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    Generic Ruby DayZ Videos Thread #15: Sniping A Chopper Special Edition 
    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    good to see these threads havnt completely destroyed my forum cred since my computer thread did iron man 3 numbers so lets get this thread over with before my computer gets here and I can make another thread about it that gets 20 pages uh nothing happens in this thread other than I shoot down a helicopter with an AS-50 which isnt even interesting to watch but next weeks is actually funny I promise

    after loading in my favorite camping spot behind the counter and finding the game stole all my gear a hacker gave me I switch to a day time server since I cant night time operate without nvgs which was one of the only things I actually wanted to achieve in this game other than shooting people and there is a tense moment where there is a nigger in the room I loaded into and I can only see him through a sliver of a cracked open locker I've panned my camera into it was kinda like when Hostel accidentally became a well made film for a minute when the guy has a bag over his head and you can only see out of a little hole in it as hes trying to look around the room hes tied up in and hes looking back and fourth like hes the AI in a shit game or something so I can time it when hes gonna be looking away to pop out and scream FUCK YOU NIGGER WHITE POWER YOU FUCKING COON while blasting him and his corpse literally turns white in an attempt to escape my racism lmao and then some cheeky cunt tries to loot his body so I'm like HEY YOU THIEVING NIGGER THATS MY KILL and burst at him but he wont die because the servers being shitty so I have to run around and shoot him in the back and he starts waddling on the spot so I just leave him to unlag and appear back where I first shot him and fall over dead and then another guy comes in and I yell at him WELCOME TO THE SUPERMARKET M8 ENJOY OUR BARGAIN DEALS AND DYING while giving him a good pump full of lead but then the bullshit starts up where another guy runs in and I swear to hitler I put a lee enfield round in his head idk why I switched weapons since its better to pray and spray when in a building and then I put another one in his leg to no effect so this guy is definitely a hacker and I'm not just talking shit because EVERYONE IN THE SERVER GETS TELEPORTED TO ONE SPOT AND IM LIKE LET THE JIMMY RUSTLING COMMENCE AS EVERYONE STARTS KILLING EACH OTHER BUT OH I JUST HAD TO PICK UP THE LEE ENFIELD SO I CANT GET ANYONE UNTIL SOMEONE TAKES OUT MY LEGS SO ALL MY SHOTS HIT THE GROUND AND IM GETTING SO EXCITED MY CALL OF DUTY TRAINING TAKES OVER AND I START RELOADING MY LITERAL CLIP MID COMBAT BUT I MANAGE TO IRON SIGHTS AIM AT THIS NIGGER AND IT CREDITS ME WITH HIS DEATH AND I TRY TO GET ANOTHER GUY CRAWLING AWAY BUT I PASS OUT AND THERES JUST DEAD BODIES LITTERED EVERYWHERE welp this pretty much sums up what the game was like after about two months of being popular this was when the hacking got so over the top it wasnt just aimbots and wallhacks like in every other game ever made the hackers could teleport 20 people at once to the same spot and maybe if the dayz community wasnt so terrible we'd all just stand there looking at him like yeah now what but of course everyones a dickhead like me and starts mag dumping so of course in the weird limbo of multiplayer set up where everyone on the loading screens can talk to each other all these guys are yelling at each other and when I chip in I get called irish so [GLOW=purple]I let them know that america deserved 9/11, the dark knight rises shooting and pearl harbor[/GLOW] and they all have a Clap Out™ but as soon as I load in I'm teleported again without a gun so I just run for cover and manage to get away as everyone kills each other and the grey triangle graphical gliches start up and actually provide me cover I think this might actually be in the NEAF that I've never been to before without bullshit killing me and I actually manage to find an M16 but the triangles get so bad they literally start blotting out the sun so I cant see anyone to shoot lmao until I get teleported back to the runway and I manage to unload on a guy who seems mid logging out before I die but it doesnt register a kill in any way so whatever and then I manage to get an axe before being teleported again and I axe the fuck outta this girl and she topples over dead and for a while I thought this was a kill but after rewatching the footage she's clearly getting shot by someone else and you know how axe kills are I only hit her 3 times you have to axe someone 10 times for it to connect once and then I have a go at a guy with a fully-auto AS-50 with unlimited ammo lmao seems legit to me and then I get teleported again but no ones managed to get guns yet so we all just run away and then the hackers teleport us back together to mow us down themselves [GLOW=green]ah now I remember why I stopped playing for nine months lmao [/GLOW]

