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    i only know this from reading (the word as it is by tim arbeu) 
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    every once in a while
    there is a familiarity in the words you speak so structured in a diabolic beauty, I feel like ive been on the same plain of existance in past years, an empty void filled with endless thoughts at the speed of light, everything is a blur yet anything you do wrong is stamped into your consionce, and no one can understand the agony it is to be living in such a consistent negative reality, I relate to the parts about reflecting onto things misinterpretting them as what they arent and feeling a world of grief as if your life was a trail of sin and selfishness, but in time the hollow feeling that pressed on my soul for almost half a year left swiftly once i ended marijuana abuse... that stuff can make you lose a grip, bring out anxiety, and fuck with your head more than you could ever imagine... i never thought it could do so much bad to you since soo many morons explained that it isnt bad for you at all when it actually brings out anxiety in many humans, yeah the start of its use was good but when it became a daily use it slowly creeped up an anxiety in me that i never experienced before and the most simple things can be scary in that matter, in reality you just need to stop any sort of drug use or alcohol use, and start a fitness/exercise routine and you will recover and feel like a new person all over again, that worked for me bike riding for long trips and i ended up coming out a better person than before, but i guess its cause you grow every step of your life and you really learn what is right and wrong.
    if you didnt write that plug drugs than i admit in advance i have been trolled.

    i used to think that a girl i loved could save me from my depression, but i found it within myself the strength i needed to become happy again, the source was marijuana and the cause was addiction, i learned a very important lesson that god doesnt exist, women cant work miracles(dont think someones selfish just because you dont get love in return its not like you can fall in love with someone and its instantly true love) and that i am the ONLY person i can truely rely on, ME!(the now happier, funnier, better than before barry)

    with love, let me explain that you may be very intelligent yet you currently in your state of mind cannot grasp the understanding that love is a very unique and intricate thing, I learned a lesson when for the first time a girl was VERY, VERY in love with me, she wouldnt leave me alone when i went out iwth her, she was all over me and i found it cute and i had a slight affection for her, but i didnt have enough space to breathe so i had to dump her because at that time i didnt think of sorting it out by explaining to her that she is being too strong on me(at this moment i think i want to find her again and work it right but that wont happen...)

    i found it annoying that someone was very in love with me, while on the other hand if im in deep love with someone else i do not find it that i am being too annoying or any of the sort i am less concious of my actions and if i dont think for one second(that was the past tho) i would make them feel cornered and/or trapped.
    you have to understand that you dont get what you always want in life and that you need to relax, chill out, be happy, and have patience as its the virtue that will leave you the time needed to find someone who is on an equal mind and has similar interests and looks accordingly to your unique taste.

    for myself i am picky and its hard to find someone i really like but when i do BANG i screw it up before im aware i always let them know i want them straight off the bat and some girls dig that sort of thing others take it as a compliment and socialise with me but hell nothings perfect.

    take note; being patient doesnt mean you WILL find someone, you actually have to Go Out! and party at clubs meet new people do lots of socialising all that sort of stuff. its like the lottery, if you want to find your match, if you go out an all, the more you do the more you increase your chances of finding someone equal, while if you sit at home and do nothing all day like internut, steveyos and ruby[and all of alol] then you wont find anyone and thats a sad thing to live with.

    cheer up bud just work out remeber this important rule ' NO EXERCISE IS NO GOOD ' remind yourself that if you never become phsyically active your body wont produce the chemicals you need to be a balanced person, and no exercise/activity can cause insomnia, and after you exercise / eat healthy you will find positive personal changes in yourself that you no longer need to rely on an intimate company to make you a wholesome person but you will have good well being within yourself and ONLY when you find peace within yourself will you find true happiness.
    god speed plug drugs, youre an good person.

    oh no a fucking abo joke can you be any more original i guess not thankyou for continuing this unfunny uninsulting rant about me being a race taht i am not thank you i will make long posts in retort for your amusement and so you will continue to believe that it is in effect and that you are adept at annoying people on the internet with repetition have a good night sleep you stupid bitch

    i thin kyoure just jealous you havnt got a compilated thread about your posting, maybe because you are too stupid to write a wall of text and your brain will overheat and you would have to live in a wheelchair, but atleast youll still be able to wear make up and be a retard

    you practice in the arts of shit threads you should also be banned(except that tim arbeu one thats a good one)

    okay mr paki you think youre so smart what if i told you you were wrong about me having aspergers just like how im a abo?

    s funny how you copy and paste all these writings on the internet you google about aspergers and you try to put it out that i am exactly as they say, you have not even analyzed me properly if you did you would have a different opinion on me, okay so its a trol lforum i can understand that you are going to repeat the same boring shit over and over, but you are very poor at understanding things on the internet just like how you claim i am, must i remind you that tone of voice and body language are 70% of communication and that you cannot interpret sarcasm and others of the sort just by text, in all seriousness you are soo fuckign ignorant its offensive to listen to your opinionated judgement you are a prick

    monde you remember when i tried to bullshit to you about how i think and you stopped for one second and fucking saw clarity over the fucking cloud of shit i presented over this entire time and you saw the truth for one split second and said to me on steam "wait a minute you are just like any other person" and then i reassured you that i am aspergers? lol, you fucking idiot you believe anything thrown at you, if i was you right now id say you dont understand anything you believe every lie you dont understand sarcasm and you dont understand the basics of social mechanics.
    okay you made me pissed off so i spilt the beans but fuck i am sick of your shit, i have enough money saved up to fly to your fucking shithole neighbourhood and stab you in the throat when the moon is in the sky, keep your stupid fucking shit to yourself you unfunny piece of shit.

    and now that i wrote paragraphs of text monde wins because i put more effort in then he did, thats how this forum works, the more effort you put into an arguement the more you suck and fail.

    im nothing like you, you fat waste of shit, you deny your gout which is truth and you have fuckign TERMINAL ILLNESS, die slowly you piece of shit, the motive behind my aspergers was that monde told me ruby had it so i was bored and said to ruby i had aspergers and ruby told monde that i told him that i have aspergers and now its all been leaked as if i was telling the truth, fucking fat shit, im not finding strength in denial im just sick of this shit fuck this forum you guys repeat the same stuff over and over i am sick to death of reading the same psots over and over NOTHING IS FUCKING FUNNY AT ALL you guys just keep posting the same shit its like this place is stuck in fucking TIME there is no moving forward there is not even moving backwards its just fucking FUCKED UP AND VULGUR i used to come here in seek of a cheap laugh and nothing anymore is even funny, the repetition of monde is whacked, aspergers apaprently repeat things over and over because its amusing to them, i dont repeat shit irl, monde told me once he does, so he has a sign that HE could fucking have aspergers, so why shouldnt he get his shit checked up fucking fat idiots the both of you and fuck this entire forum.

    a special fuck you to marks and internut you two are massive fags.

    enjoy this forum without me and i hope you notice how much i actually contribute, there is no one to blame but yourselves just burn in a hole filled with petrol and piss

    monde you are a dumb fuckin prick i bet you didnt even read any of that, your repetition of aspergers is so fucking sad i couldnt help it, the fact that you go through near to zero effort just googling shit about aspergers and trying to pin it on me is pathetic.
    listen here mate, aspergers can not explain who i am, go fuck yourself.

    i guess i can never get a serious answer out of you monde, because on this forum you pose, you try really, REALLY hard, you try to control all your posts just so you look good. fucking loser. go beg internut some more to go out with you because you are on the rebound by your own wife, you are a dead beat, you are having a mid life crysis and its clear you need to vent on other people itf. faggot clown.

    fuck off with the "you dont get it" shit and so on, you guys are bland as fuck, i could go talk to a bunch of tards on world of warcraft and get the same terrible results.

    there is never gonna be a change itf you faggots are gonna continue to stay in a time stasis and keep this shit as unfunny as possible. repetition is the key to being a "troll"(a complete anti social idiot).

