View Full Version : Herpatarium
- iguana goddess, obnoxious bitch, jackscolostomybag, boobykalaber, marco.
- We've only had these lizards in here for about 14 hours
- you forgot rose west and cody
- if this forum had good posters clay would of simply called this forum Reject Haven
- Saturday Night
- You're faggots.
- wowsers all i can say is
- Mission Accomplished
- Candy crew faggots
- Marks biggest Candy crew faggot
- fjs really is the only good forum on the entire internet / jack venooker is nuts DuoThread
- did u know admins can read your pm's because they can change your password then log in your account?
- where were we
- Family Secrets vanookers bastard child
- 988uoijk,,,
- DOLI 2012, STOP!!!!
- jack vernroker kicks puppies on the sidewalk
- Crisp crysthanamum
- reinstate flaglerchat @ fjs & moi whilst phuKKK dis playce upp
- who duh fuck is marc chillers?
- attn ruby
- Flaglerchat vs the Internet........ a history of empty victories
- Official 'screenshots of the lizard forum' thread
- Why Is Maks Fucking Cody
- Maks...A Butthurt Homo
- KKK's Dennis Labonte targets RC's resident HOMO maks
- maks sphincter
- Maks Admits Taking Cock Up His Ass
- Shocking voicemail revelation: Jack flirts with flaggercat
- rose west when are we going to hook up?
- Welcome to our newest member, Queen Mud
- Georgie boy is a faggot
- Did you know Iggy was part nigger?
- mOnde has died
- The McDonalds Megathread: McDoubles, McRibs... AND DORITO SANDWICHES??? We couldn't believe it either.
- Do9n't ever second guess yourself
- the derpetarium
- I have to say this seperation of the faggot crew from the lizards is just childish
- I used to teach
- Smile
- my first dick
- I e-dated once
- And he drumped me
- He was so mature for being only 15
- Felt alone even in this forum please read...
- My father the narcissist
- Involuntary Temporary Detention
- Seething Twerp
- marks stay out of my threads you asshole
- another OB sex-change thread
- NortyNippy in duh house
- Clays first dick
- Trolls trolling trolls welcome to troll ave, populiation trolls
- This forum is dwindling!
- lisa the destroyer of tim's hole
- make your case
- wake me up if Jibbles or the real fake Battery yum is here
- Sticky: Clay's ASS
- Sticky: Over 80% of daily posts @ rubynet
- I hear you lizard folks like "demotivational posters'
- Title:
- Steve died
- marcs died
- Wanna use my account?
- race war comin
- ruby does not talk to me anymore
- Dad, what are ya doin'?
- maks @ rubynet 24/7
- If everyone would please...
- i don't care
- Queen mud is that your real pic in your avatar?
- Hi
- Why my Dad is so fucked up...........
- Dad, why are you ignoring me?
- Flaglerchat A Homo
- huhuhui hui huhui huhu huhuhuihuihui
- grunt vs. fagchat: gibberish battle to the death - who would win?
- is this guys name who youre all obsessed with patrick mannix or jack venooker
- I am Doctor Remulak.
- It's true
- hello lizzys
- Tim Abreu: Transvestite Snake Charmer Extraordinaire ::NSFW::
- BoobyKalabrr 'z MUGSHOT ------------V-----------
- look as sordid and tempestuous as all this is...
- Shawn Cody bushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpig vs Obvious Bloke
- Timothy, I want you to know something
- BRADLEY MICHAEL DOCHEFF, I want you to know something (UVM TOPIX)
- JacKKK VenooKKKer onn da Maury Povich Show
- 710x (head lizard) ghottz da KKKlapp........
- Beware of Jack Venooker
- HAPPY 420 "I shit you knott", Jim Mannix's wife Karyn is a DEALER
- An Audacious Life Wearing Rouge
- garbage
- elezzzark
- Obnoxious Bloke
- Pat Mannix's family of Queer Bait
- hey there
- you're all gona die
- how gay is the candy crew?
- This made me laugh, as I looked away from my poodle
- My poodle did not see me cry as I looked away
- Next on our MANNIX REUNION parade is Pat Mannix Jr
- poust
- OB, flagfag have left the building
- CHILDERS REUNION............... yucKKK
- marks is a fucking queer
- Marc Childers LANDLORDZ.........
- Sarah Venooker didn't make the RENT
- Pat Mannix internet access
- BoobyKKKalabrr tricKKKed MOIhahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- You have no chance to survive make your time. All your base are belong to us.
- Fer uh gud thyme.... KKKawL IGGY
- SILENCE IS GOLDEN...Partytime in the herpetarium
- WHO LET THE PIG OUT?...squeel like a bacon fat greased piggy
- Simon's Lovely Sophie or bushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpig's HOG WIFE?
- i honestly think Jack and his family are decent hardworking people and maybe you should back off Flaggerchat
- why are you afraid of us?