    lmao nice graphical glitches in the video preview image, and after getting literally hacked by hackers so much my game is so fucked up it spawns me in Stary Sobor which is in the middle of the map and fucking inside a house as in glitched inside the walls but thankfully I just kitty pryde that nigga and walk through the walls and I run around collecting weapons in case I get teleported to the thunderdome again but I dont need hackers to kill me the triangles and zombies have that covered absolutely fine lmao but at least I took a bunch of zombies with me that uh respawn infinitely

    after managing to find an AS-50 ontop of the tallest building in cherno tek tells me there's a chopper being flown around on the server hes on so I server jump over there like a hacker and there is a funny bit where I ask him if the name has a space in the server name and you can hear me impatiently snapping my fingers so he'll hurry up and respond since I can sense fun is only a click away but in this game it feels like a mile and he actually manages to kill one of the chopper crew when it lands but his m8s blast him with the choppers mini-gun and fly the fuck outta there but once I'm up there it comes back so I immediately open up on it and I have no idea how to do all the wind speed bullet drop scope range aspie bullshit so just mag dump 50 cals at as forward as I can aim so if the bullet instantly goes there it'll hit the chopper but if flight time exists in this game it'll still hit it by the time it gets there or whatever this dumb game thinks realism is and theres a cool shot where it swoops down past the tower as teknorat yells at me for not holding my load for longer as it were but they seem to be trying to have fun by circling around the tower strafing us with their mini-gun and bating us to shoot at them too bad triangles block out my screen whenever I look south so I can only shoot them 75% of the time lol and I managed to clip it right away and after a bunch of missing or not effecting it I cant tell which is which in this game I hit it again and it fucks it up so hard it just starts falling out of the sky and the pilot and gunner eject and parachute down and due to how shit the game is when one of them lands he has to sit there while his parachute does the animation for falling on the ground giving me enough time to snipe and kill him and [GLOW=orange]THE HELICOPTER CRASHES AND EXPLODES IN A HUGE MUSHROOM CLOUD[/GLOW] and then his m8 goes running past his dead body for some reason as if thats not the one place you know where not to go and me and tek open up on him but all he has is an m16 or something and I get him with my second sniper shot and tek is like [GLOW=yellow]OH MY FUCKING GOD RUBY YOU JUST SHOT DOWN DOWN A HELICOPTER AND KILLED THE TWO GUYS INSIDE AND I KILLED THEIR THIRD GUY ALREADY OH MY FUCKING GOD[/GLOW] and I get excited and start clapping like a seal lmao and then tek goes down to loot them and I ask him to take a pic of the wreckage but the australian retard doesnt have steam overlay hack like me so cant take screencaps so he just takes a photo of his screen with his phone lmao

    but when he comes back up and we blood slam I get my fucking head blown off by a sniper but at least I had fun for literally one minute

    and before I can get back up there to help teknorat tries to do some batman shit where he drops a smoke grenade to cover him looting my body to he can escape unharmed but of course the sniper thats getting us is probably too far away for the smoke to display but he can still see tek on the roof and murders him lmao thats what you get for trying to think with realism and use fun and inventive tactics but as soon as I get up there I get sniped too before I can get the epin loot I got from pro gamers up there on the last server and then after a nice big Walking Sim™ with Medium Banter™ to get back to cherno from elektro I climb back up the tallest building only to find that our bodies are gone so we take a little break