    ive understood this whole time that you guys say i "dont understand this forum", i am "bad at english", and all this other shit like abo, you guys repeat the same exact lines soo many times just to get under someones skin, because its the only skills you guys have which most of you consider "trolling", anti social behavior of being a complete dickhead, yeah, ive done it before, and i can do it again, remember classic replies? i stopped and i havnt done it since because i realised how fucking lame it is.

    fuck you too dandada you are a retard. dandada hit me with a retort you gay nigger loving social misfit.

    monde you are becoming blander day by day. exotic curry results in a stronger taste.

    fool me once, shame on you, you fooled me once i cant get fooled again

    oh god im starting to relapse back to when i found out ruby was actually a guy

    u mad that your ass is going through the sensation of burning as your curry poo pours out like lava?

    doyles, its that knitting shit, looks like a table cloth or some shit, its stupid and useless as fuck, something your grandma would do to pass time at an old age

    he says anything and goes to any length to emotionally destroy an internet poster, i think he has a dark obsession with emotional pain or is a sadist, some people are just damaged from day one, theyre usually the ones who grew up fucked up from poor parenting, thats why you get people going out on a weekend consuming alcohol and bashing people, most of them are whacked, waste of a potential cum-shot idiot.
    its funny how you cant just go out and have fun without a worry in the world society is fucking lame in some ways.
    i wish i was a god, i would totally reveal myself and be like "im the admin you faggot you better not hit on your sister again or im gonna ban you"

    in the end of it "trolling" someone can lead to emotional pain, i mean, when you laugh, thats an emotion and about the violence thing its usually fags who were brought up by bigger fags who tried to change them as a child and used force to attempt to change their children which only made their children grow up trying to change other people and not accepting them for who they are and if someones different this faggots personality makes them instantly react inside with frustration and it can end up in a fight. no im not saying i am fucking righteous, or even remotely correct, i am just saying my opinion. i only have this opinion from reading.

    you will find throughout your life that there are some women you connect with on a level that you feel inside a deep desire to be their partner, you obviously dont meet enough to find one that i described, everyones personality connects with another intricately and unexplainably, you just have to give it a chance, trust me, love on first site, is an overlooked saying.

    yeah thanks for your supp-[ort.
    now i have nothing to do fuck all tonight and im talking to two friends on MSN and us 3 have nothing to do and 4 other friends are scattered at different house parties and theyre invites only and one of the guys on msn has a soccer game otmorrow so he wont drink and the other one wants to drink bourbon whilst graffitiing god all i have is jim beam and a dead useless computer besides IM. shit forum, useless, STOLEN WOW ACCOUNT, useless, RAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, shutup

    dude.............................i said to you on steam chat ages ago telling you that NS was a guy................and you already spilled the beans to me and i just played along saying ns was wendy............... and now youre being a faggot trying to turn it around and pretend that i didnt know? or are you that retarded and your memory is soo fucking shit that you have no idea what youve talked about to anyone? you really, really are a sociopath.

    you cant even appreciate irony, you must have aspergers

    yeah well, im not as dumb as you guys take me, its frustrating and rewarding at the same time, i dont know...sometimes i feel like steveyos :rage: I INSULTED MYSELF god .. why.. me? should of deleted this thread when i was mod

    fucking hell, why are you guys so bad at this? there is no formal communication here because you guys are shit in the face stupid, learn to cummunicate, fucking christ if you could only see how retarded some of the people are you would take back your sacrafice and tell everyone to get stuffed because there are too many retarded individuals alive, its drop dead whacked, im surrounded by incompetent retards, who think theyre right all fucking day, and then step back and act like they were "trolling" when they figure they are a fucking RETARD and were wrong.

    lol you edited my user name, gave me neg rep, and called me a liar because i said i didnt make any alts and said nsfw was down for good ugh there are so many things wrong about you.
    did you know nsfw went down and it seemd like it was permanent? and did you know i nevr made alts to post on yikers with? wow you are a really spiteful person you must hate yourself wait ill stop while im ahead i dont wanna make you rage out youre already over the top as it is
    you take everything so literal, and what? im an inferior race? an inferior race that you wanted to fuck? god damn youre retarded son.
    im pretty sure others would agree it was convincible that this forum was gone for good because of the way the database was stripped etc, fucking hell you are ignorant, i bet youre the kind of person to argue over who gets the bigger piece of pizza
    suck my dick faggot

    my guess is impulsive tendencies welcome to the startt of puberty fag
    you are regardless, you untouched classless fag
    im sensing that youre gonna reply some gay faggy unfunny not at all funny retort that doesnt even apply to me because you are a gay fag that doesnt have any other way of putting things suck a dick
    i only smoked pot fag, and wow i popped a few pills, my psychiatrist gave me a good explanation and i now know how to control myself more. just shutup, you arent anything special, why dont you come down here so i can kick your ass
    maybe you should one day learn that keeping your feelings locked away and voiding any chances of being emotionally hurt that you are only stunting yourself emotional connections with others that you never knew could exist.
    maybe if you gave a fucking shit about anything for guess is impulsive tendencies welcome to the startt of puberty fag
    you are regardless, you untouched classless fag
    im sensing that youre gonna reply some gay faggy unfunny not at all funny retort that doesnt even apply to me because you are a gay fag that doesnt have any other way of putting things suck a dick
    i only smoked pot fag, and wow i popped a few pills, my psychiatrist gave me a good explanation and i now know how to control myself more. just shutup, you arent anything special, why dont you come down here so i can kick your ass
    maybe you should one day learn that keeping your feelings locked away and voiding any chances of being emotionally hurt that you are only stunting yourself emotional connections with others that you never knew could exist.
    maybe if you gave a fucking shit about anything for once.

    im sick of this lemon talk not all men are the same not any one person is the same in all aspects one may have generic similarities but very well has a unique mind better at some things worse at others and slightly different brain waves do you understand science i guess not thats why youre unemployed go eat on a cows steaming hot pancake its vegan friendly

    science explains things religious morons cant. science is bigger than mankind itself. religion is just a way for the poor scummy unintelligent laborers to have hope.

    thats like asking "Durrr why does every human have a language" was developed over many thousands of years what else d oyou want did you know 1 in 10 people suffer from a disorder that makes them believe in spiritual things and every single fucking thing or action is "special" to them its because of a disorder and these people are gullable as fuck.
    and since these weak minded fools have had soo many thousands of years to survive natural selection theyve plagued the human species with an illusion that we are all created by some whack-job being that would be so cruel to create such a monstrosity called man kind.
    im pretty sure jesus was a bipolar disordered fool, weak minded, gullable, and he had used some sort of drugs, and beleived he was the son of god.
    did you know vikings of the medieval ages consumed psychadelic mushrooms ebfore the acts of war to self induce a psychotic rage and nolonger fear death to help them go berserk and defeat their enemies?...
    im pretty sure the drug crutching of mankind throughout this whole existence has had plenty of time to make very sick people come up with such bull, fucking SHIT. go fuck your religion up your fucking ass you fucking DUD

    your defensive measures are, instead of arguing, you try to make humor out of my post. good work. everyone does? THATS BRAIN WASH FOR YA. get fucking poisoned with this bullshit influence of "faith": since fucking birth and brain development.
    you DO know that a few experts believe being brought up with religion from day 1 can make you mentally unstable, right?.
    When You Experience Life, Everything that HAPPENS, EVERYTHING that REACTS to you, SHAPES YOUR COGNITION AND MENTAL HEALTH.

    you crutch on marijuana to stabalise your mood, that is not spiritually fulfilled.

    this poor excuse of a quick route explanation of how all came to be, actually did have a lot of affect on morals.
    order was around, but that doesnt mean the minorities were tollerated in the past, say if this forum was a tribe back in the cave man age, one of you, supposedly marks, would have clubbed me to death already and fed me to the dingosaurus
    and what if science finds out there isnt a god, will mankind lose its ambitions? will everyone just stop?

