I think I need to check myself in to a mental hospital for a few days. My life is really falling apart. I've been trying very hard to fake it for the past couple months, but I just keep hitting roadblock after roadblock.

I haven't been working since January because of my health issue, I'm two months behind on rent and now facing eviction, I despise the new job I started last week, and am probably going to be fired because I had to call out today due to whatever virus I currently have. I'm unhappy at home. I've been waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. The only thing keeping me going right now is my daughter, but I'm failing her. I have a psychiatrist that hasn't returned any of my calls, and I'm pretty sure I don't have health insurance anymore, due to not having money to pay it. Every night before falling asleep, I wonder if my daughter would remember me if I died today, which is a scary fucking thought, because she wouldn't, and that would make it easier for her.

Yeah, after actually typing all that out, I really think I need to go.