    in this video we actually dont do too shit and manage to operate successfully around cherno being good at sticking together and checking each others sixes until I run into a firestation and find two other gay lovers operating together but unfortunately for them I out operate them by immediately shooting one in the ballsack but his m8 gets me but tek comes back down the stairs and chases him out with bullets giving me enough time to wake up and bandage myself and get a blood tranny and tek tells me he'll look up the stairs in case he server hops up there and I'll watch the back door and I actually do for once coordinate well with someone and cover my area and blast the fuck outta this gayboy when he comes back in even though my bitch is shaking all about from pain and since he managed to wing me tek holds off the zombies as I bandage and I pick up a shotgun but its empty and consider taking a guys AKS-74U but I remember how shit it is and find a crossbow up the stairs I hold off the zombies with silently Daryl Dixon style but tek wants one of these dead guys Lee Enfields so lets me have his m16 and just as I'm taking it another guy comes in the back door I burst at but he legs it and I chase him around the firehouse and we have a badass gunfight where we're both wading to the side unloading at each other but I come out on top due to being pro and games and knowing to not bother aiming when hes like a meter away from me and just wave it in his general direction while hes trying to get a bead on my head or something retarded that might work in a well made game and then I take his MP5 so going through a lot of guns in this vid but then of course [GLOW=orange]the game disconnects us for having too much fun[/GLOW] so we have to find a new server that's trapped us in the stairwell with barbed wire but thankfully we can literally teleport through a wall thanks to a ladder and escape and then I illegitimately see two other gay lovers over a fence with third person running around so we head them off at the supermarket and they both funnel in through the gap in the wall so I unload my MP5 into them which they both survive due to realism but I can just run up to the wall and peak my camera over and as soon as I see one do some fiddling I come around and give him the last 10 rounds of my MP5 clip and tek flanks them from the front and gets the other guy and I presume he's dead but I see the cheeky cunt wake up and take his gun out three times if it wasnt for that BS he coulda got me but I give him a few revolver rounds in the head to keep him dead and then we have a nice wee fiddling about outside this supermarket getting owned by zombies since I can't be fucked putting the effort into aiming for these waggling about zombies heads lel but then another human shows up and unloads on tek and then the cheeky cunt uses call of duty tactics on me headglitching behind the supermarkets steps so he can get me and 90% of his body is behind cover with just his head and rifle poking over and then teks wife comes home and pegs him while I try and fail to have fun by shooting zombies with a shotgun but of course they'd rather jump out a window than play with me and the server kicks me for trying to have fun

    then later that day barry has found a busted up helicopter hidden on the lost island and sends me on a mission to find some glass to repair it so there is A LOT of running around aimlessly looking for loot that you always find when you dont want it but cant find it when you do and there is an interesting bit where I'm unarmed and I find a guy getting fucked up by zombies and actually bandage him and give him a blood transfusion and he says thank you a bunch and thats it it woulnda been cool if he had saved me from the woman who murdered me on the roof of the school but since good deeds are literally pointless it never helps me out then theres a nice little example of how gay the DayZ community is but thankfully barry arrives to discuss breaking bad and how skylar fucks ted (a year later and I still havnt finished season 5 lmao) and I manage to get a glock 18 and an M4 but not a sheet of fucking glass so better loot than I'd get any other time but I cant find the one shit loot I need and for some reason I thought it would be funny to leave in barry talking about IP6 for three minutes straight and since I cant find any glass in elektro I have to run to cherno and barry flies the chopper over there pissing fuel everywhere since if you're windows cracked then obviously you're fuel tanks leaking due to realism and I have to start server hopping just to find some glass and barry finds one of the three pieces we need and we joke about how the one other guy in the server probably has an AS-50 and is coming to shoot down our chopper AND THEN THAT LITERALLY HAPPENS but barrys pro piloting manages to save the chopper and get it away from cherno before the guy can land his second hit and down hiI'm guessing that guy was a hacker and just saw where the one other person on the server was and teleported himself to them with an AS-50 but thankfully he didnt have aimbot turned on so our chopper is safe and he lands it in a near by town and finds some glass and I finally find some on my server too so we're good to go and I just have to get out of cherno without getting rustled by zombies which is easier typed than done since every time I try to go through a building they pile in on me and I have to just mag dump the glock at them and then I can server hop back to barrys server

    after barry lands in a field and takes out the zombies after me with his door-gun we do some lovely fiddling about to put the glass on the chopper so barry can finally have a working chopper to fly that he has been trying to get for a week and losing sleep over it and tek told me he got one working the other day but the server reset and he lost it lmao and I get to have a wee ride in a chopper for the first time which I am glad I got to do legitimately since getting a working chopper is pretty much endgame and its fun to actually work for the cool things in video games and next week I have a hacking experience that basically ruined the game and I couldnt take anything seriously anymore after seeing how some people play it but for now we fly out to that construction site place those hackers had taken over since it has fuel tanks to fill up the chopper that'll now retain its fuel due to the magic of glass windows and we have a nice wee game of running back and fourth between the chopper and the fuel tanks filling up our jerry cans and putting it into the chopper for like half an hour while zombies bother us but thankfully due to realism zombies cant walk under the helicopters propellers so we're safe as long as we're next to it and once we fill it up we attempt to have some fun in a video game and shoot the zombies with the door-guns but the gayboys wont stay still so we go for a nice we chopper ride trying to find chopper crash sites for loot but the stupid triangles wont let us look at the ground so we go down to the south west corner of the map a few meters away from The Desert Of The Real where there is no map anymore to hide the chopper to play with later on but we decide that's not a good hiding place and barry flies across the coast to hide it back on the lost island and drops me off in elektro first so I can enjoy some call of duty death match games tomorrow which you can enjoy next week when some funny shit actually happens

