View Full Version : My SUPER worst restaurant ever

11-21-2012, 04:54 PM
It’s not every day that you have your worst restaurant experience ever. Mine happened some hours ago, upon i went to bank for international transfer. i decided to enter the super-shittiest chinese restaurant ever.

It's a buffet is offered by $ 5 dollars, i asked a checker gave me a dish but told me pay at final after of eating, i took a table, when i walk around and i see full of fugly people like a fat man with scattered face (like ugly version of m0nde) and horrible fat women like lisa with weight of steveyos.

I felt little disgusting, i went to pick some foods in a row, i decided to grab some vegetables and chicken, then i back at table and ate... felt like something which is not well cooked.

Not my favorite restaruant... i wanted to get out here and paid to cashier with $ 20 and i got $ 13, i tought why they increased $ 2 on $ 5, well i wouldn't cause trouble and got out.

while im waling, i feel something weird like nausea and diarrhea, i was bearing to get bathroom... it was too risky

I almost FUCKING threw up while im shitting diarrhea!

I took a deep breath, (i couldn't breath when i throw up), finally never return to this nightmare restaurant, ever ever ever again.

11-21-2012, 05:00 PM
FYI Lexi aka BitchFace aka oOBatteryOo is Gloria Stilts

Rose West was Belle before they banned her.

Lexi Persimmons
11-21-2012, 05:42 PM
you're both stupid fucks.

11-21-2012, 05:55 PM
juji, that's a shame but what do you expect for $5? hope you feel better

11-21-2012, 06:18 PM
you're both stupid fucks.you are in fact the s/n Gloria Stilts aka BitchFace at RH you fucking psycho stalking bush-pig dyke

fuck off pathetic loser

11-21-2012, 06:23 PM
tell Jibbles I love him

sex with dead people
11-21-2012, 07:10 PM
It's a buffet is offered by $ 5 dollars, i asked a checker gave me a dish but told me pay at final after of eating, i took a table, when i walk around and i see full of fugly people like a fat man with scattered face (like ugly version of m0nde) and horrible fat women like lisa with weight of steveyos.

Was she hot?

11-21-2012, 07:12 PM
I'm 50 kgs

11-21-2012, 08:42 PM
Was she hot?

hell no

sex with dead people
11-21-2012, 09:18 PM
hell no

Happy Thanksgiving!

11-21-2012, 09:36 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!

ironic as fuck

11-21-2012, 09:39 PM
juji, that's a shame but what do you expect for $5? hope you feel better

$5 was nothing for thanksgiving day, im feeling so good

11-21-2012, 09:52 PM
thanksgiving is actually tomorrow

blumpkin blownuts
11-21-2012, 10:13 PM
I'm 50 kgs


sex with dead people
11-21-2012, 10:50 PM
Are you insinuating that she's a huge sack of shit or is it just a coincidence that she's the same exact weight as that sack of shit?


blumpkin blownuts
11-21-2012, 10:56 PM
thats her in her bag where she belongs

11-21-2012, 11:20 PM
Are you insinuating that she's a huge sack of shit or is it just a coincidence that she's the same exact weight as that sack of shit?


there's a reason people call her clump

blumpkin blownuts
11-21-2012, 11:31 PM
i spread that on my field when i feel like growing a big ol crop of worn out bitch

11-21-2012, 11:36 PM
thanksgiving is actually tomorrow

Good, i would like to cook the best food

11-21-2012, 11:42 PM
holy shit I fucking hate outlook, my boss keeps going on and on about how great it is and I'm just prejudiced against microsoft but he's a fucking idoiot what the hell kind of shitty email client can only save the password for one account per server

11-21-2012, 11:43 PM

11-21-2012, 11:45 PM
holy shit I fucking hate outlook, my boss keeps going on and on about how great it is and I'm just prejudiced against microsoft but he's a fucking idoiot what the hell kind of shitty email client can only save the password for one account per server

Microsoft is the worst for web services.

11-21-2012, 11:53 PM
microsoft sucks at just about everything tbh

11-21-2012, 11:54 PM
exchange is alright but the mailbox database is so retardedly fragile and for some reason apple's mail client works a thousand times better than microsoft's own...

11-21-2012, 11:55 PM
im still learning how to use my ipod shuffle i got last christmas

11-22-2012, 12:09 AM
raging so hard at the backwards ass way I have to do this... each user has 2 email addresses, so I have to create 2 different account because if I used an alias it would all go into the same box, then give full permissions over one account to the other account, then give 'send as' permissions (because someone at microsoft doesn't know what full means) because if I just add both accounts to outlook it prompts for a password all the time, then I can't just add an 'additional account' because then you can't have different signatures and the customer wouldn't stand for that... god I fucking hate my job I should be getting high and watching duckman right now

11-22-2012, 12:16 AM
lol, you hate SITTING at your job... would rather be SITTING watching cartoons.

11-22-2012, 12:37 AM
of course I'm sitting, did you think I was working on someone's email while riding an exercise bike retard?