- i like how they actually post in here
- 1812 PucKKKer St, Stowe, VT 05672 - DRUG HOWZE.........
- flag come post at fjs
- man dog says
- marco loves maks
- youre the man now dogs
- Lizards: Free Yourselves
- marks exposed
- sure tim might have let you guys know we exist, but cody was the first lizard, and if i dare say it
- Ruby busted DUI LoL
- marks you faggot
- what is this forum
- how are my lizzys today????
- Who are these lizard freaks?
- brb, making pudding for angelica
- YO FLAGLER ...... Phette's new sight...
- PHETTE perma banned the FLAGLERCHAT
- Sticky: reject haven sucks I'm sorry to say
- Every american in this forum is a traitor and accessory to fraud.
- Increase your fetelings cahnce
- Horses adore modest females
- These days I doa much more thwan I could when Il was 18
- Lizards and TPILOL unite!
- Zoo sticking students natural films
- Every time I read the name of this forum I think of herpes.
- Sticky: Jack and His bag's never-ending Fartwave.
- Pat Mannix (flaglerchat)
- please change this forum name to
- threadlong.exe
- I watched them murder my family
- Instructions on how to turn away from your daughter so she won't see the semen on your face
- Cocks and balls and cocks and balls and cocks and balls and cocks and balls
- it's not easy being green
- Yo' Jack... how menny dildoza moi ghottz in moi azz ????????
- do i belong here?
- let tell knock knock jokes ok i will go first
- please unban me from retard heaven
- Jack PWNT in Purgatory @ MOCK
- Jack Venookeraped by Aaron
- I hate jack too
- flaglerchat come here
- wow uh
- The people who run Encyclopedia Dramatica
- Jack Venooker reported for making Bomb Threats
- aw, my Rose West spam
- Rubynet, did you know jack is suing you?
- Banned at RH
- I love you Flagler.
- Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaason
- Jack Venooker ain't Poaztit inn 2 deighz
- I'll ask this openly too
- My butterflies
- Urban Dictionary
- So, I found out I have Asperger's...about three hours before my parents went on about how 'mental illness is a copout'...
- just playing with the poll
- I wouldn't fuck this with your dick
- Banned from TK
- Flag is the only good person
- flag, post the pic that made them pee themselves and ban me again
- maks logged inn phrumm werKKK..........
- I vote lock maks and Cody and Marco in here and let Flag out
- Stop it. Leave Flag alone... he's been good to me and you dickheads haven't
- Did you open your mail box yet Pat/Flag?
- This message is hidden because maks is on your ignore list.
- Account Rejected on EDF2: Electric Boogaloo
- Stupid question to flag or anyone.... where is the ignore button to use on that dipshit?
- EvurrrreeButtee putt Jack Venooker onn IGGYnoar
- I want to know who the writer of those articles is flag
- flaglerchat'z IP Trapp werKKKz GR8.....
- Jerome Noworyta aka SpamDonkeh
- flag, are you a good or evil wizard?
- .......
- everyone post this picture in jack's profile
- flag you are fruitloops
- mmmmmm I love flag's bedtime stories
- EvurrrreeButtee IGGYnoar" Troll Kingdom Envoy"...... itt drivez "jack" nutz
- Danny Hellman sez Jack Ven00ker iz uh insane asshole THIEF
- Hao 2 KKKeap Jack Ven00ker ( insane asshole THIEF) bizzee
- Czech owt moi gnu SIG..............
- My ignore list is: maks and jack
- I've earned a nap
- Joan WalKKK3r ghottz CP onn hurrrr KKKumpewturrrr
- *screams into the internet* JIBBLES!
- Dumpt by Lisa Joyce
- Kevin I want you on my msn and to be able to play with you
- just a reminder to the good folks here at the hepaterium
- new topic
- test
- I'm top twat and you're not
- Tim
- Latest Reputation Received (-132 point(s) total)
- Kevin, I want you as one of my boys on msn
- burn them all
- m0nde is a negger
- Jack Venooker- FBI FOI/PA Request.......... STEIGH TOONT
- Jack Ven00ker... Child Toucher (PhaKKKtt)
- Jack Ven00ker KKKommitz 2 moar KKKowntz uhghenntz da ol' gui
- Jack & Joan ghettin' reddy fer uh road tripp
- I love you flag
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- lizards no more lizards no more erdaticte the lizard people
- this shit anit a GAME mother fuckers
- why do you hate that one guys so much and that other guy who posts child porn well her's a hero
- hello my name is dp, i;m hear to destory you little tom fuckery spot on the internt
- oh zure you and your good time buddies from i'm a tjought it would bea good idea to staat posting here
- i am rhe leader of milkshades i iam there head hacker and i spam on the side for my hobby
- i fucked all your mothers
- cody paid me 100 rep poionts to thread spam this fourm
- only 2 more threads 2 go
- fel frwwee to post in any of my fine threads in the herpeutoitm
- I await you flag, king of the herpes, I love you
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