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    generic gender swap ruby The Neon Demon review thread - pedowood special edition 
    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    the mysterious land... of scotland
    listen up any men (or male identified persons with a privilege vector score over 42%) you are not welcome to read this thread if you sexist cisexist transphobic homophobic misogynist ableist racist xenophobic bigots would rather the physical embodiment of rape culture that is Donald J. Drumpf be the leader of the free world rather than the first female president (who won the popular vote!!!) then I'm going to withhold your right to read my work like he wants to withhold the rights of women to control their own bodies, only women (and female identified persons with a privilege vector score under 23%) have my permission to read this thread (other than cag who is a gender traitor) alright now thats clear lets discuss this kino

    just over a year ago my LDR lesbian girlfriend (do you have a problem with that, shitlord? I'm sorry men cant experience real romantic connections or know how to pleasure a woman) recommended me this movie (which I went to see in this creepy theater down a back alley which really added to the atmosphere with my mum for a girls night out (well we tried the day before but there was literally a powercut in the cinema, literally The Neon Demon trying to get us)) made by Nicolas Winding Refn who's an... interesting man but let me address the most important question, is he a shitlord? he certainly makes a lot of movies about toxic masculinity and he claaaaims he doesn't make good or bad statements about the topics of his movies he's simply presenting them so the audience can form their own opinions and discuss them which you could argue is the entire point of art which is maybe why he claims that to sound like an artist and I wish that was the case since it makes it funner to discuss movies if you cant just quote what the creator said they intended but considering all his movies are horribly violent and end with the protagonist getting their shit fucked up I'm going to say he's got an unfavorable view of the topics he addresses but you could also say that maybe The Neon Demon is a misogynist film about how shallow and nasty women are and you may say Renf is a misogynist himself since before this his movies had women as the typical auxiliary to males roles and he says a lot of creepy shitlord comments like he told Elle Fanning he "liked her feet" and went off-script for a certain sex scene telling Jena Malone to get more and more lewd and he described his actresses as dolls he can play dress up with but he also said this movie was about his "inner 16 year old girl" and he says he came up with the idea when he woke up in bed with his wife and thought how beautiful she was and how he wishes he was born beautiful now I dont know if he means his inner 16 year old girl wishes she was beautiful like many teenage girls or he just assumes he would be a beautiful 16 year old girl in that creepy way men always presume womens default state is being sexually attractive to them especially when talking about how supposedly easy a womans life is he trying to say he's trans? can a trans be a shitlord? well I think the real answer is that he's not either, he's just A FUCKING AUTIST who claims he used to get his mother to put gloves filled with vasaline on him when he went to bed as a child to maintain his soft skin and he carries around a blanket with him on-set he calls his "power blanket" he's had since a child that he lays on his lap while he is directing which I believe is pictured here

    homeboy autistic as fuck

    just like how the Driver doesn't know he's being creepy and probably doesn't know what the fuck any of his movies are about either which is probably for the best since then they really are open for interpretation I think Drive is his most popular movie it was dark and arthousy like all his other movies but got pretty popular since it caught the start of this sort of neo-80s nostalgia thing and it was just marketed really well (read: misleading) I remember a news story about a woman (in America of course) trying to sue her local cinema because she thought that Drive was "going to be like the Fast & Furious movies" also Ryan Gosling did a really great job selling the Driver he's one of these characters like Walter White or Patrick Bateman where he's meant to be a guy who likes to imagine himself as a "cool guy" from a movie (Walter loves Scarface (like all scummy male criminals irl), Patrick Bateman in the book is literally a huge fan of Donald Trump and bases his public persona off of him lmao (see that TIME magazine cover in the background? it's literally a fake he has hanging up in all his properties and TIME have told him to take them down lmaooooo)

    The Driver seems to think he's the action hero for the movies he stunt drives for) but these characters always die at the end or have unhappy endings to let you know that was just who they wanted to be and they weren't really like that but stupid dumb as bricks MEN cant see that and unironically use Patrick Bateman, a serial killer narcissist, or Walter White, a man who almost gets his family killed several times to live out his power fantasies, as their rolemodels for self-made confident men since men are just as phony as those characters I guess The Driver is one of the more forgiving characters like that since he comes across as more autistic than dishonest but I think maybe that's more a reflection on Renf himself than what he's trying to say about toxic masculinity which is what all his movies so far have been about The Driver was the most favorable depiction of hypermasculinity (probably why normies and autists alike liked it) since he at least tries to help his neighbors but his last movie Only God Forgives was, I thiiiiink, since it was super boring and I dont remember any of it, a guy getting drawn into a tit for tat revenge drama for his shithead rapist brother he didn't even like and he has to go fight a cop who also takes the law into his own hands just because that's what a man's meant to do and Renf's other movie Bronson I recently watched with my lesbian gf was also about this sort of thing but about a real world British celebrity prisoner who basically gave into and totally became his hypermasculine hyperviolent persona of this tough guy who would take any excuse to get into fights in prison and was never going to be released at this rate and it was actually pretty boring since some retard who keeps punching prison guards is not that interesting and of course stupid men all around the world love guys like this like fucking barrypothead was telling me once about how cool some fuckhead criminal who couldn't stop getting into fights called Chopper Read was seems to also be a thing in Australia too with their cultural heroes being cop killing bank robbers like Ned Kelly and also I guess in America although there it's more to do with young men glamorizing organized crime outfits than individuals maybe because in America the culture is already fairly individualistic (for the shithole that is Earth) so the badass outsiders in that culture are people who group together to go against the system rather than in the UK and Australia where they're literally subjects of a monarchy so it's the badass thing to do to go against the system on your own anyway I fucking hate this shit when done over real people because unlike when stupid dumb boys glamorize fictional characters that are not actually meant to be glamorized doing it with real people is excusing the real people they're hurting and since they're not fictional characters they don't have a writer giving them motivations that are a metaphor for climate change or whatever the fuck their motivation is literally just they got molested by their step-dad and now have anger to take out on the world anyway Renf also made a trilogy of supposedly grittily realistic movies called Pusher in his homeland of Denmark that I'm going to assume all that I just wrote applies to since they were movies about organized crime and he also made a movie called Valhalla Rising that I also haven't seen but seems to be about hypermasculine warrior culture so it's definitely something his entire career has been playing with (while also seeming to get further and further away from attempts at realism) which makes this movie extra interesting since it's about the hyperfemininity of the modeling industry and dare I say it toxic femininity of that sort of environment I think that's why I like this movie so much because there's not really that many movies that comment on this sort of thing they are usually just comedy movies like Mean Girls is probably the best or they are just straight forward depictions of it like the bitchy girl gets killed in a shitty slasher movie or the female villain of the story le seduces the hero and that's it there's 99999999 action movies and related stories unironically praising toxic masculinity and 99999 stories commentating on toxic masculinity (that dumb men take at face value and think they should base their lives around like Fight Club) but there's not really any stories commentating on toxic femininity that have their own sort of guilty pleasure even more inciting than the male version since every male protagonist ever written ends up making his own decisions whether he's a good or bad guy but having female characters of any type being self-determining is highly illegal never mind the villain protagonists/anti-heroes from this sort of self-aware edgy genre is hard to think of I wish there was a female version of the shitbag-protagonist-meant-to-be-a-deconstruction-of-negative-gender-roles-but-taken-at-face-value-by-dumb-normies archetype closest I can think of is maybe Amy from Gone Girl but notably women all realize it's a guilty pleasure and you probably shouldn't try and get your husband executed in real life unlike how every man interprets every male anti-hero power fantasy as aspirational (although maybe Harley Quinn would fall into this category she was vaguely safe from people thinking he's a role model when she was explicitly a villain but recently the talentless hacks at DC think since she's popular it means people want her to be an anti-hero and they try to make her the next wacky Deadpool despite all her mass murders so you end up with little girls dressing up as her looking child porn stars however also note that she's completely subservient to a man and puts up with his abuse so you can't win under any circumstances in the patriarchy)

    anyway I forgot what I was even trying to say or what movie I was talking about this is why I don't make these type of threads anymore I just type whatever comes into my head and can't stop once I'm in the zone oh yeah The Neon Demon ok this is probably the most visually stimulating movie of Renf's I've seen since pretty much every shot is composed with something interesting going on but I don't think that makes it more accessible since most normies seem to be more interested in the plot and characters (the first of which I don't really give a shit about since I've pretty much seen every iteration of every fictional story at this stage or know the formula and decision making process about it, if you want an interesting story you should literally read about real life crimes and historical events and autobiographies since they aren't predictable and reliant on a human coming up with them and are actually shocking and surprising and scary when they go wrong and cool when they go right which seems to be what most people try to get out of fiction, I'll watch something just for the characters too but I'll also watch something with a complete lack of plot or shit plot or completely open to interpretation plot just if it's fun food for my imagination) than anything technical or interpretive which is probably why this movie made fuck all money since most of the movie's "action" is people sitting around talking shit about other people or walking about in slow motion but it's also one of Refn's most openly silly movies especially the third act all his other movies are very grim especially Only God Forgives (How Boring That Movie Was) which was extremely slow paced and pretentious I think if it had more over the top shocking moments it'd probably have been more popular since even though normies freaked the fuck out about the ending of The Neon Demon that's what they're interested in however I don't give a shit if it made money or is popular or not one way or another I'll love a movie like this that made 4 dollars or a movie that made a billion everyone else's opinions don't effect mine since I am not a fucking retard who likes things just because they're popular or doesn't like something because it's got the wrong kind of fanbase and I think it's better this way where there's more build up like it's the punchline to a joke on the modeling industry rather than just edgy shit happening constantly although I got so involved with the world and characters I'd quite like a sequel where all the edgy shit Renf likes can happen now with that said let's start this kino huh I didn't know it was distributed by amazon studios thats weird maybe that's why it got fuck all release since I read Australian "people" saying shit like "it's only being shown in one cinema here and I'm not getting on a plane to fly 1000 miles to see it" and I had to go on quite the epic quest down dodgy alleyways to find the weird artfag theaters showing this let me just take the time to say fuck Amazon who have a monopoly on buying tat online and treat their employees like shit making them work in overheated warehouses and gps tagging them like animals, force their drivers to break the speed limit and take shits in their van to make delivery times, have patents on unspecific as fuck things to fuck over their competitors, dodge taxes in countries all over the world they suspiciously never get prosecuted for, let fake reviewers shit up half their site and worst of all shut down the IMDb (fun fact: which started out as a usenet group in 1990 about actresses with beautiful eyes lmao, wonder if creepy-chan is on the current one?) boards probably so people couldn't post negative comments about the shit movies they sell

    and here we have the first ever webm in a generic ruby review thread! (and it's of an effect that looks like a pixelated mess when converted into a webm lmao) my reasoning for what I'll make a webm or not of to keep the autism under control from webming the entire movie since for some hacker reason webms can literally be smaller filesizes than a still jpg screencapture is if prolonged motion is important for the moment being discussed or if it's an especially hilarous line that needs clipped and first up is Renf's pretentious perfume style self logo under the intro title animation

    I take it this is a parody of the Yves Saint Laurent logo

    they should make it a real perfume brand and sell nothing but creepy-chan's Honey Blood perfume

    speaking of which here is the real reason I like this movie: it's basically CREEPY-CHAN & RUBYCALABER : THE MOVIE it's literally a movie about a disconcertingly cute shy blonde haired permanently underage looking girl with iconic almost unnervingly huge round eyes that entice everyone around her and a hidden darker side who's entering the modeling industry after moving from her hometown in the southeast and likes to style herself covered in fake blood for photographs and her autistic freak stalker called Ruby

    so even if everyone saying this movie is style over substance was right and it's just a black swan rip-off (which actually ripped off Perfect Blue fuck you anime for life) with better production values I'd still fucking love it since it's so much like it's about creepy-chan I had to lean over and tell my mum that (my mum knows who Allison Harvard is since once ANTM was on tv in the kitchen and I told her I've chatted to that girl online and my mum was like SHES A BIT UGLY and then like an hour later she knocked on my door to "apologize for saying that about your friend" she's a good feminist she knows it's bad to weird-face shame other women) it really is mostly just about people sitting around talking and acting weird but I love creepy girls acting creepy and anyone saying oh it's so over the top the modeling industry isn't like that just watch America's Next Top Model if you want to see a real psychological horror watch Tyra banks forcing arachnophobic women to pose with a tarantula on her face and talk about their childhood trauma in front of the nation also I still find it so weird that creepy-chan was one of the first things I ever saw on /b/ when I first checked out 4chan in 2005 and I thought she was so cute and then it turned out she lived next door to fanfare lmao and I got to talk to her before she got cast in a tv show 4chan went crazy for if that happened in a movie people would be like oh yeah the main characters best friend just so happens to live next to this meme girl who then becomes a reality star sure thing that isnt contrived at all that's what this movie should be about literally my life which is more surreal anyway then we see Jesse for the first time

    and dude spoiler for the end of your own movie Renf plz lmao apparently this image was the first ever idea he had of this movie and he worked it out from there (and his first idea for Only God Forgives was the title itself which explains a lot lmao) also note the kino cinematography taking in her bare foot bravo

    and also take note of the lighting showing the red on the left and the blue on the right and highlighting her blue dress and red blood something that will help you interpret this movie is keeping in mind that like all autistic people now adays Renf probably goes on 4chan in fact he probably got the idea for this movie from reading my ANTM review threads also right off the back the soundtrack is very Drive-ish (I forget what the soundtack for OGF was since it was so boring lmao) and has the retro 80's thing going on like the soundtracks from all the things inspired by Drive like Hotline Miami and The Guest and It Follows bravo Renf again for basically starting that fad anyway I like that the first shot of the movie is of her playing dead (spoilers: shes not really dead (spoilers: yet)) for a modeling shoot since a lot of psychological horror movies just have female characters in them for the sake of killing them off and the horror genre in general sexualizes dead women a lot like in all near 800 CSI episodes the victim is always a hot female stripper or something (rip cags mum) so this is Renf starkly pointing this out right off the bat that this aint your shitlord daddy's horror movie in fact the modeling industry itself has a common theme of dead women or women being attacked even the fashion shoots done to market this movie itself had Elle looking like she's about to get raped

    at least it's her getting assaulted by other women so I can shlick to it without it being internalized misogyny

    never mind all the themes of infantilization and outright pedophilia frequently in the fashion industry

    also fun fact Elle Fanning was so good at laying there with her eyes open that her contact lenses actually got burned through by the lighting rigs shining down at her all day she also could slow her breathing so well they didn't have to steady it in post production >tfw no Elle Fanning gf to necrophilia roleplay with I've only seen her in Super 8 before and I used to get her confused with Dakota Fanning before this but I've known of her for ages thanks to the sick pedophiles on a certain image board who probably don't like her now she's 18 but she was only 16 and 17 when this movie was being made so watch out which scene you shlick to so you don't end up a pedo but if the vagina monologues have taught me anything it's ok for women to be pedos for underage girls so whatever

    then we see Dean (perhaps named after James Dean (the tragic hollywood star, not the serial rapist porn star) to evoke an association with deadly hollywood aspirations?) for the first time looking especially sinister giving us his best Kubrick stare and surrounded by dark red

    and you can't even tell what he's doing so for a split second you think this is a crime scene and he's a crime scene photographer or maybe even he's killed her and is taking photos for trophies so you'll still be left with the subconcious feeling from your all important first impression of him that he's a bad guy and maybe he would be a bit weird if he came up with this idea for a photoshoot but for all I know it's Jesse's idea like how it was creepy-chan's idea to cover herself in blood for her own amateur photoshoots way back like 12 years ago that ended up on /b/

    kind of like how when Sasha Grey was on Tyra Banks show and she asked how can you let yourself be degraded in porn by doing things like licking toilet seats and she answered it was actually my idea to lick that toilet seat because I was the director of that shoot and it was like oh snap which is pretty based (you know other than working in an industry that entirely revolves around what men jerk off to) and speaking of creepy-chan even though they didn't meet online (surrealy enough) I end up getting an Allison/fanfare dynamic with Dean where she has a friend who takes amature photographs of her before she gets into the professional modeling industry (r.i.p. mom who took great amature pictures of her too)

    well I haven't seen this guys actor in anything before but I did hear in the commentary track that for his audition he was one of the only ones who didn't come in-character as The Driver to impress Renf lmao literally like the "times you acted like the driver" meme

    and then you get this great pull-out shot that reveals it's a photoshot and it shows she's framed by a red neon light around a window I like how the movie is entitled The Neon Demon since even though there's nothing supernatural in the movie it kind of subconsciously primes you to be expecting a malevolent presence lurking around in the movie especially whenever neon lights are shown and we'll find out later that red is the demon's color and her leg is at such an angle to look like a triangle which you'll also find out is a symbol of The Neon Demon

    then we see Dean's taking photographs and then we see the couch she was posing on is empty without seeing her moving which stops you from fully realizing it's fake first you don't know if he's taking pictures of a girl he's murdered and then moved the body or something just little touches like that keep it creepy throughout and then we see Jesse cleaning the fake blood off herself in a room that looks like something form a sci-fi movie and a twinkly soundtrack reminiscent of the music cues for stars and the glitter from the title card and note how you don't see her reflection just yet its only in the next shot that you do

    which is where we see a certain somebody for the first time as we see her watching Jesse in her mirror in Jesse's mirror so they can have a face to face conversation while standing back to back which about sums up what this movie is about everyone is seeing each other through the prism of how they reflect on their own self-image in different ways e.g. the men all want to use her looks to elevate their own careers, the two other models we're yet to meet are insecure about her being prettier than her and the certain someone behind Jesse takes a hit to the ego when someone as beautiful as Jesse rejects her later on

    you could almost say that looking at Jesse she's a bit

    here's a fun fact the fake blood was so sticky Elle couldn't sit down on anything or it would get her stuck on it like an adhesive lel also note how the first time Jesse looks at the other woman she looks a bit confrontational like her first reaction isn't pleased no matter how naive she's acting later and the other girl asks "am I staring?" which is the first line of the movie and again sums it all up since it's all about peoples obsessions and perceptions of each other, but not their true selves, just their persona, again why they first see each other through two layers of mirrors and we see them reflect behind them as if it could go on forever and Jesse is like "a little" and the woman says "sorry you just have such beautiful skin" which is something Hannibal Lector might say kek and she says "IM RUBY BY THE WAY"

    lllllmmmmmmaaaaaoooooo when this happened in the theater I started giggling to myself like a madwoman this is also why I love this movie since not only is there a creepy-chan clone in this but there's a deranged lesbian with fucked up fetishes called Ruby who's dangerously obsessed with her

    also please note that her name is Ruby, as in rubies are red, her hair is red, shes first seen wearing a red necktie and she helps Jesse wash red blood off of herself more on that later and Ruby asks Jesse "are you gonna tell me your name or do you want me to guess" and Jesse says "Jesse" and Ruby says "Jesse" almost as if they're... mirroring each other :^) and she pauses for a bit like she's being a lowkey predator contemplating her prey and then Ruby asks "did you just get to LA, Jesse?" and Jesse asks "how'd you know?" and ruby says "you've got that look" and Jesse gives a nervous look

    and Ruby says "ah don't worry, that old deer in the headlights thing is exactly what they want" aint that the truth!

    and you see in the first reflection from Ruby's perspective there's blood running down Jesse's back like she's wounded prey but in the second reflection the one in Jesse's mirror you can see her washing it off since it was just fake blood she was actually using to her advantage to get ahead in her career so it's probably maybe saying while Ruby herself is trying to be two-faced to take advantage of Jesse Jesse is actually using a fake persona she's presenting to her too and Ruby has a polite smile on but then almost gasps with pleasure as she realizes an opportunity to touch her and says "here let me help you with that"

    I've seen Jenna Malone, who plays Ruby, in Donnie Darko I guess which I remember nothing about and Sucker Punch which is an interesting movie for trying very hard to be an arthousy movie like this that deals with womens issues with mainstream appeal that failed terribly made by Zack Snyder aka Hack Snyder who after failing to adapt several comic books accurately and failing to come up with any of his own ideas DC decided to put in charge of their movies lmao but he had to drop out since his daughter fucking killed herself and they were like oh shit who do we get to replace him well we are trying very very hard to be like the Avengers so why not just hire Joss Whedon to do it in fact they probably killed his daughter and made it look like a suicide so they could replace him with Joss and save the franchise and she was also in the Hunger Games movies which are actually pretty redpilled about how propaganda is used by every side of a political conflict and she played a pretty good bad girl in that but she's probably the best performance here she seems so lowkey creepy it's amazing this is what I'm talking about I want more female genre villain characters like this make a trilogy out of The Neon Demon Renf you autistic freak and so Ruby goes over to help Jesse clean up and Jesse asks "are you a model" and Ruby smiles like she's so naive to think she'd be a model and says "no, I do make-up"

    ugggg I want Ruby to do my make-up since I'm a complete womanchild who doesn't know how I've only ever tried to put on lipstick once as a joke and it didn't go very well I mean as part of a lesbian sex game not as part of any patriarchal beauty standards and Ruby asks her "where are you staying?" and Jesse says "in a motel in Pasadena" I know every fucking city in California thanks to how all American media is only ever set in Cali or New York City and Ruby asks "by yourself?" all concerned like but she's really fishing to see how vulnerable she is like all predators (pro-tip for life: that's how rapists select their victims, how vulnerable they are, not how sexy they find them or how revealing they are dressed you shitlord) and Jesse goes "mm hmm" and Ruby smirks and asks "and what do your parents think about that?" and Jesse says "they don't really" and turns to the side and Ruby looks serious for a minute like maybe that's reminding her of her own family or she has to focus now that she sees an opening to get Jesse under her spell and she asks "like they don't think? or they don't care?" and gives a little smile like shes trying to be friendly about it like they can laugh it off together but Jesse just says "they're not around anymore" with an expression that cycles through rolling her eyes a tiny bit to steeling herself to a blank expression like shes tired she has to hide her real feelings about it but she cant quite hide a little look of... satisfaction?

    why would she have to hide her true feelings if she's supposedly so naive and why would she be tired of doing so is she saying her parents are dead? whats with the slightly smug look? maybe she... had something to do with it? and is tired from pretending not to be happy about it to people? hmmmm also she sounds like a hillbilly like everyone else from the southeast of the US but I think that's just Elle's real accent toned down anyway Ruby studies her as if she's trying to figure her out too and she looked momentarily concerned for her like she's not a total bitch but then like she suppresses that too to move on with courting her, extremely good acting going on here and says "I'm sorry" and Jesse just glances at her like "bitch please"

    like she doesnt give a fuuuuuuuuck and Ruby gets a little smirk and goes for it and asks her "hey you wanna go somewhere?" and Jesse does her best innocent eye flutter and asks "where?" and Rubys grin gets wider and she says "a party" and Jesse gives her the big creepy-chan eyes and asks "what kind of party?" and Ruby gives a huge creeper grin and says "the fun kind" only on my like third viewing did I realize that the party she's taking her to is not a normal normie party and those kind of things dont happen there but its literally like a weird BDSM club lmao I wonder if Ruby has a blood fetish and is getting off on wiping her clean maybe she should lick her clean that's what I'd do not that I'm some sort of sick pervert just because it'd help to get it a bit wet first like how I get when I think about licking up creepy-chan's blood

    also Ruby read as a lot more le wacky and quirky in the original script which I think was Renf only having one woman to unfuck his script rather than two who he ended up co-writing the finished product with she kept making jokes about the photoshoot and pretending to be dead herself and joking about killing Jesse and she makes derisive comments about other random models as they're right there as if they don't matter at all to her about how anorexic they are and calling them insulting names and the first time she sees Jesse she actually asks if she's human and asks literally "if I killed you, would you die?" (it would be extremely painful... you're a beautiful model... FOR YOU ) which I wish so bad was in the final movie so it would get memed to fuck and back also also apparently people who use objectification-promoting patriarchy-tool instagram love Elle's eye makeup from this scene and were sending her their own versions of it

    social media confuses and scares me but not as much as the idea of going to a night club which is maybe the feeling Renf is trying to get across with SUDDEN EXTREMELY LOUD MUSIC PLAYING when we cut to the nightclub which scared the shit out of me in the cinema fun fact: the band that's playing here is actually Renf's nephew's kek and it's actually the only music in the movie that's played with real instruments all the other music is digital I like how Renf probably had all the music be synthetic on purpose to fit the theme of artificial beauty but then his nephew was like hey uncle Nick can my band be in your new modeling movie and he was like yeah sure fuck it no one will notice other than one autist writing a review on a dead nigger dick forum anyway they kinda sound a bit like Rammstein good work lads anyway Ruby leads Jesse through this nightclub that shifts colors from turquoise to blue to pink to purple in a really hypnotic way and she gets a bit ahead of her and Jesse reaches out for her and Ruby takes her hand as if Jesse's feigning not wanting to get lost and Ruby's jumping at the chance to be the protector and then she introduces her to her model friends Sarah and Gigi who I presume she knows from doing their make-up too as if she's presenting them prey she's caught or something

    now Renf has described these two as Ruby's minions like she's the evil witch of the west(coast) and they're her flying monkeys but on my first viewing I thought it was pretty clear Sarah was the alpha of the group since Gigi is clearly subservient to her and puts up with her talking shit to her and Ruby seems to be more of her own woman outside of the modelling dynamic since she isn't one and isn't really interested in looking the hottest or what they're up to or bossing them around I think I've seen Bella Heathcote who plays Gigi in the surprisingly not that terrible Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) before but I didn't take note of her (fun fact: Jena Malone played Lydia Bennet in Pride & Prejudice (2005) so this movie is actually about the time traveling Bennet sisters who have become zombies it all makes sense)

    but I did see Abbey Lee Kershaw who plays Sarah in Mad Max: Fury Road where her character was called The Dag which was absolute off the charts kino and dare I say it a feminist masterpiece about how horrible patriarchy is for women but also men where they get forced into hyper violent roles that glorify dying in combat to serve your male masters and puts you in a bane mask and makes you mumble everything you say so no one can understand you and I may or may not have already been fantasizing about having a lesbian orgy with her and the other brides since I saw that movie

    also Abbey is a real model and she acted as pretty much as an industry accuracy advisor or whatever telling them what kind of camera's they would use and what lighting they'd need and stuff like that (even though according to the commentary Renf didn't even know she was a supermodel until Elle told him lol autism)

    and originally Ruby was going to do the girls hair too but she told them a make-up girl wouldn't do that too those are two separate jobs (probably so they can pay the women who do each job less) also both are Australian (and almost as beautiful as Lisa <3) but Renf only wanted one of them to have an Aussie accent so he picked Bella to change hers so everything about Gigi would be fake even her American accent theres a fun fact for ya and I love the way that Sarah gives Jesse a super judgemental look up and down but Gigi just looks pleasently semi-interested

    and as the girls talk silently amongst themselves Jesse sways back and fourth awkwardly by herself until she glances over and sees Quinn from Dexter staring at her also in a creepy manner and no offensive to eaglebird but he looks like hes DYING FROM AIDS

    he was also a shit replacement for Doakes and had the stupidest storyline in Dexter where he hires Robocop to follow Dexter but after Dexter murders this private eye friend who didn't do anything wrong other than try to apprehend a serial killer Quinn gets his blood on his shoes and is then suspected of his murder even though he could just say he was my friend and I was checking up on him after I told him to follow Dexter who I suspect of being a murderer and then Dexter covers up this evidence for him since he's the lab tech on the case and Quinn is like oh thanks for not framing me for that time you killed my friend I'll forget you're probably a serial killer now my m8y boi lol fuck that show Dexter is another anti-hero male character stupid men think is a role model also note how hes cast in a totally blue light and there's almost a spotlight moving across him and to Jesse as if he's searching for something hmmm

    then the kino really kicks off with the use of mirrors here where Gigi is totally absorbed in her own appearance and you see Sarah out of focus in the background with her arms folded silently judging her as she tells her "god I love this color on me" also note how the lighting for this scene is a conflicting mix between blue turquoise and a sort of deep red pink color since it's Jesse's first conflict between the beauty obsessed girls all this lighting was natural on-set btw no post production trickery

    and in the wider shot we see Ruby putting on lipstick too but Sarah's more interested in judging Gigi since she knows she's her modeling competition and maybe also competition for male approval note the models are both wearing tight revealing dresses while Ruby is totally covered in a jacket and pants n-not saying lesbians dress a certain way but maybe that's what Renf's trying to get across inb4 he didn't even have any input into the wardrobe at all and I'm reading too much into it although they say he started dressing more fashionable when making this movie which reminds me of a thing Scottish comic book author Grant Morrison said about using his work as basically magic sigils to will a change in his own life if he can get enough people to believe he's associated with something he wants and he claims it helped him get the girl of his dreams (and accidentally give him a fungal infection on his face from writing about that happening in a torture scene but thats another story) so maybe that's what Renf is trying to do he made a fashion movie to will himself to be more fashionable (or maybe to become a 16 year old girl)

    and Ruby says "Red Rum" and Gigi's like "whuh?" and Ruby says "that's what it's called, they say women are more likely to buy a lipstick if it's named after food or sex" and she rolls her eyes as she says this like it's typical bullshit from male marketing executives which it is I mean I wouldn't know since I've never worn make-up totally for feminist reasons and not just because I'm an autistic womanchild I'm NOT a slave to the patriarchy ok and note how the lipstick Gigi's using is called red rum and ALSO note how red rum spelled backwards is fucking MURDER which I presume is a The Shining reference if only Kubrick was still alive and he could make the official Creepy-Chan movie

    and then Jesse comes out from the saftey of the blueish lit toilet wiping the piss off her hands onto her skirt as you do and walks into the dangerous redish lit bathroom with the other girls as Sarah follows her every step of the way like a meerkat standing up that's seen a mouse and Ruby goes on "just think about it: black honey, plum passion, peachy keen" don't recognize any of these since I've avoided brainwashing by The Cosmetic Patriarch

    but I guess that means Allison chose the right name for her perfume then (she chose both food and sex (since there's blood involved when creepy-chan fucks you))

    and after sucking her finger which I think is to wipe it off the inside of your lips so it doesn't get on your teeth Gigi chips in and says "pink pussy" HHHNNNNNGGGGG tfw no model gf to suck your clit and finger you

    and Ruby laughs at the joke (that could literally be the real name of a real lipstick and I wouldn't know) and asks "what about you Sarah what would your lipstick be called?" and she answers "fuck off?" LMAO that got a good laugh in the theater I wish I had catty model friends like these to have banter like that with I want a hot model girl to tell me to fuck off and Ruby's like "apt" and she asks Jesse "what about you" and she goes "what about me?"

    and Ruby walks up to her and asks "are you fooood? or are you... sex?" and Sarah looks at her like just her being there and having Ruby's approval is the most shocking, disrespectful, offensive and cheeky thing anyone could do and this "food or sex" binary choice for women thing seems a major theme of the movie since Sarah and Gigi pride themselves on being as sexy as possible and Ruby's interested in Jesse for sex but none of them are ever shown eating even when there's scenes in a diner and a restaurant, Sarah even jokes later on that Gigi won't eat at the diner, probably because they're anorexic, conversely Jesse claims to be a virgin and wants to stay that way so she's not sex and we know what she ends up as... so I think what our autistic friend Renf is trying to say is in this sick patriarchal world as a woman you better learn to use your sexuality to your advantage or you're going to be eaten up by the world (but also hated for being a slut)

    and Jesse just smiles nervously to herself and shrinks down like she wants to hide, this is soooooo creepy-chan on her first season ANTM it's amazing

    and Gigi calls over "she's desert" which sounds like a threat like she's not even the main attraction she's just an afterthought but then she says "because she's so sweet" like she genuinely meant it and when Ruby starts to put (red) lipstick on Jesse the mirror shows Sarah literally coming between them as she gets more and more jealous.gif

    and then there's a shot of a mirror with all three of them and it reminds me of the turbo kino shot from Breaking Bad where it pans out of Walter through the trapdoor under the house as he's laughing hysterically at all his money being gone and it looks like he's getting trapped in a shrinking box and his options are running out and it's the same effect here where it looks like Jesse is trapped in a box in this social situation as she notices Sarah glaring daggers at her for getting attention from Ruby now is Sarah just jealous in general that Jesse's shown up and is youthful and cute enough to be garnering attention or is she specifically jealous that she's getting it from Ruby? on my first viewing I didn't think so but according to Renf he views the two model girls as Ruby's minions so maybe we're meant to think she wants Ruby to herself as a mentor (or even more) but I still don't really see is that way

    anyway Jesse gets uncomfortable and asks "can we get back to the party?" and Ruby says "don't talk" and tells her to be "stiiiiill" which is the kind of thing a male scum would say as if her wishes and statements aren't valid and she should just put up with how they want to touch her and then she turns Jesse around to show the girls and the acting here is great where Jesse seems like shes trying to hide being annoyed at being played with and judged and Sarah looks like she's about to throw her glass in her face lmao and Ruby looks all smug that she let her control her like that

    and Ruby asks "so what do we think?" all peppy and Gigi walks over and says "I think that I wish I had your hair, is that your natural color?" and Jesse nods jesus christ even her hair is like creepy's

    and Gigi seems like the only genuine person in the room since she doesn't try to control her like Ruby or throw mad shade her way as the kids on twitter say now adays like Sarah she's just legit trying to be nice to her maybe because she genuinely thinks she can just keep getting plastic surgery so doesn't have to be insecure about Jesse's youth at this stage in the movie or actually maybe she's just better at hiding it than Sarah since Sarah definitely seems like she needs to be the most important person in any room

    and then Ruby circles around Jesse and says "you're just so beautiful, don't you just think that she's so perfect?" and Gigi asks her "is that your real nose?" and reaches over and tweaks it like she's a little girl and Jesse goes "yeah" and Gigi's like "god, life is so unfair!" l m a o and Ruby watches her with a smug look like Gigi's making it too easy to prey on her by discussing her insecurities and she says "Gigi just got out of the body shop she's... still a little sensitive" am I the autistic retard here? is Gigi being bitchy to her? is she just toying with her? is she toying with... me? am I being Renf'd right now? and Jesse asks her "you've had work done?" all shy like and Gigi says "you say that like it's a bad thing, sweety plastics is just good grooming, imagine going a year without brushing your teeth" h-h-heh y-yeah i-i-i-i-imagine that e-ewww l-lol and there's some interesting stuff here where in the background the doorway to the left flickers from blue light coming in from the club from dark red when she says "sweetie, plastics" like it's literally The Neon Demon creeping in

    and Gigi's body language is extremely rigid like she really is some barbie doll ok so I think she is meant to be fake as hell inside and out and is just as manipulative as the other girls on my first viewing I thought she was just ditzy and naive and doing whatever Sarah told her to do but I guess The Neon Demon got even me and activated my internalized misogyny I can't believe I thought Gigi was actually being legit nice now it's so obvious >tfw you get manipulated by a fictional character and Gigi pulls out a business card for her and says "I go to this guy in Beverly Hills" and off-screen Ruby says "Andrew" and then it cuts to her putting on some eye shadow or something in the mirror and Gigi says "Doctor Andrew" from now semi-off-screen too and with her face half being hidden in the mirror by Ruby putting on her make-up like she's lost respect for Gigi and doesn't even want to reflect on what she's saying and is only interested in her own appearance for Jesse and Ruby says "she's in love with him" while looking especially condescending but at an angle where the other girls can't see her real expression in the mirror because her hand's in the way

    and Gigi says "of course I love him" and as it cuts back to her "look at me!" as if we the audience are being invited to judge her appearance too now I don't know if the actress really has had plastic surgery but I'm going to guess no since it almost always looks like complete shit lmao plastic surgery is literally a scam by almost 100% MALE plastic surgeons who say women need big fake plastic tits that look obviously fake and retarded facial surgeries that make you look like a lion 100% of the time no offense to our otherkin friends on here with a lionsona also lis @ Sarah looking at her like "for real my niggy?"

    and Sarah is just looking at her mouth agape and grimacing as if everyone in the room other than her is a complete fucking idiot lmao and Gigi says "he calls me The Bionic Woman" (the reboot of that show was soooo bad just fyi) and Jesse autistically looks down and mumbles "is that a compliment?" and we see Sarah in the mirror cant hold in a snigger and almost spits out her wine lmao but interestingly it's Jesse who glares at her as if she doesn't like being made fun of

    and then Sarah glances over at Gigi like you gonna take that bitch what you gon do with her BEAUTIFUL piercing blue eyes

    and Gigi looks FUCKING TERRIFIED that she'll lose social standing with Sarah but then steels herself and says "I HEAR YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD" hahahahahahahaah that got a big laugh in the theater too and she's all smug like she thought up a way to be mean to her back "that must be really hard for you" as if that's subtle kek and the way this is framed it looks like Jesse is in an even tinnier box now and has Gigi honing in on her

    and Jesse looks over to Ruby half accusatory that she told her personal details to these bitches but also half for help but Ruby turns away which makes me think the models are not subservient to her (or at least not knowingly) they're just friends with a certain... arrangement and Jesse says "no" as if to say it's not hard for her but Gigi says "no one at all?" trying to pick at her lack of relationships even though it seems Jesse made it that way on purpose to some extent and Gigi says "you must have a boyfriend" and Jesse looks around nervously and Ruby looks at her sympathetically but assuredly like it's necessary to take shit like this to make it in her career Sarah literally bites her lip as she senses weakness and says "all she really wants to know is... WHO ARE YOU FUCKING?" and Jesse puts her head forward and goes "sorry?" and Sarah's like "what? isn't that what everyone wants to know? pretty new girl walks into a room, everyone's head turns, looks her up and down, wondering... who's she fucking? WHO COULD SHE FUCK? and how high can she climb? and is it higher than me?"