11-22-2012, 12:39 AM
of course I'm sitting, did you think I was working on someone's email while riding an exercise bike retard?

no, I think you are 300 pounds and crippled, working on a computer from your heavy duty wheel chair and sweating like a donkey, mouth breathing when you eat.

dont get mad nigga.

11-22-2012, 12:46 AM
that's because you're the sole solitary dumb motherfucker who's stupid enough to listen to ramen

11-22-2012, 12:55 AM
maks is actually lance armstrong

11-22-2012, 12:56 AM
btw you totally deserve those metals bro, i got everyone i know to sign the e-petition

11-22-2012, 12:59 AM
garfield are you a wolf3d fan? I spent many a night in high school staying up until dawn crafting maps for that game it's where I got my start getting down and dirty with computers and a big part of how I got into this line of work

11-22-2012, 01:07 AM
that's because you're the sole solitary dumb motherfucker who's stupid enough to listen to ramen

slow your ROLE there homey.

11-22-2012, 01:10 AM
garfield are you a wolf3d fan? I spent many a night in high school staying up until dawn crafting maps for that game it's where I got my start getting down and dirty with computers and a big part of how I got into this line of work

winner winner chicken dinner.

I bet you were a hit with the ladies, what with the videogames and the not being able to walk.

11-22-2012, 01:28 AM
i played my brothers computer alot when i was a kid, leisure suit larry scorched earth wolfenstein, original quake, and dialed 911 alot in that green and black aol chat looking thing

11-22-2012, 01:28 AM
winner winner chicken dinner.

I bet you were a hit with the ladies, what with the videogames and the not being able to walk.LOL

11-22-2012, 01:28 AM
actually yeah, I've never had a problem getting laid in fact I don't see what the big deal is

11-22-2012, 01:30 AM
i ca help you im really good at getting laid

11-22-2012, 01:54 AM
i played my brothers computer alot when i was a kid, leisure suit larry scorched earth wolfenstein, original quake, and dialed 911 alot in that green and black aol chat looking thing

What's your first porn?

11-22-2012, 02:05 AM
i played my brothers computer alot when i was a kid, leisure suit larry scorched earth wolfenstein, original quake, and dialed 911 alot in that green and black aol chat looking thing

there's a kickstarter going to do a remake of the first leisure suit larry

11-22-2012, 02:18 AM
What's your first porn?
i dunno a bunch of satelitte previews recorded onto one vhs and channel 96

11-22-2012, 02:18 AM
there's a kickstarter going to do a remake of the first leisure suit larry

ill google

11-22-2012, 02:20 AM
RIP Sierra Entertainment

11-22-2012, 02:22 AM
ill google


They're $100k over their goal, looks like it's going to happen

11-22-2012, 02:24 AM
Homeworld, Half-Life 1, Zeus master of olympus, Phantasmagoria, SWAT 3 & 4, Gabriel Knight... nice memories

11-22-2012, 02:37 AM
what about the adventures of willie beamish and commander keen

11-22-2012, 02:41 AM
I've played a lot on NES games before of Commander Keen

11-22-2012, 02:43 AM
so did I but that didn't make commander keen any less awesome

11-22-2012, 02:52 AM

11-22-2012, 02:53 AM

11-22-2012, 02:53 AM
3d frogger

11-22-2012, 02:53 AM

11-22-2012, 02:57 AM

yep that's pretty much what I said when I was playing it

also blake stone

also rise of the triad

11-22-2012, 02:57 AM
wooden box atari river raid

and yes played all that crap on computer too

DOS basic games

Anyone ever play Hot Rod? You could change the words in the game in notepad so I had a very naughty version by the time I changed it all to say "fuckity fuck fuck shit" because I was 10 years old

11-22-2012, 03:04 AM
wooden box atari river raid

and yes played all that crap on computer too

DOS basic games

Anyone ever play Hot Rod? You could change the words in the game in notepad so I had a very naughty version by the time I changed it all to say "fuckity fuck fuck shit" because I was 10 years old

That's really weird, me, maks and garfielf are part of classic videogame club in three house, why would we allow you to talk about classic videogames? please leave and don't come back this thread

11-22-2012, 03:05 AM
hey clump how about if instead of trying to fit in you get the fuck out of this thread?

11-22-2012, 03:06 AM
please leave and don't come back this thread

great minds think alike

it took like 4 years before I could have a civil conversation with garfield what makes this bitch think she's any better than him

11-22-2012, 03:08 AM
it was boring as shit to talk about

I'm 33 years old

you see how fucking lame you are? I just dropped to your level.