    then reaching for the sky, and love, will always be two undying obsessions of mankind correct?
    the paradox between man and woman will keep the challenge of love and the touch of another to always be meaningful, but what if that challenge is completely removed by change, will love still be an obsession of mankind?.
    and if we do somehow succeed in gaining the power of gods, what more would there be for us to do? i mean ive played god sims and when i become the complete power i get bored as fuck and quit, would other humans quit too? why do humans require a challenge...maybe its the only way to feel satisfied...these are some of the reasons i wish i could become a psychologist.

    well, if we're trying to FIND god, and god isnt looking for us, what do you think the chances are? if he is real think about how large the galaxy is...ffs

    ramen why would you post that here dont you have any respect for anyone? fucking crikey and who the fuck itf gives a shit enough to READ THAT FUCKING THING i read like the first line thats it fuck that sounds like some emo shit

    is it because, i used gay words such as emotionally destroy? im not gay, or emo, but in the end of it "trolling" someone can lead to emotional pain, i mean, when you laugh, thats an emotion, suck my dick you know what i mean faggot and dont lie, i can tell when youre lying(your sweat smells of curry) and about the violence thing its usually fags who were brought up by bigger fags who tried to change them as a child and used force to attempt to change their children which only made their children grow up trying to change other people and not accepting them for who they are and if someones different this faggots personality makes them instantly react inside with frustration and it can end up in a fight. no im not saying i am fucking righteous, or even remotely correct, i am just saying my opinion. i only have this opinion from reading.

    but i must admit that i have been pretending to be something im not itf this whole time.
    i never did accounting, i just searched it on the internet and copy pasted in threads some bullshit about it.
    i dont have medication, i just looked up anti-depressants and picked a brand at random.
    i never won anything on a scratchie, i just used paint to fake it.
    i dont live in sydney, i actually live in perth.
    i actually turned 17 this year, i was born in '92.
    i dont live with relatives, i live in a small house and i pay 3-ways with 2 room mates on the bills.
    i dont work at a charity, i work at a grocerystore called "woolworths".
    and i am actually part aboriginal, thats why it made me so mad, and my last name arbeu, is portuguese, but my father and his grandfather etc etc mixed with spanish and my decent is actually portuguese-spanish-aboriginal-german.
    so im an abo-spic-nazi if you could say such a thing.
    there was more i lied about, but i cant remember since it was just a hoax.

    now that ive revealed myself, the only things that are real is my name, my steam id etc.
    yeah ive said a few times im gonna leave, but steveyos is actually gone, so why the hell should i stay?.

    oh yeah and i pretended i came here for confidential reasons.

    have a happy christmas, and dont worry about me, i know like 3/4 to 4/5 of you despise me but thats okay ive been an asshole this whole time from start to finish, you wont miss me, nor will it be noticeable that im gone, so i guess thats about all that sums it up.
    goodbye, and i think i can kind of thank you guys for all the funny posts, no im not being ironic, i found a good 80% of the replies to me pretty funny.
    keep having fun, just without a bored aussie.

    Garfield, as one of my only mates I can truly talk to on the forum I want you to know I can't do this anymore. The constant torment and ridicule. All I ever wanted was a place I could post what I was thinking about to get it off my chest. A form of relief if you will. I need this after my recent addiciton with marijuana. My family disowned me. M0nde is such a faggot he will be stocking shelves at the grocery market until his fat brown terroristass dies. IWascruel is so mean and evil and fat that she will just post her pathetic life away trying to suck maks's dick. Akira is a hunchback. They just keep picking on me and picking on me and I just want to come here to have a good time. Seriously, you are a great poster, a credit to the forum, and NEVER forget these words - shitposts like marks iwc internut m0nde etc just talk their shit because they think its funny(but theyre actually bad posters realistically) and your half assed posts are 10x funnier after their effort posts its just unique dont leave the forum you are awsome keep it up and keep my name alive. Im going to miss you.

    you took my fucking mod away at the least do this you little shit i will fuck your skull till you sneeze blood fuck you mother fucker tell me where you live you wont see daylight after im done with you(you will be locked in a secret al qaeda basement) and you will be begging for death but all i will give you is shit on a platter and if you dont eat i will force it down your throat and get a doctor to take out your gag reflexes so i can deep throat you everytime i make a bad post

    because i smelt the packet of lollies next to my fucking bed and i get really hungry in my sleep because i dont eat alot before bed or else i will get fat and when i smelt the lollies i couldnt resist because my head was like 10 cm from the packet and then i slowly opened my eyes and reached fro lollies and i at elike half the fucking packet then i got a fucking lot of energy from the sugar and i woke up and now i cant fucking sleep GOD FUCKING DAMNIT im not putting lollies next to my bed again

    should've deleted this thread when i was mod, and not soft delete, i mean all the fucking way delete.

    [1:30:59 AM] barrypothead: would you fuck me?
    [1:31:44 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Probably not.
    [1:31:52 AM] barrypothead: sorry im not gay
    [1:31:58 AM] barrypothead: i already know youre a troll
    [1:32:00 AM] barrypothead: troll scrap book
    [1:32:02 AM] barrypothead: youre pathetic
    [1:32:14 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Why are you being so hostile?
    [1:32:23 AM] barrypothead: because youre a big meanie
    [1:32:28 AM] barrypothead: you fuck with everyones irl
    [1:32:30 AM] barrypothead: quit it
    [1:32:32 AM] barrypothead: dick or gtfo
    [1:32:42 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: You're extra sassy tonight.
    [1:32:50 AM] barrypothead: thats because im fucking horny
    [1:32:56 AM] barrypothead: now quit it and get on cam
    [1:33:01 AM] barrypothead: i need to jerk off somehow
    [1:33:01 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: i'm on cam.
    [1:33:08 AM] barrypothead: then too bad
    [1:33:10 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: in tinychat
    [1:33:10 AM] barrypothead: you just missed your chance
    [1:35:52 AM] barrypothead: hah
    [1:35:53 AM] barrypothead: spy
    [1:35:58 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: "spy"
    [1:36:08 AM] barrypothead: yeah yeah
    [1:36:10 AM] barrypothead: i know your gimmick
    [1:36:12 AM] barrypothead: i know youre a dude
    [1:36:17 AM] barrypothead: and one day im gonna fuck you on cam
    [1:36:49 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Go away.
    [1:36:57 AM] barrypothead: knew it
    [1:37:02 AM] barrypothead: if you really want that
    [1:37:08 AM] barrypothead: delete me and block communication
    [1:37:28 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: I don't do that because everyone has like off nights
    [1:37:38 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: and you're having one of those so just leave me alone. thanks.
    [1:37:52 AM] barrypothead: theres nothing to hide
    [1:37:54 AM] barrypothead: youre a man
    [1:37:55 AM] barrypothead: i know it
    [1:38:03 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: got me
    [1:38:32 AM] barrypothead: fine
    [1:38:35 AM] barrypothead: be that way