    you know I always hear men whining and whining about how women have such high standards but it's just that men have fucking no standards at all lmao and just want to have as much sex as they can get but it's really women who are the ones all competing for the few quality men in existence even though men are competitive too it's only because they're fucking retarded since unlike women they would love to be pumping and dumping a different woman every day even if it meant fucking women other men had fucked and will go onto fuck if he could have as much casual sex as he wants but women ACTUALLY need to compete with how scummy 99% of men are since they want an actual adult relationship and men also talk shit about hypergamy as if there's anything wrong with wanting to find the best possible father for your children (since men see everything as just sex) but men have zero standards and just want sex for the sake of it and as much as possible if they weren't such scumbags then every woman could be satisfied and there wouldn't have to be competition but men dare blame the sexual revolution for their dating problems when men have been acting like that since time began since all they need to do to pass on their genes is cum in a lot of vaginas while women are the ones who actually need to raise the child I fucking hate men if it was up to me it would be illegal for men not to all wear chastity cages only their wives can unlock this is exactly why I don't think this movie is sexist for addressing inter-gender conflict between women since it's not even women's fault it's M_E_N_S fault for making women literally get butchered for even the slim chance of them sticking around I fucking HATE MEN SO FUCKING MUCH AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE anyway Jesse reacts like an autist and says "I don't... I don't know, I just got to town so I don't know anybody here" and Sarah says "right, but you've slept with men before? you do sleep with men dont you?" and Gigis eyes open up like oh guuuuuuuuurl shes done it now LLLLLLLMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO and after an agonizingly long pause that made me feel uncomfortable just sitting in the theater as I can relate to living in a patriarchal society that puts great importance on my virginity Jesse goes "h-heh" and shrugs her shoulders and is like "all the time!" hoping that's what they want her to say this dialog is so good lmao here's a fun fact from the commentary: Renf got Elle Fanning to give advice on revising the dialogue for the female characters to make it sound more authentic so I guess she just thought of the biggest bitches she's met and wrote that down, also this was Elle Fanning's first ever commentary track and Renf adds "a lot of this movie is Elle's first" th-thanks creeper

    now I think Jesse thought they were trying to make fun of her for still being a virgin or maybe being gay but I think Sarah was, apart from just making her squirm, actually hoping that she really wasn't a virgin since she knows that would make men like her even more (men openly admit that they consider a girl not being a virgin her being "spoiled" and they get a kick out of being the one to "ruin" her by taking her virginity, men are absolutely DISGUSTING) and maybe she was hoping she was gay too since that would mean she didn't have to compete with her for male approval and maybe why she gives Gigi shit but doesn't rip on Ruby because she doesn't see her as competition if Ruby's exclusively lesbian which is the opposite of how men treat their friends if they are gay, logically men should like it when other men are gay since that raises their chances of getting laid if there's less men after the same women as them, but they don't, since men aren't logical, they literally just see a man not being masculine enough and it triggers their own insecurities about if they're masculine enough or not, so they better show they are by showing they don't approve of men displaying unmasculine behavior, that's why women are rarely ever homophobic and homophobic men only get triggered by gay men and male to female trans people, lesbians and female to male trans people aren't a reflection of "failed" masculinity to them so are just ignored (unless the lesbians are "hot" then they like them (but only to sexually objectify)) fucking jesus christ are men scum, anyway, it's an interesting inversion of how women usually bully each other for having TOO MUCH sexual experience (since thats what men disapprove of and they have internalized mysogony) and is closer to what men bully each other for (lack of sexual experience, since they are all sex crazed dogs), so then they stare at her like she's been defeated and then Gigi says "I think I will get back to the party, someone says there's going to be a show" and walks off and Sarah looks at Ruby as if to say "that's the best you could bring us?" and walks off too when I was watching that scene with the commentary Renf starts talking about how Bella and Abbey want to be Elle in that scene as if he cant tell his movie is not real lmao and Elle was gushing about how pretty she thinks Abbey is and Renf kept saying creepy things like LOOK AT THOSE LEGS!!! when Abbey walked off lmao he gets a pass though since hes autistic and I dont want to developmental disorder shame

    and Ruby scratches her head like its just a given fact that's how terrible straight women are to each other and walks off too and Jesse puts the lipstick back down angrily and looks in the mirror where shes in a light blue light in the mirror and surrounded by deep red wall and she looks like she doesnt want to get sucked into this world where she ends up like them what a great scene I wish I was Jesse in that scene getting bullied by smoking hot models unggggggg

    and the use of mirrors to show each character hiding reactions and judging themselves and each other was great and that was all real mirrors no CG I think the only digital editing done was to take cameras out of certain mirrors but they did all the lighting on-set through the mirrors for real and speaking of mirrors we see Ruby enter a room with mirrors reflecting infinitely on either side like she has many hidden depths to her as the lighting changes from blue to red as she glances back over at Jesse

    and Ruby calls back "Jesse are you coming?" and Jesse looks in the mirror one last time but actually smiles to herself like "I can do this" and goes off to join them like maybe she thinks she can succeed without being corrupted or maybe she's already been and just thinks she can go on hiding it or she's actually really getting to like Ruby and then we see Ruby leading Jesse down a dark alleyway looking hallway the kind you're told not to go down or a man might rape you and goes behind a curtain that's possibly a yonic (like phallic but for vagina, not a typo of sonic, but thats also autistic) symbol but Jesse pauses and Ruby comes back to take her by the hand and take her through almost like she's helping her explore sexually or something

    and they walk into this totally black room lit only by strobing red lights as they watch this bizarre contortion show from a woman in bondage

    and the two models look like this is whatever they've seen it all before and Jesse looks completely confused just before the light stops and the dubstep beat drops off with a thud that sounds like a growl and then suddenly both start up again faster and we see a crowed watching

    and ruby looks on with lust at this woman in bondage and a gimp suit or some shit and Jesse looks back at her like wtf

    and Ruby looks at her and bites her lip

    and Jesse looks over at the two models and Gigi is staring at her like "what of it bitch?"

    and then the model is being suspended in like an upside down hogtied position as Jesse looks on and Ruby smirks in the background and the other models continue to be unimpressed

    this image reminds me of a statue called The Arch of Hysteria that was supposedly inspired by the way Jeffery Dahmer posed one of his victims bodies

    that Tony Podesta has hanging in his house

    but this movie was released months before people started calling him a pedo oh shit #pizzagate CONFIRMED and the lights change from red to white as Jesse gets more and more entranced by the dancer as if she's not scared of it anymore and apparently that was all done with on-set lighting and only the lens flare effect was added in post

    and the dancer in this like white latex gimp suit starts rotating around while being hung in the air so it looks almost like she's being possessed by a demon making her levitate or some shit from a horror movie or maybe one of those 3D hologram orniment things that flashes a 3D object in a little jar for instructional or novelty purposes which I guess is similar because I know it's a hip modern thing to be "kink friendly" especially in performance art things like this (even though its 100% of the time women being tied up by men lmao) but to tie someone up into different shapes so they're imobile and oggle them is to literally objectify them like an orniment and you have this woman desperate for people to be looking at her floating in an empty void like even if she gets attention there's nothing else to it and she's still empty but its still drawing Jesse in because it's still attention grabbing and exciting

    and apparently they couldn't afford a real performer for this scene so Renf literally just asked if a member of the crew wanted to do it and they sent the volunteer from the costume department to do japanese rope bondage sessions which Renf has heard are "supposedly very sexual stimulating" as if that's the reason she went to do it and not any other reason lmao fucking dirty bastard

    and then you see Sarah has joined Gigi in staring at Jesse but a bit more lowkey out the corner of her eyes as if to say "you're next" and when Jesse looks over Sarah just casually turns away and there's a super creepy effect on Gigi where she LITERALLY looks plastic from the lighting and the flashing stops your eyes from being able to analyze her real skin texture so she literally looks like a barbie doll

    and when Jesse looks back at Ruby she gives her a huge big grin like she's glad she's getting into this fucking BDSM show lmao

    and Ruby bites her lip like shes getting super turned on and wants to tie Jesse up like that and give her a good seeing to

    and Jesse's totally transfixed like she's never seen anything like that before since they don't have the internet in Georgia and then the camera pans back as if Jesse is being sucked towards the bondage show and Elle Fanning said that since she's so good at keeping her eyes open even under strobing lights it really was putting her into a trance state on the set hopefully Jena didn't molest her for real but I think a hypnotism subliminal mind control sort of thing is what they were going for like she is being almost brainwashed into accepting the objectification and degeneracy of the LA scene and that's why they brought her here or it could literally be her having a magic spell cast on her or some shit if you take the occult interpretation of events and watching this in a dark theater on the big screen was some mad kino because it was like we were getting put into a trance state so our subconscious could absorb all the rich subtext and illuminati propaganda making us gay

    and then we cut straight to a broad daylight shot, one of only a few, of the exterior of the motel she's staying at as if we're back to reality now and like Renf is trying to disorientate us like Jesse must be, and I have to say it worked really well in the cinema, I'm really glad me and mum managed to not get stabbed going down dodgy alleyways to find this movie

    and we see the inside of this shitty motel as she gets ready and heres a fun fact for you this place was actually a real motel featured in one of those reality tv shows where a team of interior decorators come in and renovate your motel for you and Renf said it was a good thing they waited until after they filmed there or it would have ruined the aesthetics of her staying in a cheap place and we see her gradually moving around the room and then looking at herself in the mirror and then we can only see her in the mirror as she disappears into her public image persona as she gets ready and puts on her blue backpack far 2 deep 4 plebs

    and then we see her walking around some well-known building that has this weird structure around it that's almost like seeing a film reel being played also note the envelope with her portfolio in it looks red in the sunlight

    then we see her meeting with her agent who's played by Christina Hendricks who was once herself a model and who Renf worked with for Drive and actually came up with the idea for this movie while having dinner with her and since she's well known from Mad Men her name is on every poster and shes in every trailer and on the back of the DVD even though shes literally only in this one fucking scene also here's a fun fact just outside that window is Echo Park where one of her scenes in Drive was filmed and set in fact here is the reason they shot in LA again "My wife would only go to L.A. if we had to travel out of Copenhagen. She’s like, ‘I’m done with Asia. I will only do Los Angeles.'" so it's good that Renf's wife has him under control which is as it should be or else we'd be getting another Only God Forgives (Making A Boring Movie)

    and the agent asks her "who did you say shot these, your boyfriend?" with a laugh like they're not that good and Jesse innocently says "not really" and the agent asks "not really or no?" and she answers "no, he was just some guy, he found me online" literally how creepy-chan's career started and I like how the camera holds on Elle for this exchange since what's important is how uncomfortable she is or at least seems while a pleb director would be cutting back and fourth even though it doesnt matter what Hendricks reactions are to this exchange

    and the agent says "be careful with that" while looking at pictures from her first photoshoot with her throat cut lmao I like all the red herrings that it's the men in the industry she should be wary of (or is it a red herring? since the other models are only of ill intent towards her because they want the male attention she gets) also note the warped upside down black reflection of Jesse on the table and when she puts the photos down on it it reveals her smartphone, Renf purposefully didn't have much modern technology shown or involved in the story to give it an undetermined time setting and LA is a good place to do that sort of gag since it's a place people go to because of it's history and wishing they could be apart of the golden age of hollywood and then get wrecked when they realize it's modern and horrible (and always was) reminds me of something I learned recently where people get "Paris Syndrome" where they go to Paris expecting it to be like in the old movies and be "the city of romance" and then are shocked to find it's actually a complete shithole with garbage everywhere from all the immigrants that looks more like "little Mogadishu" and they have an emotional breakdown (like when people go to Jerusalem and are overwhelmed by the religious significance and have a breakdown, or maybe they're just overwhelmed by all the JEWS) anyway her reflection here is showing what being judged by this woman is doing to her, literally turning her upside down and warping her sense of self and blackening her world, also maybe this is reaching but there's a very edgy tv show from the UK called Black Mirror that's all about the evils of modern technology that's title is a reference to smartphones, now I dont use The Patriarchal Communicator designed by men to give women easier access to social media to make you even more insecure about what others think about you but apparently looking into one is like looking into a black mirror as if it's a negative version of yourself and that's what we're seeing of Jesse on the table right next to a smartphone

    and Hendricks tells her "you're very fit" and Jesse meekly says "thank you" and the casting agent goes on "you're also very young" which I thought was going to be a point of contention but its actually a plus since men are fucking PEDOPHILES and she goes onto say "I think you're perfect, I would never say you're fat, but that doesn't mean someone else wont, understand?" and Jesse just nods politely lol she might not get it but I do if you are not literally anorexic and bulimic then you're considered overweight in the modeling world because fat women are basically considered sub-human if a guy is fat he can still attracted a female with other qualities about his person and life like being smart and funny or having an interesting job or making a lot of money while a woman can literally be a billionaire genius and if she's not physically attractive men dont give a shit but if she's an homeless retarded woman but still attractive oh you can bet some men are going to fuck her I HATE men SO much its like the poor women who get breast implants the size of basketballs they are like caricatures of what adult women look like from how shallow men are but with modeling it's especially disgusting since the skinnier and more flat chested a girl is the YOUNGER she looks since men are all PEDOS and the agent is also probably "negging" her a little so she doesnt get TOO ego boosted and think she can go elsewhere for a better deal which is a practice male scum utilize to try and manipulate women into bed which should be considered rape which should result in public execution and Christina Hendricks talking about being judged as fat is telling since her body has been under a disproportionate amount of scrutiny even for an attractive actress people say it's a good positive thing she's famous and considered so hot because she's a "larger woman" in the media but she's not fat, I mean she's obese compared to most women in the modeling industry, but she's literally not fat she just has large breasts and wide hips which men find attractive but thats not any better than sexualizing women who look like they're 12 since instead of giving women anorexia it just ends up with women getting the aforementioned breast implants and ass implants that burst and kill them not that "fat positivity" is any better since it's literally killing yourself to pretend men's opinions still don't control your life (a woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her own body and not give a FUCK what men have to say one or or another, personally I would recommend staying physically fit so you can KILL RAPISTS) and no one stops to think maybe its not important what an actresses body is like maybe whats important is her acting talent??? wow just a thought! and the agent says "I see 20 or 30 girls come in here every day, mostly from small towns with big dreams" which is like the Hollywood Syndrome I proposed beforehand and IRL in the casting for this movie Elle Fanning was actually the only actress that Renf considered it was either going to be her or a complete unknown who was doing her first acting gig because only Elle could bring across the baby faced innocence and naivety and how Renf decided to go with her and not an unknown was he just asked her one question "do you think you're beautiful?" and she got uncomfortable and just laughed it off but then realized that was the point you're not meant to be too full of yourself but also what's wrong with loving yourself? (which I think I've mentioned before but Renf says this movie is not saying narcissism is good or bad it's up to you to decide although idk what hes on about since it seems this movie is about as bad as narcissism can get lis) so then she said "yes" and he knew she was perfect which makes me wonder if it's because she said yes or just that she had the right nervous reaction that Jesse would show or sometimes I wonder if these anecdotes that Renf keeps telling or arranges to be told are apart of the end product and simply her being given the choice is something he wants to say in his art like how he keeps saying it's up to you if you consider the narcissism in the movie is good or bad he's trying to push a pro-free choice message rather than letting yourself be difined by anyone elses standards anyway the fictional casting agent goes on "because some guy called Chad in the food court told them they were beautiful enough to be a model" lmao Chad! fucking normies REEEEEEEE!!!

    but on a serious note I've read that that's how a lot of people trafficking starts off where a male will approach a girl or young woman online or on the street and tell them they are good looking enough to be a model and they're a talent scout or an agency and they should come to their office and then they get tricked into agreeing to go abroad and have their passport stolen and sold into slavery or forced into prostitution or just gang raped holy christ do I hate men

    anyway then we get the sparkling stars sound que as she says "and they're all 'good', you? you're going to be 'great'" as Jesse starts to get her hopes up she can be a star and Hendricks goes on "some girls crack under the pressure but if you do ok then we're off to New York, you'll work with all the top designers, international success" and the camera holds on Jesse throughout all this as she goes through all the different phases of being happy to hear this but then remembering she should play it cool and gathering herself which is an internal process most actors don't think to portray or can manage to do so accurately it is the kind of thing the best actors can do like Anthony Hopkins can give such great micro-expressions and eye movement that you can tell if his character is meant to be remembering something or imagining something like you can irl and Elle can do the same stuff of course he has a knighthood and Elle is just a piece of meat for men to ogle I HATE men and the agent goes on "so the first thing we need to do is get you some pictures that are a little less amateur hour, no offense" and she shakes her head since she doesn't give a shit about that photographer guy and the agent says "Jack McCarther is in town, do you know him?" and Jesse faux-ashamed says "no" and the agent orders her to "get to know him" and she nods her head and the agent tells her "I had to pull some strings, but I sent him some of your polaroids and he has agreed to do some tests with you, how does that sound" and Jesse is genuinely happy to hear that and says "sounds great" and corrects herself "sounds good" and then controls her smile like she doesn't want to give away how fame hungry she is and wants to seem naive as to what that entails and you'll notice that a few seconds ago the agent tells her "some girls are good, you'll be great" as if she's trying to inflate her ego now to manipulate her to sign up but Jesse might not have caught onto that but is playing her own manipulation game of downplaying her self-awareness and confidence so downgrades herself to just feeling good, what a great scene of two women trying to trick one another, of course plebeians will never get this scene but everyone knows unsubutle dudebro reddit scenes like that manlet guy asking if he's funny like a clown in that stupid mobster movie I don't even remember the name of, fuck men

    and the agent says "good, there's just a teensy bit of paperwork, I'll need a copy of your drivers license and a voided check and I can take these right now" and she gives her her drivers license ok hol up why would she need a voided check? I went to ask my mum who is the smartest woman in the world and she said maybe because then she can go and ask the bank if these are valid bank account details but she also said she wouldn't do that at a job interview because it sounds like an easy way to get scammed but she also wouldn't be going to a modeling agency because she doesn't partake in rape culture and then the agent asks "when did you graduate from highschool?" and Jesse says "I'm actually still kinda working on it" hahaha me too sweetie me too (I'm a decade older but whatever) and the agent just nods at her like its not an issue and then the agent walks outside to talk to her secretary who is the only Person Of Color in the whole movie wtf Renf!!!!!!!!! and they're a white persons servant WTF!!!!!!!!! : and asks her for a parental consent form and then points to one of the girls and thinks about it and says "you can go" and the girl just gets up and leaves like the girls are nothing but interchangeable mechanical parts to swap out when a newer model arrives to her

    and back in her office she puts the form down and tells her "just one signature there for parental consent, one little signature and we're off" and Jesse just stares at it and the agent says "when someone asks, I want you to say you're 19, always 19, 18 is too on the nose" literally like when you first find 4chan and have to lie that you're over 18 lmao and I presumed that Elle Fanning would be like 28 years old playing a highschooler like Americlap movies always have like how Rachel McAdams was actually 25 when she was in Mean Girls and fucking Andrew Garfield was 30 when he filmed Amazing Spider-Man 2 both characters still in highschool but Elle was actually 16 IRL when this was filmed too and only turned 18 after production wrapped and Jesse shrugs and says "no one's gonna believe that" (in the original script it was actually Jesse who's already lying about her age on her own accord and the agent just goes along with it so I guess they made her less street smart now) and the agent says "honey, people believe what they are told" which is true, the average normie has extremely poor problem solving skills and literally go out of their way to not engage them as it would cause them too much distress to realize how shit their lives are, especially men who will go along with anything a woman tells him just to try and get laid, but the way she says it is condescending as if she's just been telling Jesse what she wants to hear, she pitches her the dream of making it big in New York just to get her to sign up and if she gets grinded up and spat out by the industry she doesn't care as she's already made her money hiring her out to men literally like a pimp and if you'll notice she has rows and rows of photographs on her wall in the background presumably of her clients almost like they're trophies like a hunter would keep ugh gender traitors make me SICK die cag!!!

    and then we see almost the entire shot taken up by a mirror and it zooms in as if the mirror is growing and she glances at herself and since we're only seeing her in the mirror it's like her mirror self is looking at the real her as she unfolds the contract and starts running her hand along the dotted line as she considers what shes about to do and then she puts it down on the table and practices presumably her mothers signature in the air like she's bigging herself up for it and when she signs it the camera has fully framed the mirror as shes entirely acting on narcissism and then she sits back up and the camera zooms out to show the mirror again as she stares at herself or more accurately her reflection stares at her like her mirror self has become stronger and more confident after fording the signature and can look her former self in the eye and Elle does such a great job of quickly admiring her hair and suddenly looking much more vibrant and assured and she gives a little smile creepily just like Hendricks just was and we only see the actual her and not a reflection as the shot ends as she walks out and we don't get to see her real self's face as if shes disappearing, I think what Renf is going for here is Carl Jung's "shadow self" theory where people have another side of them where they repress all their negative feelings and drives, literally like in an anime where the hero has to fight an evil version of themselves, and it makes me wonder more why her parents aren't around to sign these documents for her, and maybe them needing to sign them is the reason they're not around since she knew she'd have to have an adult signature on a contract, now it could just be something normal like she ran away from home because she knew they wouldn't approve of her career choice but maybe it's something more sinister and Jesse is A LOT less naive than she makes out, and you might think all this shit about mirrors is either reaching on my part or pretentious on Renf's, like who the fuck other than me is going to sit around analyzing the angle a mirror is filmed at, but I think it has the desired effect even if you don't think about it since certain things being obscured from your vision being unnerving is a pretty universal and primordial effect and you'll probably subconsciously become untrustworthy of Jesse and become unnerved by all this just from the aesthetic choices of silent performances, odd camera angles and clashing music cues or having considered or just heard of these concepts like a hidden self in passing

    then we seen Dean or whoever waiting for her as the sparkly music cues linger as if he's also starry eyed towards her as she is with fame and she comes out into what IRL is actually the real front of this motel and the sun is setting giving the sky a pinky red tinge and she's under the red fluorescent lighting as if The Neon Demon is around her and it's framed so that the actual red neon lights are on the same side of the screen as her and the more red tinged sky is on Dean's side as if it's encroaching on him too but not as strongly as her and Renf's comments that he commented in the commentary track were when you try to get such a specific natural lighting shot like that you're "fighting the control of God" which is a pretentious way of saying it's hard, I guess God Doesn't Forgive half-assing your movie, and there's something that happens to everyone every day in real life but is hardly ever featured in movies which is two people start talking at the same time and talk over each other probably literally just because there isn't an industry standard for how to portray that in a script lmao stupid hollywood hacks based Renf knows how it is and he tries to tell her he brought her flowers and she tries to tell him something and she tells him to go first but he tells her to go first I think this is to show Dean at least tries to be a nice guy and she tells him she signed with the agency and he tells her congratulations, notably he says "that's great" first and this time she doesn't downplay it as good she accepts it the difference now being she's done something dishonorable so she THINKS she's become more empowered but at the cost of her honesty which about sums up the modeling industry and life as a young woman BRAVO RENF! and Dean asks "hey did they say anything about my pictures" and Jesse replies "mmm didn't come up" a bit more forcefully than usual as if she's not just wanting to protect his feelings or she'd play it naive but she looks almost smug as she lies to him as if she wants to manipulate him into keeping giving her free photoshoots and favors (in the original script he's even more of a white knight fixing her car) since he might give up if he knew she thought they were shit and he says "cool, that's cool" and then as he opens the door for her to get into his car he says "don't forget me when you're all famous now!" and she goes "heh" maybe laughing at having made sure he's still hoping he can hang on to her for professional reasons as well as romantic it's like she's stringing him along and giving him false hope in two ways instead of just the one way women are often accused of doing

    and we see them driving across town and Renf says that they did this on a set with a bluescreen so that it had an artificial synthetic feel to it on purpose but I also think it's so they could control the lighting going past better so we can get the effect of Jesse like bathing in the glow of the city as it sort of hypnotically strobes on her face and draws her in like some sort of cuttlefish and also so they can put in the red lights going past as she gets more and more drawn in and Dean glances at her admiringly and she notices it and looks over at him bashfully but also pleased like it's so easy for her to get his attention and she shuts her eyes and almost bathes in the admiration

    also Dean looks a bit like Elliot Rodgers here lmao, Renf needs to do an ER movie since he literally already is a character from an edgy psychological thriller examining gender roles about a narcissist driving around LA that ends in a bloodbath

    and then we see them on this one hill-top that's in a fuck load of movies and frequently features couples getting murdered in their cars while making out (since americlaps need to punish women for their sexuality) in slasher movies and CSI knock-offs, in fact it's so often used in movies and tv shows that Renf himself had already shot two commercials up there and there were even ducktape Xs left on the ground to mark starting positions for some other production that'd just been there

    and we see Jesse literally walking across LA as if her ego's growing so large she's become a giantess (which is some sick males fetish ugh) which was actually Elle's improvisation

    and Renf manages to capture the real sun setting in the background behind Dean as if the more he's enamored with Jesse the more darkened his view is and in the commentary they mention how they told him he looks like Christopher Walken and it turns out he can do great impressions of him bravo whoever played Dean

    and as Jesse walks back over we see the stars starting to come out and even the moon unfortunately Renf had to hack it up a little here and use CGI for the stars and the moon which is fine since it introduces some key kino symbolism as it looks like she's almost doing some autistic dancing ritual to the moon which is apart of an occult thing followers of Aleister Crowley practice I was reading about I'll bring up again later and also I doubt the stars would even show up to your naked eye never mind on camera from all the light pollution from the city

    and after Dean stares at her for long enough for the sun to set so much that it's pretty much nighttime other than the deep red of the sun on the horizon like The Neon Demon is showing its true form Jesse tells him "in Georgia the sky's also this big, it makes being a person down on Earth feel really small" which sounds like something she says just to sound like a naive country bumpkin (and Elle Fanning is actually from Georgia so I guess that's her real accent) and in the original script she was going to tell Ruby in the first scene that she was from Death Valley and Ruby goes "spooky!" so I guess they decided to tone down the foreshadowing just a bit

    and he tells her "people feel small here too" and she asks him "do you" like she's trying to get into his head and he says "sometimes" while hes totally surrounded in blackness as if to imply yeah he always does

    and she tells him "when I was a kid, I'd sneak out onto the roof at night, I thought the moon looked like a BIG ROUND EYE and I would look up and I'd say 'DO YOU SEE ME?!'" which sounds like something weird Allison would say lmao and speaking of creepy-chan one of both these young models significant features is their huge eyes so maybe we're meant to relate whatever the moon represents to her but it's also the plain old "going to LA to get noticed" thing that's peddled as a dream to so many young girls but then you probably don't get noticed and best case scenario end up a waitress or literally end up a prostitute which is a bit like every young girls experience on a smaller level you get mixed messages of your main role is to be pretty and attractive for men so a high quality guy will pick you so you better spend shit loads on money on stupid bullshit no man will ever notice but also don't be TOO noticeable and attractive or then you're a slut and asking to be raped

    and Dean smiles and closes one eye hmmm I'll touch on this later on but I think for now I'll just say this moon as an eye thing is probably about how judgemental LA/the modeling industry/giving into narcissism/The Neon Demon is and it's the moon and not the sun for another reason that'll become clear at the end but also because it's a dark thing and it's in amongst the stars in the night sky since all these people who get sucked into this culture want to be stars themselves but always under the watchful eye of social pressure (literally patriarchy since the whole endeavour is to be sexy to men and please male gatekeepers) anyway Jesse goes on "I'd say out there for hours, sometimes I'd fall asleep, just dreaming" as if she liked feeling like she was being watched and wanted to be noticed even if she felt small this reminds me of psychological phenomenon called The Imaginary Spotlight and Imaginary Audience although the latter is considered an actual mental delusion but they're both sort of the same idea I guess the latter is just where it's believed literally but it's a thing where people feel they're being judged by everyone and the center of attention at all times even though realistically no one is which is something I personally think comes from being raised with religion since I don't experience this much at all and it's always just been obvious to me that I'm not going to stand out of a crowd and even if I did people are too busy worrying about their own fucking problems to care about me not having the right watch or whatever normies get wound up about but I wasn't raised with religion thank fuck so never internalized this notion of a patriarch constantly reading my mind and judging every little thing I thought never mind did which is a hard feeling to shake even when you grow up and realize it's probably not real I mean it's natural to keep in mind what other people think about you since for 99.999% of human existence you only knew like 50 people tops so it did actually matter what a crowd thought you of you since that was the one crowd you were in in your whole life unlike crowds now adays where you'll never see anyone in them ever again most likely but most people take this instinct to a ridiculous extent as if a supernatural entity is scrutinizing you thanks to being told by their parents at young age that that is happening, maybe that's what Renf is actually going for with The Neon Demon motif, if so bravo

    and Dean asks her what she'd dream about and she says "about what I'd be" and he asks "and what was that" and she says "I can never figure it out, I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't write, no real talent..." and she looks all despondent when she says that but then she says proudly "but I'm pretty, and I can make money off pretty, so..." matter-of-factly which you might think is insulting to Jesse's character that all she's good at is what she happened to be born looking like but it's more of the sad state of the patriarchal world where a woman has to sell her body one way or another to get by and even the talents she lists are all based around entertaining others like she can only ever picture herself as being some sort of momentarily engaging attraction as if that's all women are good for and that's basically what the whole diseased city of LA is about and Dean tells her "I think you're probably good at a lot of things" >t-that feel when no nice guy bf like Dean to tell you you're more than just your stunning good looks and Jesse tells him skeptically "you can't tell, we just met" and Dean says off-camera "we didn't just meet" as we hold on her judging him maybe for being genuinely naive (does he count chatting to her online as meeting before? lol loser!!!) and Jesse says "we met the other day" and Dean's like "trust me, I can tell" on my first viewing I thought he was going to turn out to be a shitlord but maybe only 99% of men are scum and then she sits down with him on the hood of his car and they look at the moon together and she leans over to him and says "they want me to lie" and a train horn sounds as if The Neon Demon is getting all riled up and he asks "who wants you to lie?" and she says "the agency... they want me to say I'm 19" and he asks "well how old are you?" and she says "16 last month" and he looks at her like hes surprised and then he gets awkward and cracks a joke that "you know I think I left a stove on at home"

    and pretends to be leaving and she says "stop!" and pulls him back by his shirt and they laugh now that I'm fucking 26 I know the feeling of talking to someone online and I say oh I've been on 4chan since 2005 how about you and they're like um I was 4 then and I feel like a huge pedo even though 16 is the age of consent here and I was chatting to people on the internet when I was like 11

    and Dean says "listen, I think you ought to do what you think is right" and Jesse smiles softly like she thinks its cute how actually naive he is that she'd do the right thing and not what'll get her ahead but then her smile drops as she realizes that is what she'll do also apparently it was cold as fuck on the location IRL and they were dying to get back into the car

    then when Dean drives her back to her motel in a car that I thought had the decepticon logo on it at first but it's actually a phoenix which is like the inverse of what happens to Jesse other people rise from her ashes or maybe some sort of eagle maybe to imply Dean's the sort of solo predator who swoops in at the right opertunity when his prey is vulnerable like a bird of prey rather than stalking them in a pack like a lion or a wolf and the engine says TA-66 just needed one more 6 for it to be kino also I've noticed that there's also very little background noise like no traffic noises or cars honking as if the whole thing is very surreally peaceful and dream-like

    and they're bathed in turquoise light inside the car but on the outside is red lights as if Dean is an innocent guy and when she chooses to leave she's stepping out into The Neon Demon and there's even the last two letters of motel in red with an arrow pointing away from him which males me think if the EL in hELl but it reads as LW when its reflected and on its side here I wonder if that means something maybe it's a shout-out to Elle Fanning and Dean looks nervous maybe because he thinks hes too old for her ontop of just being shy I dont think it's stated what age he is but then she smiles at him and he relaxes and she actually twitches a bit nervously herself but when Dean moves in to kiss her she turns away but she does so with a grin like shes glad she's stringing him on successfully and in most shitty patriarchal horror movies when a girl turns down a guys sexual advances it's to show she's the one "pure" girl so she's not slaughtered like all the tainted slutty girls who *americans start to vomit* has sex and she's the final girl who kills the killer and survives but here she's purposefully trying to preserve her "innocence" she knows will get her ahead in the industry (which isn't her idea, but "The Neon Demon's" idea she's having to play along with, so Renf isn't saying she's good OR bad for turning him down, just adapting to her new environment) also she probably wants to string this guy on so she'll keep getting free photoshoots out of him too (another idea she's having to adapt to, since there's no logical reason that if you fuck a guy he'll stop doing favors for you, you'd think it would be the other way around that he's more likely to do favors for you, but with male scum you never know) and she says "I should go" and so Dean just shakes her hand like a turbo autist lmao is this a prequel to Drive or something? if only this was Only God Forgives that had a theme of men's hands as phalluses then Dean would be metaphorically getting a handy but he can't even manage that

    that was almost as awkward and autistic as this

    and she gives him a nice smile and says "bye, thank you" and he says "bye" as she gets out but then he looks super depressed and mad lmao F_R_I_E_N_D_Z_O_N_E_D men get so buttblasted when they get turned down since they unironically feel entitled to sex and if a woman just wants to be friends this is literally seen as a negative thing by males even though the women don't want anything from them the vast majority of the time or are even just trying to be nice to them and would prefer if they just fucked off (and if you are actually honest and tell a man you're not interested at all and he should leave you alone it's another shoah and he will remember it for the rest of his life and blow it up into this huge thing even if he will lie before hand and say he wishes women wouldn't "play games" and "just be straight" (since men are autistic and don't understand social dynamics if you don't literally say out loud word for word what you mean)) but that doesn't stop males from still hanging around hoping for a pity fuck or if they can bribe their way into their pants since even if they consider themselves being exploited they literally cannot stop themselves if there's a chance of having sex and even if a girl is doing what Jesse is doing here and stringing him along for free shit there's LITERALLY nothing wrong with that if he willingly hands it over since it's basically like gambling it's his fault if he loses out and doesn't get lucky meanwhile all men lie to women to get them into bed which is actually shitty and dishonest since the woman doesn't enter into the arrangement knowing he's actually being a shithead who just wants to pump and dump her and isn't interested in anything else fuck men are fucking UGHGHGHGHGJHHHHHHHHH why couldn't this movie be about men being murdered? anyway Dean goes to shoot up a sorority house

    and Jesse walks back to her room completely blank face and engulfed by the red neon lights as she's influenced by The Neon Demon more and more and here is a fun and gross fact for you: they would run out of vasline for the camera to give the misty-eyed glare effect so the director of photography would just rub her forehead grease and smear it on the camera lens lmao ewwwwwww

    and she walks into a blue turquoise light again as Dean runs into the courtyard below and calls up to her and when she looks down he points up to the moon like

    check my dubs

    or more like


    and we see the full moon through some powerlines (americans have above-ground powerlines like some african shithole and if lighting strikes them or there's a car accident and a pole gets knocked down the power for entire streets goes out for weeks) like its a beast kept behind bars for now or something

    I guess it's good he didn't go and drive over some normies and kept trying to be sweet in his own autistic way and Jesse yells down "you wanna go out again?" like she means it like she's still got some niceness in her that just wants a normal relationship and he says "yeah, yeah that'd be cool" and then he awkwardly walks off and she smiles to herself but then it fades like she knows it'll probably not work out because he's too nice for this industry and she fiddles hard to unlock her motel room door and fiddles to switch on the busted light switch and when she looks in the room THERES SOMETHING BEHIND THE BED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A WEREWOLF!!!