11-22-2012, 03:11 AM
it was boring as shit to talk about

I'm 33 years old

you see how fucking lame you are? I just dropped to your level.

go ahead and drop your fat ass to the ground gonna wear a booty crown pop dem pimples get em while theyre hot, your short as fuck and unfunnny

11-22-2012, 03:12 AM
so anyway garfield did you ever play chopper command or alleycat

11-22-2012, 03:13 AM
chopper command yeah anf flight simulator

11-22-2012, 03:13 AM
go ahead and drop your fat ass to the ground gonna wear a booty crown pop dem pimples get em while theyre hot, your short as fuck and unfunnnyI'm better than you in every way

and I'm funnier than you

I'm 5"1

11-22-2012, 03:15 AM
xwing vs tie fighter, syndicate, and duke nukem 3d with all the expansions

11-22-2012, 03:17 AM
it was boring as shit to talk about

I'm 33 years old

you see how fucking lame you are? I just dropped to your level.

33 years old? very embarassed

11-22-2012, 03:18 AM

11-22-2012, 03:19 AM
xwing vs tie fighter, syndicate, and duke nukem 3d with all the expansions

holy fuck, i love 80's & 90's games

11-22-2012, 03:21 AM
xwing vs tie fighter, syndicate, and duke nukem 3d with all the expansions

my best friend growing up was obsessed with syndicate

also carmageddon

also the doom wad where some kid replaced the monster sounds with clips of his drunk dad

11-22-2012, 03:21 AM
Z, Tomb Raider, Hexen, Blood

11-22-2012, 03:24 AM
hexen was alot of fun

11-22-2012, 03:26 AM
you ever use that 3d movie maker? kind oflooked like those xtranormal videos

11-22-2012, 03:26 AM
holy shit I played so much blood, they used the duke nukem engine and also duke nukem's idea of stealing dialog from evil dead to use as catchphrases

11-22-2012, 03:26 AM
33 years old? very embarassedhow old are you juji?

maks is about the same age as me

11-22-2012, 03:26 AM
what was that space flying game that was out at around the same time as doom

11-22-2012, 03:34 AM
there was a first person role playing outer space game that came with a can of doritos or something that was reall cool, kind of like mass effect and i was never able to find itagain

11-22-2012, 03:35 AM
there was a first person role playing outer space game that came with a can of doritos or something that was reall cool, kind of like mass effect and i was never able to find itagainSpace Quest?

11-22-2012, 03:38 AM

11-22-2012, 03:39 AM
I don;t play many games anymore

occassionally I do but if there is a level I can't pass I change the level so that it is easier to pass

I generally just piss fart around on some lame strategy game

11-22-2012, 03:39 AM
what was that space flying game that was out at around the same time as doom


11-22-2012, 03:42 AM
ohhhh yeah that had multiplyer right

11-22-2012, 03:42 AM
how old are you juji?

maks is about the same age as me

I already told you my age in pm

Maks doesn't act like annoying whiney kid like you and trolls everyone for 24/7 were unsuccesful, i find 33 years old how you have done here is very embarassed

11-22-2012, 03:44 AM
I already told you my age in pm

Maks doesn't act like annoying whiney kid like you and trolls everyone for 24/7 were unsuccesful, i find 33 years old how you have done here is very embarassedoh the irony juji

the irony

11-22-2012, 03:44 AM
ohhhh yeah that had multiplyer right

yeah. the ads said it was better than doom because it was 'real' 3d with 360 degrees of action but that really just meant you could spin around and get confused. doom was better.

11-22-2012, 03:45 AM
Starcraft, Age of Empires 1 & 2, Warcraft 2, Command and conquer Red Alert, Earthworm Jim

11-22-2012, 03:46 AM
Civilization 1

11-22-2012, 03:46 AM
wolfenstien and you got to kill a robot hitler at the end

11-22-2012, 03:46 AM
Starcraft, Age of Empires 1 & 2, Warcraft 2, Command and conquer Red Alert, Earthworm Jim

11-22-2012, 03:48 AM
holy fuck, Flashback, best realistic and 2D animations game after of Out of this world

11-22-2012, 03:54 AM
Informal poll: Shittiest wolf3d ripoff?

[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth

11-22-2012, 04:24 AM
Informal poll: Shittiest wolf3d ripoff?

[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth
[_] Ken's Labyrinth

Ken Silverman is considered the primary rival of John Carmack, but i wouldn't make fun of them

11-22-2012, 04:25 AM
he went on to make some cool stuff later but holy shit did kenlab suck

11-22-2012, 05:53 AM
descent was irritatingly hard to get used to

still have c&c red alert 2 installed and playable to this day

blumpkin blownuts
11-22-2012, 10:27 AM
loved descent 1 & 2
mechwarrior 2

anyone play XCOM?

i still play most of these mentioned every now and then

11-22-2012, 10:31 AM
normally i stop reading threads once they reach page 2 cause fuck it

11-22-2012, 01:55 PM
loved descent 1 & 2
mechwarrior 2

anyone play XCOM?

i still play most of these mentioned every now and then

I bought the whole xcom series on a steam special for like $1

blumpkin blownuts
11-22-2012, 09:09 PM
wtf they charged me $2

11-22-2012, 09:21 PM
just bought sim city 4 for $6 but it doesn;t work in crossover so guess I won't be playing on my mac

blumpkin blownuts
11-22-2012, 09:34 PM
i havent been on steam in ages, i pretty much have enough games to play & replay for my lifetimes