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View Full Version : rare thread from 2006 outlining how steveyos has always been a fatass and terrible poster

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:08 AM
data source: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-117365.html

I guess my wireless card isn't supported?

lmao nice fucking poverty laptop

I forget the exact name of it, but I know I didn't see it under the list.

I heard about a program that adds more cards, anyone know what I'm talking about?

I have no idea what I'm doing, or if linux will scan for networks itself or anything. I mean I'm not a complete noob, I was fine in Windows, this is just a bit different.

Basically I'm asking for help on how to set up my wireless, a question of which I'm sure is asked 900 times a day. I'm sorry, but I'm just no good at finding things online.

I'm using a Compaq Presario V5101US laptop if that's any help.

Also, I'm kind of in a hurry because I'll have to go upstairs soon and there's no wires to connect with up there. Wired works, wireless doesn't. Please help :D

steveyos not fitting in using windows (too fucking fat) switched over to linux (to accommodate his fat) and his wireless card doesn't work...also owns a terrible compaq laptop. can't do wired internet because his fatass requires to be upstairs and never leave his room in his moms house all day

Well I've got some sad news.

I'm not positive yet, but I might be giving up on FC5. Right now I'm back to ubuntu, and while I don't quite know if it truly is easier, it just gives off a much more user-friendly vibe. Apparently it's rated #1 also, so I don't know how I could complain with that.

I'm waiting until my friend signs on AIM to see what he thinks. I don't know him in real life so he can't give me help in person, and I can't wait around forever for his help with FC5. I guess it just isn't for me, I don't have the attention span for all the Konsole stuff. :(

Either way, Linux > Windows

desparetely trying to fit into a linux community (just like this one), and claims linux is better than windows even though the shit-tier poverty OS doesn't support his fucking wireless card

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:10 AM
steveyos666 - June 22, 2006 11:54 PM (GMT)
Also if my posts are going to be edited, can't they at least get proper grammar? Poopy.

{nah i r teh lazeeh} ~ Idiotska

terrible goddamn post sweet use of stupid ytmnd humor

I'm having a problem.

I set it all up, but Hammer just crashes when I try to make the first cube. At first the numbers that show the size of the cube you're making would display as [\][\][\][\][\] (except the [\]'s were combined like one character), now it just freezes the moment I click to make a cube, until I ctrl+alt+del out of it.

However, my paths also differ. I didn't purchase the Orange Box, but I did get TF2 and Portal, and I guess that just changed HL2 and such to all just go in an orange box folder. I still picked all files with the exact file names though.

I've reset the configs, refreshed, cried, all multiple times with no luck. Not counting ZM, I can only choose TF2 and Portal under Current Games. Maybe not being able to choose HL2 is a problem? I know I have to change something to -1 or whatever to fix that, but I'm doubting that's the problem.

Really looking forward to mapping for this mod. It makes me regret getting TF2 and Portal since they're just collecting virtual dust right now.

having a problem with games (aka his life)...decides to make a forum post about it

08-19-2013, 01:11 AM
well, at least he's trying to help himself even though he's a total and utter fucktard

i wish he'd do that in real life and stop being a leech, all he needs is his GED

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:13 AM
-engine ep1

Yeah.. what? Where do I put that?

Properties set launch options

Not sure if it was that, or using the ep1 folder's files instead of the orangebox folder's files, but it seems to be working now. Thanks guys.

literally 0 recognition of thanks, easy problem to solve but steve the fatass couldn't figure it out. these people did not want to help him, but felt forced

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:18 AM
really want to make a website, but by the time I learn all this HTML and CSS hooplah they won't even be in existence anymore.

I'm looking to make a website similar to YTMND or Newgrounds... (I won't link them because they allow users to upload things and some of it can be improper content for these forums)

Basically I want a site where people can put flash/java/whatever games and movies that they create, along with a lot of other things like forums and stuff.

I'm looking for an editor that'll help me with all the coding and all that fun stuff.