    that would have been a scary as fuck moment if it hadn't already been spoiled in the trailer and all the unavoidable advertising material that it's a mountain lion and Jesse considers taking another look but then she hears a thud and screams and runs off and we cut to a cop car racing past with its sirens going like its part of the animalistic noises of LA and she runs down and bangs on the door of the managers office or apartment or whatever and he growls "yeah?" and she frantically says "something's in my room!" and he groggily asks "what do you mean 'something's in your room?'" and she yells "I SAW SOMETHING IN MY ROOM!" and the shadowy figure behind the grate pauses and asks "are you high?" lmao

    and she starts fiddling with her phone (that you never see a close up of to keep it feeling era ambiguous) and he asks "what are you doing?" and she says "calling the police" and he shoves the door open and ITS KEANU REEVES lmao unfortunately this was also spoiled in the trailers but I love Keanu since he's the star of my favorite ever movie The Matrix and he's such a nice guy IRL (took a 75% pay cut so Al Pacino could be cast in The Devil's Advocate, took a 90% pay cut so Gene Hackjman could be cast in The Replacements, gave away 50 million euros to the tech, crew and costume designers of the Matrix films and rumor has it he bought each of the stunt crew a harley davidson motorcycle, donates the rest of his money to cancer research foundations, likes to buy homeless people meals and just sit and chat with them, gives up his seat on the subway if someone needs it, when a female stalker broke into his home he just sat there and talked to her until the police arrived (me in the near future), when he found out about the Sad Keanu meme (shout out to /tv/ for finally making a popular meme) he was fine with it and said he was happy people were being creative and having fun with his image while some celebs would have gotten mad butthurt about it) despite having gone through so much hardship (his dad was a heroin dealer who ran out on his family when he was 3 and he hasn't seen him since, his mother moved him around a lot as a child so he never made any friends as a kid, he wanted to be a hockey player but he got an injury that meant he couldn't play anymore so he dropped out of highschool to become an actor, his wife gave birth to a 8 month old stillborn daughter and the stress forced them to split afterwards and then she died in a car crash (while high on drugs she got at a party at Marilyn Manson's place lel), his sister who's the only person he's close to is bed ridden with leukemia and his best friend who he seemed to love like a brother or maybe even more River Phoenix died of a drug overdose in a gutter before they could make their dream movie together sad that his life starts off shitty because his dad's a drug dealer and his best friend and wife's lives both ended from drugs, but that's typical, you grow up in a bad environment but end up thinking that's normal and keep finding it again, probably why Hollywood attracts so many fucked up people, it truly is The Neon Demon™ by Nicolas Winding Refn in IMAX 3D

    aaaaaaaaaanywaaaaaaaaaaay I actually don't think Keanu is that good of an actor, he's pretty bad at emoting in any way, but that doesn't mean he hasn't had good performances with the right casting, like poor casting would be roles that call on him to be an emotionally normal person like Knock Knock or Bram Stoker's Dracula where he's fucking terrible and forced but his best roles are when he's cast as a stoic person like Neo or John Wick where he doesn't have to really act at all he just has to be his usual introverted self or roles that call for over the top and corny like the crazy serial killer in The Watcher or the loose canon cops in Point Break and Speed but I think this is by far his best role acting wise since he's legitimately taking on the persona of a totally different person and not just being his usual wooden self or being a shit actor works for the wacky nature of the genre he's a totally different person from any other role and I take it this is down to Renf's directing for example right here where he tells her "woah woah woah, relax ok" since he really doesn't want the police there for soooome reason and he calls back to someone called "Mikey" and tells him "this lady has an unwanted guest, two twelve" (is that number a reference to something? maybe the Azealia Banks song where she sings about someone eating her cunt, but shes a Drumpf supporter so she can fuck off, also reminds me of Angela from ANTM who would rant and rave about the area code from whatever city she was from as if anyone knows what shes on about) he is talking polite to show he can control himself but still chooses to be an asshole which makes him even scarier and he intimidates her by stepping into her personal space and keeps his hand on the door and points to her room with his other hand so he's literally manspreading like hes doing the "come at me bro" pose or is about to bear hug her which is the kind of thing aggressive shithead men do without even realizing it just taking up space around people by stretching out their body and ordering people around with hand gestures like they cant even be fucked to talk to you and he does it very convincingly

    and Mikey comes out with a flashlight and a red baseball bat and they walk back cross the courtyard which is illuminated in blue turquoise like shes still in her innocent girl mode but the motel sign is lurking above it in red and all you can see of it is "mote" which is a word for a little speck of something which is maybe how she feels with these men around her and the TV flickers inside Keanu's office through the glass like a little bit of neon kept at bay and looking to get out

    and Mikey pulls down some yellow police crime scene tape that's there for some reason that I guess Jesse just slinked under and as they walk up the stairs Keanu makes a weird sucking sound and when Jesse stops to look back as if he's trying to get her attention he just stares at her I fucking HATE men who do things like that and he not so subtly looks at her ass as she runs up the stairs and its hard to recognize him with hair and without a hat but Mikey is actually played by SKINNY PETE FROM BREAKING BAD who fun fact Bob Hughes was cast as in my Breaking Bad finale megathread and Keanu bangs on the door and yells "ALRIGHT ASSHOLE, PARTY'S OVER" I don't see how that's a party

    and when he gets no response he says impatiently "give me the key" and then the Keymaker from Reloaded comes out no she gives it to him and he glances back at her as if he's trying to tell if she's fucking with him somehow and he doesn't trust her and he tries it in the lock but fails to open it and he gets pissed off and says "Mikey open the door" and we see from the inside the blue turquoise door getting kicked open by Skinny Pete who has a grim reaper tattoo visible on his arm idk if that's his real tattoo let me look it up real quick oh yeah seems to be his but maybe Renf showed it on purpose by dressing him in that sleeveless shirt so there's more subtle little hints of death everywhere

    and Skinny Pete seems scared but Keanu just puts his hand in and tries the broken light switch like he doesn't care and goes "Mikey" who shines his torch in and when he sees the room all torn up Keanu's like "the fuck?!" and he turns to Jesse and tells her "you're paying for this" and she goes "I didn't do it" and he shoves her back against the red railing and says "you fucking kids are all the fucking same" fucking RAPE CULTUUUUUURE

    and he grabs her arm and threatens her "I will find you, got it?" and before she can answer Skinny Pete backs up suddenly and says "there's your visitor" and Keanu turns around like hes just annoyed he has to deal with this shit and sees A HUGE MOUNTAIN LION JUMPING ABOUT (is it a mountain lion? in the script it's described as a ""wildcat" which I think is literally just a wild cat but people online say it's a cougar but making roars like a bigger cat which is probably just the SFX people only having so many stock roars of felines or maybe some deep kino about it being a chimera representing The Neon Demon and not a real animal)

    and Keanu looks at it like wtf but with no instinct to protect Jesse from it and Skinny Pete gets the baseball bat up just in case it has a go idk how the fuck they get this thing out of the room I guess they just gotta call animal control or something when I saw this clip in the trailers I assumed it was going to be a supernatural or surrealist scene where its like wtf is a lion doing in her room but since you really do just get mountain lions roaming around in clapistan one could just climb in someones window and get stuck in their room but I also wonder maybe Ruby put it in as an attempt to scare her out of there so she can invite her to her house since I'm not sure a lion would be like hmm looks like an open window up there time to jump all the way up onto this second story balcony unless Jesse left some food out or something

    and the lion snarls at them but it looks pretty docile at first I thought this was CGI but it was actually a real mountain lion that a professional trainer brought in in a cage that smelled real bad apparently and they just let it roam around this motel room hoping they get good shots of it and hope it doesn't fuck it up for real too badly thank fuck you don't get any wild animals like this in scotland in clapistan you get fucking coyotes and crocodiles and bears and shit that kill humans there's some retards who want to reintroduce wolves back into scotland after they got hunted to extinction and I'm like cool but only if you also reintroduce guns too so I can fucking blast them if they come into my house

    and Jesse barely even reacts to it in fact she looks just kind of intrigued as we hear it roar off-screen (in the original script it was actually going to be tearing a chunk out of the cheek of some other animal it had killed) since maybe the surface reading is she doesn't get scared very easily and is actually a lot harder than she lets on but I think the subtext is the mountain lion represents how dangerous LA is, I guess literally since there's fucking lions breaking into peoples rooms, but also the spiritual threat of The Neon Demon, since it's not just the dangerous and exploitative people she has to worry about, there's non-human threats too, like how the culture can seem like a force of nature, like a hungry beast needing fed with young meat, and she's not scared of it because she's turning into a beast too, and since it's probably her fault the lion got in there since he left a window open or something it's her fault when The Neon Demon gets into her because she's opening the door to it too by entering this industry, or maybe she just thinks big cats are cool idk

    then there's a harsh visual cut that was like a flash grenade going off in the theater (thankfully James Holmes didnt come in) from Jesse slinking into the darkness to full 100% white of a photoshoot studio that pans over to show Quinn from Dexter taking pictures of a model and this isn't actually made up for the movie it's not a set, well a movie set, it's a real fashion shoot for some make-up company called Smashbox I haven't heard of since I don't wear The Patriarchal Cosmetic but I don't approve of the name it sounds like an innuendo a male shitlord would use for female genitalia (so I guess Ruby's right about naming conventions), here we see Elle on-set wearing one of their robes as Renf sets up a shot (note the autism blanket around his waist)

    and we pan over this model being shot who kind of looks like official FJS model ksouth

    and three other women are watching the images come in please note how the photographer and person editing the photoshoot so actually making the decisions of what images to produce are male and females all have jobs supporting these decisions so next time a shitlord says women inflict fashion standards on themselves tell them Renf know how it be

    and when Jesse comes in Ruby is there, I guess she is either a prolific make-up artist who works for many shoots (how did Dean even book her? I guess he's not a total no-hoper) or you're allowed to bring your own and she's doing Jesse's make-up pro bono here? and gives this big grin as the photography lights flash and the sparkly starry music cue starts up and Jena Malone gives a great take here where she looks both happy and creepy like she genuinely likes Jesse but there's a tiredness behind it like she knows it probably wont end well

    and Elle gives a smile that's also both happy to see her but also a little confused as to why Ruby's so happy to see her like she's starting to realize she's interested in her a bit more than she is

    and Ruby approaches her and puts her shoulders up in excitement and they both get big grins as they're happy to see each other again and hyped for her first proper photoshoot and Ruby leans in to kiss her cheek a little too deeply and puts her hand on her throat and there was actually dialog going on here that was muted where Jesse asks "am I on time?" and Ruby gives the double double entendre "no, you're perfect" and Jesse fiddles with her fingers nervously and she takes her by the arm and leads her off to the make-up room as they giggle together

    and there's some very well done body language in these shots I love the way Ruby is like circling Jesse like she's her prey in a way that would be intimidating if it wasn't in the context of her examining her work as a make-up artist

    and then she leans straight into and down into her personal space and looks into her eyes that's a very aggressive and intimate movement like she was going in for a kiss shes entirely confident would be reciprocated it's p-pretty hot n-not that you have to be confident to attract a woman that's j-just what the patriarchy says

    and then she delicately applies more make-up with a loving little smile as if they're already lovers in her mind and I'm n-not saying I want to put on make-up or anything but y-you know if Jena Malone wanted to put some on me just to practice for a role that would be ok and then I'd wash it off right away

    and then she keeps looking deeply into her eyes as shes doing the make-up as if she's trying to analyze how she feels about her in a way women usually try to do more subtly wh-why's my breathing getting heavy it must just be the ebola in the air

    and after she's done she taps her on the nose like you would a little kid or a literally patriarchal man would to his girlfriend he feels protective and possessive over like she's his little kid, all this body language is very masculine in nature not that lesbians have to partake in cis hetero normative binary sexual paradigms but I think it's fair to say Ruby is a top n-not that I want her to finger fuck me as she puts make-up on me or anything

    and then she turns around and walks off camera as if she's leaving the room and then she enters the frame again from the other side in the mirror rubbing her hands like a jew as if she's another character and she tells her "let's go show him" and if mirrors are used to show peoples shadow self in this movie I think this is like the flipside of Jesse's motif where in the mirror is her darker self that just wants to get ahead in the industry by any means necessary and is being worsened by being in LA but Ruby's alternative self is the persona she puts on around her employers where she pretends to be a normal girl who's subservient to the men in the industry and only puts make-up on girls to please them and assist in their objectification but her real self she presents to the other girls doesn't make much attempt to hide how attracted she is of Jesse and wanting to objectify her herself and how contemptuous she is of the industry which was even more apparant in the original script, so unlike the other characters she doesn't hide her socially unacceptable self that's only revealed in mirrors, she's openly that way to as much an extent as legally possible, as we see later with the tattoos shes gotten and not caring about getting plastic surgery and all that shit, and the version of herself revealed in the mirror is the fake submissive "good girl" act she puts on for men

    and Ruby takes Jesse back to the photoshoot and says "Jack, ready" and he looks up from the monitor at Ruby like he's completely uninterested and then at Jesse and almost imperceptibly opens his eyes a tiny bit wider as if he's only a little bit above not giving a shit about her but he is actually right to look a bit like wtf is this anime cosplay autism since Jesse looks ridiculous lmao she even has some gold foil in the corners of her eyes which looks very annoying like you cant blink properly like that movie Opera where a male shitlord takes needles under a womans eyelids so she has to keep them open and watch him murder people and this weird almost sci-fi style get-up on her face I have read compared to occult things like it looks like baphomet's head like the main piece of foil on her forehead is a goat's hed but you know what it kind of looks like to me? a vaginal tract, a womb and the fallopian tubes... you know if you were really obese and they spread out to the side or something

    and Jesse nervously looks at Ruby as Quinn stares her down and I gotta say again homeboy looks like he has fucking AIDS lmao I gotta look up if he had cancer or something *does that* ok he doesn't but here is a fun fact: he used to be a model in the 90s and he actually gave Renf some advice on what people do on fashion shoots for these scenes and I don't want to judge models or anything but I will since they all have some damage since you gotta be a bit messed up to want a career that's nothing but people judging your appearance even if you're a man so he's probably got an eating disorder or drug problem tbqh and Quinn looks down for a bit and then back up and says TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES lmaoooooo does Renf browse /tv/ or something

    and Jesse opens her eyes like u wot m8? and Ruby just looks at him composed and forlorn looking like she knows what lecherous PIGS men are and when Jesse looks at Ruby to see if this is normal but doesn't get a look back she nods her head and takes her shoes off and then Ruby looks over like she has her condolences

    and Quinn looks at her feet like a fa/tv/irgin pervert and Ruby looks from him to Jesse like shes steeling herself for her and Jesse looks from him to Ruby and then back to him with renewed confidence and Ruby gets lost in thought about her as Quinn walks over and GRABS Jesse's arm with his shitlord hands and drags her off in front of the camera like he's just moving a prop over and Jesse looks back at Ruby as if for help but Ruby just stands there like it has to be done

    and he places her in front of the camera and she fiddles with her hands nervously as he stalks around her examining her from every angle and she's just engulfed in a white void isolating her from the outside world with only him which is like an effect that could be used in any other situation with how when someones intimidating you it's like the whole world just disappears and you're only concerned with that individual and nothing else but its naturally the environment already since it's a photoshoot and apparently according to the commentary Renf wanted it to be a red background for The Neon Demon motif I presume or black for the night sky motif I presume but both would cost way too much money to hire so they just went with what the set was already like which they rented for only $5000 which is a good example if I ever need to use it for when something ends up looking so creatively brilliant but was only arrived at by accident lol

    and Ruby looks on concerned for her but just folds her arms as if she thinks it's necessary for Jesse to learn how scary the industry is or maybe even hoping she has as bad an experience as possible so she'll come to her for comfort and Quinn walks backwards away from her like he saw an xbox

    and calls out "alright everybody, thank you for your work, its gonna be a closed set" and Ruby looks at the other people to see if they're fine with that and they leave out the door into the sunlight which we almost never see in this movie and they slam it behind them like its closing off the possibility of escape and she just looks like yep typical and Jesse nervously fidgets and looks at Ruby and shakes her head a little like she's scared and Ruby considers her words and says "I don't mind staying, it's not a problem" and Quinn instantly says "we're good" without even looking at her and he starts staring at her feet lmao

    so Ruby walks out the door too and Jesse fidgets around nervously and Quinn gets a tiny hint of a smile and says TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES and the scene gets super uncomfortable I remember tensing up in the theater and my mum asked "why isn't someone with her?" I thought she was going to get r*ped and she very nervously undresses as there's nothing but low humming background noise it reminds me of how during the rape scene in Irréversible they played super low frequency sound to make the audience feel sick like a sonic weapon and people had to run out of the theater to throw up and Quinn asks "is there a problem?" and Jesse unconvincingly (or maybe very convincingly) nervously straightens her back and nods no and Quin just growls ALL OF IT aaaaaaaaaaa dont trigger meeeeeeeeeeeee

    and Jesse starts breathing deeply and nervously looks around as she takes her bra off ANd her panties omgg and she starts shivering in the cold as she tries to cover herself and since Elle Fanning was only 16 when this was shot (which I guess is why she's the only one of the four girls who doesn't get her tatas out, which Renf says in the commentary is a good thing that there were constraints at the sexual things he could put the main character through so christ knows what else would have happened if she was over age (even though I'm p sure there's lots of states in America, the majority in fact, where the age of consent is 16, but I guess Americans cant keep their own laws straight and it'd be too complicated to publish child porn in other states where it's 18 and you can literally get arrested for child porn if you text a nude pic of yourself to your partner when you're both 17 which is over age in your state but that's still a federal offense because you took a sexual pic of a naked 18 year old, there was even a story I read once where to prove a teenage boy had sent a pic of his own dick to his girlfriend they were going to take him to the police station and force him to get an erection to take a picture of it and compare them, literally committing sexual assault and producing child pornography themselves, lmao, Americans! )) they had to give her the right underwear and bra so that she could take hers off for real below the frame but then still have a second pair on under them and Renf said on the commentary "I mean I have daughters so I was like what would I think of having my kids in scenes like that" probably fap to it

    and he tells her TURN AROUND and she does while breathing heavily and then we get a close up of her eye looking scared AF (keep in mind what happens to this eye later on....) he turns out the ligts and plunges her into darkness AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    and for an agonizing few seconds you think she's gonna get r*ped and then the lighting comes on illuminating only her blonde hair and white skin in golden light and and she looks around surprised like she thought she was gonna get raped too rofl and she looks around but no one's there

    and then Quinn carries a silver case out of a doorway that surrounded in darkness and we catch a brief glimpse of his reflection in the doors window and as he gets closer the lighting is such that his shadow gets bigger and bigger like his shadow self powers up to objectify women

    and then he's entirely a shadow as he puts the case down and opens it up similar to how all you saw of the mountain lion at first is just it's head in the shadows like hes pouncing to attack

    and Jesse looks around nervously and I think the lens flares here are CGI since they're almost too perfect how they look like angel wings

    and Quinn walks up blotting out all the light from the open doorway and gets behind Jesse and moves her hair to the side and moves in on her neck like hes a vampire about to bite her but then he starts slathering on this gold paint over her shoulder and really grabs ahold of her neck smearing it on and its interesting to note that hes only focusing on how the paint is applying he doesn't actually care about her body and is only grabbing at her throat to apply it while earlier on Ruby was grabbing at her throat for no reason so even though you're expecting a sexual assault scene here Quinn actually objectifies his models so much that he has no interest in them as either people or for sexual purposes they're just items to pose so he's kind of a redherring shitlord and Elle and the soundtrack and editing do a good job of showing all these mixed emotions at once that she's at once uncomfortable at him touching her naked body but also happy that he thinks she's going to be such a great model all without anyone saying anything bravo renf and everyone

    and in this clip when he slathers her neck in gold he kept flipping the chin piece off lol and every time they had to reset this scene Elle Fanning had to get scrubbed down to get all the gold off of her which was a bitch because it'd get in her hair and such and you see him smiling for the first time usually he seems completely apathetic but when he sees some modeling kino hes all happy not that isn't still extremely dodgy for a grown man to be touching a naked 16 year old in a dark room alone even if he doesn't find it sexual she might and be uncomfortable with that and I'm sure this happens all the time IRL and ends in rape also Elle Fanning had just turned 16 for real when this scene was shot, they even had just had her sweet 16 birthday party in the motel, so nice CP you got here Renf

    also that reminded me of on ANTM when creepy-chan was getting paint sprayed in her face it looked just as awkward

    and then we see Quinn shooting her and his right hand is covered in gold as if to remind us that while she might look super powerful and confident she's only that way because he made her that way, literally with the paint, technically by deciding to take pictures of her and socially since it's only his and men like his perception of her that gives her any value in this way

    now the color choice of gold other than how gold is what jews want and jews run the modeling industry I think this scene breaks away from the blue/red color motif because this is the holy angelic virgin mary idealization that she's striving for, she doesn't WANT to become a demon, this is what she's aiming for or maybe it's also a color associated with The Neon Demon since it's the moon is kind of golden? or is that not even The Neon Demon but the voyeurs (the moon as an eye/the photographer and rest of the male fashion industry/female readers of fashion magazines/men they're trying to appeal to/ect) that The Neon Demon thrives under? and she definitely looks more confident after it's applied and the glowing gold effect makes it look like she's radiating beauty and she's powered up enough to go super sayian

    which also reminded me of Allison when she reached her maximum modeling power level when she made a music video shrouded in golden light that should have bagged her the victory (fuck you lisa (not our lisa I love you our lisa))

    and then outside we see a very rare daylight shot (since most of the movie takes place at night I guess they break from that to show how bright Jesse thinks her future is) of Ruby smoking The Patriarchal Nicotine outside as Jesse comes out with her hair wet from taking a shower, I wonder if Elle just took a real shower to get all this gold off because they shot the whole movie chronologically and Ruby calls to "Jesse!" and Jesse walks over and says "you're still here" like she's glad to see her

    and Ruby asks "how'd it go?" and Jesse says "it went good, it was great actually" and here we see her getting more confident and switching from good to great when before she would downplay from using the term great to good and Ruby asks "did he say anything?" with a hint that she doesn't really care and is just being nice to get in her pants lel and Jesse pretends not to have her hopes up and says "my agency says that if the pictures turn out good he might consider them for an editorial, do you think he would?" and Ruby replies "I think he makes a lot of promises to young girls" like shes trying to let her down softly and warn her what he's really after but is probably just trying to scare her away from getting involved with him since maybe she saw him leering at her in the club and she wants her all to herself and Jesse looks a bit disappointed Ruby doesn't support her and says "I should go before my meter runs out" (reference to women having to leave the industry before they get too old? bravo Renf) and Ruby cuts the subtly and just says "I don't think you should be alone with him" and Jesse says "he seemed fine to me" usually I would tell a woman to trust your instincts when it comes to matters like this (judging if a man is a rapist or not) but some women are so fucked in the head from abuse by men they have the polar opposite instincts (hello Lisa) so I'll just say air on the side of caution and assume all men are rapists but maybe also assume all women are rapists too so it's not sexist and just live like a hermit like me since you cant get raped if you never talk to anyone else unless they break into your house and then I will bisect them with my katana and Ruby condescendingly says "that's not what I'm saying Jesse" and takes a smoke what else could she have been saying? obviously Jesse knows what she's talking about, or is she saying she should be alone with her instead lol, or maybe she doesn't mean he might rape her, maybe she means she shouldn't be alone with her just because he's a bad influence and she'll get more sucked into the modeling culture and end up thinking of herself as just an object like he does and Sarah and Gigi think of themselves as and Elle cycles through like 8 emotions where she looks confused, then sad, then contemplative, then angry, then defiant, then playful, then embarrassed and then coy as she says "I'm not as helpless as I look" as she gets pissed at Ruby for underestimating her and then decides to let a little bit of her hidden self show and then passes it off as a joke

    and Ruby is the one who gets manipulated here since she takes it entirely as a joke and giggles and actually bites her lip like she's hungry, well she's hungry for her sexually but maybe she's also hungry for her in a different way to......

    and Ruby asks Jesse "you promise me something? you call me? if you need anything? night or day, doesn't matter" and Jesse just stares at her all quiet instead of saying "even if I need my pussy eaten?" which is the right thing to say and then Ruby tells her "give me your phone" and she hands it over and she types in her number and tells her sportively "it's good to have good girls around" and then takes a selfie of herself to pair with the phonebook entry or whatever I don't have a SmartPatriarchy so dont know how it works also this is one of the only times someone uses modern technology in the movie to give it an era ambiguous feeling to it like it could take place in the 50s or something since its all about people getting obsessed with this golden era idea of Hollywood and the sci-fi style score makes it seem almost futuristic at times so even though it's obviously set in the now it doesn't feel it despite it being so relevant to the now like people before smartphones and social media might have thought they had a problem with narcissism but weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lady has this species dogshit culture kicked it up a notch in the last decade you don't have to travel to LA to get possessed by The Neon Demon anymore you're staring at it every day WAKE UP SHEEPLE

    also there's a thing here where the shutter sound effect goes off I presume to indicate the photo is being taken when she's already putting the phone down so the selfie would actually look more like this... a suitably creeper smile

    this is actually something Elle talked about in a Q&A about how all the selfies people take on instagram are fake and are basically dead since there's no life to them because everyone runs them through filters to make them look skinnier or make their skin look perfect like you thought myspace angles were bad that aint shit nigga and in an interview Renf has talked about how Elle and him were aiming to make a movie for a teenage audience about the themes of beauty that is usually brushed off as superficial by older generations but is actually very complex and deep and narcissism isn't even seen as a clear cut negative thing anymore for Elle and his daughter's generation for the Gen Zers or whatever who were born after the turn of the millennium and have grown up since they can remember with everyone being on the internet and everyone texting each other and even in the last five years smartphones have gotten so ubiquitous you're out of touch if you're in your 20s because you didn't hit puberty when everyone was sending fucking snapchat videos of yourself masturbating to your middle school boyfriend so maybe that's why old people don't get this movie and say oh it's so shallow yeah blah blah narcissism is bad whatever when it's actually more of a virtue for the kids these days who actually reward each other for taking pictures of themselves non-stop which would make you look crazy before smartphones and thinking that the world needs to know what they had for lunch and just wanting to be famous for the sake of it is no longer a pipe dream but actually achievable if you simply get a lot of followers on instagram any random retard can become a celebrity without any skill or talent like Jesse admits about herself to Dean and in fact be paid for it with sponsorships from ad companies but also literally saudi princes who want to fuck a pretty white girl so I guess that's what he means by it's up to you to decide if it's good or bad even though I'm pretty sure it's saying it's bad due to all the murder and edgy shit at the end but maybe I'm just out of touch with da kidz since I don't have a smartphone and I'm also an autistic NEET so maybe it's like there's nothing wrong with showing your friends what you had for dinner and maybe people really do care and it's no different from telling someone face to face about the minute details of your life and you talk about it or they pretend to care to be nice and it's just that adult normies who do all that shit face to face like normies have since forever just find doing it online odd but then again I write megathreads literally no one reads so maybe it is no different and just the same old socializing as always (although I think people think it might be excempt from the usual rules of socializing since you can get incredibly successful at social media fame with little effort and they don't realize that once you get too old to be considered attractive you'll fall in popularity just as much as you rose but even worse this time since you were so famous with such little effort and feel even worse losing millions of followers rather than just a few guys at a bars attention since this is something that's only happened in the last 5 years since normies all got smartphones so literally no one has aged out of this new "industry" yet but it's going to be quite the normie holocaust when it starts to happen) and maybe when Renf says the movie could be seen as good or bad commentary on modern narcissism because it just literally visually looks great but I'd say that's what a pleb would say while trying to insult it that its glamorizing negative things without seeing how fucked the characters are speaking of which then Ruby says "you promise you'll call?" and Jesse thinks about it and nods and says "I promise" and smiles like shes realized Ruby likes her more than just as a friend and decides she can use this and as she walks off she says almost flirtatiously "thank you for the make-up today" and thank you Ruby for the lesbian pick-up tips >tfw Jena Malone will never put her number in your phone and make you promise to call her unggggga (because you dont have a phone)

    and then Ruby watches her go longingly as she takes a smoke and then she looks off to the side like she just felt guilty about a thought and blows smoke out her mouth this is the only time we see anyone smoking in the movie (even though models all smoke to kill their appetite lis) so maybe that's like represents fire coming out her mouth as she's demonic or some such kino

    and then we see Ruby in a red skirt walking into a restaurant with red leather seating to meet with Gigi and Sarah who's looking mischievous like she cant wait to talk shit about other women with Ruby and the shot is framed so half the screen is covered as if these two girls live in their own dark little sad world or something and Ruby says "sorry I'm late" just as the waitress arrives and asks "would you like the specials"

    and Gigi immediately goes "sure" with a big goofy look on her face and Sarah goes "ughhhh you're not gonna eat it" while playing with her lip omg she's so pretty I want her to eat me if you know what I mean and omg u can see her nipple unggga also I love Sarah's dark humor about Gigi not even eating it which might not have even been a joke since we actually don't ever see any of the girls eating (anything in fact even at the end) since as I said before models all have eating disorders from all the unrealistic beauty standards in the industry I have even heard they even eat toilet paper so they stop feeling hungry but don't actually absorb anything literally like starving people in africa eating """cakes""" made of mud even creepy-chan herself was anorexic when she was only 11 and had to be sent to some christian therapy camp, idk what it is about americans and sending their kids to special camps for problems and why its always run by christians who do nothing but tell them to be healthy for God who loves you even though your life is shit but that's the patriarchy for you, and Gigi says "but they work so hard to memorize them" which is something that seems absurdly stupid on the surface but is actually very mean and patronizing I want to get bullied by Gigi too

    and the waitress says "today we have a loaded baked potato with a side of broccoli, a pan-seared halibut served with rise and a fruit cup and a steak sandwich that comes with fries." >american "cuisine" and Gigi asks "if I don't want fries, could I substitute the fruit cup?" and the waitress says "if you just want the fruit you'll have to order the fruit bowl" wtf I hate shit like this just let me buy food you capitalist pig the other day I went to McDonalds with my dad and I went up and ordered "a vegetarian burger, cheese dippers and large fries" and the woman behind the counter says "sorry we only have the breakfast menu" and I said "ok I'll just have fries then" and she said "sorry that's not on the breakfast menu" and I was like "so you're telling me McDonald's doesn't serve fries at 10 o'clock in the morning?" and she said "yes" and I was like "have you ever seen the movie Falling Down?"

    so I basically threatened to shoot up the place but I don't think anyone got the reference and she said "sorry that's the policy" so I was like "let's uhhh leave since they don't have what we want, that's a bad policy and you should change it" and she said "ok" like what the fuck as if anyone goes to McDonald's thinking "damn my dude you know what I want at McDonald's an omelette I would defo not go to McDonald's for some McDonald's fries or a burger that's not why people go to McDonald's since I am well aware of what time their breakfast menu starts and stops at" like as fucking if the people who go to McDonald's regularly enough to know what times their menus change at don't eat french fries for breakfast, lunch and dinner fucking neck yourself McDonald's I thought I read they changed that shit but maybe it was only in clapistan to avoid all the shootings there caused by this anyway then Gigi says "how about we just have the tree coffees and a fruit cup?" and Ruby sighs audibly and looks out the window like she can't believe she has to put up with this autistic shit and you can see her nipples too and they're k-kinda p-puffy unggga

    and we never even get a clear shot of the waitress as if to let us know how unimportant she is to the girls because she's not a threat to how attractive they are and Gigi asks Ruby "how was the shoot?" and Ruby smirks and says "Jesse was there" like she's excited to talk about her as if she wants to boast about how well they get along but also knows it'll wind up those two and Gigi asks "who?" like shes pretending not to know but also insulting her again omg the writings so good with Gigi's faux airhead gimmick it totally tricked me the first time and Sarah is just staring off vacantly like she doesn't give a shit or more accurately wishes she didn't and Ruby just looks at Sarah as if her annoyed face is explanation enough and then Gigi goes "oh yeah... her" lmao and uh oh I spotted a continuity error Sarah's nips are now no longer poking out I guess it got warmer between takes should have had someone on-set to keep licking them like me maybe just an idea for the sequel Renf and then Gigi asks judgmentally "why?" and without cutting back to Ruby she says off-screen "Jack was shooting her" and Sarah goes "WHAT? she's been in town for like a minute" starting to actually show a blip of emotion

    and Ruby says "he brought her in for a test" and Gigi says "Jack doesn't test new models" and Ruby says off-screen was we focus on the two girls getting gradually more and more worried and Ruby seems to like seeing them get wound up and says breathlessly "well he does now, apparently... he thinks she's going to be this giant star" with a huge shit eating trollface grin

    and then Gigi brushes it off by saying "Jack shoots me all the time" with a goofy smile on her face that makes me think she's the type of person who just bullshits constantly knowing no one will bother to call her out like Jay from The Inbetweeners and Sarah looks like she's having an existential crisis like she just realized Donald Trump might actually become president

    and then when she hears that she rolls her eyes and tells her "that's not gonna last" and we cut to Ruby gleefully watching the two bicker as Gigi says "what's that supposed to mean?" and Sarah says "it means your expiration date is almost due" hmm like her meter is almost run out and Ruby nods her head like its music to her mothafuckin ears these girls getting all wound up

    and Sarah says "who wants sour milk when you can get fresh meat?" and her lip actually quivers a bit great acting tbqh and I like her choice of words "fresh meat" which is 1) sadly true that that's an accurate turn of phrase since that's what young women are to this industry and it's sad that she would actually want to be treated like that since the alternate is being ignored which reminds me of people who stay in abusive relationships who are probably there because they were neglected so badly as children that when their parents mistreated them that was actually preferable than just being ignored since at least it was some sort of attention and when they grow up they have no idea what positive attention is or cant differentiated it between negative attention so put up with abuse since simply being single reminds them of being ignored as a kid which is actually worse than being abused since for 99.9999% of human history a kid could survive getting beaten by their parents but they couldn't survive being ignored by their parents since that means they starve to death in a fucking bush (also similar lizard thinking to the people who think interpersonal dynamics are a binary choice between being subservient to someone or them being subservient to you and there's no third option of simply having a healthy mutually beneficial co-operative interaction with someone which seems obvious to non-lizards) but the choice of words is also 2) a reference to a certain something that happens at the end of the movie and I think indicative that this certain something has happened before because of the determined and prompting way she looks at Ruby here as if to say something needs to be done about this "fresh meat" and I think it's also indicative that this hasn't involved Gigi before because of the way she only gives Ruby that look and uses coded language as if Gigi isn't involved yet which would also explain why Gigi doesn't react very well to doing a certain something at the end of the movie as if it's her first time doing it while the other two girls take it in their stride and speaking of childhood abuse trauma it makes me think if like how usually and by usually I mean 100% of the time when people abuse others it's because they've been abused too, e.g. every wife beater was beaten himself as a child, every rapist to ever rape was sexually abused himself as a child, which is not to say that everyone who's abused turns into an abuser, I'm sure literally 99% of people who get abused never end up huge pieces of shit (only normal grade pieces of shit who spank their children and circumcise them) since I always hear things like the average pedophile and serial rapist has hundreds of victims, so maybe not all men are rapists, or well, serial rapists, after all, anyway every so often an abusive victim will want to take all their issues out on someone else rather than just ignore it like most people or shock-horror get themselves sorted and they figure alright if the world is divided into predators and prey then I wont be prey again I'll be the predator and what Sarah does at the end of the movie couldn't literally have happened to her before but it makes me think if Sarah does what she does in-part because she's been treated like "fresh meat" to be chewed up and spat out by the modeling industry and probably her family too

    anyway and Ruby just smugly says "right" and Gigi, who I'm pretty sure on re-watch is not in on their little arrangement for dealing with rival models/friendzoning pussy teasers quite yet tries to reassure her by saying "Sarah, these girls come and go all the time, she's not special yet" and Sarah just goes "ehhhh" and the twinkly stars sound cue starts up and Ruby says "but you have to admit, there is something about her" and Sarah says bitchily "like what? shes young and shes thin?" and Ruby says "no it's more than that" off-screen as the camera holds on Sarah nervously swallowing (authors note: I was so engaged in this scene I started feeling a tickling in my own throat when Sarah swallowed nervously, presume this is The Neon Demon sliding its dick down my throat or something) and Ruby says "she has that... thing" (her hymen) and she thinks about it and then giggles like a schoolgirl in love as a truck passes outside idk if that truck represents something maybe how fat the average American woman actually is but probably just drove by by coincidence so I guess on second viewing I can see what Renf meant by she was like the evil witch and the two girls are her flying monkeys when on first viewing I thought Sarah was the pack leader but I think it's just that she thinks she is while Ruby is lowkey the one who makes the calls by manipulating Sarah since she knows just how to push her buttons and wind her up to point her towards who she wants, note how in the end scene it's Sarah who's the most aggressive one

    and then we cut to some sort of casting call where Jesse and Sarah are in their underwear with a bunch of other models and apparently these were all real models who got paid 1K a day and a lot of them asked for speaking roles since they'd get even more money but Renf told them to fuck off and he also described this room as "the slaughterhouse" I don't think it was literally a re-purposed slaughterhouse but it is where they fresh meat is collected... oh also when this shot came on Renf was like "god look at those incredible legs!" while Elle was right beside him fucking MALE PIG!!! but maybe he was talking about the kino symbolism where her crossed legs make a triangle between them making you subconsciously think of The Symbol™ and we see Sarah in the background looking insecurely at Jesse and all the other models look generally despondent and there's one black girl in the back who looks especially the saddest thanks to western beauty standards ugh racism

    and we get a close-up of Jesse who's looking like a boss bitch who's got this shit and doesn't give a mothafuck nigga as we hear faint whispering around her and the click clack of models heels and apparently this is why this room was selected because it had the best echos for high heels and you could tell in the opening shot of this scene that Jesse's more confident than the other girls since they are all doing things like touching their face, folding their arms, holding their hands or hunching over while Jesse is just sitting up straight like it's nothing

    and then we see a model doing the runway walk and the casting director is not even watching her and is like flicking his wrist to unfurl his sleeve or something in a way that makes it look like he's groping his colleagues ass rofl a good way to make him seem slimy maybe that's what he was meant to be doing like actually grabbing her ass Drumpf style but playing it off as fixing his sleeve

    and the woman waves her off and the next one comes on and we see Jesse closing her eyes to prepare and her eyes are so big it looks like they're bulging out her eyelids and Sarah glares at her insecurely and she looks extra vulnerable because she's not got any make-up on and she's almost literally naked of clothes too and her body language is all hunched over her posture isn't straight and assured like Jesse's who glances over at her like whatevs

    and then an assistant calls over their gaggle of cags, which is my compassionate term for women forced to use their sexuality to make a living by pleasing men with it and Sarah and Jesse watch a model walking back and fourth and Sarah looks increasingly insecure and Jesse looks like she's studying how she walks and then we see the casting director(s? idk what the woman's doing, probably nothing important due to SEXISM) and they're both staring disinterestedly into the camera so you feel judged and looked down upon by them too and apparently this woman was an ex-model irl too and she kept trying to improv lines she wasn't allowed to give and play with props she wasn't meant to have brought with her to try and make it more authentic and Renf had to tell her to shut up and stop it fucking misogynist POS and the actor who plays the dude was originally going to be the professional photographer character but he didn't have enough time in his scheduled to do as many scenes as the dude with AIDS has so was given this role who was originally going to be played by a woman (maybe Christina Hendricks who has literally like 5 minutes of screen time but is all over the promo material? probably because his name is Robert and her name is Roberta, although in the original script she's described as a 40 year old korean woman called Suji but you never know what else changed between versions) so again we have some kino commentary on the patriarchy that was arrived at by accident and another thing that was arrived at by accident was this actor had to keep a mustache for a play he was doing and Renf was fine with that because it "made him sexually ambiguous" which I guess having a mustache is an indicator that a man is gay for some reason I guess because Freddie Mercury brought them back into fashion and I guess Renf liked it like how you're not sure if Jack is lecherous towards the women he deals with or just interested in the industry as if the two might as well be interchangeable since they're both exploiting the young women and another thing is the fashion industry really does have a lot of gay men in it which makes it even more ludicrous since it's like gay men inaccurately trying to guess what straight woman will inaccurately try to guess what straight men will find attractive and (gay women can just fuck off and die I guess #JustPatriarchyThings) which is probably why models all look like preteen boys with masculine facial features and skinny as fuck bodies since that's what some gay men in casting director positions like this like since men are still creepy af pedos if they're gay and then women see them in the media and think that's what's attractive even though the average straight man probably likes women with a build like Christina Hendricks and they all end up anorexic oy this fucking industry

    and then an assistant calls out "next" and Sarah steps out of this line-up that's like some sort of military standing at attention and she hands over some resume card or something of hers while Jesse stares at her ass and fun fact: the assistant here taking the girls cards is played by transactress Jamie Clayton and there were rumors that she was dating Keanu Reeves when they were spotted out at dinner with the Wachowski sisters (yes SISTERS, got a problem?) since she worked on their Sens8 netflix show (which was so boring I had to turn it off in the first episode sorry girls) and he kissed her

    and apparently they met on the set of this movie bravo Renf for getting Keanu into traps

    and the casting directors assistant asks him "Robert, you remember Sarah?" as she stands in front of him expectantly trying to act confident

    and the assistant whispers to Robert who she is and he goes "oh" disappointingly and doesn't even look at her and the assistant (the one who has speaking lines (but doesn't deliver them on-screen so only has to get a voice acting credit and might not even be the same woman standing there) not the one who was told she couldn't speak by Renf and had fake whispering dubbed in lmao) tells her "lets just see the walk" and Sarah turns around huffily and struts to the back of the room

    and the casting director is not paying any attention and literally making some flower origami out of his handkerchief lmao and that was actually improvisation from the actor it also looks pretty vagina-ish like he's more interested in the idea of women than the actual ones in front of him although maybe that's just coincidence if the actor did it himself or maybe Renf left in the take where it looks like that so it's still a creative decision but it works

    and Sarah arrives back in front of the desk as this asshole examines his origami and she notices he's not watching at all and asks "should I go again?" and Robert barely even looks up from his origami to nod his head and then look back and the assistant who can talk (off-screen (I make fun of it being for budget reasons but it's effectively disorientating, it's the two women who work with him who are doing everything, but you never see them doing it, you're always looking at him not saying anything, since he's being held up by women but still reigning over them, deep commentary on the patriarchy)) says "no thank you that will be all" and Sarah looks like he's about to fucking hang herself

    and then she turns exactly 90 degrees to walk back to the line like some sort of military parade and falls in beside Jesse who's trying to hide how smug she is and Sarah looks like shes got PTSD from that with a thousand yard stare and of this scene Abbey Lee said "It's real, that is what it feels like. You've got eight women in a room in their underwear with no makeup and their hair slicked back, and you feel incredibly exposed, and the way those girls are looking at each other and the way they are around each other, that's what happens. That's really what it's like to be in a room like that." which is probably why it's her most emotive performance in the movie she's literally having a PTSD flashback lmao and Robert stops pretending to pin an origami flower to his jacket and stops fiddling with his handkerchief mid-fold and his face goes slack as he witnesses Jesse's beauty (should have cast creepy-chan tbqh familia) and Jesse looks smug AF like shiiiiiiet nigga you know how I do

    and Robert just stares at her stunned and he swallows hard in that awkward way where your mouth is watering and you gotta swallow and you don't want it to be loud so you don't swallow but then just more saliva builds up and then you swallow and its like GUUUUUUUUUUULP and Jesse pretends to be self-conscious and Robert is taken aback by how innocent she is like he can tell this is her first time doing a walk because of how virginal she looks and he asks her in almost approving wonder at what a naive mistake she's made "where's your card?" and she says innocently "I don't have one yet" and the allowed-to-speak assistant says "Jesse's knew in town, but she's just been signed by Roberta Hoffman" and Robert asks "how old are you?" and Jesse says "19" and looks a little more confident having let The Neon Demon in a little bit more and Robert asks "any runway experience?" off-camera as we focus on Jesse trying to look bashful and say "not really" I like every single time Renf has decided to not just do cut back and forth pleb bullshit when we need to see how a character reacts as dialog is being said to them which is feedback you get when talking to people IRL obviously but hard for movies to do since hacks always want to show who's speaking maybe they could have like a splitscreen conversation from each speakers POV or something that's a kino idea for ya Renf no need to thank me and the assistant says "ok let's see the walk dear" and when she turns around Sarah looks like she's terrified for her fucking life like there's an alien from Alien right next to her and shes too scared to move as we see Jesse's reflection walking in the windows behind her

    and Robert literally looks like he's cumming in his pants rooty style but we don't actually see most of her walk we don't see her walking out probably since walking a good catwalk walk is a huge fucking meme if I learned anything from ANTM and you basically just have to look confident like most things in life but Jesse has the niche where NOT looking confident is actually her strong suit

    but we see Jesse's top half walk back with all the other models in front of the camera like she's strutting through them with no effort or something

    fun fact: Abbey Lee actually showed her how real models walk (probably made her put a book on her head or something)

    and Robert completes his orgasm and looks like hes about to start clapping next (as americans tend to do)

    and Jesse looks smugly over at Sarah and the lights behind Jesse literally look like satanic horns and goat ears from a pentagram or some shit

