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    Stop Posting Garbage! - The Problem and Its Solution, a Tweaker-Thesis by Plug Drugs 
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    I want to see more posts from traditional YTMND and YTMNSFW Forum posters, and less posts from you new people.
    This forum needs to be kept alive because its the last place I have left where people still operate within a paradigm which I know from the foundation.

    In a sense, this is one of the last safe-havens of a dying internet culture (the foundations of which can be traced back to the beginning with Usenet) that has been raped and stolen by new fags.

    Once this dying culture and its unspoken code of ethics reaches extinction, the internet will degrade irreversibly and will be completely useless.

    Keep it alive! There are a few proposed methods I have thought of which might help:
    1. Maybe change the name at the top of the screen back to YTMNSFW, or at least have the old YTMNSFW logo more visible so old-timers don't feel so awkward and out of place when coming to post here.

    2. I need a crash course on who everyone is now. Who is new, where are they from, and how did they get here, etc.. And who are the long time forumers now who changed their name to try and start with a clean slate (I know barry is one of them, whats his new Alt). Who is the "milkshake crew"? I know they are a bunch of lifeless script kiddies who hacked the old forums, but who are they, how long have they been here, etc.

    3. Stop gossiping and get back to fresh and funny posting gimmicks and good jokes. Who cares about the he said she said bullshit? Its rarely funny. Some interpersonal conversations are obviously necessary, but keep it from getting as homosexual as it has been. The people you are conversing with have no impact on you in real life, so quit getting to know them and start being funny again.
    Last edited by Plug Drugs; 01-09-2012 at 04:23 PM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    I want to see more posts from traditional YTMND and YTMNSFW Forum posters, and less posts from you new people.
    This forum needs to be kept alive because its the last place I have left where people still operate within a paradigm which I know from the foundation.

    In a sense, this is one of the last safe-havens of a dying internet culture (the foundations of which can be traced back to the beginning with Usenet) that has been raped and stolen by new fags.
    no arguments here

    Keep it alive! There are a few proposed methods I have thought of which might help:
    1. Maybe change the name at the top of the screen back to YTMNSFW, or at least have the old YTMNSFW logo more visible so old-timers don't feel so awkward and out of place when coming to post here.
    I disagree, thanks to the aria-chocolate theme this feels more like the old-old forum than the new-old forum did.

    2. I need a crash course on who everyone is now. Who is new, where are they from, and how did they get here, etc.. And who are the long time forumers now who changed their name to try and start with a clean slate (I know barry is one of them, whats his new Alt). Who is the "milkshake crew"? I know they are a bunch of lifeless script kiddies who hacked the old forums, but who are they, how long have they been here, etc.
    Strongly agree. If nobody tells me who synergy and marco are how am I supposed to know if they're faggots?

    3. Stop gossiping and get back to fresh and funny posting gimmicks and good jokes. Who cares about the he said she said bullshit? Its rarely funny. Some interpersonal conversations are obviously necessary, but keep it from getting as homosexual as it has been. The people you are conversing with have no impact on you in real life, so quit getting to know them and start being funny again.
    Strongly disagree. Not all studies of our fellow posters' (wacky) lives can turn into a goldmine like the barry megathread, but the potential is always there. I believe that reality is hilarious, especially when you've got a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things to draw on. I'd rather read about a stupid person being stupid than a normal person acting stupid.
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    no new niggers lnopia the great's Avatar
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    it's an unfortunate series of events that barry's social disabilities led to an influx of posters whose grand children taught them how to surf the web about 3 years ago

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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post

    Strongly agree. If nobody tells me who synergy and marco are how am I supposed to know if they're faggots?
    Its more to do with the feeling that I don't know whats going on on this forum anymore because I don't know who half the people posting are.
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    fams casino Dustin's Avatar
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    My name is Dustin
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    The forum will never be the same because life just doesn't stay the same. Get used to all the new posters and suck it up rather than whine about how much pain it is causing you like the typical junkie that you are. I bet you spend your entire time high thinking about the way the world ideally should be.
    Wrong. This forum is exactly the same as it was 5 years ago, albiet a little smaller. You are no different than the clueless frontpagers who used to wander in here, and you serve the same purpose. You just hang around a little longer.

