Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
I did not mean to hurt your feelings

I was trying to discuss stuff with you

you have asked me about personal stuff many times before and I thought with that in mind you'd be more open to discussing stuff about yourself

like I said in that post and in later posts I admire you and respect your intelligence... I was making those points to remind both of us what some of the frustration in communcation was, I was pissed off that you said I was idioting myself when I wasn't and was wanting to join in the conversation with you as you were the ONLY other one displaying any actual knowlege about the subject

and don;t you get all precious on me after everything you've done, giving out my PI and stuff... you know I adore you but don't you DARE have no respect for mine and then get all precious about yours
I dont know to say

My brain is shut down and my heart is stopping how gush did me