I've seen mixed feelings about FrontPage so I was wondering if there were any alternatives, possibly free, or if you think FrontPage is good

I'm not a complete noob, I've been around computers for many years now, it's just my attention span's horrible. I'm willing to learn what I gotta learn, but something that'd help me along the way would really be nice.

So you guys got any ideas? I've browsed around this site for a bit and it seems like a great place, so that's why I blessed these forums with my horribly annoying and frequently asked question. Thank you for your time.

"i really want to make a website like ytmnd or newgrounds"

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:19 AM
Yet another question :/

If I was to go with http://www.dreamhost.com/ for my hosting, is there a limit on what's allowed to be on the website? When you've got a site where people can upload their own things, you're bound to get some random and not-pretty stuff. I plan on trying to not have stuff like that on the site, but I just want to be sure. Yeah I tried to find some sort of rules page, but I'm horrible at browsing websites. I'll check again, but if anyone knows already that'd be awesome.

I mention that site because it's what this site uses for hosting and the prices seem real nice, something I might actually be able to afford.


A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:21 AM
Alright so far this all sounds great minus all the code learning, but I'm sure if I stick with it I'll have a website within two years.

I was reading on this site that ad companies want you to get like a ton of hits a month in order to put stuff on your site, but what about Google Adsense? I had a blog that I didn't even really use and I still got to put Adsense on it. I'd really like to be able to get some ads on the site to help me pay for it.

Thanks again guys, you rock.

the last line of this post is so pathetic. instead of committing to a 2 year project, steveyos the fat addict rather spent his time trolling on a community where he had 0 friends and ending up creating a fucking template based forum website about 5 years later.

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:22 AM
Wow, I love the quick replies. Usually I'll ask a question on forums and consider myself lucky if I get a reply within two weeks.

So far I can't do too much HTML, but I'm surprised I've learned the few lines of code I've learned so far

Thank you very much, and as I learn I'll be around here to try to help others out who are in my situation right now. I'll probably have more questions soon enough. Whoever says this stuff is easy, well they're crazy.

must have loved all those quick replies when he was getting 0 on ytmnds forums

08-19-2013, 01:23 AM
I'm surprised he said Linux > Windows

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:25 AM
I'm not trying to start trouble here, I just gotta know how you guys can explain...... Airplanes.

What happens when people in airplanes go around the world? Have any of you ever flew to the edge of the earth and saw it? I mean it's not like planes are fake, you can look in the sky and see them.

Again I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just figure you guys could just fly a plane to the end and take pictures to prove you're right, that way people wouldn't question your thoughts.

Also what about Google Earth? It's not like that's fake, I can zoom in and see my house from space and I can assure you it is in fact my house, not like it's fake or something.

steve the genius trying to debunk the theory the earth is "flat". he would have no idea how to as he has never ventured out of his mothers house

08-19-2013, 01:25 AM
idk about any of this but if it helps I have an i7-3770k a titan and 16gb ram and windows 8 now, the tower and everything in it was just under $3000 and I have a logitech g510s keyboard and g700s mouse and acer led laptop

boy you sure owned me pretty hard with this thread cody idk what I'm supposed to do now

08-19-2013, 01:26 AM
I'm sure I wrote every single thing you quoted itt too, and I'm very owned and upset, ugh, my life it.... it over.......

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:27 AM
So all successful, wealthy people believe the earth is round? You guys don't got any celebrities or scientists backing you up?

I don't get how you can believe an idea if there's no proof. There's endless proof on the world being round... video, photo, etc etc. But I've never seen anything besides walls of text and drawings for flat earth stuff.

But, I'm not going to call you crazy or anything, because I'd believe this way before stuff like Scientology and all that. I'm just someone who believes the proof is in the pudding, not in word of mouth.

But yeah, if you guys can't show me video/picture proof, I'm not going to pester you about it. I was just curious and I'm not trying to start trouble. I'm just more or less trying to learn, just gather info on everything I can while I'm still young.

how much have you learned since this post

08-19-2013, 01:28 AM
now can you tell me why you made thsi alt cody is it because I redirected you here from fjs, because I already said so many tiems no lizards, I told you that, you knew it coming in, and it's official now no lizards at fjs you have to understand that place is for comedy not for drama, this is the home of the lizards, you can be happy here with all the old people drama,

08-19-2013, 01:28 AM
how much have you learned since this post

the earth is flat.