    FWIW....Not all the new posters are hated. Maks and others sure love English Cunt and Deso likes Cherry Lips and me. Hell, even Cody is tolerated here by others. Look how nice he and Maks are making with each other. Barry is not a new poster. Since when didn't he use a sock? Get with reality junkie rather than your personal ideals!
    as much as I appreciate fagloot guy calling people fagloots I actually sent whatsherface a PM her first night and asked her to continue coming back, so please also include me in the whatsherface camp. iguana goddess can go back, and no one new should take it upon themselves to migrate here, you can only fit so many lizards in such a small aquarium and we're running out of crickets to feed you.
    Last edited by maks; 01-09-2012 at 06:44 PM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synthetics View Post
    My name is Dustin
    are you someone I knew or are you someone's wow friend or did you come from the lizard forum? what gives? I mean I'm pretty sure you're not a faggot but I have been wrong in the past.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    The forum will never be the same because life just doesn't stay the same. Get used to all the new posters and suck it up rather than whine
    Everything is changing, this is true, but a little tinkering here and a little turn of the screw there, and whoopity wow wah woo, jesus christ you change the future. By at least bringing this topic up it might influence some older posters to stop by more or make some more threads, it might not. It was worth a try

    about how much pain it is causing you like the typical junkie that you are.
    I think you think I care more about this than I actually do, what did you think this place going to shit is causing me real emotional or psychological pain or something?
    And whats this about a typical junkie? Have you ever met junkies? We come in all shapes and sizes

    I bet you spend your entire time high thinking about the way the world ideally should be.
    I think about a lot of things of when I'm tweaking. And could you maybe be getting this from that post where I said "I spend a lot of time thinking about how the world ideally should be"? Whats wrong with thinking about how the world ideally should be? Isnt that better than not giving a fuck about the state of the world? I spend a lot more of my time thinking about the semantics of the human mind itself. Actually I kind of go through phases of obsessing over different things, but I'm always deep in contemplation. Turns out the deeper you think, the more you remove your basis from reality: the more you change you. But when thought itself causes you to change, its more like laying down blueprints than actually changing who you are -- the person you actually are is defined by your actions, not by who you want to be. So this ends up building up; over-thinking eventually dissociates you from reality.
    nice acronym, what does it mean

    ....Not all the new posters are hated. Maks and others sure love English Cunt and Deso likes Cherry Lips and me. Hell, even Cody is tolerated here by others. Look how nice he and Maks are making with each other. Barry is not a new poster. Since when didn't he use a sock? Get with reality junkie rather than your personal ideals!
    I don't know who half of those new people are.
    And being tolerated isn't what's being addressed here, its preserving the gimmicky nature of the old forums, thats the primary objective. Posting used to be like an interactive video game where you didnt care about your dumb e-reputation you just posted what was funny and you got hazed for not being funny
    Last edited by Plug Drugs; 01-09-2012 at 07:02 PM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    excuse me but caring about my e-reputation is my gimmick and has been for years thank you very much STOP TRYING TO CENSOR MY ART
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    fams casino Dustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    are you someone I knew or are you someone's wow friend or did you come from the lizard forum? what gives? I mean I'm pretty sure you're not a faggot but I have been wrong in the past.
    Nah I met Robbie Reno through a friend. And we became bros. That's when I met Shake, Clay, and deso. I never posted on the lizard forum, this is my first time posting on these forums.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    shit no, 10 minutes have gone by, I HAVENT FINISHED EDITING THAT POST YET DAMNIT!
    oh well dont know why my speed is making me want to type out responses to obnoxious bitch, i should be replying to that 17 year old girl messaging me on facebook instead of wasting my time here
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synthetics View Post
    Nah I met Robbie Reno through a friend. And we became bros. That's when I met Shake, Clay, and deso. I never posted on the lizard forum, this is my first time posting on these forums.
    Was it reno's soft lips that drew you in?
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Strongly disagree. Not all studies of our fellow posters' (wacky) lives can turn into a goldmine like the barry megathread, but the potential is always there. I believe that reality is hilarious, especially when you've got a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things to draw on. I'd rather read about a stupid person being stupid than a normal person acting stupid.
    I consider barry to be a walking, living gimmick. His social life is an exception to what I was saying, as is also the case with anyone else who is a pathetic socially-inept loser like barry
    Last edited by Plug Drugs; 01-09-2012 at 07:18 PM.
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    Rolling Thunder pastor travis's Avatar
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    like i said in the other thread, we just need to make these lizards do e-battle for our entertainment

