2:06 AM - stompleb: actually I don't blame you for what you did, what you did was very immature and I blame your parents clay and ruby
2:06 AM - marks98: clay and ruby aren't my parents
2:07 AM - stompleb: when? when you kill them too will you supplant them?
2:07 AM - marks98: are you on crack?
2:07 AM - marks98: has the loss of all forums everywhere finally driven you over the edge?
2:08 AM - stompleb: you're painfully cerebral, that's what I think is the scariest thing about you
2:09 AM - marks98: you're fdoing a lot of mental gymnastics to make this my fault, but you're ignoring the facts. you started this war. you ignored my request to stop slandering desolation. you paid the price for your actions.
2:09 AM - marks98: if I'm crazy for taking pleasure in that, then fuck it, cest la vie
2:12 AM - stompleb: you will genuinely say you have achieved far better life circumstances than me, but I genuinely pity you for being so bereft of empathy
2:13 AM - stompleb: I can't actually resent you in that light
2:13 AM - stompleb: I feel sorry for you
2:14 AM - marks98: why should I empathize with a guy who went behind my back unprovoked and tried to have me banned? why should I feel bad for him when he gets banned? explain please.
2:14 AM - marks98: this is vj day for me, if you couldn't take the nukes you shouldn't have fucking bombed hawaii you twit
2:15 AM - stompleb: what exactly would you like me to explain
2:15 AM - stompleb: be more specific
2:15 AM - marks98: explain why it's wrong that I succedded where you failed
2:15 AM - marks98: explain why you're so jealous of me and desolation, explain why it kills you that we're better liked than you are
2:16 AM - stompleb: I failed at having you added to an international spam registry?
2:16 AM - marks98: Clay offered to take you off, you told him to go fuck himself. I'm not sure how that's my fault.
2:17 AM - stompleb: It's amusing how you guys all share chat logs
2:17 AM - stompleb: there's something to wonder about for some time there
2:17 AM - marks98: He posted it on the forum, just like I'm going to post this one.
2:17 AM - marks98: Don't worry, you won't have to see it
2:18 AM - stompleb: oh, the forums I was IP banned from, that's interesting
2:18 AM - marks98: no, only one of the forums you're ip banned from
2:18 AM - stompleb: are you happy marks?
2:18 AM - marks98: I'm thrilled.
2:18 AM - marks98: today was a good day
2:18 AM - stompleb: well that doesn't make me too unwell
2:19 AM - stompleb: I'm glad you've purchased some joy for a neglected cost
2:19 AM - marks98: that's the single gayest thing I've ever read
2:19 AM - stompleb: I like it when other people are happy
2:19 AM - stompleb: when other people smile, I smile
2:19 AM - marks98: if that was true you would have left on your own accord months ago
2:20 AM - marks98: I don't think fjs uses stopforumspam.com
2:20 AM - stompleb: is that what you think?
2:21 AM - stompleb: was my simple presence bringing that much suffering?
2:21 AM - marks98: is boredom a form of suffering?