    Sarah looks like she's just been raped and there's just this empty room behind her like that's her future now that shes officially too old at the ripe old age of 20 (I looked it up and Abbey Lee is actually 29 now, someone call the retirement home! a granny's wandered off!) and Robert looks like hes about to pass out and then nods to his assistant who says "thank you, we'll take her measurements" and Sarah actually starts crying as Jesse's reflection walks off to get measured like her Neon Demon has beaten hers and it's k-kinda hot seeing a usually stuck-up cold bitch get so rekt

    and as Jesse gets measured she looks overly smugly at Sarah you can see the muscles on Sarah's back tense up as she gets more and more scared and Robert just clears his throat like well that's the business nigga

    that whole sequence reminded me so much of ANTM and the turbo objectifying experience creepy-chan had to go through when she first went on the show

    even back then before I was redpilled on how all men need to die I thought it was obvious objectification where they make them parade around in front of strangers in bikinis and there was even a horrible bit where supervillainess patriarchy supporter Tyra Banks made a woman who had burns all over her body get into a bikini even though she didnt want to (like how she made a lesbian who had been sexually abused by a man pose sexually with a male model even though she was in tears over it, literally more psychological horror than anything in this movie) and then we see Sarah doing her own little catwalk of shame down the hallway and the scene is lit in such a way that her reflection in the windows grows fainter and fainter as it passes by the models as if they're weakening her shadow self

    and we get a great shot of her staring helplessly into a bathroom mirror and then SHE RAGES OUT AND SMASHES THE MIRROR WITH A POT THING funny story from the commentary about this shot this bathroom set was the only set they actually constructed on a sound stage for the movie everywhere else were real locations since they knew they were going to have to fuck it up and how they were originally going to do the stunt is a stunt-man actually really smashes the mirror with the pot and they would splice together footage of Abbey throwing a sock at the mirror so she wasn't in any danger of glass spraying in her face but the stuntman couldn't break the mirror with the pot and they only had the set for one day so just to try and get it done Abbey tried it and really managed to smash it on her first try that's a real mirror smashing and not CGI or anything and they cut away real fast so I think she might have like broke character and started laughing or something because that's quite the top lel she was the one who did it after all the faffing about getting a suntman to do it I guess you never send a man to do a woman's job ;) alright I think this is probably the most obvious symbolism in the movie since she's literally lashing out at her mirror self because The Neon Demon she's let in and probably already turned her into a literal monster has failed her now she's 2old4LA because you can only keep a pact with the devil going forever

    and then Jesse hears the smash and crying from outside in the stairwell and there's a red stripe on the wall that almost looks like line graph plummeting or a persons heartrate dropping

    and then slowly approaches the women's restroom (which are always nicer than men's restrooms which are always coated in piss like men just walk in and pee themselves and walk out or something) and listens in on the door and she hears a door closing in the distance and decides to go in like Sarah might be killing herself in there and shes the only one there so maybe she's still got some good to her and wants to help her or maybe she's going in there to make her feel even worse and there's some subtle kino where some of the screen is obscured by the stairs so it leaves a big black triangle void and creates a smaller white triangle so it's like a hidden Symbol™

    and we see Jesse in the smashed mirror's reflection as she pokes her head into the room like she's entering Sarah's shadow world and her necks so long she looks like an ayy lmao

    and we see Sarah's f-f-f-f-ff-f-feet where shes thrown her portfolio she's torn up as she lashes out at her own narcissism and its surrounded by shards of mirror like The Neon Demon gets weaker when you reject that and she's torn a closeup photo of her face just below the eyes and maybe this is getting too autistic but maybe that's showing shes torn between feeling like a passive observer like she does now and will have to be forever now shes too old (and would seem preferable to a sane person, but like to most abused and dysfunctional people the world is made up of losers and winners, prey and their predators, and doesn't factor in people who simply don't get involved in bad situations and stick to win/win situations because they're not retarded lizards) and wanting to be a devouring beast like she has been who beats out the competition by any means necessary, or if they haven't already done a certain thing they do at the end of the movie, she's torn between which she'll become

    and Jesse kneels down to the torn up portfolio and says "you should really fix this" which like how everything Gigi says could be interpreted as either really stupid or really condescending you could interpret this as either helpful or criticizing and Sarah says off-screen "I don't want to fix it" and she lights a cigarette oh we do see some models smoking and it's fitting here since she just harmed a representation of her inner self and now shes harming her literal inner self by smoking The Patriarchal Nicotine and we see her reflection is in smashed portion of the mirror like that's how crippled her shadow self is from being usurped

    and she squats down like a slav and stares intently at Jesse while smoking and Jesse says with a weak little nervous voice "I thought you did great... honest" and Sarah tilts her head and calls her bullshit and says intensely without ever fully blinking "don't do that.... pretend that you don't know..." on my first viewing I thought she just being a bitch accusing Jesse of that but now she is probably right.... I wonder if creepy-chan does the same thing when some comes across so nervous and naive.......

    and Sarah goes on as Jesse sits there trying to look innocent "people see you, they notice... do you know how lucky you are? I'M A GHOST!" and blows out smoke like she's ice cold or what's left of her soul's leaving her body

    and she leans forward and asks "what's it feel like? to walk into a room... and it's like in the middle of winter, you're the sun?" note her blowing smoke out her mouth before as if that's how she feels she's one of the people freezing in winter also note the sun comparison when juxtapositioned with the moon metaphor beforehand like they all want to be the sun and the center of all the attention and beautifully glowing but they end up being the moon that can only imitate genuinely glowing beauty by reflecting it and is actually shrouded in darkness and Jesse looks like shes realized Sarah might be a few jews short of a gas chamber but then chooses to admit IT'S EVERYTHING and visibly takes on a slightly more confident body posture wtf the acting is so good in this

    and Sarah suddenly starts towards Jesse, like she's about to scream in her face or something or just trying to intimidate her, who recoils back and yelps as she cuts her hand on a shard of broken mirror, like Sarah weaponized her injured narcissism

    and Sarahs eyes flicker between her cut hand and Jesse like a hungry animal

    and Jesse's like "SHIT!" and Sarah says "lemme see" and Jesse thinks about it and then offers her bloody hand and Sarah takes it and examines it and we see the mirror shards and her torn up pictures in the background

    and Jesse gets more and more scared but in a way that looks turned on almost and then Sarah just puts her head down without even thinking and starts SUCKING HER BLOOD and Jesse tries to pull her hand away but she keeps her grip and she yells STOP! STOP! and jumps away and Sarah looks surprised at what she's done at first

    but when Jesse bangs against the wall she looks happy to have hurt her

    and Jesse looks at her bloody hand like WTF M8 and runs off

    leaving Sarah there in amongst her shattered self-esteem on all floors with a bloody mouth like some demented beast

    obviously first of all this reminds me of a certain creepy model's obsession with blood

    now there's some obvious metaphors to do with vampirism here where as she's so intensely coveting Jesse's youth and beauty and then literally starts sucking the life force out of her body and maybe this is the first time she's done something like that and this escalates to something worse but I'm not so sure about that I think at least Sarah has done what happens before and have evidence I'll bring up later to back up this point that literally my mum pointed out and it's more like she just cannot wait to eat her and wants it right now and myths about vampirism have always been about not trusting sociopaths basically since that's what happens if you trust sociopaths they metaphorically use their mind control powers to metaphorically suck the life force out of you and at worst they'll actually fucking kill you that's where the idea most likely started people interpreting serial killers who would seduce and murder people as demons in human disguise with supernatural hypnotism powers (and maybe lower functioning ye old serial killers who would just go about butchering people at random on the street like Jack the Ripper types were presumed to be werewolves since it might look like an animal attack but people would report seeing a guy going behind that building or something) and all the originators of modern vampire stories are based on real mass murderers like Dracula was based on Vlad the Impaler who would order his troops to ram spikes up muslims assholes until they were run through (probably analy raped as a child tbqh) or before that was written there was the lesbian vampire book Carmilla (which has echos even in this scene where it's pretty sapphic to be sucking on another woman's bodily fluids coming out of a bloody hole in her body) which was based on Countess Elizabeth Báthory (yes women can be mass murderers too shitlord!) who was a serial killer (possibly the worlds most prolific since a servant claimed she read in her diary that she had killed 650 people) who was convicted of torturing and murdering hundreds of girls (probably abused by her mother tbqh) and was rumored to have vampiric behaviors like bathing in virgins blood to retain her youth (noblewoman discovers one weird anti-aging trick - dermatologists hate her!)

    since it was easier when everyone believed in supernatural things to say she was some kind of vampire or at least trying to conduct witchcraft rather than the reality that some people are just really fucking evil or maybe it is actually real and that's how Keanu Reeves has been alive since the beginning of time

    you want a quick redpill? the bogpill is actually real: an early Bolshevik and rival to Lenin called Alexander Bogdanov did experiments in blood transfusions that peopled claimed made him look 10 years younger and his theories on young peoples blood having rejuvenating properties might actually be correct huh so I guess that explains how Marina Abramovic is 70 but looks about half that #spiritcooking CONFIRMED anyway in the original script all this witchcraft stuff was touched on more but I'll touch on that later once I'm done touching myself to this scene unggg I want Sarah to drink my blood and to drink Jesses blood and then creepy-chan to makeout with me while we both have nosebleeds and then Elizabeth Báthory kills me

    and then we see Ruby in a red skirt walking into a mortuary and as she passes through the vestibule you see glimpses of her reflection on either side of the inner doors and on the floor which I think is the most reflections anyone's cast yet as if her psyche is all split up and fucked up and you see those weird trees in the background that look like prehistoric trees that were everywhere when [TRIGGER WARNING FOR AMERICANS] dinosaurs were knocking about that were featured a lot in Mulholland Drive that seem fairly iconic to LA in fact there isn't a lot of the usual LA iconography the skyline is only featured in the distance in two scenes, no one goes to the beach or that famous ferris wheel (or "big wheel" as americans call it since they talk like two year olds) and there's no shots of the huge highway system or the hollywood sign almost every other scene takes place in-doors as if Renf doesn't even bother to show the fake facade of LA and spends all it's time in the shitty motels, depressing inner workings of the modeling industry and now a fucking morgue to show what the shithole is really like, my dad has been to LA and that's how he described it "a never ending hellhole" lmao and he told me how he was at a fancy hotel and he said he was going to walk literally 100 meters down the street to a strip-mall and all the white people there said oh no man you can't do that you'll get shot! because that's where all the black people live lmao

    and then we see her walking through a crypt or whatever the non-haunted sounding modern word for an in-door cemetery is and there was actually a Q&A that took place in this very building for this movie I watched on youtube hosted by the real human bean himself Ryan Gosling

    (who has a wonky face like Bradley Cooper and str8 women only find him attractive since he was in The Notebook (like how they only find Bendydick Cumbumbitch attractive because he plays Sherlock (since they have internalized misogyny and find aloof asshole men attractive) but can't separate the character from the actor unlike wise autists like me (although I refer to Hank as Keanu throughout this but just because Keanu plays himself in everything so he's asking for it)) but he seems like a nice guy (joke reference to his movie The Nice Guys but also serious) I have seen a video of him breaking up a street fight between two stupid men but also read an article about him saving a woman from getting hit by a car which is very patriarchal of him) where he interviewed Renf and Elle Fanning who had literally just graduated highschool the night before lmao since he and Renf are friends in real life to the extent that Ryan literally shows up at his house and cucks him by playing with his kids

    and there was a creepy moment where Ryan said that Renf had talked about the 16 year old girl thats inside every man (which sounds progressive but I worry he means it in a sexist way that men can be immature catty bitches or insecure about their looks too or something since he also talked about how he's ugly (and he doesn't seem that ugly tbh he just looks like an average guy but in Americas sick society thats a bad thing to be since everyone on tv and movies is gorgeous) but inspired by his wife and young daughters) and he said yes and mine looks like this and points to Elle and Ryan asks if he can talk to his inner 16 year old girl inside him and Elle answers yes like wtf Renf has mind control powers but she explains when she first went to his house he had princess toys and dresses everywhere and "let it go" playing which he said was his favorite song which sounds like some pedo shit but then his two little girls ran out you know his daughters not his sex slaves so I guess that explains where he gets his idea of little girls from and maybe hes not a shitlord afterall and Ryan asked if the 16 year old girl inside Renf ever borrowed Elle's clothes and not given them back lmao and Renf admitted he always fantasized about being a 16 year old girl and when he saw Elle he was like "wow" and I think he means that's who he always pictured but everyone in the audience laughed like hes a PEDO and there was a funny bit where this guy suddenly yells RYAN GOSLING! YES! and Ryan yells back "mom, would you just stop? so embarrassing" lmao >tfw no Ryan bf

    and this place is called in classic tacky American style "Hollywood Forever" where lot's of celebrities get buried idk why they'd hold movie events in a graveyard just to be edgy I guess

    let's take a look at their website which is a bit shitty but they have lists of all the famous people buried there and lists of all the events they have going whats this some group called Kera and the Lesbians have an event sounds like my kind of thing and its being held at The Masonic Lodge

    I doubt it's a real one once my mum told me that my great uncle was in the freemasons and all it was is that he would do the secret handshake at a job interview he'd get it over anyone else like some old boys club literal patriarchy cronyism bullshit let me google to see what a real masonic lodge actually looks like

    hmm lets see here looks like they've got a magic spell mat or something set up in the center for LARPing and literal masonry tools I wonder if they actually practice and discuss masonry and they have some swords there couldn't have those in the UK and some wood carving figures on the wall some guy with a bow and arrow fuck off back to 2012 and they have a black and white chessboard style floor which is imagery autists on the internet connect to the Illuminati in the media frequently and hmm you've actually got some stars on the ceiling and the moon on the wall which is symbolism used in this movie wait a minute whats that th-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    *stores my emotion in a water bottle* o-ok a-anyway then we see Ruby take a clipboard on the wall off the wall and walk into a morgue where some buzzing stops and she says "sorry I'm late" and her male boss (patriarchy) says "yeah no problem" off-screen and she puts on a plastic gown on and then we see the mortician is applying make-up to a corpse

    and this is actually a real morgue in the same cemetery (Renf had to sign a contract saying saying they would leave "if they brought in a real body" which when I heard it on the commentary thought he meant they would be ejected if the film crew brought a real corpse to use to film lmao but of course he actually means they couldn't hold up the treatment of real bodies (I take it these aren't really dead people although it'd be pretty based if they were) with their film crew in the way) and this guy is actually the real mortician who works there so I guess that's why his line is delivered off-screen so they don't have to go through the fubungling of signing him up to the Screen Actors Guild and getting all the legal paperwork in place its funny how this movie uses off-screen dialog for artistic reasons but also just because of all the stupid regulations they have to get around concerning featuring real people who aren't professional actors and also you can tell this guy is a real mortician because well he's not traditionally attractive like every professional actor in America because Americans are shallow AF and can't have average looking people in their screens but also because he looks a bit edgy with the big hipster beard and slicked back hair and I bet he has loads of tattoos too I've read people complain about how morticians and forensic pathologists are always depicted as weirdos in movies and TV shows (I guess this movie doesn't help...) and I've read morticians saying they are tired of hearing people ask "do you fuck the dead bodies?" all the time which sounds like something Creepy-Chan would have asked if the medical examiner on CSI was real

    a friend of my family is a medical examiner and I asked my dad if he's a weirdo and he said he was very sociable but he is pretty sure he is aromantic and asexual since he's never known him to date anyone, get laid or make a sexual comment and he uses all his free time to travel around the world he's even been to North Korea and once his state minders heard he was a doctor they were asking them to see their family's who were all sickly and looked double their age and they didn't have access to any of the treatments he suggested and he could only tell them to drink more water bravo communism so maybe it is true that they're weirdos not that there's anything bad about never having any relationships but there's probably something weird about being fine with cutting up dead people and choose of your own accord to do it for a living because you're not that sensitive a person maybe it's better that way and not a job normies can handle who need to go home to their family and be normal after cutting open murder victims also it reminds me of a tripfriend on 4chan who wanted to be a mortician and she is also literally a psychotic necrophiliac sex offender who tries her hardest not to end up a serial killer and has fucked dead bodies irl before lmao anyway and then we see Ruby take a blanket off of a dead old lady and take some saran wrap off of her face and then she compares a picture of her when she was alive and like makes her corpse smile I think just to see if she can get her looking more like when she was alive some good dead-acting from the lady since she doesn't twitch or anything like most shit actors

    and then Ruby goes and gets some red foundation and starts painting it onto the dead woman's face I never stopped to think this must be someones job to literally put make-up on dead people for their open casket funerals I remember seeing a youtube video of some jews talking about literally how goys are weird because they have open casket funerals which is true why would you want to see your dead loved ones I think this is another American thing since I've been to a few funerals in my time (das life on da streets nigga) and they've all been closed casket probably just American women being so brainwashed to be vain they want people to see them looking pretty even when they're dead and I guess it makes sense for a professional make-up artist to do any kind of make-up job since it probably doesn't pay very well (since it's a woman's job and men keep all the money for themselves in a patriarchal capitalist system) but it's also some kino where like due to being a fucked in the head mentalist Ruby can't make women feel truly beautiful inside in a relationship like she wishes she could she can only imbue them with the phony outer beuty of make-up that is so artificial and surface level that it works just the same on living women and dead women (like her supposed house-sitting too, she's just maintaining someone elses apperances for them, she doesn't actually own a big house with a loving family in it like we see in the script just like how she doesn't get any sexual attention like the models do she puts make-up on and wouldn't even have anyone coming to her funeral like the make-up she puts on corpses, her life is so shallow and empty she literally can't even keep up her own phony apperances she has to do it for other peoples) and during the commentary for this scene Elle asked "so she wanted to be a clown or what?" lmao wearing any kind of make-up makes you a clown #GetWoke also note the motivational poster in the background I think that says COURAGE but I can't find the pic online also I like how it says 3PM that's circled in a jagged ring like the funeral is that day and Renf is holding it up with his movie lmao oh well who cares it's not like they're going to get any deader

    the next shot is most likely a tip of the hat, probably a fedora, to the infamous scary homeless woman in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive which is probably the only justified jump scare in cinema history

    but instead of it being Lisa it's Jesse peaking around so you just see her one big eye hmm muh eye symbolism

    and she's spying on Keanu trying to get a lighter to work to light a cigarette but it wont and he just throws it away angrily and goes back inside his office and the lighter is red like it's another vice an environment like LA makes you dependent on but it also made me think of the red pill from the matrix and he's throwing it away like he's steadfastly unenlightened also note that this is another rare scene that takes place in daylight and the only other one so far has also featured a sexual predator like these types prefer to hide in the dark

    and when he leaves she quickly runs up the stairs into his motel since she's gotten street wise enough to realize he's a shitlord and she should avoid him this is the bane of being a woman in a patriarchal society you have to to be eternally aware of which men around you are dangerous and try to stay physically away from them this is why men don't understand what's so fucked up about cat calling (other than having retarded empathy in general) because they don't know what it's like to have to constantly keep in mind that half the world is twice as strong as you and they just so happen to also be by far the largest contributors to violent crime and the easiest way to alleviate this power imbalance has been outlawed in almost every country in the world by patriarchal governments so what I'm saying is Jesse needs to get a concealed carry handgun so she can shoot Keanu and he wont be able to dodge the bullet since he's not redpilled, anyway I do this (not shoot men (unfortunately)) but wait for someone to go inside a room and then stealthily run to where I'm going so I don't have to talk to them mostly so my dad doesn't microaggress against me by talking about the big bang theory and she gets inside her room and we see in the mirror her empty bed maybe that's a hint that her inner life is currently in turmoil and she peaks out the window and sees Keanu is outside again finally managed to light his cig and we see another reflection when she goes into the bathroom and you can see her b-boobies more like her shadow self is more sexual and then she pours some rubbing alcohol or something into the red bloody gash in her hand that was actually baking soda to make it fizz they used on the set idk why they'd want it to fizz since I'm pretty sure pouring alcohol in a wound doesn't make it bubbly and she screams in agony as if trying to wash The Neon Demon out of herself is painful and actually wait a minute maybe Renf wanted to make it seep a gooey substance so that the bloody gash would be even more yonic to highlight how she's being injured by her own and others toxic femininity bravo Renf

    and then she hears a knock on the door and leaves the bathroom touching the doorframe with her bloody hand wtf don't get your blood everywhere and when she opens up it's Dean who has pink roses or whatever for her which were the same kind that were on the table at the casting call scene and he's got a red shirt on and the hills the hollywood sign are on are behind him like Renf wants you to subconsciously worry that he's just as fucked up as all the other men in this industry and place and idk why there's 212 on the door at the same time I'm sure there's some reason to it like there's two people living there or some such kino

    and as soon as he hands her the flowers she passes out lmao I think all that imagery in Dean opening the door was also meant to be overwhelming her psychologically like she can subconsciously tell she's losing herself and she lands on the red carpet with the pink flowers next to her in her white dress almost like a scene of a bride in her wedding dress on her honeymoon or something like she's almost ready for The Neon Demon to "take" her "innocence" and I think the colors here are important where she's falling into the redness of The Neon Demon and she's still dressed in white because she's still virginal and innocent but the flowers that probably maybe literally come from that casting call if Dean tried to see her there and stole some of them or something is pink which is like a transitional color between those two colors then as if in her mind we cut to literally


    I'll talk about this literally freemason symbol more when it comes up again but it does kind of look like a demonic smiley face if you look at the top two triangles as sunken eyes and the bottom one as a grinning mouth like how nips do smileys and that one was blue as if that's her innocent side but it's being encroached upon by the what the ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED

    and this red pyramid thing has a reflection in some dark water under it that's slowly rippling as if it's consuming both the real her and her shadow self represented in reflections so far and liquids/water is often represented as a feminine force in most ancient symbologies around the world and contrasted against solid materials/earth being masculine which makes me wonder if that's why the gemstone looking red pyramid is over the water when it could very easily have been submerged under water or something if it was just random pretentious imagery as if it's to say even though she's becoming more sexual the patriarchy is still ontop keeping her femininity in place and maybe I'm getting too horny but there's something yanic about this too it kind of reminds me of a clitoris a little nub poking out suspended above where some liquid is coming out as if all this Neon Demon business is tied in with her sexuality and how it's both empowering and drawing unwanted attention onto her as the movie progresses and she can even use it to fall in love with herself and maybe there is a straight up supernatural theme here where she's literally seeing the future of what she sees on the runway and literally has witchcraft psychic powers but I think that's not what we're meant to think because only one slight maybe supernatural thing happens at the end it all seems to be metaphorically occult speaking of which we get a weird shot of two hands pushing through the wall

    and fun fact these are actually one of the producer Carsten Sparwath's hands doing that originally Renf was going to do it but his hands were too small lmao Drumpf btfo any shit movie would have had it be CGI but they actually just stretched out some fabric printed like the wallpaper which would have been too much for any other production and that was a shot that wasn't planned out they did it during filming and Renf claims he only realized it was meant to be her narcissism pushing out from the womb once he first showed it to test audience so idk what the fuck he thought he was doing before maybe that it was literally The Neon Demon and he describes it in the commentary as a conception which is like what I was saying about her seeming like a virginal bride about to be deflowered laying on the floor there also the wallpaper is of note because it's got a red background but also it's got a plant motif over it which is also something usually associated with femininity the sort of life giving mother nature figure from a lot of world mythology (and also Predator where the yonic alien represents HIV hunting down the cast of macho gay men who unleash their anger at mother nature by firing their phalluses into her but that's for another megathread) and then we get back to reality and Dean has put Jesse onto the bed and she's gotten blood all over her white sheets and white dress and it looks like some sort of fucked up deflowering event took place (which is a fucking retarded concept in human culture, that a woman bleeds on her first time having sex because her hymen is broken that's believed to the extent that in muslim countries they have to show their parents blood stains on the sheets to prove she was a virgin or it's beheading time and girls are given chickens by their friends to make bleed over the sheets if they have to to convince the parents, while in reality a woman can lose her hymen without ever having sex from masturbation or strenuous physical activity like sports or horse riding or just not born with one or the opposite can happen here her hymen just stretches every time she has sex and only bleeds when she gives birth and fucking retards think its some sort of solid factory seal inside the vagina or something and tbqh the idea of virgins bleeding probably comes from how for a lot of human history The Eternal Male would be fucking little girls who are literally too physically small to be having sex oy oy oy #killallmen already)

    anyway Jesse wakes up and hugs Dean like she's glad something is over and then we see Keanu outside on his phone for another rare glimpse of modern technology and I also like how he has two wrist watches on since scummy men who want to come across as macho and tough always need to have a big chunky silver watch on and he has fucking two and a pinky ring which they also always have all that he's missing is the goatee beard and he'd be the full shitlord package

    and Dean asks him "are you the manager?" and he responds "depends who's asking" without even looking up from texting like he doesn't want to talk to any cops or anything kek and Dean says the magic words "my friend says she owes you some money? room 212?" and Keanu finally looks up and he's like "oh the wild cat?" fuck I hate men who give women cringy creepy little names and Keanu says "that's some real hard candy, know what I mean?" lmao referencing the kino where Ellen Page castrates Patrick Wilson for being a pedo (but she was merely pretending due to the movie not having any balls (pun intended (but also because it would have been better if it was more ambiguous and it wasn't clear as day he was guilty of abducting and killing a girl so you feel less torn about him being abused if he was just a weirdo creeping on an underage girl (but it still needs a sequel now that Ellen is out of the closet (and doesn't get any work anymore (due to homophobia and sexism in the patriarchal hollywood movie industry (since gay men still get lots of work))) and can now openly hate men where she goes about killing pedos (all the pedos who work in hollywood (more on that later (now))))))) and also bringing up a theme which I think is maybe what the movie is really about rather than all the autistic witchcraft shit that isn't real but a certain something that is and Dean tries to act tough like men are tend to do and he scowls and asks "I beg your pardon?" like a passive aggressive twitch memer but hes serious and Keanu gets up and asks "what are you, a mormon?" lol implying religious men are actually celibate and don't just hide their lustings better than most and Dean says "no sir" and he asks him "you with the DPH?" as he takes a last drag of his smoke and tosses it idk wtf DPH is but I can guess and Dean says "nope" and he says "because we passed our last inspection, I can show you the paperwork if you want" kek I like how Keanu is like the comedic relief in this movie even though he's a rapist creeper and he walks into his office and closes the door without even looking at him again and Dean asks through the grate "she said she owes you for the damages?" and Keanu yells back "I should charge her or emotional distress" lmao and he says it real spaced out and sarcastic also good point how did they even get it out and Dean says "I don't think she should have to pay" and Keanu IMMEDIATELY bursts out of the office marching up to Dean and asks "is that so?" and Dean is like "yeah I mean te-technically it wasn't her fault" and holds his hands up like woah brah and Keanu is like "wasn't her fault? who do you think left the sliding door open?" and Dean goes "yeah but I don't see how that makes it-" and Keanu cuts in asking "was it you?" and Dean says "no" and Keanu goes "it sure was hell wasn't me" maybe it actually was and he was in there creeping through her panties or something and Dean looks real sad like he knows he can't reason his way out of this and will have to give up and the way his face drops almost like a sad little boy he seems to be regressing to even though he's taller than Keanu is great acting as he asks "how much?" and Keanu smells his weakness and starts raking in the shekels saying "new door? plus labor? at least a hundred" and when he sees how easily Dean gives it up he goes "or was it two?" and Dean lamely holds up his money and says "I have one-forty in cash" and Keanu says "sold!"

    and grabs all his shekels and storms back inside and Dean looks around nervously and asks "is there a pharmacy around here?" and Keanu yells out "WHY? SHE SEND YOU OUT FOR TAMPONS TOO?" rekt!!!!!! but also fucking sexist that there's something shameful about menstruation or helping a woman with this as if anyone would look down on someone for buying a man soap or some other hygiene product and Dean I think purposefully unconvincingly and rehearsed sounding like he's repeating a line he heard in a movie and thought sounded badass says "you know you got a real attitude problem you know that?" and there's an interesting thing captured in the background where the red staircase looks like it's almost making arrows in the negative space pointing to the left as if The Neon Demon is telling Dean to get the fuck off the screen so it can have Jesse and we can keep masturbating to her

    and Keanu immediately bursts open the office door again but says in a calm voice like he's perfectly confident that he doesn't even need to intimidate this guy he can get him to fuck off just with a few condescending comments or even get more money out of him if he thinks he can pimp out girls in his motel "I'm just being friendly, just wanted to make sure you're getting something out of this deal, because if you're not, I got plenty of other girls here, take a peak in room 214 if you get a chance, rented this week to a girl from Sandusky Ohio, runaway, 13 years old, real lolita shit, [glow=red]REAL LOLITA SHIT[/glow] ... room 214! gotta be seen!" weeeeeeeeeeeew ladddyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! and that last "gotta be seen" there was Keanu's imrpov which Elle found very funny on the commentary probably funny since Renf was molesting her in the recording booth right then anyway keep in mind the Lolita movie (about a pedo if you don't know) was a Stanley Kubrick movie which is the second reference to his works after the "red rum" lipstick reference

    alright first of all this might seem like just a joke line to make Keanu seem like a shitlord but I think this might be the main theme of the movie all the weird pedo shit that goes on in the fashion industry and the film industry in hollywood there's all the overtly sexual/sexually violent/deviant moments towards the end, all the sexual moments like the BDSM dance thing in the nightclub/her getting touched up in the golden photoshoot/Keanu being lecherous and all the sexual subtext like all the vaginal imagery/references to menstruation/sexual roles and I think even Keanu saying the runaway (typed that as runway at first... hmmm) he's trying to pimp out is from "Sandusky" is meant to make you think of Jerry Sandusky I'll go into this more later second of all of interest to note this is the only scene with only men in it and I think the first of only two scenes where two men even speak to each other and this scene even fails to pass the reverse bechdel test (does the movie have at least two women in it? who talk to each other? about something besides a man? but flipped for men) since they are talking about Jesse the entire time which is turbo rare and this scene is clearly about toxic masculinity to hightlight how it's different from toxic femininity e.g. when women want to be assholes to another woman they do it with underhanded comments and trying to manipulate them but when men want to be assholes to other men they literally just act like they're about to kick the shit out of them lmao and not to defend shitty female behavior (ok I am men are retards) but at least that sort of thing takes analyzing your target and planning ahead you have to be really fucking retarded to be apart of a dynamic where the winner is the one who cares the least about the consequences and is the quickest to jump to violence but that's The Eternal Male for you but that was a very realistic scene where Keanu is being physically confrontational and belittling his masculinity and Dean tries to stand up to him but backs down and ends up getting ripped off by him and it shows that Dean's literally the only normal person in the whole movie since he's not enough of an asshole to beat Keanu at the asshole competition and he's only in this situation because he's trying to help Jesse and it's also a good scene since it's not like he's just straight up getting mugged it is an ambiguous situation how much it would cost to fix the room and who's fault it is (although he could have just kept trying the key and not kicked the door open unless the mountain lion locked it from the inside) so he's not a complete fuckboy and in fact it was probably Jesse who asked him to go down and deal with it since she's wary of Keanu and probably has no money so just gets him to take care of it which you also can't get too mad about since Keanu is clearly unstable and like I said it's Dean's own choice if he wants to spend his own money and third of all I am pretty sure Renf browses /tv/ (like all autistic people do) since so far we have

    >the title of the movie itself sounding like the Semon Demon meme
    >the main symbology is literally the triforce meme
    >joke about a stereotypically dim but popular highschool guy who's cheesy flirtations naive girls fall for called "Chad"
    >foot fetishism based creepy antics with "take off your shoes"
    >references to pedophilia, /tv/'s favorite past time
    >Elle's character very visually and thematically resembles once /tv/ sweetheart creepy-chan
    >/tv/'s favorite actor Keanu Reeves being freed from the curse of being a shit actor
    >color symbology featuring the safe normie world being blue and the new dangerous world is red like the bluepill/redpill meme

    I guess he found where the biggest fanbase for Drive was and went from there anyway then later that night at the motel you see the neon tv flickering in Keanu's office I take it and then inside Jesse's room we see Dean helping her with her cut hand with the shit he bought from the pharmacy and you see the reflection of the room in the dark window but don't see either of them in it like him being there grounds her as wholly present in her real self at least for the moment or maybe the opposite that her shadow self has left the mirror world and fully taken over her

    and this gore here is actually the only thing in the movie that grossed me out since I guess you can't really imagine the more over the top shit that happens later in the movie but something as simply as trying to pick out a splinter of something from your hand is something relatable to most people usually things involving fingernails get me too since I know what that feels like from my ingrown toenail I've had for 15 years and now thanks to my wisdom tooth debacle teeth things get me too since I know what that feels like (like getting fucking stabbed in the face with a burning knife for hours on end)

    and to continue the vaginal imagery oh maybe that's a less pretentious word than yonic I was playing with switching to vulvic but there we go there's the most obvious word right there fuck you I'm still saying yonic *tips menstrual cup* anyway she is wincing in pain and looking away awkward as he digs around with a long object in her bleeding gash and since he's trying to fish something out towards the top it's almost female circumcisiony now that would be good horror movie material too bad that fucking hack Eli Roth already made a shit movie featuring it but also like Hard Candy pussied out at having actual genital mutilation and has the characters escape so it's not actually as shocking and has less impact here is literally the scariest idea for a horror movie ever made: literally just a straight drama about a 6 year old Egyptian girl's family preparing to have her circumcised, you're never sure what's going to happen but you know it's something scary and bad they're hiding from her and the more she finds out what it might be the more she's terrified and then they graphically show the procedure and the rest of the movie is various scenes from her life showing the after effects on her going through puberty and being with a partner ect, this would be the most kino movie to ever happen and would change the world for the better but it'll never ever get made since all the kikes who run hollywood would get triggered thinking about circumcision

    also fun fact that music track in the background to all that was the longest one produced for the movie at 17 minutes then we fade to the behind the scenes of a runway show with Gigi walking along and there's some mad kino here with the mirrors where you don't see any of the other models faces as they're getting their make-up done in the mirrors but you see Gigi's reflection briefly like the top of her head in the mirrors but when she passes by Jesse it's caught in a more vertical mirror next to her that gives the effect of making it "pop up" like a predator sensing prey but she is in for a rustling and she asks like she's extremely amused and confused "Jesse? ...what are you doing here?" and Jesse says all innocently "they told me to wait" and Gigi asks incredulously "for what?" hol up literally some thing from google chrome alerts or whatever this is called (which I only just realized how you add things to it, I had been accidentally clicking follow on a website and ended up getting pop-ups from a gay culture site, a site that does nothing but report when American cops murder an unarmed person and worst of all, cosmo, but now I know how to follow things I actually want, still don't know how to unfollow sites so I still get gay porn pop-ups) just popped up about Gigi Hadid who is some fashion model associated with the Kardashian "family" who looks like she's had as much plastic surgery as this Gigi lmao nice timing google thanks for spying on what I'm typing NSA to make sure I am not smashing the patriarchy too hard anyway I wonder if Gigi is named after this Gigi? bravo Renf! anyway Jesse answers "for make up?" and there's a long pause and Gigi inflates her supposed surprise until she says "you're in the show?" and Jesse's like "..........yeah" and Gigi's like "this show?!" and Jesse's like "...........Yes." as she starts doing pretentious pauses so that she's the one seeming incredulous now and as if trying to out-incredulous her Gigi gets her Ryan Gosling on and goes "................................that's my chair"

    and they stare at each other for several years until Jesse gets up and sits in the other seat and Gigi sits in hers and throughout that exchange we were seeing most of Gigi's face in the mirror as she turned away from the camera towards Jesse so its only getting a third of her face directly but we saw most of Jesse's face irl as she's turned away from the mirror so its only reflecting a third of her face in it like Gigi's neon demon comes into the interaction the most powerful and Jesse is still somewhat her normal self or ego or whatever but then once they've changed positions they're both sitting and both their reflections are level so it's like their Neon Demons are facing off for control of who's the most narcissistic and instead of one or the other having their head at an angle so you see more or less of them in the mirror they are both half and half as if they're both literally two-faced now and this whole scene gives a pretty creepy feeling like there really is two conversations taking place here in two different worlds and there's other entities involved or something and Gigi gives Jesse a big long skeptical look up and down and says "well.......... you certainly move fast" and Jesse asks not so innocently anymore "what do you mean?" and raises her eyebrow a bit challengingly and Gigi says "you must be fucking him, Sarno doesn't let just anyone walk his collection" top fucking kek, this hints at the main theme I think I'm onto (although you need to be mindful that you're not just seeing what you want to see, eg most people see it's about witchcraft and I see it's about rape, but then again this is a review no one will read for a movie no one saw so who cares), this "casting couch" business, that exists in probably every industry but is a huge thing in the modeling and hollywood industry since these things are already built around men ordering underpaid underage girls how to best be ogled at by other men I fucking HATE MEN REEEEEEEEEEEEE also we find out that Robert's last name is Sorno who Renf says in the commentary is named atfer Joseph W. Sarno who was a sexploitation director which I think is what pretentious hipsters call porn movies

    and Jesse smiles a little not even pretending to be taken aback now and says "I don't think I'm his type" I guess that's why Renf liked that he had the mustache since obviously that means he might be gay (fucking shitlord) and Gigi says "why not? you're very masculine" FUCKIGN REKT!!!