    m【ツ】n d e:;topicseen
    Barrypothead: u mad?
    Barrypothead: troll tactics nomore
    Barrypothead: rolling with the punches hmm
    Barrypothead: i wonder how long ive done that
    m【ツ】n d e: erected and flop
    Barrypothead: its about time i stop allowing people to have fun off me
    m【ツ】n d e: you're much too stupid for that tim
    Barrypothead: well i guess you aint having much fun anymore
    Barrypothead: you are pretty mad at me
    Barrypothead: i can tell
    m【ツ】n d e: every time i see you post i laugh
    m【ツ】n d e: and several people laugh along
    Barrypothead: yeah
    Barrypothead: i laugh at yours too
    m【ツ】n d e: you're just getting more and more depressed and angrier and angrier
    m【ツ】n d e: maybe you should burn down a church or something
    Barrypothead: my depression has nothing to do you with
    Barrypothead: with you*
    Barrypothead: you are irrelevant
    Barrypothead: only one person itf knows about it
    Barrypothead: and why
    m【ツ】n d e: yup, you're pathetic enough on your own
    Barrypothead: i would never let a retard like you know
    Barrypothead: yeah
    m【ツ】n d e: dropped out of school for a SECOND time
    m【ツ】n d e: no future
    Barrypothead: youre fat
    Barrypothead: obese
    m【ツ】n d e: stuck working retail for the rest of your life
    m【ツ】n d e: making minimum wage
    Barrypothead: you act like youre king shit because you bust your head networking
    m【ツ】n d e: basic white trash existence like your family
    Barrypothead: but you cant even have the basic discipline of holding back from gluttony
    Barrypothead: you are a walking sin
    Barrypothead: you will rot
    m【ツ】n d e: maybe one day you'll be a retail store manager
    m【ツ】n d e: or a forklift driver
    Barrypothead: lmao
    m【ツ】n d e: and make 30k a year
    Barrypothead: im still young
    Barrypothead: and i have my life ahead of me
    Barrypothead: your life is over
    m【ツ】n d e: but you have no education and no future
    m【ツ】n d e: no marketable skills
    m【ツ】n d e: nothing
    m【ツ】n d e: not even highschool
    m【ツ】n d e: pure failure
    Barrypothead: you dont understand
    Barrypothead: you cant comprehend what tafe is can you
    Barrypothead: you are a literal sack of shit
    m【ツ】n d e: you should hear the things boobz says about you and how pathetic dropping out of highschool actually is in australia
    Barrypothead: you dont understand much about building a career
    Barrypothead: if you were a career advisor
    Barrypothead: everyone would be in a crock of shit
    Barrypothead: you are terirble
    m【ツ】n d e: it may have been acceptable in the 60s or 50s
    m【ツ】n d e: just like it was in the US
    m【ツ】n d e: but not any more
    Barrypothead: yeah yeah
    Barrypothead: listen to boobz
    Barrypothead: a faggot who plays a trumpet for a LIVING
    m【ツ】n d e: nowadays if you drop out you're basically white trash
    m【ツ】n d e: have fun being a menial worker for the rest of your life
    Barrypothead: youre pretty fired up bro
    Barrypothead: you mad?
    Barrypothead: have fun being fat and ugly
    Barrypothead: the only way you'd get an average looking girl(not even relatively hot) would be with money
    m【ツ】n d e: u mad barry?
    Barrypothead: oh
    m【ツ】n d e: maybe you should end it all
    Barrypothead: and i enjoy hearing you stutter
    Barrypothead: its pretty funny when you stutter
    Barrypothead: its soo hard to hold back the luaghter on skype
    Barrypothead: its like "t-t-t-t-t TODAY JUNIIOR"
    m【ツ】n d e: or send someone who doesn't give a fuck a message about how depressed you are
    Barrypothead: remember that from billy madison?
    Barrypothead: its pretty good
    m【ツ】n d e: are you pullling out all of the stops now barry?
    Barrypothead: mate i still have my whole life ahead of me
    Barrypothead: i can still prove you wrong
    Barrypothead: what are you
    m【ツ】n d e: reaching into your bag for something that'll make me feel as angry as you are?
    m【ツ】n d e: you won't do anything with your life
    m【ツ】n d e: you've dropped out now twice
    Barrypothead: the ultimate revenge is proving you wrong
    Barrypothead: i dropped out of a course
    Barrypothead: not a high school
    m【ツ】n d e: if you find some bullshit community college accounting course too hard you won't do anything much with your life
    Barrypothead: you have no comprehension
    Barrypothead: you are fat and ugly
    Barrypothead: and you have a mildly average job
    m【ツ】n d e: you didn't even finish highschool completely
    Barrypothead: and you act like you are good
    m【ツ】n d e: dropped out with some grade 11 or 10 or something
    m【ツ】n d e: basically like a white trash, aussie version of steveyos
    Barrypothead: i completed year 10 thats actually enough to start a trade course, accounting, NETWORKING(what you do i can actually go learn it) etc
    m【ツ】n d e: i don't act like anything, barry
    Barrypothead: dude
    Barrypothead: you are a tool
    m【ツ】n d e: i despise loafers and people who can't finish what they start
    Barrypothead: you have no idea
    m【ツ】n d e: i despise welfare cheats like stevey
    Barrypothead: you are fat and ugly
    m【ツ】n d e: and basically what you'll become
    Barrypothead: you had a wife that fucked you over
    Barrypothead: whats your life
    Barrypothead: what do you have to show?
    m【ツ】n d e: some wife-beating white trash low life
    Barrypothead: seriously
    Barrypothead: haha
    Barrypothead: ive never used welfare
    m【ツ】n d e: just like your father
    Barrypothead: ive always worked for my money
    m【ツ】n d e: did he go to university?
    m【ツ】n d e: nope
    Barrypothead: my father is richer than yours
    m【ツ】n d e: don't think so
    m【ツ】n d e: did your mother?
    Barrypothead: he is a carpenter
    m【ツ】n d e: nope
    m【ツ】n d e: neither
    Barrypothead: no
    Barrypothead: so what
    m【ツ】n d e: he's a tradesman. that's honorable
    Barrypothead: their assets are bigger than your families
    m【ツ】n d e: but he had to do some training for that
    Barrypothead: they own several properties
    m【ツ】n d e: nothing you can finish
    Barrypothead: i can finish you
    m【ツ】n d e: you couldn't even hack it at a community college
    Barrypothead: because youre a terrible arguer
    m【ツ】n d e: and you think 60k per year is big money
    Barrypothead: nope
    Barrypothead: i think 150k is
    m【ツ】n d e: it shows what your experiece is
    Barrypothead: monde its okay
    m【ツ】n d e: basic white trash
    Barrypothead: you work in a grocery store
    Barrypothead: dont hate
    m【ツ】n d e: yup keep believing that
    m【ツ】n d e: if that makes you feel better
    Barrypothead: all i can feel is youre mad
    Barrypothead: can you feel it?
    Barrypothead: the tension?
    Barrypothead: yeah its you
    m【ツ】n d e: yup because you're looknig at yourself
    Barrypothead: youre mad as fuck
    m【ツ】n d e: you're incapable of understanding others properly because somehow you're mentally retarded
    m【ツ】n d e: i could tell that from the first time you came onto the forum
    m【ツ】n d e: remember that?
    Barrypothead: youre incapable of understanding
    m【ツ】n d e: when i kept asking is there something wrong with you?
    m【ツ】n d e: and you proved that you were
    Barrypothead: dude it was my first time on a troll forum
    Barrypothead: a not so normal place
    Barrypothead: i get the drift now
    Barrypothead: its a matter of time
    Barrypothead: so what
    m【ツ】n d e: you did the same thing on yikers
    Barrypothead: is that all you can resort to
    m【ツ】n d e: and were kicked out
    Barrypothead: i left
    m【ツ】n d e: because you're socially deficient
    Barrypothead: dude
    m【ツ】n d e: basically did the same thing with your actual life too
    m【ツ】n d e: burning down a church
    Barrypothead: you cant even comprehend feelings yourself
    m【ツ】n d e: and going mental on drugs
    Barrypothead: burning a church?
    Barrypothead: LOL
    Barrypothead: dude
    Barrypothead: you dont even comprehend others emotions
    Barrypothead: you said I dont?
    Barrypothead: wow
    m【ツ】n d e: you're putting the feelings and your understanding of things onto others
    Barrypothead: you spend all your time belittliing someone to make yourself feel big
    m【ツ】n d e: you keep saying exactly what i've said to you
    Barrypothead: because youre fucking sad about how your life turned out
    Barrypothead: dude
    m【ツ】n d e: no one else is even willing to talk to you
    m【ツ】n d e: they jsut ignore you
    Barrypothead: you have no idea
    m【ツ】n d e: or laugh at your shit
    Barrypothead: thats because i talk shit
    m【ツ】n d e: at least i'm willing to tell you the straight facts
    Barrypothead: nothing relevant to others interests
    m【ツ】n d e: whether you like it or not
    Barrypothead: its all about myself do you understand?
    Barrypothead: cause i understand
    m【ツ】n d e: yup you talk shit
    Barrypothead: if i was to talk about stuff thats relevant to others
    Barrypothead: then i'd get replies
    Barrypothead: you have no idea monde
    m【ツ】n d e: whether it's true or not you come off as being pretty socially defiicient
    Barrypothead: you underestimate people
    Barrypothead: you cant predict anything
    Barrypothead: you are terrible
    Barrypothead: you think you know whats going on
    Barrypothead: but in fact you are the most incompetant retard at understanding what others are actually doing
    Barrypothead: you have no idea what im thinking
    m【ツ】n d e: and whether i stammer or stutter or whatever, i'm twice your age and i have more to show for it than your parents or anyone in your family
    Barrypothead: you have no fucking clue what to do
    Barrypothead: stutter
    Barrypothead: lmfao
    m【ツ】n d e: everything i've done i've done myself and i'm satisfied with it
    Barrypothead: LOL
    Barrypothead: what do you have to show?
    Barrypothead: a single apartment
    Barrypothead: and a bank account thats being split down the middle?
    Barrypothead: good one
    m【ツ】n d e: my house is worth over 500k, tim
    Barrypothead: LOL
    m【ツ】n d e: and i just put a new roof on it
    Barrypothead: my house im in is 700k
    Barrypothead: you moron
    m【ツ】n d e: uh huh
    Barrypothead: Australia has the most expensive housing in the world
    Barrypothead: because its in high demand
    m【ツ】n d e: you are living in some white trash neighbourhood
    Barrypothead: you are a total retard
    m【ツ】n d e: i've asked boobz about it
    Barrypothead: boobz knows nothing about me
    Barrypothead: is that all you can fall back on?
    Barrypothead: "boobz said this so i believe him"
    Barrypothead: wow
    Barrypothead: you really know how to show gullabiliy
    Barrypothead: gullability
    Barrypothead: dude
    Barrypothead: my parents own several properties
    m【ツ】n d e: boobz knows exactly where you live because we looked up alot about you and your family from looking at your sister's facebook and yours and we found your school
    Barrypothead: their net worth is over 3 mil
    Barrypothead: you have nothing on that
    m【ツ】n d e: and we asked both iwascruel and boobz about it
    Barrypothead: dont talk your shit son
    Barrypothead: my school is in the outer city
    Barrypothead: ashfield boys high school
    Barrypothead: so what
    Barrypothead: some of my friends there are becoming doctors what of it
    Barrypothead: its not a country town
    Barrypothead: its far from it
    Barrypothead: its civilised
    m【ツ】n d e: you are basic white trash who has no idea what he's talking about. you thought 60k was a great deal of money
    Barrypothead: and you are a waste of time
    Barrypothead: acting like you know shit
    Barrypothead: dont even bother
    Barrypothead: you also come to me bitching
    m【ツ】n d e: now you're talking out of your ass because you are trying to backpedal
    Barrypothead: on my back all the time
    m【ツ】n d e: anyway, have fun being depressed and angry all the time
    Barrypothead: you start nagging at me
    Barrypothead: and then i piss you off
    Barrypothead: and you say "barry you dont know how others feel etc etc etc"
    Barrypothead: when you are the shithead who starts it with me
    m【ツ】n d e: you are the one who's contacting me on steam
    Barrypothead: because you have no idea
    m【ツ】n d e: i never ever initiate a conversation with you
    Barrypothead: you are the actual one who doesnt know how others feel
    Barrypothead: you are the one who starts it all
    Barrypothead: and then you play it out like im the bad guy
    m【ツ】n d e: the only time i talk to you is when stompleb or mtic wants to make fun of you on skype
    Barrypothead: go fuck yourself
    m【ツ】n d e: or aber
    m【ツ】n d e: you're not the bad guy
    m【ツ】n d e: you're just socially inept
    m【ツ】n d e: basically socially retarded
    Barrypothead: if thats what you believe
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    every once in a while
    10/28/2009 7:35:39 AM] barrypothead: i was thinking about how you wanna meet ruby one day
    [10/28/2009 7:35:42 AM] barrypothead: maybe you just have to give him time
    [10/28/2009 7:35:47 AM] barrypothead: to get over his social anxiety
    [10/28/2009 7:36:03 AM] barrypothead: and there's no way of forcing him, he has to want to change
    [10/28/2009 7:36:12 AM] barrypothead: maybe he should see a therapist if he isnt already
    [10/28/2009 7:36:20 AM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Shhhh
    [10/28/2009 7:36:39 AM] barrypothead: ok
    [10/28/2009 7:37:21 AM] barrypothead: simple question: do you think i am over talkative?
    [10/28/2009 7:37:25 AM] barrypothead: like over social?
    [10/28/2009 7:48:35 AM] barrypothead: gayest poster ever = deso
    [10/28/2009 7:48:38 AM] barrypothead: you and stomple suck
    [10/28/2009 7:48:43 AM] barrypothead: you both rarely answer shit
    [10/28/2009 7:48:46 AM] barrypothead: so reserved
    [10/28/2009 7:48:51 AM] barrypothead: hold yourselves back more like
    [10/28/2009 7:48:52 AM] barrypothead: gaybos
    [10/28/2009 7:49:28 AM] barrypothead: yous might be smart but yous dont give a fuck about socialising in anything yous arent interested in
    [10/28/2009 7:49:30 AM] barrypothead: other people like ymself can
    [10/28/2009 7:49:36 AM] barrypothead: its almost like you are both socially stunted
    [3:15:51 AM] mtic: [10/13/2009 11:31:44 PM] barrypothead: ok whats the deal
    [10/13/2009 11:31:49 PM] barrypothead: answer me
    [10/13/2009 11:32:09 PM] barrypothead: just give me a task in return for information on your scrapbook
    [10/13/2009 11:32:25 PM] barrypothead: and ill see if its worth it
    [10/13/2009 11:32:30 PM] barrypothead: dont ignore me
    [10/13/2009 11:32:34 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: n\
    [10/13/2009 11:32:46 PM] barrypothead: ok fine
    [10/14/2009 12:03:32 AM] barrypothead: okay look, apologise for being so mean and toying with me
    [10/14/2009 12:04:07 AM] barrypothead: if you think ive been annoying already, you havnt seen me try
    [10/14/2009 12:05:19 AM] barrypothead: you have till 1:10am to reply
    [10/14/2009 12:07:51 AM] barrypothead: less than 3 minutes
    [10/14/2009 12:08:06 AM] barrypothead: think about it
    [10/14/2009 12:09:10 AM] barrypothead: 1 minute
    [10/14/2009 12:09:56 AM] barrypothead: just saying a simple sorry is all that i asked for
    [10/14/2009 12:10:57 AM] barrypothead: you have made a powerful enemy today
    [10/14/2009 1:00:24 AM] barrypothead: thanks
    [10/26/2009 12:32:10 AM] barrypothead: stop posting one word posts you are so secretive