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    fams casino Dustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    Was it reno's soft lips that drew you in?
    Yes. How did you know? But that's where I came from I know that guy Jon dislikes me because he thinks that im a lol xD hacker from that "team" "group" that was messing with the old forums. I just wanted to know if there was any programmers.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    I consider barry to be a walking, living gimmick. His social life is an exception to what I was saying, as is also the case with anyone else who is a pathetic socially-inept loser like barry
    ob is, essentially, barry. just as dumb, just as wacky, just as interesting to mock.

    Quote Originally Posted by Synthetics View Post
    Yes. How did you know? But that's where I came from I know that guy Jon dislikes me because he thinks that im a lol xD hacker from that "team" "group" that was messing with the old forums. I just wanted to know if there was any programmers.
    he's right to be suspicious, reno doesn't have the best record with bringing people here.

    there are other programmers, but unfortunately for you jon is like 1/3rd of them
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    Last edited by Greg Blake Age: 41 (412) 824-6478 1700 James St Monroeville, PA 15146; 01-09-2012 at 07:39 PM.
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    fams casino Dustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    he's right to be suspicious, reno doesn't have the best record with bringing people here.

    there are other programmers, but unfortunately for you jon is like 1/3rd of them
    I see. Well I did want to at least clarify that I am NOT in anyway seeking the destruction of this forum. I like this forum really with the exception of a few people, but that's a given.
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    Senior Member terror baby's Avatar
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    I will never accept you, lizard person.
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    Senior Member terror baby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    you can tell this faggot actually cares about what he posts and what people think of him
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    fams casino Dustin's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if you're talking to me.
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    Senior Member terror baby's Avatar
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    Senior Member terror baby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    as much as I appreciate fagloot guy calling people fagloots
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synthetics View Post
    I see. Well I did want to at least clarify that I am NOT in anyway seeking the destruction of this forum. I like this forum really with the exception of a few people, but that's a given.
    now that ruby is in charge there is no hope of destroying this forum, he will always fix it. our biggest threat before wasn't a bunch of script kiddies but rather a lazy fuck owner who hated this forum and couldn't be bothered to undo the damage.
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    no new niggers lnopia the great's Avatar
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    This community is so fucked

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    mannix died lmao BoobyKalabrr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lnopia the great View Post
    This community is so fucked
    At the end of the day it pans out like this, you got stuck with the short end of the stick - OB

    lizard 4um - steveyo
    molested by m0nde

    Quote Originally Posted by fjs wins again View Post
    cody you lookin fine in your wifes clothing dude hit me up
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lnopia the great View Post
    This community is so fucked
    I disagree, I mean yeah it's been dying a slow death since 2007 but I think it's going to hang in there for a couple more years
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    Rolling Thunder pastor travis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoobyKalabrr View Post
    At the end of the day it pans out like this, you got stuck with the short end of the stick - OB

    lizard 4um - steveyo
    i would take any poster ever over stevey, so, uh, no

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    Rolling Thunder pastor travis's Avatar
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monde is a whiney fuck