    but tbh that wasn't a very good move since its obviously not true so wont get under her skin and is tipping her hand socially that she wants to put Jesse down and risks her retaliating this is the kind of insult a dumb male would probably think is good because they have the emotional intelligence of a snail also it's interesting how pathetic and fucked up humans are that when men want to insult another man they call him too feminine (usually by just calling them the words pussy, sissy, fag, ect since they are retarded and uninventive) but when women want to insult another woman they call her too masculine (implying she's promiscuous, not conventionally feminine in behavior or appearance enough, ect) I guess this is another good example of toxic femininity also this ties into something I was thinking about concerning gender identity the other day while reading some transcripts of the CIA torturing people in Iraq (as you do) which featured like the advanced level of this way of insulting someone where something they would do to women is shave their hair off and force the men to wear pink panties (which is also pretty homoerotic and probably for the benefit of the torturers to get off since they were no doubt all molested as kids and want to take it out on someone else), both of these things being painless and only cosmetic but are distressing from their humiliating association with the opposite gender, which got me thinking that most cis people probably don't consciously think about their gender identity that much but when it's disrupted they find even slight gender dysphoria so distressing it's literally a torture technique the US government employs which made me have even more sympathy for trans people and even more hatred for the CIA although I guess this would be even worse in such a turbo patriarchal society like Iraq where women have to wear scarfs to cover their hair and they murder gays but I've read about shit like that happening in other cultural contexts since there are no bounds to how vile human beings (mostly men) are like I remember a thing about how prisons in LA of all shitholes has pink handcuffs because they think it demoralizes the prisoners and makes them more docile which is amazing anyway Jesse drops the innocent girl look and puts on a maddog face like it's fucking go time

    and Gigi goes on trying to put on a smug look boasting "I bet they made you do the casting, I didn't have to, I just come in, choose what I wanna wear" and she flinches a little like her confidence falters so maybe she was lying since Sarah had to do the casting and she seems like she's submissive to her or maybe she's not and I've mistaken their social hierarchy again or maybe that's why Sarah is extra insecure since Gigi's career is going better than hers too and then she says "but I'm not sure about the makeup this year" and turns to the mirror and she does indeed look fucking retarded but that seems to be par for the course for modeling make-up

    Gigi's make-up reminds me of a video I saw on /tv/ from the most eloquent alt-right figure who is of course Scottish like all the most articulate political minds Millennial Woes explaining the lyrics behind the greatest music performance of our time Rachel Bloom's "My Sex Junk" from Bill Nye Saves The World where she mentions having cybersex with "a sad clown skyping via satellite" which apparently is not a reference to wanting to fuck a clown but a sad clown is actually when a woman's make-up runs from the tears and saliva produced by having rough oral sex and I see the le running make-up like from le sex meme quite a lot in modeling since it's all fucking gross and sexist and in fact the whole idea behind make-up is gross and sexist since it's all about making you look younger (slathering your face with concealer), more overtly female (eye make-up to make your eyes look bigger) and sexually aroused (blush to make it look like you have flushed cheeks) but no one even thinks about this and just thinks oh that's what you do as a woman you know what fuck make-up it's one of these industries like entertainment media in the US where it's all run by 5 international corporations that are all run by the same stockholders oh lets play a wee game where we look up who the CEOs are of the biggest make-up companies huh the CEO of L'Oréal is a man what a surprise oh huh the CEO of P&G is a man what a surprise oh huh the CEO of Unilever is a man what a surprise oh huh the CEO of Shiseido is a man what a surprise oh huh the CEO of Lauder is a man what a surprise oh huh hmmmm really makes you think hmmm and the whole industry is fucked full of dishonest advertising where they put terms like "herbal", "organic" or "natural" on the packaging when they're nothing of the sort and out of the 1000 carcinogens used in cosmetics the EU has banned the US have only banned 9 of them since the FDA is just bribed by manufacturers since it's Clapistan and they pay them off not to ban animal testing so shit like this can keep happening

    and the memeiest thing of all is it doesn't even fucking make women look better it's all obviously fake as fuck and makes you look insecure and shallow rather than confident and genuine like not wearing any make-up but women still fucking do it because hey that's just what you do that's what my friends do and what advertising shows and fucking MODELS do so you've got another multi-billion dollar industry producing worthless shit no one needs thanks patriarchy

    also I like the worksheet or whatever for the make-up that looks a bit demonic and Jesse does an advanced level toxic femininity technique to sabotage female competition where she tells her as genuinely as she can with a breathless stare "I think you look perfect" you see while a dumb boy might spot something inferior about another man and use it to make fun of them that is thinking short term since they might feel put down in the moment but then might then go onto improve that thing about themselves now they realize it's not acceptable and then you've only helped improve your opponent while if a woman who is hiding she's an adversary tells her rival that something bad about her is good then her "friend" will keep doing it and not challenge her for social dominance I am pretty sure that's one of the things behind the whole fat acceptance movement telling other women it's ok to be life threateningly obese can only improve your own social standing since they'll stay that way and never threaten you (disclaimer: this technique only works in America, do not try in a country where the majority of women are not fat) also the shot of Jesse looking from the mirror Gigi's displayed in and then at her directly to manipulate her had a cool effect where it refocuses from her reflection in her mirror to her which according to the commentary took a camera lens that was specially made for the movie so it's definitely intended and not just some random autism I think it's to show The Neon Demon is moving further out of an alternate world to being her main personality

    and Gigi falls for it and says "yeah......" dreamily while staring at her own reflection and the sees gleefully "well flattery will get you everywhere!" and she asks Jesse "you wanna know what I had done, don't you?" half daring her to talk shit but half looking for approval and Jesse looks mildly disgusted and Gigi tells her "well I thought I'd get more work if I went down a cup size, so I look like a hanger, you know?" ironically that is making her more masculine, what she was just trying to insult Jesse for, and last time I checked the disparaging comments I get when posting my nudes on 4chan men like women with large breasts, but that's the fashion industry for you, none of it actually makes you more attractive, since it's this horrible vortex of insecure women, sexually exploitative straight men and gay men probably there to sexually exploit male models imposing their preferences in women like some sort of combination of the worst parts of toxic femininity and toxic masculinity and she says "but then my surgeon, <<<Dr. Andrew>>>, he pointed out a lot of other problems with my body" ah the plastic surgeon is truly a woman's greatest ally, just a few more operations and you'll be perfect, that'll be 6,000,000 shekels you stupid shiska! authors note: <<<>>> brackets indicate patriarchy, like the military chevron on a patriarchal generals jacket, and she says "so I had them shave my jaw, I had a slight eyebrow lift, new nose, cheeks, inner and outer lipo, oh, and they pinned my ears" (if only jon would get that last one) what the fuck is it with how Americans cant stop mutilating themselves? they circumcise their sons at birth for <<<hygiene>>>, take their kids tonsils and wisdom teeth out just in case they get infected later in life and love unnecessary surgeries so much they even DECLAW THEIR CATS wtf is wrong with these people?? and as I said before plastic surgery is another one of these scam industries that makes billions of dollars and millions of people partake in but it always looks fucking terrible and it's not just Americans that do it although its usually their fucking fault like South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world since they are so culturally cucked by the US since the Korean war that women get plastic surgery to make their eyes wider and look more western (and they also have male circumcision from this thank you Clapistan) in fact the first doctor providing eye widening surgery was an American stationed there in the Korean War and most of his first patients were South Korean prostitutes who wanted rounder eyes to appeal to the American G.I.s goddamn do I hate men but also especially American men so they end up with all the contestants in beauty pageants looking like literally the same person

    and Jesse slightly become more alert as she's listing all these things as if her Neon Demon can smell the insecurity on her and Gigi swallows nervously as she looks back to Jesse as if she realizes she's not so much boasting as revealing how insecure she is I think this shows she's the weakest one of the trio of edgy ladies since obviously you've got to have low self-esteem to get that much """work""" done but also it's basically culturally acceptable self-harm (like tattoos, piercing and smoking) like how it's been implied she's anorexic too and Jesse asks "why?" like its ridiculous and Gigi immediately replies with an even more fucking ridiculous statement "so I could wear a ponytail" lmao and Jesse asks "didn't it hurt?" with fake concern and Gigi says "anything worth having hurts a little" which is the kind of thing people put on facebook to justify their face tattoos or whatever dumb shit and she adds "besides, nobody likes the way they look" defensively and Jesse says ".....I do" passionately as if to drive the knife in which she knows is the real diss but is still pretending to be innocent so Gigi can't just tell her to fuck off outright like how dumb men insult each other as Jesse advances a level in her own catty game and Gigi tries to scoff it off but looks more scared than anything and some woman comes up who's face you only see in the mirror and she goes "are you Jesse?" and she goes "mmhmm" and the woman says "they wanna see you" and Jesse says "I already had my fitting" and she says "I'm just the messenger" and walks off and Jesse looks back at Gigi before walking off who was looking increasingly nervous throughout the assistant appearing and then she looks back in the mirror dissatisfied as if she needs more plastic surgery this also makes me think like she's never [spoiler warning] killed anyone before since she's still getting plastic surgeries to try and look younger and Sarah isn't implied to have gotten any "work" done as if she's already been using a certain other method to try and stay young

    and we see Jesse being walked behind the scenes by the assistant and this moment is basically product placement because it's showing of all the real designers dresses which is why they let them shoot at a real fashion show

    and when she reaches Robert he points almost straight at the camera and says "you! I've decided you're gonna close the show" >tfw you get a nice (You)

    and Jesse gets this smug look as the synthesizer music spikes up as if she's leveled-up in a video game

    and the dress she's put in is this almost black wedding dress like what you'd wear to a funeral and apparently irl Elle tried on every single dress they had at this real fashion shoot they were shooting at until they found this one they decided to use and you see Jesse in all these different mirrors being warped and having her face hidden or just cut off and reflected in other mirrors to add more and more layers of syntheticness

    and Robert holds up a black veil exactly like you'd wear to a funeral like this is the innocent bluepilled Jesse's final send-off

    and then we see a bunch of other models getting ready to go out onto the catwalk as camera flashes go off and the camera pans past a black girl who's head looks like she's got fetal alcohol syndrome lmao and one of the models looks like she's wearing fucking plate armor or something as fucking if anyone would EVER buy any of these stupid dresses and wear them in real life but to be fair for modelings standards these are relatively practical and we see Gigi looking back at Jesse insecurely who doesn't even notice her and all the models are wearing the stupid smeared make-up other than Jesse who's make-up is done properly

    and then Jesse seems to enter an almost trance like state as we're about to have a FIVE MINUTE long sequence with no dialog and just pretentious imagery wew boyo well it starts with Jesse illuminated in blue light and I read in an interview with the (female) director of photography that the use of blue for her still being innocent was to invoke water like the lake that Narcissus looks into and falls in love with his own reflection in the Greek myth and if they had had the budget this scene would have taken place underwater (I actually wrote thinking the weird pyramid thing could have been underwater before reading her say that, my kinodar is accurate) and they would have probably made every single location a set that they could design themselves if they had 10 times the budget but since they only had like 5 million they had to go with real locations and it's probably a good thing that Renf's autism was constrained and she looks into the blackness in front of her with flashing blue lights from camera flashes beyond the curtain and shes trying to get her confidence up to walk out there into the darkness

    and we see quick flashes The Symbol™ as if it's almost subliminal and Jesse reacts to it too as it flashes quicker and we see it strobing in her eyes until it becomes fixed on the screen, here's a fun fact: The Symbol™ is actually a practical structure on-set and Renf built it himself, which is surprising since he seems too autistic for DIY but bravo

    and then we see Jesse in front of this blue triangle behind her that's like the entrance they came in on or something and she and it are reflected in the black wavy floor and it looks almost like a bluepill or like a vulva

    and then The Symbol™ starts glowing almost enticingly to her and Jesse looks super scared but gets lulled by it almost like a hypnotism is taking place like the rope bondage dance scene

    and she starts doing the catwalk walk down the runway (wait a minute... cat... walk... like the mountain lion? hmm) away from the blue triangle behind her and towards The Symbol™ as blue lights strobe again

    in amongst this big black void that reminds me of the skinning scenes from Under The Skin

    and she gets right up close to The Symbol™ and examines it and the camera pans down it and settles on the top of it almost like it's the eyes of The Neon Demon itself with a mouth under it and her eyes widen as if she's making eye contact with it

    and then we see Jesse I don't fucking know inside The Symbol™ or something where there's tilted mirrors on either side of it showing her reflection as light strobes illuminating her face(s) and it's like Jesse is seeing these three versions of herself looking sternly back at her

    reminds me of Hailee Steinfeld in taytays Bad Blood video, bravo renf!

    and Jesse's other self walks towards her and cranes her neck and Jesse shits herself

    and the other Jesse leans to the left of the screen to go to kiss herself in the mirror and Jesse closes her eyes like she can feel it

    and we see her standing over The Symbol™ as it fades to black also this was the moment when some male scum patriarchal shitlord 7 foot tall lanklet giraffe freak sitting next to me shushed me and my mum who were trying to talk about the scene I got the urge to follow him into the bathroom and murder him afterwards for silencing female voices tbqh

    and when it comes back the confident Jesse is illuminated by red light having become fully narcissismpilled and she is now no longer a newfag as she can triforce

    and in the mirror inside The Symbol™ or whatever the fuck she glances mischievously to the right and leans in and kisses her reflection as the real Jesse looks on and according to the commentary this was actually improvised by Elle Fanning and not Renf's idea although I'm sure he had some input once she came up with it from how well it works with the rest of the imagery like The Neon Demon is passed to her in a kiss and her downfall is falling in love with her own reflection like the tale of Narcissus

    and there's some flickering of blue light as if that's Jesse's innocence dying out and the real Jesse looks on confidently at the kiss now and the mirror Jesse goes to the left of the screen and kisses the other one and the real Jesse reacts like it feels good and the reflection looks at her like bitch you love it

    and the real Jesse backs away slightly and we see The Symbol™ has turned red and the flashes are now an orange color instead of light blue

    and Jesse looks back over her shoulder at the entrance she came in from that's gone from blue to red too and the camera zooms in to create the illusion that the reflection on the wavy black floor is like a pool of liquid under it shimmering that I've already talked about when she saw it before but I thought it actually was and you know why that is because they were actually shining light THROUGH water on the set to give the reflection that rippling liquid look

    and she turns back around and starts walking forward supremely confident but now she's walking towards the entrance that I thought was behind her or did she turn forwards and this is her walking out to the catwalk idk maybe it's meant to be disorientating on purpose

    and it looks as if she disappears into a mist of red to show The Neon Demon has fully taken over

    ok wew boy this sequence started at pretty much exactly half way through the movies runtime so it's like we're on the other side of the looking glass as it were now I read a good post on the IMDb boards before fucking <<<Amazon>>> deleted them that the first half of The Neon Demon is the neon part where everything is all inciting and sparkly and lures you into this world of aspiration and the demon is the second half after she's fully involved in the industry and it turns all nightmarish and fucked up and violent in fact at a roundtable about the movie Renf said that half way through the movie the protagonist and antagonist switch which I presume he means that Jesse is now the antagonist but who was the antagonist before, Ruby? and now we're following her like following the villain protagonist in a horror movie or something? and people say this shit was too confusing but it's pretty obvious what's going on unless you're a pleb who missed all the mirror imagery this is when she gets fully possessed by "The Neon Demon"/gives into narcissism and some people also said this is the point in the movie where it leaves "reality" and the rest is just a fantasy of Jesse's however I'm not sure about that because none of the over the top shit that happens later is physically impossible or anything other than one odd scene and the sequence itself could just be the only part in Jesse's imagination or we're not meant to take it literally at all so I already discussed the weird pyramid thing so here's The Symbol™ which I'm seeing everywhere now I was literally watching a documentary on the KKK (didn't spot cody, rip) and look at what I spotted on one of the members outfits with all their autistic patches

    apparently this stands for the three Ks arranged around each other and facing inwards but then again this page also lists pepe as a hate symbol so maybe it's not anything racist at all and the guy is just a fan of The Neon Demon and then a day later I was looking at MEWs twitter and saw her link to some singer or something who had a fan write her a letter at age 10 but her mum didn't send it since it was too cringy but she did it as an adult or some reddit shit and this is her symbol

    and then I was playing Overwatch and saw this on the door

    and even when watching a youtube video about all the pedophiles in the minecraft community (yes I was on the phone to my gf for 6 hours sorry men cant have those close relationships)

    which got me thinking what other symbols are made up of a triangle and an upside own triangle? maybe if we just expand one a little it'll... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    other than how its clearly a reference to how evil jews are but since the KKK has never done anything wrong this is a good example of how if you point out a symbol you start noticing it everywhere like something I'm about to touch on with autists on youtube thinking they're seeing illuminati symbols everywhere there's even troll versions of this where /pol/ made everyone think the OK hand symbol stood for white power now what does this symbol mean in the context of this movie I think in this sequence it's being presented as if the pyramid thing is like the inside of The Symbol™ actually since it's literally like a pyramid if it was unfolded, like if you cut out The Symbol™ you could make an origami pyramid by folding it along the lines, so it's like the 2 dimensional version that's the prelude to the 3 dimensional state where The Neon Demon gets you and a pyramid is evocative of a hierarchical structure like what the modeling industry is with everyone scrambling to be at the top by placing themselves above others getting more and more elite as they go up (similiar critics might say to capitilism, in fact this situation is very capitilistic because people are competing over something that literally would have no practical value at all if it wasn't that they agreed that it was special, e.g. money is just paper if people don't agree to trade with it and Jesse doesn't really have anything special about her at all other than these people deem her attractive for their industry and not even in a physical way which you could at least gauge with how healthy it makes her seem or something but it's her abstract essense, almost like how money literally is not even worth the paper its printed on anymore because people trade mostly with digital money now adays which is entirely ephemeral) which is why I presume they're often tied to the illuminati and used by various ancient cultures for their holy places (or aliens designed them all) and a good interpretation I read again on IMDb before it got shut down fuck you amazon was that the triangle in the center represents Jesse and the three triangles surrounding it are Ruby, Sarah and Gigi ganging up on her that's probably what Renf was going for also people have said this sequence was too long and pointless, actually that's what my mum was saying to me when some lanklet freak Stephen Merchant looking motherfucker next to me silenced us, which it probably is but it got me thinking of how pointless and weird the industry of modeling itself is like ok just modeling by itself having an attractive person show off a product for you to buy is fair enough but it gets super autistic when you get to super models who all look weird and are modeling even weirder looking clothes like why the fuck would you ever buy those things is it literally just because they're expensive so you can show off how rich you are and how good you are at wasting money like buying some shitty abstract painting for half a billion dollars like why would you even care about the fashion industry in the first place you might assume that it's for women to make themselves more attractive to men but I am pretty damn sure there is not a straight man on earth who gives a flying fuck about what handbag a woman has or will even notice if she has new shoes if he's not Quentin Tarantino it's all just to virtue signal to your friends how much expensive tat you can buy (a sociological explanation I've come across as to why it's considered feminine throughout human cultures to adorn yourself with useless tat like make-up, long fancy hair styles, long nails, long dresses, odd footwear is actually specifically because of it's impracticality, it's to virtue signal that you are of such high social standing that you don't need to do manual labor, you're from such a high ranking family, whether this be in some tribe in a jungle or rich people in a city, that you have people to do that for you or are confident in your ability to attract a high quality man who can do it all for you that you can wear ridiculous tat on yourself, and that's what signals to a man that you're of high quality rather than the items themselves, which is probably why you only see men wearing silly dress styles and adorning make-up in past civilizations if they were actually very rich and legitimately did not have to do manual labor like 99% of men did, which isn't exactly a very good excuse because it's basically advertising that you're useless and lazy (not that men are any better since their whole mating signaling strategy is based around how violent they can be and how they can give lots of resources to women like slaves except at least slaves get free food and boarding they just get laid every once in a while lmao, damn are humans pathetic) but even that does not excuse the high fashion industry since the dresses are so outrageously impractical that LITERALLY NO ONE EVER ACTUALLY FUCKING WEARS THEM IN REAL LIFE ANYWAY other than Lady Gaga I guess) it's one of these industries that runs on it's own fumes so only a few select people can get rich but I guess that's literally every modern industry once it gets big enough in this twisted patriarchal world like make-up and plastic surgery that I already mentioned always making you look worse but are advertised to fuck and back and the advertising industry itself is probably also a sham and they just lie about something ethereal like how much their efforts influence people so they keep getting money from shareholders which itself is running on the scam industry of international investment banking which all this runs on which is basically algorithms gambling on what other algorithms estimate the confidence in the one human left who actually buys stocks themselves is to sell some debt that will never be paid back ever in a meaningless currency the government that's in debt that'll never be paid off literally prints itself and if any part of this system ever fails people all around the world won't be able to get food within a few days lmao or like how fuck all anyone actually reads printed news papers anymore and never turn a profit but they get funded by billionaires who want them to push their political friends agendas or how the most popular comic books only sell like 20K copies world wide and fuck all anyone actually reads them but they function as marketing tools to get them made into movies since hollywood hates original ideas but if you say oh its an adaptation of a comic book property they'll think that's a safe bet from what a joke hollywood is but I'll get to that in a short bit but this is all to say I think the main point of this movie is to show how horrible and predatory the modeling industry is, oh but what do you mean it's just people getting their photos taken you may say if you are not as redpilled as me, well trollinator you're good at statistics, give us the quick rundown on all the dysfunctional and creepy pedo rape culture shit that goes on in the modeling world

    The following figures are taken from a survey of female models conducted by The Alliance of Models.

    Over half of models (54.7%) begin at the ages of 13 and 16. More than one third (37.3%) begin modeling at ages 17 through 20. 28% of models "never" had their parents or guardians attend castings and jobs with them when they were under 18. 24% of them "rarely" attended.

    Nearly 1 in 3 models (29.7%) have experienced inappropriate touching at work while over a quarter (28%) have been pressured to engage in sex at work. Only 29.1% of models experiencing sexual harassment felt they could tell their agencies. Of that 29.1%, two thirds found their agents didn't see the problem. Most elected to tell no one.

    86.8% of models have been asked to pose nude without prior notice. 27.5% posed because they felt it necessary to keep their job. 60.5% of models say their lack of privacy while changing clothes is a major concern.

    64.1% of models have been asked by their agencies to lose weight. 31.2% have had an eating disorder. Nearly half (48.7%) fast, do "cleanses," and restrict their food intake to lose weight. Over three quarters (76.5%) have been exposed to drugs and/or alcohol while working. Over half (50.6%) have been exposed to cocaine. 24.7% of models have had or think they may have had a drug/alcohol problem. Over two-thirds of models (68.3%) suffer from anxiety or depression.

    what a lovely industry run by nice and cool people you should definitely give lots of money to and let influence your body image no wonder it attracts people like Tyra Banks tbqh in fact one of the fashion designers featured on ANTM a nice man named Anand Jon has been to court for doing what I've mentioned before where he goes up to women and says you could be a model come back to my apartment so I can rape you, Dov Charney the founder and CEO of American Apparel likes to masturbate in front of female reporters, casually calls women racial slurs and literally kept an underage sales clerk as his sex slave and "anally raped her on her 18th birthday" and then there's good ol Terry Richardson a man who's been accused of forcing models to have sex with him and not paying them in anything but new clothes and all his photos are sexual in some way involving young women getting naked for art (perhaps Jack getting Jesse to strip is inspired by Terry, although Terry would never come up with as inspired an excuse as body paint) and he loves to talk women into sucking his dick on camera he's even said himself "It's not who you know, it's who you blow. I don't have a hole in my jeans for nothing!" and this degenerate piece of shit has photographed Barack Obama this guy makes my fucking skin crawl and is even a more obvious pedo than Dan "The Man With The Plan To Get The Kids In His Van" Schneider you know how people say "how could anyone miss that Jimmy Savile was a child molestor? just look that him!" well that's me but right now before it call comes out about how Terry Richardson is a serial rapist

    in fact Abbey Lee has been photographed by him

    of which she said "Terry doesn't force girls to do anything they don’t want to. He puts you in a G-string in a pile of mud because you want to do it. You touch yourself because you want to. For me, that shoot was the truth about how things were between us both, and I felt good doing it. I'm not ashamed of it - why should I be?... I've always swung both ways... I don't call myself bisexual: I'm just experimental. I was always looking for somebody to sweep me off my feet, but then I got bored after two months and was on to the next."

    aka he's great at exuding an anything goes we're just having fun here atmosphere so more comfortable women will do what he wants (he's said in interviews to make women more comfortable he'll deepthroat the beer bottle first or whatever or have them take pictures of him naked (inappropriatein and of itself) so the models might think it's their idea to suck a banana but really he just did it first and they're doing his idea he's made them think is no big deal) but he can force uncomfortable women do whatever he wants too aka suck his dick (just for le ebin lullzzz of course) and if she complains people will just say nah that's ol Terry who just coincidentally looks and acts like a pedophile serial rapist she probably just got carried away and feels embarassed dumb slut in fact he purposefully garners a pedo-glasses look and sex pest reputation to the extent of selling t-shirts with "I was touched by terry" on them so people are not surprised when they hear what he's gotten up to now and models don't just storm out immediately they think it's a normal requirement and men blame the victim when he makes them suck his dick and the public just go woah my dude no way he put the flash all the way up!!!!!! such high contrast very art!!!!!!!!! let him rape whoever who wants lmao!!!!!!!!! dont worry its just art!!!!!!! in fact this is the exact same wacky creepy uncle public persona Jimmy Savile had going on where everyone would just say oh he's just messing around no one would be that obviously a pedophile and look and act like that loool so don't say I didn't warn you when it all comes out he's raping kids

    but the movie is about more than just modeling since if you think about it there isn't actually that much actual modeling in the movie we cut away before the guy with AIDS from Dexter actually photographs Jesse, we only really see the reactions to Jesse's walk at the casting call and we cut away from this scene as soon as she leaves the behind the scenes and enters the runway (which reminds me of how in Sucker Punch Baby Doll is supposedly this amazing singer and dancer that entices everyone and especially the men but we never actually see her performing as if this perfect female innocence is impossible to depict in a movie so they leave it up to your imagination) I think the main thrust is actually about Hollywood which is a complete shitshow from top to bottom like even on the surface where all you're looking at is the quality of the product everyone knows modern movies are dogshit written by a committee of studio executives rather than actually creative people based on what toys they can sell and supposed liberals pandering to Russia (editing out the lesbian kiss in Ghost in the Shell) China (not having ghosts in movies which sounds like le wacky regulation to westerners but is actually helping an authoritarian government eradicate native cultures) I just read about how after adding an entire fourth act to Transformers 4 set in China they got dozens of different writers to come up with 12 pitches for Transformers 5 and they liked three of them (a semi-post-apocalyptic setting where humans are at all out war with transformers, transformers in WW2 and transformers... in medieval times mixed with the King Arthur legends?!?!?!) so just said fuck it put all those in one movie lmao and on the level below that you find that it's all extremely financially dodgy where they con people all the time by saying they'll pay them a percentage of the net earnings but then claim they didn't make any net earrings at all they actually spent too much money on [insert complete lie here] and people like Uwe Boll who makes shit movies on purpose so they don't make any money so he can get a tax return from the German government and the fuck who made Knights of Badassdom another person who basically did the plot of The Producers in real life where he tries to make a shit movie on purpose that won't make any money so he can cash out on the insurance there's shit like that happening constantly and those are just the easiest to explain the entire thing is probably one big money laundering operation and that's not even getting down to the meat of the matter and what this movie is really about brace yourself because you're about to get fucking woke: [glow=red]HOLLYWOOD IS FULL OF FUCKING PEDOS[/glow]

    ever wonder why child stars always go mental? its because they were getting FUCKED as KIDS, just ask Corey Feldman how he got molested along with Corey Haim who died from all his drug abuse, and you might think it's weird that making movies would have anything to do with fucking kids but it's almost like when it happens in any religious community where it's a very tight knit community run by people with huge social power and money and attracts easily influenced pathetic retards who will turn a blind eye to their child's safety to get higher up that social ladder like how there is a place called in LA called Oakwood appartments where child actors from out of town stay at and it also houses loads of pedos on the sex offenders register lmao and no one did anything about it until it was in the media I also watched a documentary called An Open Secret (which was held up from being published by lawsuits, got an incredibly limited release, is not available for home streaming and Elijah Wood shut up real fast when talking about it ;^) don't worry about it goyim) that had a quote in it from a child actor who got molested "I kind of fell by the wayside and let LA suck me in" which kind of sums up The Neon Demon and this documentary started with stories about how the photographers who take the casting photo headshots of child stars would sell them to pedos for hundreds of dollars on ebay (one of the biggest guys who would get little boys to take shirtless pictures dealt with Leanoardo DiCaprio and Toby Mguire) even though the kids parents give these promotional photos away for free to anyone who asks to try and get their kid work (which means pedos must be really fucking dumb and studies confirm they have on average very low IQs which can be caused by child abuse I wonder if anything else about being a retarded pedophile could be caused by child abuse hmm) but the main thing it was about was Bryan Singer of X-Men fame, here's him keeping it subtle on halloween

    (it seems being a pedo makes you a good director since X1, X2, First Class and Days of Future Past were all great and X3, Wolverine Origins and The Wolverine that he didn't direct were all terrible, although it seems like being outed as a pedo robbed him of his skill since his Apocalypse was terrible and that other guys Logan was mad kino but that was a pretty pedotastic movie so maybe that guys a nonce too, also they played a clip from his commentary of the first X-Men movie and there's a bit where he goes "you're going to see something very exciting here" as the camera slowly lingers over a little boy on a beach in his trunks and when I rewatched that movie recently before I saw this I literally thought this fucking pedo must have set up that shot) and his mates Gary Goddard (hollywood producer), David Neuman (former Disney executive) and Garth Ancier (veteran television executive) were all accused by a child actor of molesting him at one of their creepy pedo parties where it'd be all men and underage boys with not a female in sight (shitlord Milo Yiannopoulos spoke on Joe Rogan's podcast at attending one of these parties and seeing all the "very young" boys being given drugs, of course he didn't name names since he'd probably get sued into another dimension but this was also the same interview where he talked about how a priest molested him when he was a boy but it was actually totes a good experience and him seducing the priest so he probably just assumes nothing would happen about it and people would just laugh it off like what happened to him and what he's already been doing with himself since it happened also interesting that after that was when there was wave after wave of hitpieces about him calling him a pedo from media outlets owned by the same people who own all the movie studios these pedos work for hmmmm really makes one ponder )

    and one of the pedos was confronted by one of his victims having grown up and he recorded a conversation of him saying that it's natural to do something if it feels good and there's nothing wrong with giving into your "beastly side" which has a bit of a Neon Demon ring to it (even though that's a pretty terrible excuse since not only is that the naturalist fallacy it's a bad naturalist fallacy since animals don't fuck kids lmao) anyway one of the companies in the 90s this group invested in was an early internet streaming company that got the idea to release movies and shows on a website to subscribers and they actually wrote a lot of the code for browser videos that is still used on youtube and myspace and the first movie they were going to make was about a young boy who is adopted by a rich gay couple and comes to live in their mansion with them and they were going to film it with a real little boy staying in a real mansion with a real gay couple and really molest him but I guess they were going to leave that bit out of the movie and they'd get this boy and his friends over and get them to skinny dip in their pool and invite their own friends around to molest him at pedo parties and they'd tell the boy that girls will like him if he puts a sock in his pants to make his dick look bigger and "helped him out with that" and brought him to the cinema to see their movies and molested him in the theater and showed him gay porn and told him this was boys with their managers and it was normal to let your manager fuck you so fucking bravo to this pedo ring for inventing netflix two decades ago as a cover to rape kids and all the pedos involved in this never really faced justice Marc Collins-Rector plead guilty to holding a fucking gun to a pre-teen boys head and telling him he'll kill him if he tells anyone and he's now married to an 18 year old in the UK and his kiddy raping friends Brock Peirce was one of the founders of bitcoin so I guess it really is a currency for pedos, Marty Weiss now campaigns for lessening sex offender laws in California, Michael Harrah is still on the SAG-AFTRA Young Performers Committee and manages child actors, Bob Villard is out of prison and still selling child models photos online without their parents permission and Brian Peck was convicted yet still working with kids despite being a registered sex offender, who else is a pedo in hollywood you might ask? well who ISN'T a pedo would maybe be the better question *takes deep breath*
    most people have heard of Roman Polanski (who's wife got murdered by the Manson family lmao what the fuck is wrong with LA and cults?) who hollywood still fucking defends to this day even though he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl and then fled to France after he pled guilty and realized he might get jail time, Woody Allen's been accused of molesting his step-daughter, Courtney Love said she gave Ted Nugent head when she was 12, Elvis Presley dated a 14 year old girl, Bill Cosby drug raped 59 women some of them underage, everyone knows about Michael Jackson's accusations, Victor Salvathe director of Jeepers Creepers molested a 12 year old actor he was working with on Clownhouse and filmed it (wonder if his CP was better than his horror movies, do they let him put it on his filmography?) and he only served 15 months for it, Dodgson from Jurassic Park abducted and raped a 13 year old girl he was giving acting lessons

    Shia LaBeouf's father is a registered sex offender pedo who's currently on the run from justice, the Dean from Ferris Bueller's Day Off got caught downloading CP and so has Gene Simmons and a director called Jason Alexander, literally the guy who played Juliet's dad on Revolution admitted he molests kids, reality TV stars like Mark McDaniel, Josh Duggar, William Hayden, Vincent Margera have turned out to be nonces and what do all these people have in common? no, it's not being jews it's that they are all THE ETERNAL MALE but wait remember how I mentioned Keanu's best friend River Phoenix died in a gutter overdosing on smack? well I was on his wikipedia page to read about that and apparently he and his siblings (including Joaquin Phoenix who's been accused of sexually harassing women on-set with his brother in-law Casey Affleck (the clearly suicidal Ben Affleck's brother)) was raised in this literal pedophile cult now called THE FAMILY INTERNATIONAL that has a lot of connections to hollywood people (like Rose McGowan (who claims she was not molested by them but ended up a child model hmm) and a bunch of singers and sports people I've never heard of) in where he lost his virginity at age F_O_U_R I swear to fucking god if anyone ever admits to being a member of this to my face they get getting their fucking throat slit because near every single time I have read about someone who was raised in a cult where they got molested it's been these pieces of shit I first heard of them when watching this two hour long video by a murderer (as you do) called Ricky Rodriguez who was raised in this cult and they literally took pictures of him getting molested by a woman at the behest of his mother Karen Zerby (who's now the leader of this cult who seems to live in a compound in Thailand you know not saying someone should go and murder her or anything) to use in a literal guidebook on how to molest children (WARNING: NOT A JOKE OR A GIMMICK) they handed out to their members and he was talking in this video about how he's always wanted to get revenge on them and he always wondered if he was going to go over the line but he heard guys at his gun range talking about how if anyone molested their kids they'd kill them so he figured oh no I am actually having a normal reaction to this if these average every day guys would think that but he didn't know where his mother was so he was going to contact the woman who molested her and torture her for the info but a common thing I see in murderers is they have these elaborate plans for their crime about torture or kidnapping or framing someone or making a bomb or cunning escape (typed that as cunny escape at first) or whatever but when it comes time to do it they just zone out and go into killing mode and murder the person immediately which is what he did he just stabbed this woman to death and then drove out into the desert and killed himself literally good on him other than killing himself he should have found his mother and killed her and the rest of the cult too

    whenever I think all men just need to need to die I just remember that story and remember don't worry I don't have to be misandrist since there's women who just need to die too so I can just hate everyone but of course this cult was started by a male called David bushpigbushpigbushpigbushpig who's thankfully dead and I keep hearing about them in the context of people who survived cult molestation but also in the context of bizarre religious practices like they had a thing called "flirty fishing" where they would send female members to seduce men to join them and they would call them "God's whores" or "hookers for Jesus" and of course this all revolved around convincing his followers it was alright to cheat on their husbands so he could fuck them and their kids which seems to be the basis for every religious movement to ever be invented (special shout out to mormonism, Islam and spirit science) I don't know why the fuck this is all public knowledge and this organization is still running with "1,238 TFI Homes" and the "10,202 members" are still free I guess the American government is too busy tracking down people for smoking the wrong harmless plant to stop a CHILD RAPE CULT fuck this entire diseased rancid species)) so basically this industry is chock full of fucking nonces a quote that sums it up from An Open Secret is "it's amazing that we go and pay money and support a system that sexualizes children and puts them in situations and films around adults who are engaging in inappropriate things" so basically the moral of the story is pirate all your movies and I think Renf is pointing to this shit in both hollywood and modeling with the obvious themes of sexual abuse of an underage girl arriving in LA but also with some of the occult vampire themes and mirror/alternate personality imagery it might just be an easy way to imply narcissism but it reminds me of the conspiracy theory based on the actually real CIA mind control experiments from the MKULTRA program

    that weirdos call Project Monarch that originates from one woman called Cathy O'Brien claiming she was molested by her father and a network of child pornographers and then the CIA brainwashed her to be a sex slave for the New World Order and she even saw George Bush Sr. use a hologram to appear to transform into an alien lizard (I'm gonna give you one guess as to which half of that claim is the accurate bit) which has turned into this big mythology about torturing and traumatizing children to give them multiple personalities (which can occur naturally when a kid gets molested to fuck and back, maybe that's Jesse's back story, she was being abused by her parents and this alternate neon demon personality took over and killed them?) that can take over on the command of handlers and using this to brainwash celebrities to be sex slaves and assassins (as seen in the documentary Zoolander) which has obvious appeal to all the mentally unwell people who get into this stuff online and were molested as kids and they like to search for all the references to this the illuminati likes to put in pop culture to spread their magick sigils or just for a laugh usually revolving around mirrors revealing alternative devious personas but also frequently involving Alice in Wonderland references, butterflies and black and white chessboard patterns (literally like in a masonic lodge oy vey) so I guess Renf got a bit lazy and didn't go full schizophrenic so just went with the standard illuminati references for the rest of the imagery with all the triangles/pyramids/the moon as an all seeing eye watching everything and most of this is probably just apophenia (the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data) but there's definitely a thing in pop music to reference the illuminati shit I imagine because they know nit-picking autists on the internet will sift through and give them free viral marketing since if I was the member of a secret society I'd quite like people not to mention it on fucking MTV and it's often overtly referenced in rap music since niggers are dumb and can't keep anything subtle probably since a secret society that controls the world is the highest form of privilege they can imagine boasting about being apart of while they're also lying about being gang bangers and drug king pins

    but maybe Renf as a hollywood insider knows the problems with all the pedos in it and to have a theme about it in his edgy movie he needs to have metaphors about metaphors about it since if you just came out and made an edgy movie about kids getting molested in hollywood you'd probably get sued into another dimension like An Open Secret and you might think loads of movies are about alternate personas but I think Renf might want people to read in that sort of thing since he references Kubrick pedo movie Lolita and his movies are famously poured over by conspiracy theorists that say The Shining was about how he directed the fake moon landing, Clockwork Orange is about MKULTRA and Eyes Wide Shut are about illuminati sex parties not that there aren't really shit loads of pedos in the U.S. government too (like the the thousands of pentagon employees caught with child porn they hope everyone just forgets about, Dennis Hastert a former speaker of the house who was even once second in line to the presidency was convicted of molesting boys (and of course only served 15 months), all the politicians like Bill Clinton who would visit convicted pedophile human traficker billionare Jeffery Epstien's private island where he kept underage girls as sex slaves (which he of course only served 13 months in prison for) including Donny Drumpf himself who has a pending lawsuit against him for allegedly raping a girl there (he'll be too busy getting hanged for treason to serve time or that I guess)) and it wouldn't surprise me if half of pizzagate was real (which I appreciate for causing the term Fake News to be in wide use which has made me realize how almost every common talking point is actually some bullshit taken out of context for propaganda, e.g. Mike Pence has never spoken about conversion therapy which hasn't used electroshock treatment since being gay was taken out of the DSM in 1972, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never said he was going to nuke Israel, Sweeden has such a high rate of rape because they record every kind of sex crime as a rape, ect, which is sometimes disappointing since its a lot funnier to just share these hyperbolic memes but at least you still get to be a smug prick by telling people what actually happened) but the weird thing about a lot of conspiracy theories is they actually present a more favorable view of the world than reality e.g. real false flags aren't somehow hiring thousands of actors to pretend it happened when it didn't it's Hitler getting the boys to dress up in Polish uniforms and really shooting up a German radio station full of civilians, there's no need to fake terror attacks or spree shootings to push a government's agenda since there really are people out there who simply want to kill as many innocent people as they can, the demonic reptilian ayy lmaos didn't tell Donald Rumsfeld to invade Iraq he just made shit loads of money off of it and in this case you don't need any brainwashing or mind control to get away with raping kids if you're a normal person never mind a powerful person all you need to do is literally walk into a hospital or children's home and start touching kids up and tell them they'll get into trouble if they tell and since humans treat their kids like absolute shit they'll believe it and if they tell anyone and you're powerful pathetic cuck humans wont do anything about it just like Cybil Smith or Jimmy Savile or all the other pedophile politicians in britian it's like how Renf keeps referring to this movie as sci-fi for some reason and it's got all these supernatural themes to it but literally all this could happen in real life people really do murder their friends to drink their blood and such edgy shit no magic powers needed all the dysfunctional shit people do is just because they're dysfunctional people because of childhood trauma and the worst form of that that causes people to be the most dysfunctional and propagate the most dysfunction onto other people is child molestation that's the real redpill and that's the real vapirism pedos don't reproduce more of their kind the normal human way of reproducing with a another fertile adult they make more of their kind through corrupting innocent victims and infecting them with their sickness which is not to say everyone who gets raped is a pedo far from it the final redpill is a low estimate is 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls in the US have been sexually molested before they turn 18 and that's just in america imagine all the other shitholes on earth and you might think woah does that mean there's shit tones of pedos too no since the average pedo has 200 victims but if you're ever wondering why someone's fucked in the head it's probably that actually.... wait.... maybe Renf is just in the pedo illuminati himself in fact he probably cast Elle because she got into acting when she was like 3 and has probably been molested to fuck and back now so he was like oh I know who wont complain when I want to film sexual scenes when she's only 16 in fact he was probably fapping to video footage of her as a loli and when he saw this clip he was like "oh I know how I'll end the movie now!"