    [10/13/2009 9:39:17 PM] barrypothead: ok later
    [10/13/2009 10:43:04 PM] barrypothead: whens your trolling book coming
    [10/13/2009 10:43:08 PM] barrypothead: is it literally christmas?
    [10/13/2009 10:45:50 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Winter
    [10/13/2009 10:45:59 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: December, January... Around there.
    [10/13/2009 10:47:33 PM] barrypothead: its probably not gonna be good enough for the anticipation
    [10/13/2009 10:47:45 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: How dare you
    [10/13/2009 10:48:07 PM] barrypothead: uhh sorry i just hate waiting for things
    [10/13/2009 10:49:57 PM] barrypothead: can you atleast quench my curiosity by telling me a little on whats it about?
    [10/13/2009 10:53:15 PM] barrypothead: okay im really sorry about saying it might not be good enough its gonna be better than anything ive done related to the forum ever better than my entire posting career please forgive me
    [10/13/2009 10:56:27 PM] barrypothead: im saying youre scrapbook is better than an entire year of barry posts you should feel on top of the world
    [10/13/2009 10:58:56 PM] barrypothead: ignoring me is one of the most tormenting things you can do
    [10/13/2009 11:00:08 PM] barrypothead: ugh you make me feel weak
    [10/13/2009 11:01:07 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Good.
    [10/13/2009 11:08:50 PM] barrypothead: just please give me a sneak peak on the scrapbook
    [10/13/2009 11:09:09 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Bump the thread
    [10/13/2009 11:09:17 PM] barrypothead: yes mam
    [10/13/2009 11:11:24 PM] barrypothead: done
    [10/13/2009 11:11:35 PM] Dysfunctional Insecure Actress: Thanks.
    [10/13/2009 11:11:57 PM] barrypothead: are you gonna tell me now?
    [10/13/2009 11:12:46 PM] barrypothead: oh god i just got trolled
    [10/13/2009 11:15:12 PM] barrypothead: well i can settle the score by trolling your threads into the 10th dimension
    [10/13/2009 11:15:44 PM] barrypothead: unless you give me a tiny preview about your trolling scrapbook
    [10/13/2009 11:16:10 PM] barrypothead: you are so mean
    [10/13/2009 11:22:44 PM] barrypothead: please dont torment me it only frustrates me
    [10/13/2009 11:22:57 PM] barrypothead: you toyed with me to bump your thread please show mercy