08-19-2013, 01:30 AM
United States
Current Residence: Rhode Island
Operating System: Ubuntu and Windows
MP3 player of choice: Motorola Q Black
Favorite gaming platform
Tools of the Trade
MS Paint, Gimp, Tux Paint, Torrented CS2
Other Interests
Stuff, things

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:30 AM
please reference with ruby i am not "cody". have had a convo with him via skype. i am a washout alol poster from ytmnd's golden era.

08-19-2013, 01:30 AM
United States
Current Residence: Rhode Island
Operating System: Ubuntu and Windows
MP3 player of choice: Motorola Q Black
Favorite gaming platform
Tools of the Trade
MS Paint, Gimp, Tux Paint, Torrented CS2
Other Interests
Stuff, things

08-19-2013, 01:30 AM
not so rare thread from 2013 of some fag being awful with a hint of "throwback" flavor

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:31 AM
i remember when your fatass left ytmnd forums for good for awhile (that was nice) please leave these forums

08-19-2013, 01:33 AM

08-19-2013, 01:34 AM
I don't think Steveyos666 is a terrible poster, he is a treasure chest poster with 666 tons of gold

08-19-2013, 01:37 AM

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:42 AM


rare archive from 2006; please reference myself as the third poster

08-19-2013, 01:44 AM
typical flag posting shit from a really long time ago idk if you expect me to look at that but nobody ever looks at anything you post you isnane old bitch get back in the herp righg tnow

08-19-2013, 01:45 AM
Aren't you Muhammed Ollie? boobz? Alstopace? Pastor Travis?

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:45 AM
typical flag posting shit from a really long time ago idk if you expect me to look at that but nobody ever looks at anything you post you isnane old bitch get back in the herp righg tnow

raged as fuck

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:46 AM
it sucks when all it takes is like 15 mins of work and a google search to expose you as a shit-tier poster....literally no one has liked you ever on a forum.

08-19-2013, 01:47 AM
Aren't you Muhammed Ollie? boobz? Alstopace? Pastor Travis?

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:50 AM
no have just gone under biggaydolphin or bgd, i do recognize the first and last posters of that list but they joined ytmnd forums after me

Gentleman Doli
08-19-2013, 01:51 AM
your really bad

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:51 AM
your really bad


typical 15 year old asperger poster who joined ytmnd in like 2008

Gentleman Doli
08-19-2013, 01:52 AM
Hey chucklefucks! I used to be a big deal around here. Yeah, remember Oleander? Rmeember Stevey was fat jokes? Remember remember teh fifth of november [record scratch] We are anonymous. We do not forgeive. We do not forget. Expect us... :twisted:

Gentleman Doli
08-19-2013, 01:52 AM

typical 15 year old asperger poster who joined ytmnd in like 2008

your really, really, REALLY bad

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:54 AM
your really, really, REALLY bad


also just trying to preserve order and integrity online by defacing steveyos as he is a terrible poster. much like yourself. if you are complacent with steveyos and have friendly banter with him you fucking suck as an online entity

Gentleman Doli
08-19-2013, 01:55 AM

also just trying to preserve order and integrity online by defacing steveyos as he is a terrible poster. much like yourself. if you are complacent with steveyos and have friendly banter with him you fucking suck as an online entity

ya, thats real cute kid. youre time is up

08-19-2013, 01:58 AM
I think we found Lisa's boyfriend, now he needs to contact with Lisa

Gentleman Doli
08-19-2013, 02:02 AM
Cody, id appreciate it if u would stop pstoing so much on the one account bcuase i have ur other acct on ignore and it would really transcend the level of care i currently have, to ignore this other alt account of yours, codys, codys alt

08-19-2013, 02:02 AM

08-19-2013, 07:35 AM
Making fun of stevey for his posts? Its not 2006 anymore rofl