    NWR more NWO

    fucking look at that pyramid behind them it's got a hole in it to show that's where the all seeing eye was before they ate it fucking wake up sheeple!!!!!!!!

    anyway then we see Jesse's beta sex kitten programmed alter I mean the new Neon Demon integrated her as she confidently steps out of some gold partition that could be vaguely vaginal like she's being reborn and she's wearing a gold dress like the gold paint scene indicating she has now sold out to the jews for shekels and it's pretty revealing of her chest too and with more severe make-up and tight leather pants and heels unlike the more reserved dresses she was wearing at the start

    and she goes out to meet Dean and vibrates her hand through his chest killing him like the Reverse Flash

    no actually she's takes his hand and leads him into a restaurant because now we're through the looking glass oh there's the Alice in wonderland reference and she's the one taking him into her world he introduced her to modeling and now she's bringing him into the meet actual professional models and designers almost as if their gender roles have switched too

    and she takes him through a suspiciously busy but quiet restaurant with red leather seats and dark red paneling that was actually the most expensive location of the movie since they had to book out this fancy restaurant rather than some shitty motel or places that gave them good deals to get free advertising and they go to meet Robert who's having dinner with an unknown model and Gigi and he's quoting Shakespeare to them as a pretentious twat does and its a line "...pry through the portage of the head like a brass canon..." that sounds particularly gory idk what portage is but it sounds like tearing through someones skull and Jesse says "hi, I want you to meet my friend, this is Dean" and Dean weakly waves to them as if he can tell he wont shake his hand and Robert goes "your name's Bane?" no he goes "your name's Bean?"

    lmao as if he wasn't even paying attention to him and Dean corrects him while Gigi looks on with barely contained frustration to Jesse for cucking her at the show and actually licks her lips hmm maybe she does know what's going to happen

    and Robert says "well come uh, join us, have a drink" and puts his hand on Dean's stomach as if he's trying to subtly touch him up but then Gigi puts her arm out when Dean points to sit down and says "I don't think there's room for two" and stares at them and Dean says "that's all right we can just sit over there" and they go and sit down across from them

    and apparently that blonde woman in the background is Renf's wife who's talking to one of the producers and other crew members (this is actually one of his few movies she liked since I guess the rest are about extreme brutal violence lmao I mean so's this but at least most of it takes place off-screen so it's more accessible to normie women who don't want to see people getting their heads staved in like m*les do) I almost feel sorry for her to being married to such a weirdo but she's also a filmmaker and she made a documentary about him when he was filming Only God Forgives so I guess he gives her good material

    and Robert goes on quoting Shakespear "now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit to his full height... and so on and so fourth" while the two models stare on in half fake awe and half amazement at how pretentious this retard is (in the commentary Renf says the other model, Taylor Hill, was staring like that genuinely because she was trying to work out what the words mean, wtf sexism, and he also said that she tested for Jesse before Elle was cast, so I guess she was one of the first time actresses who might have gotten the role if Elle didn't) which is something you see a lot in dysfunctional interactions between females and males even if this guy might be gay women still know how to charm a man is to simply let him prattle on stroking his ego which also works on women to simply ask them about their life and let them talk about themselves for half an hour but most men when they're dating are too socially autistic to realize maybe they should have a back and fourth and just learn about the woman rather than just try and brag about themselves and Gigi says phony as fuck "wow, did you always want to be an actor?" but Robert doesn't even notice or is not even looking for real admiration he just wants to stroke his own ego and fake admiration is all he's ever received which I've noticed a lot in people who think they are hot shit social engineering master manipulators that can lie to someones face is that they're like that because they grew up in an environment with lots of lying and continue to live in one so they are simply used to other people lying to them so it's very easy to do so to them and they won't even notice it and they also have no idea how to handle someone being honest to them or someone expecting honesty from them since most dysfunctional people are like Gigi who simply put up with shit they know is fake as fuck for the sake of fitting in and getting social approval and these people usually shit their pants when someone is simply honest to them about what's wrong with their life and he says "well performing always came naturally to me because I'm a creator, right? I build, I make, it's in my blood, so whether I'm designing a collection or creating a character, it's all the same, right?" note how he keeps saying right like he's giving a cue for his sycophants to agree with him and then the model says "I went out for a film last week" which I thought meant she went to the cinema or something and Gigi asks "oh yeah how did it go?" and she says "they said my face didn't match my voice" lmao what a hollywood thing to say and Gigi says "well you can fix your face" as if getting plastic surgery would be easier than taking acting lessons and learning to change how you speak and Robert says "no don't do that" as he fiddles with his napkin like he's barely paying attention to their conversation and the other model asks "why not?" and Robert says "because you can always tell when beauty is manufactured, and if you aren't born beautiful, you never will be" and the other model says "that's terrible" and Robert says "no it's true" and he's half right you can always tell when its fake because plastic surgery always looks like fucking shit but I think you can make yourself more naturally beautiful if you stay healthy which might be tough in some places but in America just not being obese is a huge one-up on most of the population and Gigi gets defensive and says "I don't think you can always tell" also I wonder if the food on the plates means something Gigi and Robert's plates are fairly clean but the other model's still has some food on it as if she's more dedicated to anorexia than Gigi

    and then Robert yells over to Dean super condescendingly like it's a joke to be talking to him and tells him "we're having a little debate over here and we need your expertise" and Dean says "ok" and Robert says "you know Gigi right?" and hes says "well I mean we just met" and Robert tells Gigi "will you stand up so that he can take a look at you? go on stand up" and Gigi gets a smug look on her face like it's time to model which is what he's best at and Jesse glares at her like nuh uh honey you betta not steal my man

    and Gigi stands up and presents herself note how Gigi's dress has a design on it like a gaped tooth open woman's mouth as if she's hungry for Jesse and Renf's wife in the background with one of the producers looks on and Robert asks "well?" and Dean gets uncomfortable and goes "well what?" and Robert says "what do you think? do you think she's beautiful?" and Dean says awkwardly "I don't know I mean... yeah I guess she's fine." and Robert rants "yes yes, that's exactly the word that I was looking for, she's 'fine', right? you can sit down now thanks" absolutely CUCKQUEANED and Gigi's confidence falters as she sits down this scene kind of made me feel sorry for Gigi since she wants Robert's approval so much that she'll put up with being treated like that but she's been conditioned by the modeling industry to take out her anger on Jesse rather than the retard who's put them in this conflict in the first place but that's the way it usually goes no one ever lashes out at who's got power over them they just try to get power over someone weaker than them I fucking H_A_T_E when men objectify women like this and being appraised by shithead m*les is one of the many reasons I never leave the house I especially hate when they rate women out of 10 as if rating subjective art like movies out of 10 isn't retarded enough (what you need to do is write megathreads about them) but rating a person out of 10 is off the charts male autism shallowness because even if you were to accept all there is to find attractive about a person is their body (which you might as well be fucking a dead corpse at that stage bravo Renf) it's still under the assumption that everyone has the same tastes which is literally a sign of autism since men all have rigid autistic thinking that can't understand other peoples points of view and you'd think it would quickly become apparent as soon as this is discussed that while most people are going to find signs of health attractive everyone has their own subjective preferences based on who they grew up around, who they've been attracted to in the past, what they see in the media and what they think of themselves, ect ect when one guy will say he prefers asian women and another says a girl needs to have a big ass and another says he loves blondes ect ect but that would imply that men are capable of taking other peoples points of view into consideration so when confronted with this they just say oh that other person is wrong and they are just misinformed that Anne Frank isn't a 10/10 or whoever they are into

    and he thanks Dean and goes on and says "now look at Jesse, nothing fake, nothing false, a diamond in a sea of glass" and Gigi looks like shes struggling not to pass out and Jesse looks smug as the twinkling sound effect starts up as he says "true beauty is the highest currency we have, now without it she would be nothing" and Gigi looks enchanted even though he's talking shit about her as if she's already at least been told by Sarah what they should do and she's realizing she's right and Dean says "I think you're wrong" and Robert goes "excuse me?" like he's appalled he'd respond to him and Dean says "I said, I think you're wrong" and Robert asks "so are you gonna tell me that it's what's inside that counts?" and Dean insists "yeah, that's exactly what I think" and Robert says "well I think..." and pauses as if he's wondering if he should let the kid know what he really thinks if only for a brief second and says "if she wasn't beautiful... you wouldn't have even stopped to look" and his eyes shoot up to meet Dean challenging him to disagree but Dean knows he's right since they only got in touch because he was going to shoot her anyway and Jesse looks at him like "what of it" and Robert tells him "beauty isn't everything, it's the only thing" and takes a drink like it's so true it's impossible to disagree so the conversations over this guys a really good actor at being a smug ass I'm glad they gave him this extra scene rather than just one which he was originally booked for

    and Dean cant take being btfo and mutters to Jesse "hey, let's get out of here, I wanna go" and she just says coldly "so go" and he shakes his head in disappointment and leaves in a huff and Jesse sits there glaring at him winding her foot like a lion deciding to pounce on it's prey or not

    and the other three all look approvingly at Jesse for cutting a loser like that loose

    and Jesse gives the faintest little smirk before going back to being stone faced, fun fact: this scene was shot the day after Elle Fanning's junior prom, I wonder if they let her wear a dress from the movie

    and in the commentary Renf says that it's up to you the viewer to decide if such narcissism is good or bad but it seems pretty obvious the movie is saying it's bad due to everyone in the modeling industry being an asshole (but not over the top unrealistic assholes like in most dark satirical movies like this, like a shit movie I with my lesbian gf called Raw that was basically a rip-off of this and every single character is an asshole for no reason so you can feel like the protagonist is justified in feeling like an outsider) and you know the murders and stuff although perhaps he's talking about specifically Jesse's character progression since even though it might seem she has become a bitch but that's not exactly the worst thing in the world especially with juxtapositioned against the horrible things other characters get up to perhaps it is even an improvement for this environment because she's less likely to be taken advantage of if she's more confident so maybe her character arc is actually a feminist kino commentary on how threatened men are by assertive and driven women and the ending where she is slaughtered like an animal in response to her revealing her inflated ego is the kind of undeserved and over the top retribution you often see in horror movies aimed towards young women for being sexual (slashers targeting the slutty girl just after she fucked a guy and the virginal protagonist is the only female to survive) now what I think of the whole muh beauty is everything is of course being attractive gives a good first impression and makes it easy to charm the retards of the world but caring about it this much is another case of r/K selection theory which is basically the scientific version of Lizard theory (fun fact: Abbey Lee has a pet lizard called Annie Hall lel) which I wrote before I even know this was a widely discussed idea where basically r-selection refers to a mating strategy where an animal simply tries to have as many offspring as possible without caring for the quality of their upbringing usually in response to living in a low resources or very dangerous environment where most of it's children will probably die anyway and K-selection is the opposite where the quality of life of the offspring is taken into account to try and get the offspring the best chance to survive successfully so fewer children are had usually in response to a safe, stable and plentiful environment and applying these two mindsets to individual humans and human cultures makes everything make sense where people who had a peaceful, stable and plentiful childhood are probably going to be nice healthy successful high functioning people because they've been conditioned from an early age watching their parents behavior to see that long term planning and trusting others leads to a very enjoyable life and usually end up with a monogamous marriage with a few kids but people who had an abusive, chaotic and impoverished childhood are going to be dysfunctional low functioning shitheads because they've been conditioned from an early age watching their parents behavior to see that long term planning isn't going to help and trusting others just gets you fucked over and usually end up just trying to get as much money and social approval as they can in the moment and avoiding their problems with lots of casual sex and drugs which is why poor people are usually so scummy but not always because if their parents can still provide a stable environment for them they can turn out fine and also why higher class people can still be shitheads because even if they had lots of resources as a kid that doesn't stop their parents from being assholes who hate each other and treat them like shit so they grow up like these sort of people where all that matters is beauty which by it's very nature is fleeting they just want to be the hottest person at this moment with no regard of what'll happen when they get too old or have the hottest partner at the moment and will jettison them when hotter comes along so beauty really is everything rather than worrying about the content of a persons character which K-selected people do because they can think ahead and realize beauty doesn't really matter after 20 years of marriage and you have to rely on this person to raise your children and an r-selected idiot would say to this haha only a loser who isn't hot or cant get a hot partner claims they care about what's inside since due to all being children of divorce fuckboys they don't even think staying together for life is even possible even though that's what literally the other half of society does and they think they have the upper hand just going for the hottest or most popular or richest person since they have no forward planning abilities and it seems great right up until their boyfriend gives them AIDS or their girlfriend empties their bank account on their coke addition or it's divorce time and their husband is kicking the shit out of them or their wife is getting pregnant from an affair and making them pay the child support and then they are oblivious as to why their lives are horrible and let me just say that The Eternal Male is actually the worst at this even though men and women talk so much shit about women behaving degenerately but you have to basically straight up bribe women to be r-selected by having the state give them welfare to pay for their kids rather than to look for a high functioning man to start a life with (which men get extremely booty blasted about, as if looking for the best possible father for your children is a bad thing, and go on about m-muh hypergammy, while they themselves go for the hottest women they can get even if they are complete bitches just for the ego boost and get turbo butthurt if attractive women don't want them) since 1 woman can only have 1 baby in 9 months and for 99.999999% of human existence so it's a big time and resource investment and if she chose her mate wrong and he abandoned or abused her she might fucking starve to death in a bush from being disabled from childbirth and having to look after a baby and not being able to hunt animals or defend herself as well meanwhile with The Eternal Male reproducing is of no biological cost to him and in 9 months 1 man can get fucking 1 thousand women pregnant so they are wired to not take who they mate with into consideration beyond if they are not so young or old or unhealthy they might not be fertile since just running around shagging as much as possible is a legitimate reproduction strategy to spread the genes and a man has to basically be cajoled by a woman into sticking around with the promise that it'll give them the most successful K-selected offspring rather than a shit load of of children of single mother r-selected fuck ups who never meet them which you don't need any bribery to get men to do you need to bribe them to NOT behave like a lizard meanwhile to get men to have casual sex literally all you need to do is get a woman to go along with it since they already want to do that at all times which is also why I laugh when men talk shit about gay men as if they wouldn't be as promiscuous if women were as thirsty as them so what I'm saying is we need to have sex slavery for men to have an ideal society anyway speaking of fuckboys we see Dean sitting on the stairs at the motel at night waiting for Jesse and when she arrives she asks "what are you doing here?" bitchily and he asks her "what are you..........?" like she's some sort of monster which is like how Ruby first reacted to her in the original script like she's something unearthly and inhuman and he asks "is that what you want? you wanna be like them?" and Jesse explains "I don't wanna be them................. they wanna be me" like it's the most obvious and reasonable thing to want in the world

    literally getting her Rorschach on

    and then Jesse just walks past Dean like he's nothing and he sits with his head in his hand that he's missed out on DAT ASS

    and that's the last we see of Dean who was a notable character for being the only non-horrible person in the entire movie (besides wanting to fuck a 16 year old but we never get his age and you know, men) since I'm not sure he even gets paid for his photography yet he's so entry level to the industry and hasn't been fully corrupted by it yet and he's actually kind of like the one-note love interest characters a woman would be playing in other movies revolving around a man that are only there to show how the main character is changing in fact all of the male characters are like that where they don't really drive the plot at all they're just secondary characters and it's four females who are causing events to move forward in fact men are the objects in the plot to be manipulated into giving approval and discarded once they're done with like women are in most male driven stories they almost have no agency and are just obstacles to get around to advance along the industry or avoid being raped by in Keanu's case I also like how Dean just talks like a normal person everyone involved in the industry talks so pretentiously, calculated, manufactured and dishonestly but Dean just says whats on his mind it's a good contrast to show this isn't just how Renf writes these people are meant to be dickheads I guess that's why the Driver also talks like ...............this.......... because it's showing he thinks he's some hollywood badass that talks like that also Dean does the right thing here he's by far the most healthy person in the movie because he knows to just cut contact with someone when they're obviously dysfunctional and remove himself from such a toxic environment in any other movie he would have come to Ruby's house to try and talk to Jesse again and get killed but he just nopes out of the entire movie people always give women shit for not getting out of abusive relationships even when they don't have any other options or are too scared of their partner but men are even more retarded when it comes to this because they always fail to recognize a woman can be a danger to them and get turbo thirty if a girl gives them any attention and will put up with so much bullshit just to try and get laid or not be single but an important lesson in life is to realize you don't HAVE to associate with anyone you don't want to as an adult you can stop talking to your own parents if they're making you unhappy hell you can even give away your kid for adoption if you don't think you can be a good parent yourself too many people think oh my friends might be shitheads who get me into trouble but they're my mates or oh my dad might wake me up at night to force me to go out and collect cigarette butts off the street so he can try and pick nicotine out of them to roll a free smoke but he is my father atferall (this happened to the amazing atheist lmao) oh my boyfriend might cuckquean me but he still loves me that's why he tried to hide it from me ect ect and then are surprised when their life is shit anyway then we get a long sequence without much dialog where Jesse goes into her room and actually throws out the flowers from Dean lmao and we see Dean leaving the motel oh one more thing about Dean his surprising exit from the movie makes me wonder if there's something to be read in there that it's when Dean, the nicest guy in the movie, is told to fuck off by Jesse that she starts to get into physical danger as if she's meant to keep a decent man engaged so he can physically defend her which doesn't make much sense practically since he's not attached to the hip by her but I think there is something socially where men are less likely to mess with a woman in a relationship than if she's single because their stupid monkey brain goes "ugg ugg, me no attack other mans woman or he kill me with rock, me go after unprotected woman ugg ugg" speaking of which as Keanu leaves to take a smoke and back in the motel room Jesse is lounging around and starts stretching her legs out like now she's the mountain lion relaxing like a cat does as she's appreciating her body

    and then we see a POV shot walking along the motel to her door just like a horror movie not revealing the monster like the demon from The Evil Dead and the door to Jesse's room creaks open and Keanu sneaks in and he creeps next to Jesse who's gone to sleep ontop of the covers in her clothes (do Americans really do this?) and looks her up and down and then he gets out a fucking knife please note how he's wearing an Adidas running jacket with the three white stripes down it like scumbags around the world from neds in Scotland to slavs in Russia to bogans in Australia and even drug dealers in South America so very good costume design there

    and he puts it against her lips and slides it between her teeth which made my mum cover her eyes in the theater and the knife is rattling against her teeth and apparently that was really happening on set because Keanu was so nervous his hands were shaking but since movie making is dumb they had to reproduce it by waggling a knife inside a wine glass

    and Jesse wakes up and realizes she better stay still and she starts panting and looking from the knife to Keanu and he orders her "wider" and Jesse complies and basically deep throats the knife and they did this gag, no gag intended, was done with a variety of replica knives, prop rubber knives and an empty handle they CGI'd in the blade afterwards according to the commentary I guess now adays a low budget movie like this can do lots of shit with CGI if they're going to be ramming things down peoples throats on the commentary Elle Fanning was like "I kind of, like, fun, I kind of like enjoyed it... heh" during this scene, wow she has a lot of internalized misogyny I mean wh-who would want Keanu Reeves to dominate them and ram things down their throat r-right n-n-not me

    and Keanu growls again WIDER and keeps putting the knife down her mouth symbolically orally r*ping her with his phallus

    and then Jesse wakes up with a start on the red carpet next to a red chair grasping at her throat realizing she just had a really fucked up wet dream I mean nightmare that got me good I really thought she was going to get r*ped but I guess it was just a nightmare of her anxiety over being penetrated since if she loses her virginity that might mean all her social power is lost just as how she was powerless there in the original script she was going to have more daydreams and nightmares about seeing a sexy woman's dismembered body parts and admiring her own face in the reflection of a pool like Narcissus but I guess they thought that was a bit too on the nose like all the other less subtle ideas in the script and by they I mean Polly Stenham who came on as a writer later on and helped Renf be less of a shit writer

    and then she hears someone trying to open up the door to her room for real and when they really start forcing it open and I've read a theory that the characters are inspired by fairytale characters like Jesse is Cinderella and Ruby is the evil step-mother and Sarah and Gigi re the evil step-sisters and Keanu is the big bad wolf well here's the scene where he's doing the I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down or whatever meme or is that a different character that tries to eat little red riding hood or harasses some pigs or something well anyway she rushes forward and turns the lock and recoils back and whoever it is gives up and apparently Renf was playing the soundtrack that was happening during this scene on his ipod so everyone could hear it and she could act long with the intense music

    and then she sits against the bed and lays her head back until she hears the door next door being kicked in and a girl screaming, presumably the real lolita shit in room 214 (do motel numbers work like house numbers do here where odd and even numbers are on opposite sides of the road/motel and room 214 is next to 212 and 213 is actually across the parking lot? if yes then never mind but if no then are the room numbers not being beside each other indicative of her imagining this and she's just gone a bit mental? or is Keanu just raping a third girl staying there? in the original script the other girls room was #21 and Jesse's was #22 to make it more explicit they were right beside each other but I guess they changed it to make it more ambiguous if it was real or not) and you can clearly hear her stumbling to get away but then having her mouth muffled as she starts to cry and shriek oh shit its r*pe time KEANU NO!! YOU'RE MEANT TO TAKE THE REDPILL NOT THE R/REDPILL!!!

    he truly has become The Neo Demon™ by Nicolas Winding Refn in IMAX 3D and we only see Jesse reacting to this in the mirror as if it's entirely The Neon Demon reacting to this or is the mirror version of her now the normal her idk but all she does is crawl up against the wall and listen and she looks almost interested until the girl starts getting obviously thrown around and screaming more and she gets scared again I wonder if the rape happening off-screen was for Keanu's sake since he might not have wanted to play an on-screen rapist since that might have been bad for his on-screen persona I doubt he'd care since he seems like an arty guy but maybe that was a consideration for whoever was cast as that guy kind of like how str*ight actors don't want to play gay in case people don't take them seriously in romances with women or as badasses or whatever after that an actor might not want to play a rapist so he can have nice guy roles accepted by the audience in his career after and we get a shot from the other side of the wallpaper that was apparently just real cheap wallpaper they strung up for this that's like that bit from Scott Pilgrim when the third evil ex grabs him with telekenesis and the camera just zooms out like there's a black void behind the wall until she's enclosed in darkness and as this shot keeps going you hear a phone ringing and a sleepy "hello" and Jesse whispers "ruby? thank god you're awake" and Ruby goes "Jesse?" and Jesse says "I didn't know who you call" and Ruby asks "are you ok?" and Jesse pants "it sounds like he's killing her" which is usually how little kids talk about sexual assault since they don't know about it yet but know about killing (not that he might not also be murdering her but he's clearly meant to be a rapist (what with being male and all)) and Ruby's like "what? who is?" and Jesse says "what do I do? he already tried to get in" this was probably the actually scariest scene in the movie since it's so realistic and you can imagine something as grounded as hearing a sexual assault take place in a motel room next door since all the shit at the end is a bit too goofy to be scary but I'd say what got the biggest emotional reaction out of me and my mum and the audience I saw it with would actually be the gold painting scene because they lead up to it with such tention and then there's the uncomfortable and glamorous groping shinanigans since I guess it's so grounded it doesn't even involve anything horrifying it's just something so ordinary it could and does happen for real and then people are just like whatever thats the industry its so normal

    and then we transition to Ruby walking through an empty dark mansion as she asks "can you get out?" and Jesse says "I think so" so Ruby tells her to "come here" and Ruby slinks along the hallway dressed in red with a flash of her back in a mirror which makes me think that maybe even Ruby was the one trying to get into her door and maybe even assaulted the girl next door to scare Jesse into coming to her and you might think then how did she phone her at her house but you are forgetting that she gave her her mobile number and no one on earth has a landline anymore or perhaps it was neither Keanu or Ruby but maybe it was Dean who actually came back to take Keanu up on his offer of the girl in that room after Jesse leaves him with blueballs but he doesn't want to completely burn the bridge with her? I mean he seems like a normal guy but he's literally meeting up with young girls off the internet to take their pictures so who knows anyway so she might have taken a break from killing the girl next door to get on her phone and tell Jesse to come over and race home super fast like if the mountain lion was her first attempt this is the more serious second attempt or maybe Jesse was having like a psychic vision and had predicted Keanu being on the r*pe prowl or even it was a vision given to her by Ruby if we're meant to think they're witches or something magical or she's just given into The Neon Demon enough that she's pessimistic enough now to be expecting that also why doesn't she call the fucking police you might say well it's because she's a runaway and lying about her age at her job (is it a job if shes not being paid? is she being paid? probably not if I know my scummy modeling industry) but she was willing to call the cops over the mountain lion unless she was just bluffing but I think it's mostly because she's become so narcissistic she didn't even think to help the other girl she was only thinking about how to save herself

    apparently this mansion is called The Paramour Mansion and it's rented out for lots of movies like Scream 3 and you can also rent it for weddings, photoshoots or even sleepovers and it's owned by the same people who own the diner they shot in but Renf decided on this one because it's rumored to be haunted and he's edgy like that and we see Jesse peaking into this pitch black mansion as Ruby says over the phone "you're gonna be safe" mmm hmm also there was a scene before this of Jesse driving here but they took it was too technically complicated and I imagine Jesse being able to drive made her seem too mature for the character

    and for some reason that may be a deep metaphor for how the devil always tricks you into coming to him rather than coming to you or Renf being an autist who doesn't understand how life works Ruby isn't waiting by the door and just happens to be walking down the hallway when Jesse happens to open up this unlocked door without knocking or ringing a bell and she hugs her in the hallway and she has her shoes off for this shot because without them she'd be so much taller than Jenna it looked awkward

    and then she goes and takes a shower to which Renf creepily added in the commentary "I'm just off screen!" as he films a 16 year old girl taking a shower and her make-up is doing the "sad clown" thing I was referring to earlier like the make-up at the fashion show like she should be literally crying after hearing such a horrible thing but she doesn't care now she's safe so she's only fake crying with her fake make-up

    and speaking of fake-up we see Ruby applying make-up and pretending to kiss in a mirror as if she's getting ready for a date and in the background you can see a painting of a leopard like her predatory Neon Demon is gearing up to take advantage of Jesse

    and then we see Jesse drying her hair in the mirror and Ruby comes in in the mirror as she's in full demon mode and she says "I brought you some things" and hands her a toothbrush hopefully it's an electric one like the one I'm going to be using to masturbate to this scene and Jesse says thanks and takes it and Ruby hands over a green dress and says "you can wear this if you want... unless you prefer to sleep naked ;^)" and Jesse asks "are you going out?" and Ruby says comfortingly "I'm not going anywhere... I'm going to stay here with you"

    and Jesse seems pleased and then she goes back into the bathroom and Ruby glances at herself in the mirror briefly giving herself a knowing look and then sits down and uses the mirror to spy on Jesse as she drops the towel off just out of view and Jesse says from the bathroom "this house is amazing, how long have you lived here?" and Ruby says "I don't live here" and Jesse says "but I thought you said this was your house?" and Ruby thinks about it and says "no I said I'm house-sitting, watering the plants, checking the mail" which I don't think she did and Jesse comes out with the dress on and asks "oh well... do you think they'll mind that I'm crashing?" and you can see her reflection is blurry in the mirror as she shows off her ~slutty armpit~ as if Ruby's influence is having a confusing effect on her

    and Ruby says "you can stay here for as long as you like" and then smiles to herself there's definitely something fucking fishy going on here (other than my vagina) like she/they killed the previous owner so that they can have a private isolated place to lure, kill and prepare their victims but I like this big creepy empty house that's as empty as all the antagonists in the movie and how Jesse's becoming and maybe it is meant to be this strange purgatory place where the devil tries to seduce the pure virginal maiden in the original script it was made clearer that she was probably house sitting and you see the parents and boy that live there in photos and a neighbor actually comes over with a casserole for them (which seems to be some amerimeme) and knows that Ruby is house sitting which makes it less likely she killed them in the original script also in the original script it's explicit that Ruby is into witchcraft since there's a scene where Jesse helps her steal a bird from a pet store that refuses to sell to her because she's bought a suspicious amount of birds from them that she keeps in cages in the house and it's implied she sacrifices them and she has lots of edgy stuff laying around her house like tarot cards, books about satanism, wicca sayings, books by Aleister Crowley and a quote on the wall that said "the light is mine, its rays consume me" which is from some magick spell or whatever autism he came up with that when I googled it said that it could be performed by using the "Star Ruby" technique which seems to be some retarded interpretive dance but bravo Renf for that reference I read that he wanted to make a movie about Aleister Crowley and wants to get Tom Hardy to play him where presumably he uses magic to finally become a big guy (spoilers: it was an excuse to get his followers to fuck him like all cult leaders) so I guess in this version of the movie they toned it down and made it more ambiguous if there's actual witchcraft shit going on or at least being attempted which I'm glad it did since it's more disturbing if you're wondering what the fuck is going on as the unknown is always more scary than some autistic girl read too much /x/

    and then Ruby sits down on the bed and we see a statue of an angel on the left side of the screen that was apparently already at the house so they decided to use it for this kino shot where it's on the left and there's this like dark void on the right as if this is a decisive moment choosing between good and evil with the good I guess being a lesbian? bravo Renf, and she tells her to "sit" on the bed and tells her "my mom used to brush my hair after a bad day, it's very soothing" hmm I want Jenna Malone to be my mommy and brush my hair ungg and Jesse sits on the bed in front of her and we see her feet ungggga as Ruby starts brushing her hair and Jesse says "Ruby?" and Ruby tells her to "just relax" and after a while she says "Ruby?" again and Ruby goes "mmm?" and Jesse says "thank you" awww and Ruby says "for what?" and Jesse says "for being so good to me" and Ruby grins to herself and says "it's what friends are for" and Jesse says "no... I mean" and then looks back into her eyes and nods and says "I think you're really wonderful" and smiles to her and Ruby gets an expression like "fucking in there m8" as she puts down the hairbrush

    and she says "I think you're just... I think you are too" and then Ruby puts her hand on her bare foot OMGGGGG and starts stroking her hair with her hand and says "I think you're so beautiful" and then Jesse starts looking confused idk what this fucking pussy teasing str8 bitch thought she was saying since she was clearly moving past the "friends" label but maybe she's leading her on on purpose and has clocked why she's interested and in her new narcissistic persona realizes she can lead her on too

    and Ruby shushes but then feels her taking her hand away and asks "I thought that's what you wanted?" and Jesse says seriously "no" and Ruby awkwardly goes "oh" what was this stupid slut expecting is she fucking with Ruby on purpose or did she just not think she'd go that far and she could just pull her along indefinitely the weird thing about this movie is it's all about a girl being corrupted by how shitty LA is but we don't really see much of her acting like a bitch I mean she's vaguely rude to Dean and then has a rant where she's full of herself later on and I don't even know if her not calling the cops on Keanu was meant to be something you notice but there's only like 5 scenes of her having become a bitch vs every other scene where she's innocent but maybe the point is she never was and has just given up pretending to be innocent in the original script she's a bit more bitchy where she kiss-cucks Dean with Jack and when they get into a fight she tells him to fuck off a lot more meanly and then Ruby runs her hand up her arm and puts it into her lap as she snuggles against her shoulder and sniffs her and she says "and you have such beautiful skin" and Jesse grabs her hand and asks "what are you doing?" and again in the original script Ruby actually takes Jesse's virginity here consensual and you even see her washing her hymen blood off of her hands in the bathroom hngggg

    and then there's some amazing acting where Ruby looks away sad and Jesse just looks awkward and Jesse looks at her and says "it's not what you think" and Ruby says "then what is it?" and Jesse says "I lied before" and Ruby looks up at her and Jesse says "I've never been with anyone... like that" oh so is that the issue would she actually be fine going with Ruby if it wasn't for her thinking her being a virgin gives her some special virtue that'll show in her modeling and make people value her more too bad she didn't realize that men's shitlordery knows no bounds and they don't even consider lesbian sex real sex since le benis isn't going up anyone but she delivers the line very dramatically like she's trying to point out how special and holy she is

    and Ruby smiles as if she's glad that that's all it is and she strokes her hair again and starts kissing her shoulder and says "I don't care" as if she thinks Jesse would think that was a turn off for her even though lesbians have their own version of shitlordery where literally being a "gold star lesbian" who's never been with a man before is especially desired

    but Jesse says "Ruby" to stop her again as she pushes her shoulder back down on the bed oh yeah say my name while I rape u slut and she starts shushing to her and says "I don't care" trying to be comforting that she doesn't mind her virginity when it could be a very threatening thing to say and then she gets ontop of her and starts trying to kiss her but Jesse moves her face away and she starts kissing her ear and Jesse starts panting and says "stop" and tries to move her arms off of her but Ruby just shushes her and moves more ontop of her and starts running her hand up and down her body as Jesse moans for her to "stop" but Ruby's like "I WANNA-I WANNA BE YOUR FIRST!" as if it turns her on even more like how some straight men want to be the first to "conquer" a woman by taking her virginity (please note that Elle Fanning was actually 16 IRL when this was filmed so there were certain things they couldn't show legally to not be literally making child porn and the americlap distributes had to have her age legally confirmed before releasing it which makes me wonder what Renf would have had them be doing if he didn't have the pedowood illuminati breathing down his neck for him not to give the game away)