    you made an alt account to imposter rootbeers deleted account you are a huge fag holy shit...
    also monde you care alot, too bad i totally aced you in that convo you big brown bear of shit

    why not you dont have the burden of carrying CD's and your cd keys are also stashed into your account so unless youre a dumbass that shares his account like a whore you wont lose that shit i lost my fucking BF2 cd key and all i have is the fucking CD i cant even install it again that was my favorite game for a very long time and it took me soo long to rank up i cant even remember what rank i made but i had about 3/5 of the guns unlocked and i just loved it i played in this scrubby newb clan even though they werent the best they were full layed back and it was just fun to play with em we would laugh and have a good time unlike hardcore clans that rage, man i miss them times my clan was called "UNG" underdogs never give-up, ... i miss playing in the clan squad and spawning on the leader who would always be safe as fuck and he was a medic all the time and i remember soo many good moments from our clan sometimes we would even help win the round for our entire faction but that wasnt often but it sure was good moments.
    im pretty high, fuck.

    yeah i should of deleted this threawd as mod

    while im at home only working 2 days a week.
    i feel weak more like.
    ruby how do you cope feeling unproductive? masturbate? but that shit only can help so long till it releases such little dopameine that its not even worth the effort fuck this im gonna start working out again ill finally go from scrawny to built god damnit i got so much time on my hands and my brothers always tell me to go to the gym with them and get buffed i think im finally gonna go and buy protein and carbs and all that shit instead of being a turd on this computer how longs it been anyone counted how many damn weekks straight ive been posting on this forum all day(like 4 days a week on avg i post like the whole fucking day either coming down, "scattered", or hung over, or waiting for some party god damn)

    theres a party on the 19th of november in this big hotel its gonna be soooo sweet theres gonna be heaps of people doing ecstasy its going to be the perfect atmosphere the kind that you peak your nuts off socialising has its flaws but theres a lot more fun to it if you dont hide yourself from pain you have to make yourself vulnrable to actually be able to get anywhere otherwise you will never get a chance or opportunity that opens from such open mindedness hmm i wonder where i could be if i was like this when i was young but im a shithead that doesnt like homework because when im at home i cant get off this damn fucking machine and i keep upgrading it and buying this and that for it and i spend my money on going out alot mondes right i am gonna be a shitty truck driver at best if i dont study god but truck drivers can make good money road trains in australia since we have such long wide spread high ways are actual trucks with upto FOUUUURRRRRR carriages of shit on them, typically fuel to transport around the country to remote areas such as mining towns where the population and town only thrives because there is work to be done in the mines which people then make their wages off the work in the mines and then they buy shit at the grocery store which allows the chinks to survive and the niggers survive off the grocery stores by stealing and never paying for anything and you get like pizza hut for pakis to work at and shit like that but the FUNNY THING IS there are literally NO cab drivers maybe i should do that buy a house in some mining town and open up a solo vendor with cab transport no one will do runners from me cause im local and i will remember their face but then faggots might want freebies just because its socially obligated if i want to gain their respect but if i do that incorrectly i could also make them have the false belief that my generosity means they can use me which is why you must be careful holy shit god damnit i am done okay no more train of thought for barry i ... god damn it i feel soo complete when im high on this mdma bullshit.

    ongoing thoughts wow you had a sneak peak of what my brain is like when my concionse is just blabbering shit whilst im high on mdma congratulations i posted that so i dont give a fuck

    i am my own worst enemy yet my only way out

    hey fuck you i get depressed and my friends invite me out too much it annoys the shit out of me they find me funny as fuck and i make them laugh a shit load i am a good character but i dont want to socialise every fuckign second of my life why dont YOU shutup and go make some crafts and be anti social and every other thing you do

    well gush its a bit obvious you lack understanding gfys ignorant jerk

    12:29 - Barrypothead: just fapped on cam for a 4chan trap
    12:29 - rubycalaber: oh shit
    12:29 - Barrypothead: she had a hot face and a bit chubby body
    12:29 - Barrypothead: but i didnt find her attractive
    12:29 - Barrypothead: she really enjoyed it
    12:29 - Barrypothead: but
    12:29 - rubycalaber: did she fap her tranny dick too
    12:29 - Barrypothead: my bi-curiosity is finally dead
    12:29 - Barrypothead: yeah
    12:29 - Barrypothead: it was small
    12:29 - rubycalaber: was it lady gaga
    12:29 - Barrypothead: lol on
    12:30 - Barrypothead: no*
    12:30 - Barrypothead: when i blew
    12:30 - Barrypothead: she started to
    12:30 - Barrypothead: she fell in love with me lol
    12:30 - Barrypothead: fuck 4chan
    12:30 - Barrypothead: and fuck homosexuality
    12:30 - Barrypothead: im finally secure about my sexuality
    12:30 - rubycalaber: I will remember that, just jerk on cam with a tranny to see if you are gay or not

    hah, shutup!
    im at the city with heaps of friends and we're skipping clubs and i decided to goto the net cafe for 30 mins and im drunk as fuck aswell as i got on these clean as fuck pills theyre clean as tits holy shit im gonna dance crazy tonight

    ive lost 5 kilos since these meds and pills the only advantage i can see is that my 3rd leg looks like a tree trunk now

    my friends came in too, a few went to another bar and we met up with them as soon as our time was up

    aspergers, autistic teen, barryshithead and barry is my ...hero? are the only new ones i recognise.
    that pirate steves daughter tag has been up for a while isnt she like 4? :fbi:

    who put "barry is my hero" i am somewhat touched by that message,0,0,0,0

    i had an unusual dream of taking ecstasy with a dreamy girl and she got so horny she had to leave because she didnt want to have sex and then i masturbated and it seriously felt like i came irl when i woke up but there was no mess so i got relaxed for nothing

    sorry i dont celebrate pointless, meaningless, idiotic, prehistoric, patriotic traditions.
    i celebrate the queens birthday by destroying public property and mutilating myself.