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    king steveyos clay's Avatar
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    there seems to be a forum bug where locked threads arent showing up as locked. obviously thats the only reason there are to this
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    king steveyos
    not as good as juggling duck
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    Senior Member fanfare's Avatar
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    very good thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    and m0nde, wtf is he doing there rofl
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    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็ส็็็็็็ ็็็็็ Autistic Spectrum's Avatar
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    really could have used some stompleb style video's
    I am the owner of
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    it's getting annoying to constantly adjust the volume on my headphones up and down, tek doesn't record his stream and it doesn't come over loud enough
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    king steveyos
    my dayz videos are fine
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    king steveyos
    maybe ruby should send tek a mini tape recorder to record his voice on like he does for himself then tek can send it back and ruby can put the mini tape in his usb port and boom suddenl we're all set
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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    teknorat is australian so cant afford an external hd to record fraps onto, unstickying this thread since yours is way better

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    king steveyos
    don't worry mine is only better because I'm in it, when me and you make a let's play dayz together the entire internet gonna blow up
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
    it's getting annoying to constantly adjust the volume on my headphones up and down, tek doesn't record his stream and it doesn't come over loud enough
    why are you watching these, do u hate yourself lmao
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    king steveyos
    the problem is ruby is hilarious but he's teamed up people who are the opposite of hilarious (tek and tim) but I'm instalilng the arma 3 dayz now and I can assure you when me adn ruby play it's gonna be Magic
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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentleman Doli View Post
    ah yes, back when this thread had 3 replies, but now it has 13!!! whos laughing now?!!! (no one, if you want to laugh go to fjs)

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    king steveyos
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    i own the batman trilogy that scene is actually pretty good that's a hard fucking jump and he fails repeatedly

    fucking mi2 is bullshit
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    barry giving all kinds of incorrect information about how ethernet addresses work to ruby

    sorry i wasn't there to explain just how fucking wrong he is

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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    lol barry you landed a helicopter on a slope skids down AND nose down that's just fucking precious
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    king steveyos
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    king steveyos
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    jerry is the nickname allies (americans/british) used for the germans during ww2 and the germans invented those cans
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    for some reason I thought it would be funny to leave in barry talking about IP6 for three minutes straight
    and he wonders why i said he's never going to be hired

    the guy truly is a retard

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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    king steveyos
    jon did you get arma 3 dayz yet
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    ok yeah i rewatched it that scene is definitely bullshit, first of all, no free solo climber ever makes a fully dynamic leap when they're hundreds of feet above the deck, second, even if you were stupid enough to do that, and you landed it, but then started sliding down an incline like that, a little edge on the vertical surface at the bottom of the incline you're sliding down simply cannot be caught; it is physically impossible to stop yourself with only a few centimeters to put your fingertips on like that, the momentum of your whole body will just take the skin off them and keep going
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    who cares nobody knows what uoure talking about yiou freak lmao
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    and he wonders why i said he's never going to be hired

    the guy truly is a retard
    I tried to explain to him months ago that a mac address is not personally identifying information so it doesn't matter if it's integrated into the ipv6 address but he didn't listen
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    king steveyos
    I got arma 3 dayz working
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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
    i own the batman trilogy that scene is actually pretty good that's a hard fucking jump and he fails repeatedly

    fucking mi2 is bullshit
    why doesnt he just climb up the fucking rope they catch him with fuck tdkr

    Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
    jerry is the nickname allies (americans/british) used for the germans during ww2 and the germans invented those cans

    Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
    ok yeah i rewatched it that scene is definitely bullshit, first of all, no free solo climber ever makes a fully dynamic leap when they're hundreds of feet above the deck, second, even if you were stupid enough to do that, and you landed it, but then started sliding down an incline like that, a little edge on the vertical surface at the bottom of the incline you're sliding down simply cannot be caught; it is physically impossible to stop yourself with only a few centimeters to put your fingertips on like that, the momentum of your whole body will just take the skin off them and keep going
    tom cruise can do that because he released enough thetans

    Quote Originally Posted by steveyos View Post
    I got arma 3 dayz working
    me too, if anyone wants to play with us follow this video to have "fun" in the beta for a broken military sim turned into a broken walking sim and you can be in my videos of it that will get posted in porbably literally a years time

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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    I tried to explain to him months ago that a mac address is not personally identifying information so it doesn't matter if it's integrated into the ipv6 address but he didn't listen
    here is when he starts talking about it if you would like to humiliate barry and not have to watch my 999999 minutes of walking sim footage:

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monde is a whiney fuck