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    Reported Post by herpreader 
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    reported for being too accurate
    Post: Lisa's vagina timeline
    Forum: Dr. m0nde's House Call
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: Camoron
    Original Content:
    1944 - lisas vagina travels back in time, has sex with hitler
    1945 - hitler dies of aids
    1964 - lisa and her vagina are born in australia
    1965 - lisas vagina reaches its first perfect form, is ripe for the picking
    1966 - lisa slips and breaks her perfect vagina, vaginal reconstructive surgery takes place; abo skin grafts are used, resulting in brown bits
    1967 - lisa explores her new vagina for the first time
    1968 - penguin sticks its beak in lisas vagina, lisa is traumatized for life - vows to never let anything come between her and her vagina ever again
    1969 - lisa sticks a joey in her vagina and pretends to be a kangaroo
    1970 - lisas vagina reaches its second perfect form
    1971 - lisa obessively fingers herself throughotu whatever the australian equivalent to first grade is, is held back a grade
    1972 - lisas vagina is forever altered by ehr encounter with her babysitter
    1973 - lisa figners herself more than ever, kepeing her vagina loosened as she has big plans for it
    1975 - lisa has sex with severla truckers, shes 11 but tells them shes 14
    1977 - lisa begins practicing shotoign ping pongs out of her vagina as an opening act for the penguin isalnd comedy club
    1978 - lisas comedy routeine doesnt go over well and she realizes shes not funny, but her vagina ping pong act gets scouted by the circus
    1979 - lisa and her vaguina get a full scholarship to clown school from PT Barnum
    1980 - lisas vagina fucsk the shit out of all the other clowns; its college after all
    1981 - lisas vaginal ping pong show goes on the road and people flock from all over tow itness it, sex with carnies? you better belive it.
    1982 - lisas vagina fucks soemoen on the schoolboard to obtain a GED
    1983 - lisa meet sher former bbabysitter drunk in a bar, and fucks his brains out
    1985 - lisas vaigna is diagnosed with AIDS
    1987 - lisas vagina is equipped with futuer technology and sent back in time on a secret mission to kill hitler
    1988 - lisas vagina returns to her; revealed she "accidentally" had sex with charlie chaplin
    1989 - lisas vagina once again sent out to kill hiter;
    1990 - lisas vagina returns. she spedns a year without a vagina, even toghugh time travel would completley negate any reason that it couldnt just come back right away, lol
    1991 - lisa has her first abortion, tiw ill forever hold a special place in her vagina as a baby finger has permanently become lodged there
    1992 - lisa reveals it was HITELRS BABY so aborting it was probably a good thing, so just FUCK OFF you obsessed fucktard
    1993 - lisas vagina has a thing for michael jackson, tjhey just got him in australia
    1995 - lisas vagina earns her a college dergee
    1996 - lisas vagina fucks it all up because it cant contain its odor and she loses her godo paying job
    1997 - lisa overestimates her vaginas capabilities, and severely ruptures it when tryng to take 3 abo dicks at the same time
    1998 - lisa goes on disability for her broke vagina, has vaginal recontsuctive surgeyr again, more brown bits
    1999 - lisa gets a television for the first time in her life, not really relevant to her vagina
    2000 - lisas vagina reaches its third perfect form
    2001 - lisa enjoys watching the rpice is right duringt he day, orw hatever australians watch on daytime tv
    2002 - lisas vagina fucks her way to tghe top and earns another college degree: sleazy peasy japanesy
    2003 - lisas vagina is in decline...
    2004, lisas vagina pushes carts at walmart
    2005 - lisa has trouble finding anyonet o fuck her vagina hole
    2006 - lisa begin writing letetrs, actual letters, to prisoners, hoping they will fuck her vagina
    2007 - lisas vagina begins taking an aspirin regimen because its not as young as it used to b e
    2008 - lisa touches herself while listneing to eminem
    2009 - lisas vagina comes in useful to feed mice to the snakesa t the pet store she works at
    2010 - lisa gets a computer just so she can post about eminem and her vagina on the intenret
    2011 - lisa discovers troll forums where she can tell people about her vagina and be ridiculed, but not banned
    2012 - lisa begins posting on rubyenet where all the boys drool over her tasty brown bits
    2013 - lisa cons a retarded man into flying across the planet to jhave sex with her vagina; jizz all over the place, rootys rod causes permanent damage; there will be no more perfect forms of lisas vagina
    2014 - lisa sends rooty home in hopes that a guy who has done nothing but trick her will drive sevrla hours to have sex with her
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    Stop snorting your adderal cam
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