    I'm sick and tired of pricks pointing the finger, like they're on some sort of crusade from god, walking about, with their terrible mainstream taste which only concludes the fact that they're too fucking numb and dead inside and dependant on society to make their own decisions on what they want to follow and how they dress; Going around and pointing at people calling them whatever they believe that person's tastes, thoughts, feelings, and appearance fit into whatever stereo-type they can ignorantly sum up.
    Listen, wanker, dopey ass faggot, if you hav'nt the balls to be yourself, then jump off a bridge already, you stupid fucking ball-less pussy.
    Just because you dont like and/or share similar tastes in things, does NOT give you the damned right to judge people and pick at them stereo-typing and criticising others.
    If you don't like it, then just be straight forward and admit that, and learn to be mature and cool with it instead of being a jerk-off retard going on rants about who is who and what is what, no one whines about your taste, so why do you think you have the right to point the finger? do yourself a favor and become a celebrity critic, because they're the pieces of shit that you're influenced by.
    go fuck yourself, you silly faggot, you are only a sheep, what do you have to say about that? "Oooh I don't like your taste in music, so im going to stereo-type it to validate my own!"... some people just don't get it.

    ve had several traumatic events in my life, i was used by my first and only serious relationship which lead to self hate, and i was bullied at school for 3 years, ive been through more stress than anyone itf unless youve been through some sort of heavy drug experience.
    sick of you guys

    ive been depressed and stressed since 5 years of age, ive had abnormal amounts of trauma, do you know what its like to be manipulated and sexually abused by a girl? why do you think im retarded.

    the funny thing is that you guys laugh, because you lack understanding, you guys wont feel the pain ive gone through unless you witness your own children dying before your eyes.
    this is considerably a good post to psychopaths.

    your self-insecurity about your sexuality is at such a level that pointing out someone elses emotions strengthens your own belief system, boosting your self-esteem and making you feel more of a man.
    this is a parasitic personality disorder.
    you are more insecure than a crack whore.

    i appreciate your concern but im too much of a coward to suicide, i feel that if i leave my mother will grief more than i can imagin, i am her favored child because i am the most emotionally open out of my brothers and father, she sees that im down and tries to help but i push her away, but overall i do talk to her 100x more than any of my brothers/father about feelings and deep and meaningful stuff, i guess im just a very nice person on the inside i just couldnt kill myself and put my mother through worse than what i am living.

    whats the deal with all these fucking users online?
    who the fuck are you guys? ALOLERS? hey watsup man remember me im barrypothead... remember me?...the guy that would make jokes but 75% of you wouldnt understand and get confused because your nerdy brains can only understand a joke if its a fucking blatant MEME? you dont remember? REALLY? i was banned a few times, because you guys are socially stunted beyond the 10th dimension....nar? dont remember? FUCK OFF.

    got rid of my first dressing drawers... my parents bought me it when i was 6 months old and i am now 19 and 8 months... 19 years and 2 months with the same drawers... i learnt to talk and that shit was around... it even has a single word on it that i carved in it when i was around 4-8, i cant recall exactly when... amd a terrible drawing on one of the drawers that ive had to look at in shame of how poorly it was carved into the wood... soo many years of waking up and looking at that darn thing... now its gonna be gone forever when my father burns it to ashes... and i remember when i broke one of the drawers and i couldnt use it for a while till my dad fixed it... this piece of crap softwood drawer is somewhat emotionally connected to me... i mean come on i grew my first ball hair and it was there to share the glea... i will miss you, faceless cubboard, you cheap piece of shit, you are only being replaced by something that has no sentimental value... youve done more for me then i could give in return... you kept my clothes neatly inside you and you never complained... over time you slowly degraded yet you still held many clothes and items i held close... and you always kept secret the objects i kept hidden under the bottom drawer between you and the floor... thank you old friend... thank you for your time... sorry i didnt take better care of you... and sorry for the "tattoo" like drawing i left on you... i will never forget you for the rest of my days i promise.

    i know more things about this forum than a decent amount of people, i just keep my lips sealed, thats how i roll

    i dont listen to stupid american xmas songs we just have bbq's and drink beer on hot nights and listen to normal music, the xmas "spirit" is still in the air and you can goto the pool or w/e on this holiday its actaully pretty good

    you have nothing more to offer than innapropriate criticism and dickhead talk about pointless hacking toss, you should learn how to tie a rope

    chilled out by alot and this one girl was wearin a miniskirt and she bent over in the shop like a few metres in front and i saw her gstring and i was like and i found it hard to concentrate on working because i kept thinking about it and looking if she would bend over again i was dissapointed...
    also my co worker who is in her early 30s keeps hitting on me and she wore tights today and i realised she has the arse of a porn star and god damn she really shows she wants the cock but im gonna play it cool and let her make the first move because i dont know how to hit on cougars(she has a 14 year old son lmao) also she is divorced so i wouldnt feel guilty.
    there was a piece of glass that had to be thrown out and she threw it in the large metal bin really haard and it shattered and she said that felt "good" and i instantly replied without thinking "so you like it rough?" and she instantly replied "yeah!" very enthusiastically and then it was silent for a few seconds and she realised and said "actually nar i dont" i laughed on the inside but pretty much i want to bang her so bad but i wonder if it will make it awkward to work with her i dont know guys i really dont know.
    also a few hot young sorts came in other than the one that bent over with the miniskirt it was a worthwhile day and i get practically paid to keep the shop tidy and use the register and check out hot chicks tahts my day job.

    also i forgot to add i came in to work really down and blue and i just sat down marking clothes and shit and hanging with my ipod in replaying a single song over and over for the first few hours until my co worker told me its enough she said she is sick of not being able to talk to me it reminds her of being home because her son doesnt listen to her so i stopped and then she got interested later in what i was listening to and i showed her the song and explained why it meant something to me and how when you are feeling blue songs like that can feel really good and you can appreciate them and she totally agreed and she showed me her favorite song when she feels down and its fucking amazing

    just got back from the beach(s)
    went to tamarama, which is a 20 minute walk from bondi beach, tamarama had waves 6 foot and couldnt swim, walked all the way to bondi, it was packed as fuck and then 30 mins after getting in the water the shark patrol helicopter spots a shark and we cant go in the water, an hour later we finally get a good dip in the water, blah blah beach w/e i eat shit tonnes of chips to myself and feel bloated and some 30 year old woman sun bathed topless a metre from me which was random, and now im sun burnt as fuck and i applied sun cream twice.
    also lost my phone and missed the bus all my friends got on so i went home alone.
    fucking fags bum rushing the bus because there were so many ppl waiting..

    all the beach got me was a shade darker(barely at all) and my butt is still white like sour cream AND MY SHOULDERS BURNT AND IM NOT GONNA SLEEP HAPPY

    and no im not saying that im currently attracted to men but i did see a cute boy on the train who looked a couple years younger and his twin sister or some shit they had the most amazing jaw structures i wanted to STEAL THEIR JAWS AAgdsagvjdkl its noit fair

    "where credit is due" lmfao 6 on 1 rep batle yea youre totally an independent, credible guy, you taolly did all that on your own(nope, not at all, you suck at this you always find strength in numbers its a fucking fact ive watched you for one whole year gang up on others , its ufkcing sad as fuck. group trolling means youre nothing on your own, you show this, dickweed)

    oh btw did i mention ganging up ? ucking retards itf, thinking theyre all cool just because they gang up, and will literally say anything to act like theyre winning

    that was still 1 on 1, alts regardless, you pathetic, useless shit stain.
    i guess its too hard for you to micro, too much brain activity for your wet brain smokking that hydro fucked up shit all day, for how many years now? yeah i get it, youre a useless cunt on your own, you are like a hyena, you cant do anything on your own you useless cunt.

    why do you belittle yourself does the pain feel comforting? does it make yuo feel valid? does it?