    AND RUBY PUTS HER HAND BETWEEN JESSE'S LEGS AND STARTS DIDDLING HER WHILE RUBBING HER FACE INTO HER NECK HNGG IM GONNA CUMMM and Jesse tries to move her hand away and then grabs her by the shoulders with both hands and tosses her off the bed onto the ground and yells "I said stop!" and Jenna actually hit the ground really hard there IRL she wasn't acting when she looks hurt there's a good anecdote from LOTR where Aragorn screams when the manlets are taken by the orcs and kicks a helmet and screams in sorrow but what happened IRL was Vigo actually broke his toe kicking the helmet because a rock was under it and he was actually screaming in real agony so I think actors should just really get the shit kicked out of them in movies for the best takes possible

    and then Ruby stands up and smooths her hair and Jesse looks at her panting heavily waiting to see what she'll do and she just walks off and Jesse sits there breathing like an injured big cat ready to pounce if need be which could maybe a benefit of becoming more self-assured after letting The Neon Demon in since if she wasn't that confident she might not have been forceful enough to physically defend herself from Ruby or maybe even not confident enough to tell her to stop

    that was actually a really well acted and written scene that shows how complicated but not complicated consent is, e.g. the viewer isn't sure why Jesse is saying no, maybe she's straight or maybe she wants to keep her virginity or maybe she's purposefully leading Ruby on, and Ruby doesn't know why Jesse is saying no and can't work out if she's straight, or thinks her virginity is a turn off or leading her on either, but all that doesn't matter, all that matters is she said no because no means no you shitlord r*pe culture supporter that said I want Ruby to pin me down and ravish me and tear my hymen open until her hands are covered in my blood and before you shitlords start that lesbians can't or don't rape then you are mistaken it's just that no one gives a FUCK about it since well it doesn't le involve le penis so it can't be real and doesn't involve le ebin gender dynamics so no one talks about it but when surveyed ONE IN THREE lesbians has said they were sexually assaulted by another woman and if you've listened to my podcast where I use a voicechanger to sound like a guy you'll know all about lesbian rape in prison and speaking of sluts who ask for it what would have happened if Jesse had gone along with it and let Ruby fug her? would she have been saved? if Ruby's the ring leader of the other two would she have called them off? would they go and find some other young girl to eat? or is this just Ruby's sick way of playing with a victim (playing with your food if you will...) by giving them the choice of either being sex or food? I think not because she seems legitimately interested in Jesse and legitimately confused and she looks legitimately mad as fuck right here when she's staring at herself in the mirror, but maybe she's so unhinged she gets legitimately attached to every girl that meets Jesse's fate, but then again this might be the first time

    then Ruby gets some red lipstick and draws two X's on the mirror and then a circle around it and the background starts glowing highlighting the leopard behind her red for maximum neon demon powering up but the leopard is actually a stuffed leopard not a painting (which was also really there in this big house when they got there, unbravo Renf) which is some accidental kino since taxidermy is a creepy fucking hobby since it's making a dead thing look alive which is Ruby's second job at the morgue and especially with a leopard it's an attempt to capture and freeze in time an untamed natural and dangerous beauty rather than just leaving it alone and appreciating it even if it'll waste away one day and if you've hunted the animal to taxidermy it you've had such a macabre obsession with having this beauty for yourself you've actually destroyed it and are left with a sad lifeless empty reminder that you don't have it which is exactly what they do with Jesse at the end anyway

    and this triggered my severe life altering autism on a photo creepy-chan took like a decade and a half ago where she wrote something on a mirror in red lipstick while wearing mismatched shoes to be edgy

    and then there's another long sequence without any dialog EIGHT MINUTES without any dialog in fact but this is a lot more... stimulating than the last one where Jesse wakes up in bed in the morning sun pouring in with the twinkling music cue

    and she looks over at a redish pink dressing gown that's been left for her and then we get shots of this empty creepy purgatory house including a shot going down some stairs and a shot where at the end of there's a taxidermied owl like the owl of Minerva oh shit BOHEMIAN GROVE CONFIRMED which plebeians seem to relate to worshipping Molloch because they're retards but it's actually used to indicate knowledge which is why it's on library seals around the world becaues Minerva was the goddess of wisdom but I guess it could be used to imply Ruby has some forbidden knowledge of occult rituals and shit

    and then there's a POV shot of Jesse walking through the house and looking past a statue of a naked woman that a lesbo would have but I guess it was already there and probably already there in real life too to see an empty room and then she looks to see the edgy lipstick graffiti on the mirror Ruby left that's got some edgy imagery as it's got a cross through the female statue and under a bust of a disembodied head on the mantelpiece and I'm not sure exactly whats going on with the drawing its meant to be a face but are the eyes the Xs or the circles it seems like there are false eyelashes stuck to the mirror that are circled I guess this is something that women who leave the house do in fact the Xs under it kind of look like tears running under the eyes and the X looks like a big sad mouth and perhaps it's like The Symbol™ where the three triangles are the three women who are about to fuck Jesse's shit up the three Xs on the face are the three women and now they're represented by a more angry death-related symbol than just a feminine/hierarchical triangle literally like the X motif in Scott Pilgrim where more and more Xs appear the more recent an evil X he has to face kek

    and she's like wtf and we see her reflection in the mirror is crossed out over her heart like it's an autistic death threat so she's crossed out if she goes and looks at it since drawing that was the moment that Ruby decided she was going to die for rejecting her (like how Sarah turned against her and turned literally blood thirsty at the casting call when she gets cucked by her and Gigi probably turned against her either at getting cucked by her at the fashion show or more likely literally being used as an example of how generic she is in comparison by Robert at dinner, and since she chased off Dean she has no one left on her side) like if she's a metaphor for Satan she's passing judgement on a soul that's come to purgatory even though I'm not sure Satan judges anyone in Christian mythology but maybe this is Renf turning Christian themes on their head since it's NOT having gay sex that gets her killed or maybe it's the other way around and Satan would kill you for NOT sinning but I think Renf isn't addressing homosexuality at all here and just sexuality in general

    and then she walks past the stuffed leopard and they edited out a line she gives here where she calls "Ruby? Ruby?" so Renf can continue his autismal combo of long ass sequence with no dialog

    and she peaks in a room and sees some lesbian porn on the wall and a black bed that I can't even tell if it has something on it we're meant to notice but it has a V pillow that I've used for years and has probably given me horrible posture as well as sitting at a computer all day every day

    and then we see Ruby putting some red lipstick on a dead woman at the morgue and I read a theory that this was the 13 year old runaway that Keanu killed which would have been cool but she's clearly too old for that and I doubt they found a dead body and are having the funeral the next morning unless she's a muslim or something (here's a fun fact due to a serial killer doctor called Harold Shipman in the UK who would kill like 200 of his elderly patients by giving them an overdose of morphine and they only caught him when he got greedy and started trying to fiddle their wills to give him money and they put in a policy to stop this kind of thing where 1 in every 100 dead bodies is given a random autopsy to try and discover poisoning or other foul play but the exceptions are for jews and muslims who part of their religion is they need to be buried as soon as possible since these are thousands of years old stupid sandnigger religions trying to trick people into using proper hygiene so the moral of the story is if you want to be a serial killer who kills hundreds of people just target jews and muslims!) but maybe he's raped and killed other women since there was crime scene tape at the motel before hand

    and Ruby looks down sad at the dead cag that maybe she's even been making up to look like Jesse but it looks like she's only just got the idea since she drops down the brush and lipstick like fuck it and she goes over to the door and looks back like she's deciding to do this or not and then locks the door and comes back over and takes her purple gloves off and looks down so sad at the dead girl like she just wants someone who wont reject her and then she slowly drags the sheet of the corpse and you can actually see her bagina without much pubic hair which is an extreme mega taboo in America since Americans kill themselves when they see a woman's nipple on tv also Americans cannot stand watching even jokey sexual scenes with their parents without needing to hit the app on their phone to call in the daily spree shooter to kill everyone in the theater as if by definition their parents didn't have to have had sex for them to exist I watched this with my mum and it wasn't awkward at all I even watched Wolf of Wallstreet with my dad (he really enjoyed the Harley Quinn sex scene) anyway Ruby starts feeling the dead girls foot wew does she have a foot fetish? or is it just Renf?

    and then we cut to Jesse sitting on a red couch in the sunlight stroking her slutty neck

    and we see Ruby looking down at the dead girl and then back to Jesse feeling up her own face

    and Ruby runs her hands over the dead girls body until she starts groping her naked breasts and Renf calls this woman IRL an "x-rated actress" which would have been funny if she was a porn actress since that's mucho taboo in a patriarchal society even though this is probably edgier than anything she'd have shot but I think Renf is just being an autist and it's just that she usually appears in nude scenes in mainstream movies since half her IMDb credits are things like Voluptuous Blonde, Car Wash Girl 1, Naked Woman, Guantanamo Babe, Hot Locker Room Girl, Hooker in Tree #2, Bar Wench, Topless Woman lmao but in an interview I read with her she talked about how the scene might not have gone as far as it did without her there (she had to beat out 100 other girls to play the part where they'd get her to lay on the floor in a bikini and then they'd poke at her and scream in her face as she tried not to flinch and play dead lmao) because she was used to doing naked modeling for playboy (is that even a thing anymore? is that even considered porn anymore?) and was comfortable with whatever Renf and Jena wanted to do so bravo dead lady but apparently she wasn't as good at playing dead as Elle is they had to stabilize her with SFX in post production

    and we see Jesse caressing her own breasts through her top as she's literally loving herself (I've noticed that masturbation in movies is usually used either for comedic purposes or to get across that that character is a pathetic loser or a pervert and in this case a narcissist which I guess is understandable since it'd be boring if it was just realistic where someone jacks off at their computer to relax after work and that's it)

    and we see Ruby intensely feeling up the dead girl off-screen as Jesse runs her fingers over her own lips

    and Ruby leans down and kisses the dead girl and she SPITS IN HER MOUTH to lube up her lips and starts licking at her mouth and full on tongue fucking her mouth

    and Jesse keeps caressing her slutty neck as Ruby pants with arousal as she smushes her face against the dead girls

    and we see Jesse running her hand up her body

    as Ruby has gotten ontop of the corpse and reaches down between her legs and starts masturbating as a little string of spit connects her mouth to her nose

    and Jesse runs her hand down over her breast and looks into the camera as if maybe we are just seeing Ruby's fantasy of Jesse or she's shaming the audience for masturbating to this too

    and Ruby jills off furiously ontop of this naked dead woman while just sort of smearing her mouth over hers as she moans and gropes her breasts and she puts her hand over her eyes to pretend its Jesse better and two big strings of saliva connect their mouths which is mad kino since it's simultaneously erotic but gross since she's fuckin dead and probably very confusing to normies and is maybe the best example of Renf saying it's up to you if it's saying the subject matter is good or bad since it could be both disgusting or arousing depending on the viewer not to say there's a lot of necrophilicas in the audience but obviously it's not real and just two actresses making out but it is still a gross idea perhaps that's the point like it's only disgusting if you're falling for the illusion but if you don't suspend you disbelief it's sexy almost the opposite of the real fashion world where it's presented as sexy but if you look past the illusion it's fucking disgusting and full of pedos and women starving and mutilating themselves and apparently they did so many takes of this that the actress ended up having saliva all over her face and when they were done filming she was like "um there's spit in my mouth" unggg >tfw when Jena Malone will never molest your corpse and/or spit on your face

    and I think the scene went on with her snuggling with the dead body since there's set photos of that apparently it got so intense that Jena was crying for real at the end of it and even the woman playing the corpse got emotional too but managed to keep still from learning how to play dead from watching YouTube tutorials on it lmao, note how her body looks noticeably more dead here so I think they put that make-up on her on-set but then took it away in post when they were stabilizing her breathing to make it seem more uncanny valley beautiful

    wew laddy I guess that sequence kind of sums up the movie from the opening scene it's all about beauty and death which an edgy person might say are intertwined but I guess they are since you lose beauty by getting old and dying and you could circumvent this for the small price of just dying young which seems to be a real thing people actually wish for in Hollywood so they can be remembered young like James Dean and even normie Americans profess such aspirations and like I said before if you/society/Ruby the character herself is so shallow that they only care about how a person looks and lusting after them and don't care about their personality then literally what is the difference between them being alive or dead if their corpse is kept in good condition wouldn't that be the same as fucking them when they're dead? and tbqh I might prefer to fuck a dead body than a living one since the idea of being sexually intimate with someone is so alarming to me as long as it wasn't fucked up and rotten or anything I'm not that weird and on IMDb it says originally the movie was going to be entitled "I Walk With the Dead" but I am pretty sure Renf said somewhere the title Neon Demon came to him first (while browsing /tv/) and they also say Carey Mulligan was originally to star when Renf has said it was either going to be Elle or a first-time actress so either one of them are full of shit and I don't know which but I think it was a really good scene that gets across how lonely and possessive Ruby is and it's not often you're allowed to have a female character be driven by perversion like you do frequently with male villains usually they are sexual only in the extent that they seduce and entrap men but here Ruby is so horny that she'll molest a dead body or might even do so regularly (not that there's anything wrong with fucking a dead body since they're already dead lmao who cares, you should be able to donate your body to necrophiliacs so they don't go about killing people or breaking into funeral homes or whatever, that's what I want to do for the necrophile tripfag girl on 4chan but I bet the patriarchy would stop me) also my mum had a theory that she wasn't really molesting the corpse she was just fantasizing about it, but I think the fantasy was she was thinking of Jesse while she was doing it pretending it was her, or maybe it was Jesse's fantasy of Ruby, no wait actually it was literally Renf's sexual fantasy lmao you see Renf doesn't storyboard he goes with the flow and improvises on scenes originally it was just meant to be her kissing the corpse but during the Q&A held at this very morgue Ryan Gosling asked him to explain the scene and then Renf literally starts to describe the scene bit by bit extremely creepily how he told Jena to "just go on instinct" and to "spit in her mouth" and when "she does" he asks "can you uh... touch her?" "she does" "can I get more saliva on her nipples, make sure it sticks" and Ryan Gosling is like "yeah whats the point of this story?" lmaooooo and everyone laughed and he asks "are you just going to take us through every goddamn-" and Renf cuts him off and says "anyway that was a great scene" trying to save face at what a pervert he is and The Goose puts forward "you could do anything, find a dog that's a good singer, pour milk on a rock and it tastes like cake, but you choose necro" and Renf blames his "inner 16 year old girl" and that it was "it was just exciting... not physically!" but then he admits that "it's fetishism, some of which my own" and this fucking pervert liked the scene so much that he changed the second half of the movie to be more about Ruby and Jesse speaking of whom and also speaking of a weirdo playing dress-up dolls with a real teenage girl then we see Jesse putting on high fashion glittery make-up in the mirror in a pink bathroom like she's a little girl playing dress-up as we hear Ruby literally having an orgasm still playing from the last scene

    and the twinkling sound cues go off but note how she only puts the glitter over ONE eye ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED

    and then she leaves the bathroom and goes into yet another bedroom that's all gold and apparently Renf painted this room gold himself which cost a shit load of money I guess for the owners to let him remodel their house he spend shekels to make me think of shekels

    and she picks up this light blue dress that's laid out for her maybe also by Ruby and she holds it up against herself in the mirror and sways back and fourth with it like a dance partner

    and then she tries it on in the mirror and twirls it around narcissistically admiring herself from every angle in the mirror like The Neon Demon is checking her out and her narcissism is multiplying and it looks like some toga from ancient times as if she's being prepared for a human sacrifice or even like how a Roman goddess would be dressed

    creepy-chan modeled it better tbqh

    and she peaks out the window and sees a swimming pool outside that's as empty as the house and as herself now and decides to go and be edgy by standing on the diving board over the deep end and her dress is down around her feet to give the illusion that she's levitating over the pool like an angel... or a demon! and she leans over the edge and looks down almost like shes thinking about falling or testing to see if she will like she has a death wish and maybe she does because she's subconsciously guilty over giving into her narcissism or she's simply so cocky now she's not afraid of anything and thinks nothing can hurt her or maybe both there's a lot of shit dysfunctional people do that makes you wonder if they're punishing themselves on purpose like doing unhealthy things like loads of junk food/drugs/smoking/drinking or body modification shit like tattoos/piercings/plastic surgeries or dangerous behavior like getting into fights/speeding/extreme sports which might sound edgy but most people internalize that they need to be punished from how their parents treat them as kids in the original script she somehow walks along the diving board and jumps off of it and only then does she notice the pool is empty and she turns around in mid air and grabs the diving board to stop herself from hitting the empty concrete lmao which would have been mucho retardo so I'm glad they cut that out and then Ruby comes out of the house in a red skirt and white blouse and calls to "Jesse" and asks "what are you doing?" and walks into the pool and looks up at her like a hovering deity and Jesse whispers "you know what my mother used to call me?... DANGEROUS... 'you're a dangerous girl'... she was right, I am dangerous" as she looks down at her like she's her subject, why would her mother call her dangerous? just because of her looks? did her mother treat her poorly because she was jealous of her and that's why she ran away? or was she attracting unwanted attention from a step-father or something like that? or is she dangerous because she always knew she was beautiful and was using it to manipulate people? I'm thinking she always knew but she'd only half consciously use it to manipulate people, and only during the movie does she entirely give into feeling superior, like how most liars are not cold calculated machiavellian people, they're mostly just regurgitating their own coping mechanisms to people they wish they themselves would believe too

    and there's a kino shot of all those skyscrapers I've flown planes into many a time in GTAV in LA are lurking in the background and she goes on ranting "I know what I look like... and what's wrong with that anyway? women would kill to look like this"

    "they carve and stuff and inject themselves" and she whispers "they starve to death" like it's a joke it's meant to be a secret they're all anorexic "hoping... praying that one day they'll look like a second-rate version of me" someone make this bitch walk the plank already! also the crew was concerned that Elle was going to fall off the diving board so they filled the pool full of cardboard boxes so I guess they just edited it out in post for the long shots

    and Ruby looks up with a smile, maybe appreciatively of her showing her true colors, or maybe just glad that she made the right decision arranging what's about to happen in the original script you actually see her going to tell Sarah and Gigi where she is but it also seemed more like it was Sarah's idea in the original script also Jesse was drunk when she was giving her little rant there but I guess she doesn't need that excuse in this version

    and Jesse walks back off the plank and into the house where she sees Gigi lurking in the shadows and she's like "are we having a party or something?" which was actually ad libbed by Elle

    and Gigi just looks at her like no but we're about to bitch

    and I'm like I DON'T SEE HOW THAT'S A PARTY

    and then Jesse turns around and struts off and SARAH COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND PUTS SOMETHING ACROSS HER CANISTER (which was actually a real punch that Abbey Lee failed to pull properly and since Elle's reaction is genuine Renf used that take in the movie to which Elle said "I'd never been punched in the face" and then Renf jokes that it being an accident is "just what we say afterwards" kek, also note that this is the first time we've seen Sarah since the whole blood sucking incident since I guess it'd be mucho awkwardo for Jesse to interact with her again so she's only been paired with Gigi since)





    (wait, when did they go down stairs? bravo renf)

























    ok wew ok we fsfsae ww wewe this is the moment when I was like ok this is my favorite movie of the year lmao first of all that shower scene was banned from china literally TOO HOT FOR CHINKS and I really did have a big grin on my face nodding my head during it because it was one of those moments where I realized it was an edgy movie and this scene would be what would happen if I made a movie and I'd be masturbating behind the camera like Renf probably was because this is basically literally an adaptation of this sexual fantasy I have had in my head since I watched season 5 of Dexter where there antagonists are this group of friends that likes to abduct, rape, torture and kill women but since I don't have internalized misogyny I fantasized about a gang of women abducting, raping, torturing and killing me and I'd rotate out my current waifus for the various roles (the manipulative pack leader, an especially lecherous one, the creepy weirdo who disposes of the bodies, an especially sadistic one, and a slightly dim one who gets talked into it by the others) and I'd throw in some cannibalism and necrophilia too since I'm edgy like that and those roles are pretty much taken up by Ruby being the first three and the next two being Sarah and Gigi so it was really fucking surreal seeing what I've cum while thinking about for the last 7 years be shown on the big screen and it was absolute kino

    anyway first of all we didn't really get that much time with Jesse being a narcissistic bitch, it feels like a really long movie where you'd get a lot of time with these characters, but Jesse's only acting like a bitch in like two or three scenes and the other girls are also only in like two or three scenes each, I think it feels longer than it is because most of it's in fucking slow motion like a Zack Snyder movie, except Zack Snyder movies are actually too long and boring ontop of being played at half speed but anyway that chase scene in the house is as close as the movie gets to a standard horror or thriller movie which actually seemed quite out of character for the movie where they're having an action scene, this was also the only scene shot with a steadycam since everything else is so stationary, I would have though they'd have killed Jesse in some low key way like as soon as she gets off the diving board Sarah is coming out the mansion looking edgy and Gigi is suddenly standing behind her and then Ruby walks up and pushes her straight in as she looks confused at her (in the original script what happens is Sarah chases her and Ruby pretends to be saving her and takes her to the pool but then it's Gigi who comes out and pushes her in the pool) but they had a typical killers chase the victim around the house bit which is maybe Renf's send off to the classic Hollywood movies since the movies taking a lot of shots sorry giving neutral commentary that you can decide is good or bad about Hollywood narcissism or maybe Renf doesn't notice anything out of place about that sequence since apparently throughout production instead of calling "action!" he'd yell "VIOLENCE, MOTHERFUCKERS!" so maybe he thinks the whole movie is super intense or is that just how he thinks that's how you are meant to talk to Americans but I think it was probably purposefully calling on slasher movie tropes (including corny things I doubt Renf would miss like the obvious stock sound effects for the punch and whenever anyone so much as raises a knife it goes SHIIIIINGGGGG) to invoke the "hot girl has sex so now must get a machete through her skull" disgusting Amerisexist trope since here all Jesse's done to "deserve" being butchered is to stop hiding her self-confidence from the world which I think she always had inside her like how she admits to Sarah and Gigi separately that she loves how she looks and how being the center of attention is everything even before The Neon Demon got into her oh shit, maybe that's what The Neon Demon is, literally feminism because all Jesse's really doing differently is a acknowledging how much social power she has from winning the beauty standards game rather than pretending to be naive and helpless which is extremely illegal in the patriarchy but she's also expressing this in quite a misogynist way where she's not critical of this system she's winning at she's just mocking the women who weren't born winners like her and the method's they try to use to cheat it so maybe The Neon Demon is literally internalized misogyny that's probably more likely the case since it possesses Sarah and Gigi to fucking eat Jesse and seems to be embodied by Ruby wanting to sexually exploit her and then Jesse ends up in the pool in a way that was shot in almost POV where Ruby's coming towards the audience and shoves her in like she's sending her down into hell into a metaphor for how empty this whole group of people/industry/society is and then she gets all fucked up which reminded me of some pedotastic paintings Tony Podesta of kids sprawled out in an empty swimming pool #pizzagate confirmed again and I was surprised that for a movie shot in such a heightened glamorous way that Jesse's death is acted so "ugly" where she's like gasping for breath in pain and her bodies all fucked up I feel like maybe the positioning of her limbs is meant to be a reference to some famous painting of Jesus or some shit but it's not ringing a bell maybe it's a painting John Podesta has of a dead kid that hasn't been uncovered yet OH! I've got it it's that her limbs are all folded at 90 degree angles so they look like triangles and since one of her arms is hidden under her hair you see the three triangles from The Symbol™ pretty sneaky Renf OH! and again it actually looks like how her limbs are sprawled out in the very first shot of the movie like maybe this was always her fate since that photoshoot because that's when Ruby picked her out as who she was either going to fuck or eat (are you food or sex?) and as she was being chased through the house she goes from super confident to a scared little girl again real fast and when she's bleeding out in the pool it's almost like the red of the blood is The Neon Demon being excised from her and she dies a pure virgin after all but did she die right then and there? or did they like fuck her up even worse to kill her? did they maybe take her inside to kill her? maybe they even ate her alive? I'm not sure but I'm gonna think about it as I masturbate tonight, so what actually happened? we only find out that they SPOILERS cannibalize her in the final scene and it just looks like they covered themselves in her blood somehow (which the crew for the movie put lots of syrup in the fake blood so for the bits where they get it in their mouth it tasted nice, which Elle said in the commentary tasted of "bubblegum and mint") so far people treat this movie like it's disgusting as fuck but there's nothing really that bad other than the gross out gag at the end it could have been a lot worse and I mean A LOT worse considering they probably literally dragged Jesse inside dead or alive and then must have done something to get all the blood out her body into the bath like turn her upside down and slit her throat (like how we first see her in the opening shot) and pump her heart or some such since the bath seems pretty full of blood and that's not just Ruby cleaning herself off and pluck her eyeballs out and then I guess they didn't completely strip her of her meat since Ruby seems to be cuddling with her corpse later on rather than it just being a bag of bones left and considering the aesthetic the movie is going for with a sort of "beautiful disgust" like the fashion industry itself (and even the title itself, a Neon Demon would be something both visually alluring but actually scary) there's only really the necro scene, the blood scene and the eyeball scene that are full on gross (but also the gold body paint scene was quite a beautifully disgusting moment emotionally rather than visually) they could have really had it being non-stop gorgeous visuals of fucked up dismemberment and cannibilism like some Hannibal tv show shit they could have done some more weird sexual shit too if I'm right about the movies real theme and Renf truly wanted to challenge the audience to analyze how they were feeling about the material like he seems to say in interviews but I think this is already more than normies can handle so maybe it's better he kept it at what it is anyway we don't actually know how much time passes during this sequence for all we know they spent weeks gradually eating parts of her Hannibal style but maybe Ruby didn't partake in any cannibalism since she's not as obsessed with her looks as the other two she was more booty blasted that Jesse rejected her and wants access to her body dead or alive but she is bathing in the blood but maybe she just wanted to get in the bath with Sarah and Gigi lmao I think she's definitely meant to be sexually aroused as she's in the bath and not just from ogling her naked friends (which I'm surprised didn't include Elle Fanning at some stage but I guess she couldn't get her tits out because it'd have been LITERAL child porn and the other three girls have all gone nude before

    in fact Abbey Lee seems to enjoy getting naked in public... wait a minute what's that... gun control? DROPPED! she must have some real bad internalized misogyny if she doesn't want to defend herself from being assaulted by men

    now this was an interesting scene other than how wet it got me because it's obviously following her eyeline as she looks the two showering models up and down as she's in the blood bath probably like how Elizabeth Bathory was probably simply sexually attracted to young women in real life it was like usually in a movie this would be the male gaze so the male audience can ogle the female actresses but here it's literally the female gaze and this is the only scene that's like overtly ogling women's bodies the scene later where Ruby gets naked is more spooky and the scene before with her and the dead corpse it more desperate and pathetic seeming than an erotic sex scene I think both were helped by having a female director of photography where all three of those scenes that have nudity in them are centered around Ruby's character where you are meant to be understanding her and her female experience of sensuality and seeing inside her rather than just lusting after her body which maybe is what would have happened with a male setting up the shots I wonder if Sarah and Gigi mind Ruby ogling them dumb males often say all women are bisexual but it's just that women are not as perpetually hilariously terrified of being gay as men are so don't mind being intimate with other women or exploring with them I imagine the models have such big egos they probably like it and would be butthurt if she DIDNT find them attractive I wonder if Jena Malone was really staring at them showering IRL probably not I imagine Renf wanted to be the only other one in the room so he could be jacking off here's a fun fact: Jena was raised by her mother and her lesbian girlfriend I wonder how that effected her playing literally a lesbian rapist necrophile cannibal murderer anyway I could see Ruby partaking in cannibalizing Jesse but because it's a way to totally possess someone to absorb them into yourself which is a pathology I've read about from certain serial killers who want to dominate but also bond with their victim in every way they can think of like Jeffrey Dahmer rather than acting on the belief that it'll enable you to absorb some attributes of your victim which sounds like something only a completely delusional person would think but that seems to be apart of a lot of tribal cultures and edgy new age occult autism like that "spirit cooking" thing where you use cum and blood to cook with fucking #pizzagate confirmed yet again in fact there's still shitholes in Africa where militiamen will try to absorb the attributes of enemies they've killed in combat by cannibalizing them and they think if they eat their eyes they'll get better eye-sight, if they eat their heart they'll become braver and if they eat their testicles they'll become more masculine ect although it seems like mostly a ceremonial thing where they'll eat just a few scraps of meat rather than prepare the whole corpse for a meal I even saw an interview with some piece of shit Liberian war criminal redditors think is le soo hilarious called General Butt Naked from his gimmick of fighting naked who talked about how he would force his child soldiers to kill a fucking baby and eat it so they'd absorb it's vitality or something and of course now hes a preacher at a church where all the christcucks have forgiven him for all his atrocities please keep in mind all the patriarchal religions seem designed to let abusive men get away with whatever they want while keeping women subjugated and I remember another anecdote from a documentary I watched about these UN troops who were stuck behind enemy lines in the Congo after local warlords lay siege to their base and when the guy being interviewed first arrived in the country he asked his taxi driver "is it true that soldiers here cannibalize their enemies?" and the taxi driver says "yes, I fought in the last war, they say it gives you the strength of your foes" and the guy asks "did you ever eat anyone?" and the taxi driver admits "yes, I did" and the guy asks "is it true what they say, that human meat tastes like pork?" and the taxi driver says "I wouldn't know, I'm a muslim" which sounds like the punchline to a joke but that's what the real guy said lmao but yeah basically people really do murder and eat people which is what makes this movie unnerving since it could actually happen in real life all the best horror movies are like that like Zodiac which has extremely uncomfortable parts like the bit where he ties up and murders a couple having a picnic in broad daylight because that actually did happen in real life and he really did get away with it and that could really happen to you in real life unlike all the stupid horror movies about demons and ghosts and shit that are not real and can't happen to you in real life one of my earliest memories was I was like 4 and I was in my bedroom and I kept hearing a knocking sound coming from the wardrobe (that I learned only a few weeks ago was actually an old antenna swaying in the wind) and I told my dad I was scared there was a monster inside it and I'll always remember him telling me "there's no such thing as monsters; just other people who act like them" and I asked him for an example and he told me like robbing a bank and I got a mental picture in my head of a big cartoon monster like the thing from a packet of monster munch walking down a street and then he went puff in a cloud of smoke and turned into a stereotypical horizontal black and white shirted domino mask wearing cartoon criminal walking into a bank with a bag for the swag and a gun and that's been my outlook on retarded supernatural things since a demon isn't going to eat you; but another human might in fact this situation reminds me of two real cases where a group of female friends went full edgy there was an Australian (of course) woman called Tracey Wigginton and her girlfriend and their two friends met a random guy on the street as people seem to do on Australia and she seduced him and stabbed him 27 times in the throat and her friends said she did it so she could drink his blood and the media called her the Lesbian Vampire Killer and after serving 23 years she's out of prison for some fucking reason and there was another group of four women in Austria (close to Australia in spelling, coincidence?) who the media called the Lainz Angels of Death because they were nurses who would try and and work out the best method of murdering their patients and they came up with a method where they'd pour water down elderly feeble patients throats so that they'd drown in their beds and it'd look like they just had normal fluid build up in their lungs and they killed 49 people until they were caught when a doctor overheard them discussing their murders in a public bar lmao so while The Eternal Male commits the vast majority of violent crimes it's not unheard of for groups of women to go full edgemaster too anyway then later we see a dressed Ruby sitting on the couch in front of a taxidermied wolf with a red wallpaper behind it as she stares at the ceiling lost in thought wow Renf really lucked out with all these symbolic animals sitting around this house

    while perhaps all the taxidermied animals in the house have some literal purpose if you go with the occult angle such as if they steal the spirits from these animals in a ritual they can take on their forms in a transformation or some shit it is also indicating that she's the alpha female of the pack that all converged on Jesse and literally ate her like she was little red riding hood and maybe as opposed to Keanu who's a solitary hunter like the mountain lion that gets in Jesse's room now fucking autistic men on the internet go on about alpha/beta in relation to wolf packs and try to apply those to social dynamics of men who have a lot of casual sex and men who fail to which is obviously the only thing that matters to men and which is retarded for several reasons (obviously the proper thing to do is apply r/K selection theory to everyone you don't like) since one wolves don't actually naturally form packs with a hierarchy they only do that when being held in captivity by humans so zoologists thought that's what they did like 50 years ago their natural grouping is ironically of a family unit of a mother and father and their kids until they're old enough to go and start their own family and the alpha male and alpha female are simply the parents who their kids follow like in humans and in animals that do have pack hierarchy the term alpha male means the one designated leader not a class of successful males and the beta actually means his second in command who has almost as much access to the females as the leader the term these retards are looking for is omega males who fail to get a mate at all but at least these animals usually still provide resources to the group rather than sitting on the computer whining about it anyway then we see a shirtless Ruby watering the red flowers in the garden

    and when she gets to this big patch of blood by the side of the pool which is where I guess they dragged Jesse out she stares at it blankly until she turns the hose on a finer stream and starts washing away all the blood I hope she also cleaned up the bath and the shower since there were bloody hand prints everywhere and she has some tattoos that are not on Jenna for real but apparently they were her idea that her character should be inked I'm not sure what they mean because they're not that clear but they're definitely better than the Joker's tats thats for sure on the center of her chest it kind of looks like black angel wings or something like from a fallen angel and around her bellybutton reminds me of the magic sigils that appear when Dr. Strange uses his magic and she has two rings around her nipples as if she's highlighting her femininity in an unconventional and private way I'm sure there's some edgy occult meaning to them but that's not my specialty what is is that

    and then we see Ruby in a field of flowers (which kind of look like the same flowers that Robert had on his desk at the casting call and that Dean brought for Jesse, maybe one of the girls gave them to him or maybe they're all in on it hmm, maybe it was Dean who attacked that girl but he was sent by Ruby to scare Jesse to her and she gets Robert to select the girls that she wants and that's why he was such a cunt to Gigi he got her to push Gigi towards homicidality and as a gift/trophy/incriminating evidence gives them a flower from her little garden here hmm) laying face down with her b-bare dirty soles exposed! in an open shallow grave with a pile of dirt and shovel next to it and she's smoking a cigarette and she stubs it out on... something and fiddles with it a little and then lays her head down on it and closes her eyes and we can only presume that this is Jesse's grave and that she was literally stubbing her (possibly post-coital) cigarette out on her head or even in her empty eye socket and then fixing her face or her hair or something and then cuddling with it which about sums up Ruby's abusively possessive and pathetically lonely self

    but something my mum pointed out that I missed was that all the bushes of flowers around her look like they've been planted there and amateurishly where there's mounds of dirt under them which makes you wonder are they also...

    ? let's compare to a neato set photo of the scene, it does look like maybe some of those bushes were added in with CGI in post production or something, so maybe we are meant to think that they're serial killers maybe it's just that everyone has autism in Renf's movies but they did seem oddly calm about the whole proceedings >tfw no serial killer girlfriends to eat and molest your corpse

    what a fucked up send off to the main character who's only real misdeed was not reporting an assault, she's being used as an ashtray for her killer and gets literally chewed up and spat out by her rivals, I wonder if Ruby raped Jesse's dead body or if she's still a virgin in death

    and then we get the oddest scene where we see the full moon out of a big window with LA under it and Ruby's standing butt naked in the moonlight staring up at it and the mirror on the wall is entirely blacked out

    and she takes a knee and then goes on all fours and lays face down and then rolls over like some weird prayer routine as this weird 50s sci-fi inspired soundtrack starts up

    and then the camera slowly zooms in between her legs and A HUGE TORRENT OF BLOOD STARTS LEAKING OUT OF HER VAGINA

    and Ruby opens her eyes and rolls them up to the moon with an expression like >TFW YOU HAVE A SUPER HEAVY FLOW BUT IT FEELS KINDA GOOD

    alright... what le fuck... this is the only scene that is actually surrealist, people treat the rest of the movie like it's some David Lynch movie but it's all physically possible other than this, the only logical explanations for this are like... she gave herself an really big enema with Jesse's blood and is releasing it... which is entirely possible considering Americans give their children enemas with bleach to cure their autism that's not that out there or like this might also be her killing herself like she literally rammed a pike up her anus or bagina and is letting herself exsanguinate or is it just a metaphor for her body rejecting Jesse's purity like what happens to Gigi I'm not sure that's what's happening since it seems like a positive thing to her she seems happy with it or is this like her giving birth to The Neon Demon or something is it about to morph into a monster like Bill at the end of True Blood season 6 perhaps some sort of actual magic occult ritual took place with Jesse's body off-screen and this is the result of it since it like she's successfully replaced her own blood shes now expelling with Jesse's young blood Bogdanov style and this has to be performed on a full moon as magic spells usually do and we're meant to think she's actually a hundred year old witch which is why she's so autistic that steals youth from young girls and the two models are in her coven and the runway sequence was literally a spell being cast on Jesse to have her literally possessed by an actual demon and that mountain lion wasn't let in by her but was literally her transfiguring into it to scare Jesse or scare Keanu away from her so she stays a virgin so they can literally sacrifice Jesse to Satan what with her being a pure virgin who's given into temptation or something and I'm pretty sure there's a bit in the bible about the devil turning into a lion I think this is the one scene you can't read literally or handwave as probably just taking place in the characters imagination unless all that time Renf has been saying this is a sci-fi movie he's right and she's giving birth to a T-1000 or something or it's literally in the same canon as Under the Skin and she's an ayy lmao but it seems like this is all about the occult imagery so far alright well obviously this is evocative of menstruation (which is of itself ecovative of peak female sexuality and womanhood, old enough to concieve but not too old to be infertile, and maybe also as protection against pedophiles who would hopefully not be interested in you anymore now that you are pubescent) and water is often associated with femininity in mythologies around the world as opposed to the solid ground being male and the moon has been thought to control both the ocean tides and women's menstrual cycles and it itself has been considered female as opposed to the male sun maybe it is meant to be some pagan witchy ritual where Jesse was the human sacrifice to Gaia or some shit (not gia online which I'm sure has caused lots of anime watching teens to kill themselves but like the mother goddess figure) but the moon was also likened to a big eye watching down on the world by Jesse before hand so maybe it's like the moon is God watching and Ruby is like the devil/The Neon Demon itself with all the red imaginary related to her and her vampiric succubus minions and she's in the mansion that's like an empty purgatory and she's done some profane ritual reminiscent of menstruation after killing a pure virgin to spite the ultimate patriarch God who's watching from heaven and we see down below the mansion is LA which being below both the heavens and purgatory would be hell which about accurately sums up the city or is it like Jesse being a virgin and everything was like Mary mother of God or is she actually like a Jesus allegory which is why everyone goes on about how pure and innocent she is and why she looks like shes levitating at the end and the name Jesse is even a bit close to Jesus and the moon is still God watching down as a big eye in the sky but Jesse's eyes are clearly significant and one of her stand out features like she comes from that big eye and she's sacrificed just like Jesus except here she gives into temptation before dying so is it like the modeling industry is so fucked up it could even corrupt Jesus Christ

    or something or did Jesse want to die so The Neon Demon couldn't take her fully it didn't seem that way she seems to have been sacrificed rather than sacrificing herself or is the blood oozing out of Ruby like Jesse's spirit being released from her and being sent to heaven I don't know what the fuck Renf is trying to say here but I was feeling my interpretation of the runway sequence with the alternate personality as a coping mechanism for being molested what if this whole movie was one big coping mechanism for Jesse trying to escape her shitty life of being molested? alright check it, she gets molested by her step-dad, since she only mentions her mother and that always means the dad is absentee if I know my fucked up people (in fact in the original script, which I only read after typing that, she talks about how she DID have a step-dad and he bought her a swimming pool, she implies, because he found her attractive, so bingo bango bongo I know my fucked up people so well I can even profile fictional fucked up characters), so she runs away with a guy she meets online who gives her the Chad line of oh you could be a model just let me photograph you and that's where she gets the idea of being a model but then she arrives in LA and he seems like such a creeper at the start because he actually is or she can just tell he only likes her for her body like Robert says but she likes the fantasy of being a model and she gets stuck in this shitty motel with Keanu Reeves (cast for already being famous from a movie series about a fantasy world used to hide people from the horrible truth) creeping on her too and since he's the only person in the movie who doesn't worship her and treat her like she's so special which is maybe just showing that the modeling industries standards of beauty are out of touch with what the average person thinks is beautiful but maybe that also means he's one of the only real characters like what I said about him and Dean acting like normal people and everyone else talks pretentiously so she's hopeless and alone in this shitty motel and she fantasizes about being basically this Mary Sue who's so beautiful and special that she instantly becomes a star model the second anyone sees her she meets an agent and is immediately signed despite being underage and then she goes to a photoshoot and the photographer is immediately enamored with her and then she goes to a casting call and the director is immediately in love with her and then she goes to her first runway and the director makes her the star attraction all a very unrealistic flight of fantasy about being superior to everyone else and destined to be noticed by everyone and powerful unlike just another girl getting diddled no one cares about and she doesn't even look like the kind of girl to be a model to be honest Elle Fanning is very pretty but if you don't look like you've just escaped Auschwitz they're not having any of it unlike Sarah and Gigi who look like actual models IRL since they actually are in fact maybe this is what Renf is going on about where it's about his fantasy of being a 16 year old girl it's not actually his but the film is also about the fantasy of being a 16 year old girl and in the reality of the movie when Keanu mentions the "13 year old runaway, real lolita shit" he's actually referring to Jesse and that's why she's from Sandusky to make you think of pedos and he's trying to pimp HER out to Dean and probably other men and maybe the mountain lion represents what she pretends the first predator she finds in her room is that Keanu sent up there and then blames her for letting in like how abusers often blame their victims and the rest of the movie is her fantasy of being this up and coming star model to escape her shitty situation and the moment when Keanu kicks in the door and rapes the runaway "next door" there's that weird shot of Jesse drifting off into the darkness on the "other side of the wall" because she's entirely disassociating from that actually being her being raped and goes entirely into the fantasy in her head to try and escape whats happening to her body

    and she imagines running off to her friends house who lives in this huge mansion for no real reason but since sex abuse victims always blame themselves she can't even be happy in her fantasy and her friends all turn on her and murder her for some ridiculous reason that a teenage girl would come up with in a way that's all about her body being destroyed and desecrated and the bits from when she "hears" the rape to being killed are actually her being raped and her being killed means the death of her happy fantasy she cant even maintain anymore after the rape is completed and she feels entirely destroyed and devoured and it becomes this weird nightmare where Ruby opening up her legs and bleeding out in front of the moon and LA is like Jesse thinking about how it should be so obvious she's being sexually abused that massive pools of blood might as well be pouring out her vagina and this is happening right in front of all of society (the LA sky-line) and her mother (the moon as an all seeing eye/feminine God figure, which all parents seem like to their children at a young age) who just blamed her and called her dangerous and that's why you don't see Jesse's corpse at any time or her in the grave because that girl never really existed and this is just some poor abused runaway stuck in a motel rooms imagination it's all fake just like how in the opening scene it's just fake and she hadn't really been killed and the whole fashion industry and Hollywood and LA are all fucking fake and the final scene coming up about how now she feels like she's literally sick and body parts to be passed around between predators and that she just wants to cut herself open and die like Gigi alright cracked it #sorted it's all about kids getting molested as is everything I actually wouldn't be surprised if that was it and Renf wanted to make the movie about pedos in hollywood but had to make it all metaphorical and call upon occult imagery to hide it all behind layers and layers (literally a metaphor (the weird imagery and plot in this movie) for a metaphor (occult rituals) for a metaphor (conspiracy theories of satanism and mind control in hollywood) for a metaphor (Jesse coming up with a fantasy to deal with being molested) for a truth (child actors being molested in hollywood))

    so the Pedowood crew didn't make sure he never worked again (or eject him from their membership) or he doesn't even know that that's what he's trying to make a movie about since statistically there's a like 16% chance he got molested himself and there's nowhere better for your subconscious to come out than in your art
    I guess this thread itself is my art and you can see how fucked in the head I am from it if I made a movie it wouldn't be none of this metaphor bullshit like this or the inferior movie about a woman being molested but we can only imply it in the subtext with supernatural metaphors Black Swan it would all be in the text with kids getting fucked in every second scene with full penetration shown and it'd all be lifelike CGI so it wouldn't even be illegal and I'd stock up on guns first so the pedowood and pizzagate crews cant come get me and it'd be the most groundbreaking movie of all time that wakes up all of humanity to how all the kids are getting touched up and then no one would do anything since humans are horrible but it'd have such convincing child sex scenes that pedos wouldn't touch kids anymore they'd all be too busy whacking off to my movie and all the problems in the world would be solved and it would become a utopia from no dysfunctional child sex abuse victims shitting it up anyway this is an even fucking weirder send-off to a character originally Ruby was going to die but I'm glad she didn't since her character was a really good villain and the scariest villains always survive at the end I very much appreciate that there's a female villain who's a creepy necrophiliac rapist serial killer (so I can fucking masturbate to it) bravo Renf for fighting for gender quality and then there's EXTREME EAR AND EYE RAPE AS WE SMASH CUT FROM A SILENT DARK ROOM TO A ROARING RED SPORTS CAR ENGINE BLARING DOWN A COASTAL ROAD AND THE BLARING CALIFORNIA SUN this was basically like a jump scare in the theater it made my mum yelp I presume this was on purpose not just to be an asshole to the 3 people who saw it in theaters but this is like jarring you back into the real world from the weird metaphorical scene we just saw or this is how Jesse felt when she was overwhelmed arriving in LA and I thought oh yeah I've driven along that road in GTAV a lot and apparently this was the final scene of the movie that they shot with Abbey and Bella racing around in this convertible I wanna go on a road trip with Sarah and Gigi where they bully me the entire time ungga

    and then they arrive at this fancy mansion in what I think this is only like the fourth scene in daylight or something and when they're walking in Gigi holds her stomach like its hurting and now I don't know my cars but I think that's an Aston Martin Vanquish I only know that because it was a bond car and I drove that a lot in video games which is where I learn everything about the world from and there's the relaxing sound of the ocean for the rest of the scene as if to lul you into feeling calm after all the weird shit you just saw and to get you into a false sense of security thinking the weirdness is over

    and we see Sarah staring out the window in this all white couch in an all white room with all white curtains like she's in heaven or something and she swallows a bit and then we see Gigi getting make-up put on her looking super nervous as she gets her make-up done as the make-up case is reflecting some red bag that looks almost like a pentagram and you might also notice a certain symbol on the make-up woman's necklace ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED

    and Sarah keeps staring out the window and you might think she's staring out at the ocean but I think she's actually looking at the pool for a certain reason and then she looks away and looks as if she's actually cleaning her teeth with her tongue and then she hears another model getting her hair did talking "my girl friend, she hasn't worked in months I mean I keep telling her girl you need to retire" and Sarah glances up with her eyes honing in on her like she's pray also I really like her jacket here it looks so badass I want her to fuck me while wearing it and fun fact: Renf referred to this as "the leather fetish jacket" and he said he ended up giving it to his daughter (who's 7 )

    and the girls hairdresser just says "right" letting her continue to blather on "once you hit 21 in this industry, you're so irrelevant" and he says "try 20" and she's like "true, she won't listen" and the hairdresser says "of course she won't" here we see the pedotastic themes again where looking underage is the name of the game and since this is Clapistan this conversation means that if you're not LITERALLY underage to drink alcohol you're too old lmao americansssssss but also sort of the virgin sacrifice where you get into modeling as young as possible and your career starts in earnest as soon as it's socially acceptable for you to be sexually objectified and then age out after 3 years so even if you don't end up like Jesse you still won't survive for very long in the industry

    and Sarah listens in as she tells him "no, I mean, she's so desperate, the other day she went uptown, she was trying to buy this baby seal fat from this random woman" and Sarah laughs condescendingly at how pathetic and desperate and inferior to her a girl would be to try that >tfw no australian model gf to make fun of all the stupid newage health bullshit Americans do like Gwyneth Paltrow saying you need to put bees up your vagina or whatever

    and this other model kind of looks like classy bird Alice aka Isabel Lucas in fact I thought it was her at first

    and she asks "what, you think that's funny?" as if Sarah might be having a go like its ok for her to mock her friend but not anyone else also note how the make-up woman's necklace looks like The Symbol™ when it's out of focus in the mirror

    and Sarah goes from having a cheeky expression to thinking about it and then she looks up at the other model and starts breathing hard and clenches her jaw a little and says "no I don't" super seriously as if she realized that that's basically what she's done and she'd do it again, maybe with this smug cunt even

    and Alice asks "you ever had a girl screw you out of a job?" like she's asking for it

    and Sarah goes full Drive and stares at her blankly for several seconds before saying "........................yes"

    and Alice asks "so what did you do about it?"

