that's not a half bad idea, she needs to know the rest of the 99% shares her pain!
Results 61 to 72 of 72
I'm seriously considering making an account over there just so I can post in this OWS thread. I feel they need the input of someone who is not a moron.
I hate the criminals on wall street and support the criminals from 4chan
for the past week i've been confusing onboxious bitch with iwc
you can't impeach these balls cause i'm the president
2 Weeks Ago
If you search hard enough for the word "Fagloot" this thread comes up.
2 Weeks Ago
if you search hard enough for a jobless bogan who stole a young mans virginity and money this through comes up as well
2 Weeks Ago
Just checking in!
2 Weeks Ago
@clay remove that texas flag faggot.
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