decent maybe it'll stay that way ...
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    Quote Originally Posted by blumpkin blownuts View Post
    yeah australia doesn't have any draconian drug laws at allllllll
    dumbass, they are even MORE strict about what you are allowed to put in your body there than in the US. Many countries are much less strict, but not yours boganface
    this is exactly what i couldn't understand about boobz's argument. australia definitely limits freedoms much more than the US to the point where they're a point of ridicule in the media compared often to germany and singapore and even some middle eastern countries.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    ...They also like to throw around that the US is a racist country-- an interesting accusation...
    Wow I've met maybe one australian out of 20 that wasn't very racist (as in, not ironic-racist or pretend racist - like most ppl here) but there they hate blacks, aboriginals and maoris and are very serious and nasty with it
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monde is a whiney fuck