    I lubed up my tight virgin asshole then got my sister Nichole's blue fish out of the water bowl. I named it Von Blue Fish. She's female, well I'm not positive she's female, but I like to think so because I think that makes the experience more arousing. She kept squirming, so it was difficult to do, but I tried to hold her still, then stuff her up me bum hole. Even with lube, there was this one part that was a real tight squeeze, and I was worried it might squish the fish to death (she was a small fish), but she managed to survive. She squirmed around a fair amount. I started masturbating at the same time that Von Blue Fish was squirming inside of me. It was an interesting feeling. I masturbated pretty quickly because I didn't want Von Blue Fish to drown from being outside of the water bowl for so long. I was watching a video of a human female dancing and also concentrating on the squirming inside of me at the same time as I masturbated. After I reached orgasm, I pooped Von Blue Fish back out, then I put her back in the water bowl. She was so happy to get to experience such an amazing sexual encounter. That's something she never gets, because she's all alone in the water bowl her whole life. She was happy for such a rare sexual release, and I thought it was overall a pretty exciting experience. It's interesting that Christianity is symbolized by a fish. It wasn't my intention to soil their image with what I did, that was simply a positive side effect. DP sucks bird knots

    THIS is why people are starting to get fucking annoyed with you gush, i was having fun for once posting in that thread about elz sister, and you come in here and passively take attention.
    Im not alone when i say this, but People are getting SICK and TIRED of you acting so fucking important.
    wow you made a thread about me, get the FUCK over it you useless baboon.
    stop acting like youre on your own fucking level, and either post like the rest of us and try to post *with* everyone or get the FUCK out.
    you egotistical jerkoff.


    i grew up being pushed around my whole life and i have traumatic experiences under my belt you dont know what ive gone through and im not willing to elaborate, gtfo.

    do you think i enjoy watching my government sensor everything?
    its a laid back country but we're treated with lots of boundaries...

    gush trying to fit in. more ego posts, you mad? yea you mad. i've really gotten on your nerves, i hope youre alright.
    it was quite obvious without you stating it, my "fitting in" comment made you mad as fuck.
    jokingly trying to play it off; newb.

    atleast i aint afraid to be myself, risk aversive coward is all you are, afraid of someone judging you?, hah, panzy.

    yeah being a risk aversive coward is the way to survive

    and for the record, for you both, i never intended on all that info leak, it was just a psycho ego freak who did it, face it, if gush had male genitals it wouldnt have happened(or would it?!?!(not gay))

    i can kinda laugh, but then i remember youre all douchers

    then the only problem i see is i was exploited, and it wont happen again, so i dont see why you must stress i need to "learn" or "take others advice" when in fact i no longer bother telling people personal information, the scenario that unfolded did teach me, dont believe me?, we all need to learn one way or another, mine just had to be through a real experience.

    thats besides the point.
    i know a good 50% dont mind me.
    its you and a few others who let me consume a lot of your time in poorly thought out attempts in trying to make me angry, sometimes it works, but thats because of the sheer quantity your attacks come in, so you're bound to hit the nail some time.

    sometimes i find it hard to fit the stuff in the hole but then i realize i can always make it bigger then i come to the conclusion that manipulation is apart of nature but that brings up the idea that science is actually nature when its not i guess some things are better left unsaid but i cant stop thinking when i lay in bed

    did it cross your mind that the hole doesnt necessarily have to revolve around my asshole? you dirty boy.

    ytmnd... short story on that is the website for ytmnd had 2 forums, safe for work and not safe for work, which trolls flooded and the owner didnt care cause he thought it was funny... but eventually he implimented a comments box for the YTMND flash sites so the forums became irrelevant, and idk why but he kept them up for trolls...
    thats it.. oh, and the saffe for work forum got shut down cause some fag got trolled so hard he got spam bots to spam cp all over it and reported it to the FBI so the owner got mad as fuck cause he does a favor by keeping themn up so he shut the safe forum down and now theres only the NSFW forum...

    just sayin what i know son, you mad?

    i deny to accept a god exists he never helped me out in the playground

    gut yourselves i dont give a fuck most of you are shut ins too but the difference is if i recover from my depression ill be out and about while the fags here have no friends to turn to.

    fair say, you guys enjoy each other, but i entertain far beyond the point any of you have gone, a big thread, ownage, wow you guys do something interesting once in a mile, but for myself, i keep a consistent amount of entertainment, you guys cant even begin to understand how to pull off such selfless acts, the only other person who measures up to me is steveyos, and he gave up to attend to his own forum.
    you guys are pathetic alone, so you all find strength in numbers.
    just like the pussies i was acquainted with at school, you guys are the real fagots with no idea how to be alone.
    grow a pair and grow some nerves, pussies.

    raging big time big boy raging you guys cant even compete you guys cant even step up to my level dumb niggers learn to post

    you have a fucked up childhood, youre mentally insane, you dont know whats real, you misuse the english language yourself yet you are always on the ball to point out others, you are dysmorphic because you have scars all over your body, you shoudl just die in afire what do you think?

    how the fuck do you spell it? itsl ike , complimenting somehow on being fat

    elz, everyone knows my name is Tim arbeu, ppl on my facebook saw my dick, girls tried to talk to me because they thought i was suicidal emo tool, this thread is nothing compared to what happened to me

    also in other news i think gush is literally practicing self mutilation... because her family was out of town for a few days and shes home alone having an emotional meltdown but when i feel guilty about the posibility of her hurting herself i just remind me that she would laugh if i did it to me

    yeah i should of killed myself when i spent xmas alone

    gush actually told me she was deaf in one ear before she even made that mega thread about me, dumbass. its fuckin gTRUE why would she lie to me to be super elaborate wtf she NEVER PLANNED ON TROLLING ELEZZZARK and so she woud pretend to me to be deaf in one fucking ear for FUTURE REFERENCE? WHAT THE FUCK YOU DUMB FAT CUNT. she backpedals a fuck tonne get over it you fat cunt
    youre a cunt modne, i laugh how OB doesn tlike you but you want to be her friend so bad
    i actually learnt a lot more about who she is and i tell you what she isnt that much of a nice person on the inside she fucking tortured a cat because she loves birds so much so she hates cats a fuck laod and KILLED A FUCKING CAT NEDM MOTHER FUCKER
    i was the last person to talk to her before she melted down and she told me she was gonna kill herself and she kept calling herself ugly and i tried to tell her she wasnt but she wouldnt believe it saying "everyone stares at me in the street because im ugly" and i said "no, thats because youre hot" and i think she thinks everyone stares at her becuase shes paranoid as fuck ohwell if she kills herself she will be put out of a lot of missery

    just like how when you stopped posting for 3 months cause ppl laughed at your profession... sorry but im not a soft cock like you, i dont chimp out at small things like that, what happened to me, if happened to yuo, everyone knows you wouldnt log in ever again, youre a disgrace to my country, Why?, because you cant damned take a fucking hit, you little bitch, you shouldnt even call yourself australian, youre a degenerate fuck, you belong in a pen you pathetic maggot.

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    every once in a while
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    can you make like a ticker of the funny parts or something
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    ᕦ(ò__ó)ᕤ rootbeer's Avatar
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    Iron Hands fried chicken Chiang Mai technical college
    in b4 someone reads any of that
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    R.i.p. Garfield 1986-2016 Garfield's Avatar
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    off to a fresh new year, not dwelling on the past.
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    Last edited by rootbeer; 07-26-2012 at 11:37 AM.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by someone special
    why do you belittle yourself does the pain feel comforting? does it make yuo feel valid? does it?
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    Member Beef Sister's Avatar
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    well does it?
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    Quote Originally Posted by special boy
    how the fuck do you spell it? itsl ike , complimenting somehow on being fat
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    Senior Member PIRATIO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    10/28/2009 7:35:39 AM]
    this is considerably a good post to psychopaths.
    10/10 will read this OP again.
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    Quote Originally Posted by barrypothead
    and get a doctor to take out your gag reflexes so i can deep throat you everytime i make a bad post
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    thanks for quoting some hilarious stuff cant believe someone can be that funny
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    no one asked you, and im laughing at me. im also laughing at your profession and your fake jew wife.
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monde is a whiney fuck