Autistic Spectrum
08-19-2013, 08:25 AM

steveyos YOLO
08-19-2013, 08:36 AM
Stevey must've raged this fag out pretty bad to be dragging up shit from 7 years ago

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 10:32 AM
Stevey must've raged this fag out pretty bad to be dragging up shit from 7 years ago

Steveyos never raged anyone. His physical appearance and posting was so deplorable no one liked him, until you malcontents

Autistic Spectrum
08-19-2013, 10:33 AM
stevey rules long live fjs,

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 10:36 AM
stevey rules long live fjs,

Created fjs after stating he wanted to create a site like newgrounds or ytmnd what a fag

Gentleman Doli
08-19-2013, 10:47 AM
ya LOL that fagloot sure got epicd pwned

Autistic Spectrum
08-19-2013, 10:49 AM
wait stevey is this true, did u want to make newgroudns,com why didnt u tell me, i would have made u newgroiundsfjs that's a really goodi dia

08-19-2013, 12:19 PM
fuck yeah newgrounds is the shit

08-19-2013, 01:07 PM
alol thread

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:22 PM
fuck yeah newgrounds is the shit

your life is shit

08-19-2013, 01:25 PM

rare archive from 2006; please reference myself as the third poster

rip waziot, rip pirate steve, rip pirate steve's daughter

fucking lolzmate

A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
08-19-2013, 01:28 PM
fat steve

08-19-2013, 01:31 PM
oh yeah whatever happened to pirate steev

08-19-2013, 01:34 PM
oh yeah whatever happened to pirate steev

he fell in love with iwc then realized he was in love with a woman who looks like stevey on hormones and shot himself

08-19-2013, 01:34 PM
and then he double-posted about it

08-19-2013, 01:38 PM
I'm really good looking so iwc is a 10

08-19-2013, 01:48 PM
you are much better looking than iwc dont put yourself down m8

08-19-2013, 01:49 PM
i think maybbe i didnt get the joke

Autistic Spectrum
08-19-2013, 01:50 PM
god dam lolzmate owned,

10-05-2014, 07:17 PM

rare archive from 2006; please reference myself as the third poster


rip BGD, rip waziot, rip pirate steve, rip pirate steve's daughter, rip lolzmate, rip gabi, rip gaysex mmk, rip el joe, rip gabi, rip ashley/paulreubens/stalkervirus, lol ramen is fat

10-05-2014, 07:19 PM
heartily enjoyed watching shit-tier lizard-era posters try to tell BGD he was mad, haha

10-05-2014, 07:22 PM
defending stevey from a godlike old school poster

stevey goes on to launch forum cancer cag threads

steveyos YOLO
10-05-2014, 08:16 PM
Eljoe was here a few weeks ago and i think garfield is actually gsm

10-05-2014, 08:25 PM
well i found out what happened to ewok anyway


steveyos YOLO
10-05-2014, 09:25 PM
I dont even remember that ewok person, all the others i do

Gentleman Doli
10-05-2014, 11:36 PM
BGD was and is bad, and awlways wans bad, and stevey being bad himself does not negate taht - rforum wisdom from The Doli.

10-05-2014, 11:44 PM
too bad

10-06-2014, 09:45 AM
well i found out what happened to ewok anyway

That "man" looks very child sized.

Autistic Spectrum
10-06-2014, 09:46 AM
i forget who acutally has the stevey0s666 account and i don't care enough to read back to find out

10-06-2014, 09:48 AM
I'd tell you but you YET AGAIN are ignoring my daily give me a cuddle dp post

10-06-2014, 09:49 AM
Real steveyos would never use " "

Autistic Spectrum
10-06-2014, 09:50 AM
ya it's lisa trying to piggy back off stevey's interent fame

10-06-2014, 09:52 AM
Real steveyos would never use " "

Pretty sharp deducing there juji

10-06-2014, 09:52 AM
ya it's lisa trying to piggy back off stevey's interent fame

Totally riding his coattails