    and Sarah stares at her and says completely straight faced like one hardcore gangster bitch [glow=white]"I ATE HER"[/glow] with some fava beans and a nice chianti perhaps? [weird sucking sounds] and Alice says off-screen "ew!... gross" and giggles like it was just a joke and the audience might think it's just a joke too until later, goddamn do I wish there were more edgy villains like Sarah and Ruby in movies and these roles weren't hogged by men also I like how throughout all of that you can only see one of Sarah's eyes as the other is hidden by her hair as if she's successfully embodying the all-seeing-eye at the top of the triangle hierarchy as she's become the apex predator of the modeling industry or maybe it's like even if you achieve that it's still only one eye and you're still half blind to the good parts of the world like a ying and yang thing not to mention if you had your third eye open like I do and could see all the pedophile metaphors everywhere or maybe it's like only one of her eyes is fully exuding natural beauty (I have had to write that word 99999 times for this thread and have yet to learn how to spell it right now) because she only ate one of Jesse's eyes but then at the end she'll be getting the full power up from eating both or something, or maybe Jesse's eye at the end is representative of that third eye she's missing too as it's the third eye in the frame besides her two and even though she's got all the modeling power she wants she's still spiritually dead and willing to destroy that aspect as if she's selling her soul to the Neon Demon to be successful in modeling for longer which is always going to be a short sighted deal like some retard selling their soul and ending up in hell for earthly gains as she'll get old eventually anyway, damn this is some kino

    and then Sarah glances over at Gigi who looks at her super scared like DON'T FUCKING TELL PEOPLE THAT! lmaooooo you might think that was a silly scene but that's how quite a lot of serial killers get caught in real life they literally boast about it to people presumably to enjoy the thrill and get a little hit of feeling powerful and most people think they're kidding until one doesn't and calls the cops on them kek

    and then we see Gigi and Alice modeling by the pool and Gigi's wearing some sort of red breastplate and the other model is wearing a like stiff plastic skirt that makes her look like she's shit her pants real bad but that's modeling for you

    and Jack the photographer aka guy from Dexter who got AIDS halfway through the show is the one shooting them and he marches in front of them inspecting them like a drill instructor but he's not feeling it and rubs his head Shane style and then he spots Sarah inside the mansion and walks over and Sarah is laying there looking out at the ocean/pool again and the light is catching her eyes in such a pretty way as if eating Jesse actually did work and as if to further make you think that Jack walks up and Sarah perks up when he comes over

    and he asks "do I know you?" and Sarah nods her head eagerly and Jack asks "what are you doin here?" and Sarah pulls another Drive and stares at him blankly until she says in a high pitched little innocent girls voice "........I'm waiting for my friend"

    and Jack says "I'd like to use you for this... would you be okay with that?" and Sarah just nods her head like awww yisss

    and Jack immediately yells over with no consideration "Annie, you're fired!" hahahaha and then he turns back to Sarah and tells her "thank you" with gratitude like all he cares about these women is if they can enable his art and I see he as some tats too but I think they're really the actors real tats so I guess it's not got anything to do with the movie and he just really likes Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

    and Annie waddles off-set in her ridiculous skirt and high heels whining "are you serious? it's not fair! you... you can't fire me!"
    as Sarah watches and smiles to herself like CUCKQUEANED

    Sarah's eyes looked sooooo gorgeous there she looked like an anime character, not that anime isn't terrible or anything but she looks like she really has absorbed some divine light or something

    wtf I love cannibalism now!

    and then we see Sarah getting put into costume and she has a tight red leather skirt put on her and the camera moves in to reveal a reflection in not one but two mirrors that cut her head off from the mouth up just like some weird statue on a table in there is cut off from the mouth up as if to say even if she's got gorgeous eyes now on the inside she's still soulless and she starts playing with her hair braids (which may be cultural appropriation watch it Renf) that are like the tentacles on a twi'lek from star wars sorry for the sooo nerdy reference but she does look almost alien here and the sci-fi inspired sound cues start up maybe they are actually ayy lmaos (Renf has said that Abbey looks "almost like an alien" when Elle said she was pretty in the commentary) and that's why Jesse said the moon was watching her because there's an alien base on the moon? #sorted omg shes so tall I wish I had that costume woman's job to dress her while she made snide comments about me this movie must have all been inside Jesse's head because you'd have to be dreaming to think Abbey Lee is not clearly the hottest sorry Elle

    and then we see her having taken Annie's position and Jack starts photographing them and apparently that camera was one that Renf bought with his own money because he asked Abbey Lee what kind of camera they'd use for a modeling shoot like this and he realized they'd save 200 dollars if they just actually bought one rather than rented a prop one

    and we get a kino shot where they're standing at attention like soldiers on parade with the ocean in the background and there's this wobbling sound to the soundtrack almost like it's trying to make you feel sea sick and there's these red lamps baring down on them putting red bars across the screen like The Neon Demon is oozing out over the frame and under the two lamps they're held up by pyramid-like stands for maximum triangle imagery

    and Sarah is as cool as a cucumber but Gigi starts to look queasy and puts her hand on her stomach again and Jack looks over the camera and Sarah looks at her in disgust and Gigi looks like she's about to throw up and we get a shot of her gagging under the two blazing red lights focusing on her as if it's The Neon Demon overwhelming her and staring her down and apparently Bella Heathcote was really making herself gag on the set and its so convincing it made me start to gag in real life just writing this thinking about throwing up

    and Sarah looks at Jack and Jack sees shes literally about to throw up but all he cares about is her ruining the shoot and says "Gigi, can you tell us what's so interesting? you're staring in the pool... look in the camera?" and the camera pans down to Gigi's oscillating stomach almost as if Jesse's trying to escape from inside her like she has some Deadpool healing factor shit

    and Sarah looks over at her like FUCK SAKE GET IT TOGETHER

    and she looks at the wobbling surface of the pool and the red glare from the lamps starts wobbling over her like The Neon Demon is about to cum

    and we get a great shot from under the pool looking up at the girls that makes you feel queasy and Gigi looks down at it thinking about the empty pool they killed Jesse in but now this one is full... like her stomach

    and Gigi cant take it anymore and has to walk (very slowly) off set as this heart beat sound effect starts up like some Edgar Alan Poe shit and Sarah watches her go confused as to why she's worked up and bites her lip in concern but like she's concerned she'll bottle it and grass on them that was a good little scene since it gets across that actually modeling is probably really uncomfortable since you're having to stand at attention for prolonged periods of times, having to hold stress positions, you're often in high heels or wearing something tight and constrictive like a corset or whatever ridiculous clothes they're wearing here that look like bondage outfits that you'd never wear irl, there's probably blazing hot studio lights blaring at you and ontop of that you're probably anorexic too

    and Renf had some commentary about this scene where since it's so stylized he is fine with it being interpreted as maybe he's promoting the narcissism of the fashion industry but this whole scene is about Gigi literally being about to vomit and the trappings of the industry making it worse so I don't know what the fuck he's on about also I feel like there's some symbology here where she has this panic attack while modeling as if she can't stand the scrutiny of the camera lens and if the moon as an eye was representing God beforehand then maybe the lens is too and she's meant to be feeling divine judgement or something which sounds pretentious but the only thing I remember from Only God Forgives is the cop is meant to be God who passes judgement on The Goose and his mother kept driving him to take revenge was The Devil so maybe here The Neon Demon corrupting all these women and Ruby getting these girls to kill Jesse is The Devil and all the eye and voyeurism metaphors like the mirror imagery and the moon as an all-seeing-eye and the camera lens here and what's about to... pop up... in just a minute (which are all literally reflective in nature) is God judging them and actually isn't there some shit in the bible where moses has to take his shoes off since all these <<<Abrahamic>>> religions have a thing about taking your shoes off before God so maybe it wasn't a foot fetish thing and Jack was meant to be preparing her to be before God (his camera (but also so he can take foot pictures to fap to later)) and maybe in Drive God was the mother and son trying to humanize the usually antisocial Driver and literally the jews are The Devil driving him to fullfill his violent self-image and all three movies in The Autism Trilogy are about the same struggle between God and Satan trying to influence the main character towards either of them

    and then we see Gigi rushing into a bathroom that LITERALLY HAS SWASTIKAS ON THE WALL I think this is meant to invoke our old friend Hitler's striving for unrealistic perfection even if they can't have it like the old joke goes "the ideal Aryan is blond like Hitler, slender like Goering and tall like Goebbels" and in fact the Aryan beauty standard is still the mainstay of hollywood to such an extent that Koreans get eye widening surgery, Indians bleach their skin and African Americans spend all their money on straight weaves and in fact the blonde haired notably blue eyed notably pale skinned Jesse standing above on that diving board looking down at Ruby giving a speech about being superior was pretty Nazish I wonder if these swastikas mean this movie is banned in Germany or if it's subtle enough or they like CGI'd it away although maybe only half of them since only half are going in the Nazi direction the other half are going in the other direction and both have a lot of meanings in eastern religions (which seem less shitlordy than The Jew Trilogy but also seem designed to keep you placid and detached so you don't stand up to your feudal masters enslaving you) but the most interesting one is if it goes counter clockwise in Hinduism it symbolizes the dark aspects of Kali a goddess of destruction also fun fact: one of the oldest swastikas ever found was a design of frog legs, Kekism CONFIRMED

    anyway then Gigi is fiddling furiously to get this red bondage gear strapped onto her off and she starts to heave like she just saw rootbeers penis in some really great acting I guess it's probably harder than normal to actin a Renf movie actually since he wants most of the characters to act like complete autistic weirdos but everyone here did a really great job

    and outside Jack is pacing around waiting for her and Sarah looks worried and we see Gigi in pain but having realized she's not going to manage to throw up and she's looking like she's about to give birth which I guess she is to something horrible like >tfw you're really struggling to orgasm and it starts to hurt

    and Sarah walks off set and goes into the house and sees the red corset thing laying outside the bathroom and then she stops and stares in at Gigi as she wretches and writhes around in pain and there's some weird fucking mirror or something on the wall that's like half translucent so you can see the wallpaper behind it or the wallpaper is what's translucent and showing a mirror behind it but it's as if there's so much Neon Demoning going on there's mirrors melting into reality and Renf said this was added in or at least the swastikas in the reflection was which is why they don't even look at the right angle

    and Gigi doubles over onto all fours as the soundtrack fades away until its just the sound of her moaning in pain as if to let everyone hear the reactions from the audience in the theater (implying anyone saw this in theaters except from me and my mum) and the movie finally dives straight into full camp as [glow=black]SHE THROWS UP JESSE'S EYEBALL[/glow]





    [GLOW=black]GG GIGI[/GLOW]






    and the soundtrack starts back up with a pop-ish song specifically wrote for the movie as she slowly backs away from the bathroom and then she just turns around and walks outside popping her sunglasses back on and we hang on this empty hallway like it's as empty as she is spiritually but it's all blue with just a blob of red at the bottom (like how there was a little patch of red blood in the blue room they were in or the little bit of red blood that spurted out of Gigi) like it actually works and makes her at least feel young and pure again

    lmao ok ummm that was pretty fucking funny the first time I saw it with the audience in this creepy theater getting grossed out but it's also very disturbing if you stop and think that that's meant to be literally one of the eyes of the main character we've been looking at for the entire movie from the very first frame until her death so uh what happens then I guess it will just be ruled a suicide when people find her dead body since Sarah well... disposed of the evidence... but will they give her an autopsy and find she's eaten someone? or would they just be like huh that's odd this model had a proper meal recently oh well unless there's another unchewed undigested eyeball in her stomach lmao I guess this is the typical heightened reality horror movie thing of someone being murdered and then no one cares and no one looks for them and the killers never have to hide much of the evidence and the police never investigate or at least here the story ends before they'd have time to so it doesn't seem as odd as in some arty horror movies where people die like mad cunts and no one cares and I'm fine with Gigi dying since she was probably the least interesting of the four girls but she was still a good character and well acted and written that I appreciated a lot more on a second viewing originally in the first script Ruby was going to die too after she felt guilty and was going to confess so Sarah stabs her with a broken plate which I'm glad didn't happen since I like that Ruby survived and was more devious and instead of cutting her stomach open in the bathroom the eyeball barfing and eating scene happened during the bloody shower scene and Gigi was going to actually hallucinate Jesse at the photoshoot pulling her into the sea as she looks at her reflection like a ghost movie or some shit and freak out and go to her plastic surgeon who we never see in the end product and demand he take all the plastic surgery out of her and she ends up cutting her breast implants out of herself (that she got instead of breast reduction before someone told Renf obviously to be a sexy female you need to look like a ten year old boy) and then her stomach which I think would have been an edgy touch if she'd cut out her breast implants too but it feels like they made everything a lot more subtle in this version which I'm glad they did without it being spelled out why the killed Jesse and it being more ambiguous what's going on with the house and without any ghost shenanigans and the characters being a bit more mysterious and less grounded so it's more spooky like Ruby not being obviously into witchcraft and then reacting like a normal person since also in the original script (almost all movies go through different script iterations (in fact this one had fake scripts in case they stuck to it to avoid spoilers and the director of photography actually got one by accident and she went to tell Renf it was shit and he told her actually that was a fake one lel trolled) but the way Renf films is he just shoots it in chronological order and goes off-script whenever he feels like it and can take the story in drastically different directions like he threw out the ending half way through when he saw how intense the necrophilia scene was and made it more about Ruby and Jesse which only happened to happen because they only had that morgue location for that one day and had to shoot it early in production and he was even asking crew members how they think it should end in fact the final scene being the eyeball eating was "one hundred percent made up a week before we started filming" according to Abbey Lee (although I presume she means for it to be the ending on that set since the same thing happens during the bloody shower scene in the original script) and this severely triggers plebeians who have never done anything creative themselves in their life and act as if writers are adapting the events that are happening for real that they are divining from an alternate reality and any deviation makes them a fraud as if it isn't all fucking made up and coming from their head anyway people bitch about "b-but it's made up as they go along!" I had it up to fucking here with these fuckboys bitching when LOST was airing as if real life isn't going to get in the way of a live action production from following any concrete story and as if even if writers have complete creative control because they're self publishing a book or something as if they won't come up with better ideas as they're writing and as if the best shit in movies and tv isn't stuff that's arrived at by accident like how in Breaking Bad they had no idea what they were going to do with the machine gun in Walt's trunk when they showed it and in fact it was going to be a grenade launcher at first but they couldn't get a prop for one so went with an M60 so if they had gotten what they wanted first you wouldn't have had the amazing finale scene and in fact in this movie I've already pointed out all the stuffed animals were already at that mansion and all the improvised lines but here's another thing: you know all the color symbology in this movie like the blue as innocence contrasted with red for The Neon Demon? well Renf does that because he's fucking color blind so he has to use contrasting colors to see things clearly lmao

    so that's why all his movies visually pop, because he needs them to to work on them and probably wouldn't have that gripping style if he didn't happen to be born color blind at random) well in the original script Sarah and Jack fucked 3 years ago and she's in love with him but Jack doesn't care about her but after she gets bullied by other models locking her in a bathroom forcing her to look at her reflection in the mirror she confesses to him literally that "I ate a young virgin because I thought it would make me beautiful" he thinks she's kidding and finds it cute and he tells her her eyes look beautiful now so I guess that was on purpose to make her eyes looking amazing overt like it actually worked and they really are witches or something (which is itself a sexist concept that people throw around as just another horror story trope but keep in mind that in real life real women were literally burned at the stake when accused of being witches and usually for being unmarried women with lots of cats aka me in the future I remember reading about this thing called The Witches Almanac or something that some christfag wrote in the 16th century and was referenced a lot as evidence of witches in the 18th century when witch burning was a big thing which shows that retards saying "well it's old so it must be true" is nothing new like Gwynyth Paltrow saying you need to get stung by bees up your hooha and it being an old practice is proof that it must be accurate since why else would people have been doing it all this time ect also in this book there was a bit refuting common arguments against witches like if witches are real then why haven't I seen one or why can't I go find a witch and pay her to cure my families sicknesses and the bullshit responses that they are always in disguise or only do evil spells which is comforting to know that even in like 1552 or whenever when some dipshit was going about saying you need to burn weird single women to death there was at least a few people who put their hand up and said I am pretty sure this is bullshit m8 and he got butthurt enough about it he wrote retorts in his retard book) or it could just be a placebo effect where it's made her so confident it shows in her eyes or is actually making them look better just from her thinking they should like a psychosomatic effect but I'm glad it's Ruby and Sarah who survive since they are the most edgy and I wish there was a sequel (in fact there should be a NWR cinematic universe where the guy from Drive tries to bring them to justice and him and Sarah have an hour long conversation where they take half an hour to say each word) where they make some more edgy friends and keep killing rival models/women who don't realize it's internalized misogyny to turn down lesbian sex which brings us to if they've done this before in the original script it's explicitly the first time and because it's explained that Ruby told Sarah and Gigi after one of her plastic surgeries that there was an easier way to do this and that Ruby would go and find a virgin to presumably sacrifice in a literal occult magick ritual from all the edgy books she had but in the end product Ruby certainly seemed genuinely invested in Jesse but like I said she might get obsessed with girls easily and Sarah seemed like she didn't give a fuck about killing Jesse or even Gigi killing herself but she might just be that much of a psychopath already and Gigi doesn't seem like killing her is anything new either but it might just be an edgy movie like that I think one way or another we're meant to think she can't "stomach" killing Jesse specifically and her body rejects the eyeball because Jesse was just too pure for her (and maybe the eyeball represents her innocence specifically because big eyes are associoated with innocent child-like youth and when she was talking about staring up at the moon like it was a big eye with her big eye having innocent dreams of being a somebody one day like a naive girl who didn't know yet what darkness that entails) and she couldn't steal having virginal youth no matter how much she covets it but it seems to actually work for Sarah so maybe it's that Gigi had plastic surgery was her crime she should have stuck to the good old witchcraft and the way she dies is she's literally cutting herself open like from having all her surgeries (during which in the commentary Renf asked Elle "have you ever cut yourself open?" lmao what an autist) and she's also throwing up the eye like how it's implied she's anorexic/bulimic in the diner scene so maybe it's that she too normal, or what passes as normal for pathetic modeling/LA/american culture, with plastic surgery and eating disorders to try and look beautiful so she was still a half-normal person and so she felt guilty/symbolically rejected stealing Jesse's je ne sais quoi but Sarah didn't do any of those things because she's not normal and goes straight to cannibalism because she's a psychopath so she's not going to feel guilty for killing Jesse and her body isn't going to symbolically reject the withcraft or whatever as if to say you have to be pure evil to survive and thrive in the modeling industry (as evidenced by Tyra banks never ending quest to psychologically torture young women) so for all the wolf and mountain lion imagery around Ruby and Keanu's character it's Sarah that's the apex predator who's adapted to survive in her environment and there's all these themes of things people use to view and judge themselves and others and how they react to the characters like the mirrors revealing peoples alternate/true personas, Jesse talking about the moon as an eye watching her in a comforting way/all the men in the movie lusting after her as soon as they see her/Jack thinking the camera will love her, Ruby actually seeming to make some sort of sacrifice to the moon as an eye, Gigi feeling sick when the glare of the camera lens is upon her but Sarah literally has the eyeball of her murder victim staring back at her judging her and she doesn't give a fuck and in fact goes ahead and cannibalizes it again as if she's thriving because she has no conscience and is immune from judgement from others or herself it's like that edgy thing Nietzsche said "if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you" which isn't a problem if you're already an abyss and you don't have to worry about becoming a monster from hunting monsters if you are already a monster in fact as she's watching Gigi dying she's wearing her mirrored sunglasses so you can't see her eyes watching this happen instead it's just a mirror reflecting outside events without any internalization and in fact also reflected in them are the swastikas and in the last shot even several triangles like The Symbol™ of the reflections of the sofa she was sitting on and the weird mirror thing and then there's the eating the eye bit again apparently there were 12 takes of Sarah eating the eye (according to Abbey Lee the eyes were actually really edible made of marshmallow with jam and corn syrup on them but they tasted horrible) and 29 takes of Gigi throwing it up and by the end of it she felt sick for real poor girl so in the movie she just swallowed the eye whole? did they eat the rest of Jesse raw? I forget if I already pondered this but if Gigi got an eye and presumably Sarah also got an eye if we're meant to wonder if that's why her eyes are so gorgeous here what else did they eat of her? I imagine they both ate a lot of her face since that's what they're coveting the most and maybe if Ruby partook she ate her heart or something like that since she wants her love and witches always eat hearts in the legends like the evil queen in snow white wanting her heart or maybe she ate her nipples and genitals since she's a weird pervert rapist and what does Sarah eating the eye again mean other than that she's edgy and so is this movie and maybe to hide evidence I think it's that she's unaffected by judgement because she is the apex predator for the modeling environment and the way she eats it is very intimate like there's a string of saliva coming off of her finger like when Ruby makes out with the dead girl and she even sheds a tear as if it's such a gratifying experience maybe this is another jab at the other LA industry where modern hollywood movies are people just regurgitating the same shit for viewers to watch over and over again with all the remakes and adaptations and sequels and prequels and reboots and expanded universes but the audience fucking loves it and keeps gobbling it down again like this scene and also like how Ruby is fucking a corpse which is metaphorical for modern hollywood that just wont let dead franchises rest in peace or maybe the eye is the act of viewing a piece of art like this movie and Gigi is the pleb who literally cannot consume it but Sarah is actually a patrician who can stomach watching real kino or under the "all Jesse's fantasy" lens Gigi is the aspect of herself that can't stomach watching all the molestation's she's enduring and Sarah is the aspect that has to take over that's completely cold hearted and can swallow the experience whole also one last thing Katy Perry the stupid whore who needs to hurry up and admit Taylor Swift is superior to her in every way ripped off the poster

    for this movie from this scene for her shitty album cover

    fucking dumb bitch cant the illuminati get some original ideas in fact there have been a lot of fan posters made for this movie that are literally better than the official ones

    anyway then in the credits we get a shot of a sandy desert and then "FOR LIV <3" pops up over a lovely vista who is Renf's wife and in the commentary Renf said that's where it all started he woke up one day in bed next to his wife and realized he wasn't born beautiful but his wife was and decided to make a horror movie about it as you do also fun fact when the movie first showed at Cannes someone actually yelled FUCK YOU LIV!!! when this came onscreen lmao

    well since he brought her into this let's have a wee look at what she looks like... now... I don't want to have internalized misogyny or anything but... DAYUM GURL YALL ONE HO I AIN FINNA SQUARE UP TO... YALL JAW DROPPIN... SHIIIIET!

    lmao on her wikipedia page is this sentence In 2016 during a press conference for his film The Neon Demon, Corfixen's husband said that director Lars von Trier had inappropriately propositioned her for sex. lmao CUCKED and then "directed by Nicolas Winding Renf" appears on the desert sand which was actually the most expensive shot of the movie because they had to drive 5 hours out into the desert with all their equipment for shooting outdoors kek

    and then another title card comes up saying the story was by NWR I would make fun of him for this but I think its literally some writers guild union legal contract thing where you have to mention the people with these roles in the opening and closing credits or someone gets sued and the movie doesn't get published like how it's mandatory to have the cast credits in every tv show ever made before the first commercials or it's jew apocalypse time which leads to a weird pacing thing in TV shows where if they want to open the show with a really good intense scene with lots of close-ups of the actors faces and don't want the cast credits at the bottom of the screen distracting the audience they have to have the scene not be too long because they need space for a second less important scene after the first one to put the opening credits over before the first commercial break which is fucking retarded but that's America for you and you also end up being spoiled by the names of guest stars appearing on screen as you're trying to watch the show and it's not just in an intro you can skip past which happened on LOST constantly and also had the annoying thing where there'd be some actors name over the screen of a detail you are trying to screencap but that was all nothing compared to now adays where you're trying to watch a scene of say an email exchange and you cant fucking read it because the entire bottom quarter of the screen is taken up by some huge pop-up ad for a car as if anyone has ever bought a car because of an advert anyway

    and then we see Sarah from behind in her black leather jacket walking through the desert since Renf thought her character needed an ending so he decided to "shoot a perfume commercial in the desert, since the movie had become it's own brand" so does this mean Sarah is walking out into the desert to die or something or is she feeling like such a primal animal and so invincible she thinks she can just walk through a desert unharmed or is she actually going to be unharmed because she is actually supernaturally rejuvenated or is this just how you have to get places in California you gotta walk through a desert or maybe she's immortal now and this is like the post-apocalyptic future wasteland actually maybe it's the Mad Max universe and she's actually her character from Fury Road and the only thing that can kill her is being pregnant because then her baby gets her super powers in an interview Abbey Lee said she thinks this is to show that the um "procedure" actually worked and Sarah got what she wanted and that [glow=white]"beauty always wins"[/glow] but I think what it is is the desert is an empty wasteland like holding on that empty hallway because that's what she's like inside despite her outer beauty and no matter what in the end everyone is going to end up just withered away dust like a desert very kino Abbey Lee was so great in this if there isn't a sequel which there wont be since it had a budget of 7 million but only made 3.4 million kek since the world needs another billion Transformers movies instead I hope she plays villains in some other movies she should be Moonstone if they ever do the Dark Reign storyline in the MCU or something

    also this is the first time I noticed that the screen play was co-written by Renf but also two female writers Mary Laws and Polly Stenham which is probably why this is the best written movie of his Autism Trilogy I've seen I mean not to be reverse sexist or anything it's just that Renf seems to write dialog like "............................................wanna fight?" rather than the catty goodness here in fact the first script is alright but has some weird moments of bad dialog that read like what a middle aged man thinks teenage girls talk like and only Mary Laws was also credit for it so I guess Polly Stenham came onboard and added more non-shit writing so what I'm saying is without at least double the female influence Renf's work is just...

    and then there's some credits over a sunset and we see the director of photography was actually a woman so the movie is only good and not total autism because of Miss Natasha Braier and renfs final words on the movie commentary are "well Elle, we made a horror film, we made a drama, we made a comedy, we made mystery, we made camp, we made science fiction, glitter (I am pretty sure "glitter" isn't a genre of movie but it is now), vulgarity, existentialistic, beauty, all because when I asked you if you were beautiful you said yes" and then he awkwardly thanks Elle like a creepy autist but I think he's actually the only man in hollywood who isn't a pedophile rapist I think all this shit he goes on about about his inner 16 year old girl is him trying to have an exercise in empathy I think he is actually trying to make a movie about how hard it is to be female under the p*triarchy especially when the people who'll turn on you the most are actually other women who are supposedly your friends which is probably something he thinks about since he has two young daughters himself who are about to hit puberty but it just seems weird since he's autistic in fact I read that what he said to Elle when she was cast was "I'm not a 16-year-old girl, I'm a 44-year-old man who would like to be you, would like to become you, but you also have to be me, so we have to go on this journey together" which sounds, well it sounds like a body-swap comedy plot but you know, he's trying to be an ally and there's also an aspect where I think like asking Elle when they first meet if she thinks she's beautiful to put her into an awkward situation like Jesse would be in in reality and saying weird shit in interviews that he considers himself a pornographer and how there's apart of him that wishes he was a beautiful 16 year old girl and talking about how the necro scene was his fantasy or whatever I feel is almost apart of the movie like it's performance art since if he just answered straight up what he was intending with the movie it'd take all the mystery out of it so he gives these wierd answers as if he's maintaining and priming you for the odd, ambigious, narcissistic and objectifying atmosphere in his movie or perhaps this just comes naturally to him and he puts no effort into saying things like that or putting that atmosphere into his work beacuse he's just that autistic

    and then we get ANOTHER card saying a film by NWR and then the credits in order of appearance and we get the names for a bunch of characters I didn't know had names here's some fun facts I read off of IMDb's trivia page because they took the boards down with all the quality posts fuck off Amazon: Ruby's character is based on Alejandro Jodorowsky, lmao, apparently Renf has been "baptized as his honorary son" whatever that means so I'm not sure if that's a compliment or what here there was a necrophiliac rapist serial killer in my movie I based on you oh thanks my honorary-son and there's a credit for Jamie Clayton as the (fictional) casting director who was calling up the models to see Robert in the big white room who I completely missed the first time around because she's so passable (and also a no-name z-list actress) bravo Renf for being so progressive

    and all these credits are over a slo-mo shot of a woman having golden glitter thrown in her face who I think might actually be Jena Malone which represents all the facials actresses take to get jew gold

    and the next shot is a blackened out single eye having blue glitter thrown over it's brow which represents the all seeing eye of the illuminati controlling hollywood and recalling the scene where Jesse puts the glittery make-up over her one eye

    and then a shot of a model having red glitter showered on her nose to represent how the big nosed jews control the industry

    and then we get some liquid gold tracing up a hand with glow in the dark green nails which represents the hold shekels have over art

    this is like some Goldfinger shit I hope they didn't do this for real and kill the model oh and it's also like the gold bodypaint scene I wonder if you could actually kill someone by painting their body with the wrong paint I remember Lisa telling a story about how she was engaged to a retarded man who would eat paint he painted with so people would have to give him non-lead based paints maybe that's what you paint people with

    and then some blue glitter spraying down someones back this represents me running out of metaphors to reach for

    and then we get the final title card of The Neon Demon in red with a weird gurgling sound... spooked!

    well I think I've said everything I have to say about this movie but let me cap this by saying what I thought about what other people were saying what they thought, normies got severely triggered by this movie and there were reviews saying things like its "the most offensive film of the year", its "jaw-dropping depravity will leave you wondering whether to howl or cheer", its "A Film Only a Proctologist Could Relish", it's "the most controversial film of 2016" and asking "Has cinema ever been so depraved and the censors so amoral?" even though half of the edgy material takes place off-screen (the cannibalism and the motel rape) and the only shit you see on-screen is the necrophilia which was needed for the characterization and the eyeball scene which was too over the top camp and silly to be actually disturbing I don't know what other media these plebs watch because people get their brains blown out on prime time TV all the time in America and I wish American's especially males would stop pretending to be outraged by sex scenes in movies or in real life when there's some news story involving a normal woman or celebrity texting nudes of themselves when they probably watch actually real porn every night depicting much more nasty shit and the movie has also faced allegations of being misogynist which again I ask what other media are these plebs enjoying because normies devour actually misogynist garbage like Game of Thrones that has a rape scene every episode like it's crack and supposedly Wonder Woman is a feminist movie when it's based off a comic that was originally a sex perverts femdom bondage fantasies that's just another action movie where the hero shows the bad guys that war is wrong by killing all them all as if there's never been a female action hero before and as if just engaging in all the retarded tropes male characters do is a good thing and it's almost like a fucking joke that people think it's amazing that the first 20 minutes of Wonder Woman feature the Amazons and they are all female yeah wow my dude an all female tribe are all female really makes ya think hmm and then she barely ever talks to another woman again and follows around her male love interest like a lost puppy meanwhile this movie is basically the Bechdel test incarnate in fact it doesn't even pass the reverse Bachdel test it's so much about women and the whole point of The Neon Demon is what male objectification does to women and how fucked the modeling industry, hollywood and society is for women never mind that the movie was written 66% by women, shot by a woman (L_I_T_E_R_A_L_L_Y using the sweat from her brow) and Renf consulted with and allowed his female cast to make their own creative decisions and people dare talk shit about Ruby saying she's a homophobic character fuck off retard as if there aren't fuck all female villains in movies and actresses ever get to play scary roles like this that get hoarded by actors who get to do all the fucked up shit that becomes iconic while the actress is relegated to being some generic screaming victim and it's very telling that everyone saying this phrases what happens between her and Jesse as "declining the ever-more-insistent advances" of a "horny lesbian" as if missing the point that she's a villain because she's AN ATTEMPTED RAPIST AND MURDERER and not because she's gay which Amerishits do a lot, mischaracterizing a rape scene as a sex scene for some reason, even when referring to real life cases like talking about "sex scandals" when it involved a RAPE, but here retarded normies who would like to think they are #woke are doing the typical shitlord thing of assuming a woman can't be a rapist and a woman can't be sexually assaulted by another woman because that's just "heavy petting" as I read one retard in a review say and not real sex you're not #woke until you've made a podcast about lesbian rape you bigots so the moral of the story is you need to look beyond the surface of things even if it's very beautiful and see the real story inside which might be an autistic man trying to express his anxieties on raising daughters in today's world but it's also about how if you look under the glossy surface of hollywood you'll find it's full of pedophiles fucking kids which is actually probably more of an anxiety to Renf personally being a hollywood director and having all these creeps near his daughters than beauty standards now that I think of it hang on I know how to settle if Renf is in pedowood or not once and for all let me literally google "Nicolas Winding Refn pedo" and see what comes up and oh... oh dear...

    oh... well I guess that explains the whole movie...

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    I'm currently dating a woman who hates me and picks on me all the time, threatens to squeeze my balls and tries to stick her finger up my ass. I'm a feminist, men can be feminists, deal with it.
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    gender swap ruby is such a narrow minded twat sometimes
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    Senior Member fanfare's Avatar
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    good lord dude.... wow.............................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    and m0nde, wtf is he doing there rofl
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    Really hard to scroll.past on a phone to the quick reply box to let you know im never reading ur shut in aspie drivel
    I am the owner of
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    My ipad can't handle this thread.

    Can YOU handle this thread?????????
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    this may come as a shock but it didn't work out with that girl
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    💕🖤💜~INTJ~💖 Battery Bits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    this may come as a shock but it didn't work out with that girl
    So finally we can be together maks
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    this most users' first ruby megathread

    let that sink in

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monde is a whiney fuck