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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    people here are surprisingly against welfare - at least the people i've spoken to.
    despite the social programs in place, people don't like seeing people leeching off the government and not working
    not making any attempt at fixing their own situation

    i think that's universal

    also, stevey has no basis for immigration to canada, it's very unlikely that he'll be allowed unless he marries someone here.
    from what I've heard from some Canadian friends the current conservative government is trying to repeal a lot of the social welfare programs

    dont know how much truth there is in that, won't pretend that I actively follow Canadian politics
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    i'm glad i missed all this noise

    you moderate sissies
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    from what I've heard from some Canadian friends the current conservative government is trying to repeal a lot of the social welfare programs

    dont know how much truth there is in that, won't pretend that I actively follow Canadian politics
    yup, a huge amount of programs and many refugee programs are being sacked
    i can't say i'm not happy about it. but they'll never do away with the healthcare programs because that's common to any country, as i've said, even third world shitholes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    from what I've heard from some Canadian friends the current conservative government is trying to repeal a lot of the social welfare programs

    dont know how much truth there is in that, won't pretend that I actively follow Canadian politics
    yup, a huge amount of programs and many refugee programs are being sacked
    i can't say i'm not happy about it. but they'll never do away with the healthcare programs because that's deemed necessary and and as i've said, even third world shitholes have some sort of national health care system.

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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    you know what country doesn't?

    "communist" china

    i just find that kind of funny.
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    m0nde double posted, it must be shitty internet he is using.

    Yep, m0nde uses welfare and still denies because he won't admit the shame like steveyos.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    you know what country doesn't?

    "communist" china

    i just find that kind of funny.
    well they're communist
    by definition they can't sack any community programs since it's all provided by the government

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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    The US is a 3rd world shit hole and it doesn't have a national health care system. Obamacare merely penalizes (potentially criminally) its citizens that can't afford what will be jacked up rates due to collusion just like auto insurance was when it was first mandated, if they fail to buy into a broken and corrupt system.
    1st world, 2nd world and 3rd world are concepts during Cold war, it has nothing to relate with economy and human development, i know only the stupid people call 1st world and 3rd to people is an insult without justification, you should to call "Mature Economy" or perhaps "Developed Country"
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    retard doesn't understand that they've come to mean something different now and have entered the english language (something he's very sketchy on) as phrases referring to economic and political segregation
    yet again retarding himself with shame

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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    i'm fat and ugly
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    The US is a 3rd world shit hole and it doesn't have a national health care system. Obamacare merely penalizes (potentially criminally) its citizens that can't afford what will be jacked up rates due to collusion just like auto insurance was when it was first mandated, if they fail to buy into a broken and corrupt system.
    a 3rd world shithole with an HDI index higher than most of Europe and the UK

    please try not to idiot yourself, if u want to criticize fine but this is just shameful
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StompleB View Post
    Needs photoshopped
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    Just because the US sends more dollars per capita than any other country doesn't mean it is healthier or its people have access to healthcare. 45-50 million people do not have healthcare so a higher percentage of Americans die due to inadequate healthcare than Brits or Europeans.

    Just because the rich in America have better health care than the rich anywhere else in the world that bumps up a healthcare index doesn't mean it is better for the country's whole population. You need to take your own advice and stop idioting yourself with shame by taking statistics at face value and not understanding how averages get skewed.
    Please don't use my catch phrase, it's copyrighted, except my friends can use my catch phrase without copyright infrigement, literally you aren't my friend
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    Just because the US sends more dollars per capita than any other country doesn't mean it is healthier or its people have access to healthcare. 45-50 million people do not have healthcare so a higher percentage of Americans die due to inadequate healthcare than Brits or Europeans.

    Just because the rich in America have better health care than the rich anywhere else in the world that bumps up a healthcare index doesn't mean it is better for the country's whole population. You need to take your own advice and stop idioting yourself with shame by taking statistics at face value and not understanding how averages get skewed.
    i dont think u know what the HDI index actually represents
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    ya but I am his friend
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    Catchphrase and copyright aren't the correct words in this context. You must have meant mantra or ethos. You need to brush up on your English skills.

    I was merely quoting Cameron so go baw to him about stealing it.
    ethos = ethic

    mantra = mental focus?

    what the fuck are you talking about?
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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elezzzark View Post
    what the fuck are you talking about?
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    Not quite

    Definition of ETHOS

    : the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution; also : ethic 2c
    See ethos defined for English-language learners »

    Examples of ETHOS

    The company made environmental awareness part of its business ethos.
    They are working to keep a democratic ethos alive in the community.

    Definition of MANTRA

    : a mystical formula of invocation or incantation (as in Hinduism); also : watchword 2
    — man·tric adjective
    See mantra defined for English-language learners »

    Examples of MANTRA

    a businessman whose mantra is “bigger is better” examples:

    Elz lives by the, "idioting yourself with shame" ethos.
    Elz's mantra is, "idioting yourself with shame is a way to keep getting attention on this site".

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    definition of retard

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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    A fat and deaf Mexican who frequents a troll site where he is not wanted and cannot speak the forum's language fluently.
    True, but fat is actually a lie.
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    Post a picture of yourself and the truth will be known.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    A fat and deaf Mexican who frequents a troll site where he is not wanted and cannot speak the forum's language fluently.
    this is exactly the case
    except he is tolerated because he's incredibly awkward and says the most outrageous shit
    he's also very easy to rage out and stir to do all sorts of crazy bullshit like creating that gush site, etc.

    he doesn't realize that he looks like a total psychotic freak when he does this stuff
    but i think he's never experienced anything else other than the life of a spaz since he's a deaf shut in

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    stumple is white knighting to for by elezzzark
    how sweet

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    Quote Originally Posted by StompleB View Post
    m0nde brown squiring by a sidcho panza reason
    something has really set off stumple
    i wonder why

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monde is a whiney fuck