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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    i mean trump is hilarious anything he does or says makes me laugh!
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    He opposes DC statehood, he favors eminent domain media censorship pre-emptive strikes torture stop and frisk mandatory minimums the drug war and the death penalty, and his personal charity gave money to jenny mccarthey's vaccines cause autism group

    so like I said, he's authoritarian wanna-be dictator on a mission to increase the power of the federal government in general and his office in particular, and he's also a moron
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    I mean shit if the guy has such a hard on for big government he should have run as a democrat
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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    the mysterious land... of scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by juji View Post
    Trump voters arent human - This audio file is the interview of Erik Prince discussing the methodology behind the NYPD evidence obtained on the Anthony Weiner laptop
    "NYPD was the first to look at that laptop- Weiner and Huma Abedin, his wife. The closest advisor of Hillary Clinton for 20 years have both flipped are cooperating with the government." "NYPD first gets that computer, they see how disgusting it is, they keep a copy everything and then pass a copy on to the FBI" "NYPD has all of the information and they will pursue justice, within their rights if the FBI doesn't" "Money laundering, underage sex, pay for play, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling - sending and receiving of classified information up to that level special access programs." "Chief said as a parent- father of daughters- he could not let that level of evil continue". "De blasio wants to stay away from this. Evidence is so bad, the email content is so bad, that even he wants to stay away from this- which is telling." "Up to the commissioner or at least the chief level in the NYPD, they wanted to have a press conference and the DOJ, Washington people, political appointees have been exerting all kinds of undue pressure on them to back down." "You know that if the left had emails pointing to Donald Trump visiting, multiple times, an island with underage sex slave- emails- they would be shouting it from the rooftops. This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton- Look, you don't have to make any judgements, just release the emails- dump em." "There is all kinds of forensic analysis done that shows they are not fabricated. This is stuff that came right off of a hard drive owned by Weiner- this is not from some hacker. This is from a warrant in a criminal investigation. "This laptop was in the possession of Weiner who did not have security clearance- that is the carelessness with which they handled this classified information"
    but there is literally a lawsuit against Trump for raping a 13 year old girl while visiting that exact same island with underage sex slaves lmao

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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    the mysterious land... of scotland
    jeffy sure knew how to throw a good party #freeepstein
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    more like #meatspin amirite
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    he favors eminent domain media censorship
    mainstream media protects select party members and this insulates them from the public knowledge of the depth of their criminality. the first amendment allows them immunity from being sued for reporting lies but whats worse is the supreme courts ruling in the Branzburg v. Hayes case which protects reporters from having to reveal their confidential sources. This basically is how they can operate as a propaganda outlet for the FBI/CIA swamp. So if being actively against media outlets who circumnavigate libel daily at the whim of a project mockingbird style operation is favoring censorship- why doesn't the censorship extend to all the alt media and citizen journalists on youtube and twitter? MSM is dieing and collectively the decentralized media outlets have a greater reach and influence compared to the deep state and this scares them. Also im not a corporate fan boy in any way- fox is simply giving the people what they want to hear because its the only way they can remain marginally afloat compared to the left wingers. idk how close you pay attention to the entertainment media world but ive heard big changes are occurring- new board members at fox and others- alex jones is trying to syndicate his infowars crap (recently went live 24/7) through the sinclair group at no charge to the stations (he just wants to plug his pills). i love following this and DC

    pre-emptive strikes
    i'll be honest his foreign policy at time seems schizo and im really not afraid to criticize him on acts of war in the middle east, but if you would like to point out a specific instance i could try to explain why i trust the plan (widely reported false flag chemical attacks) come to think of if i can only really recall 2 times so far trump has launched missiles 'against assad'

    are you referring to gina haspel [new CIA director] im not a fan of torture either but their is something to be said about torturing people who burn people alive and chop off hands. how do you think any criminal was made to flip in every investigation ever? without some kinda of pressure no one ever would flip on their superiors. still i agree torture isn't really cool- you and i have never tortured anyone why should we be subjected to it?

    stop and frisk mandatory minimums the drug war
    totally - on - board . im sure you can tell by now, i 'trust the plan'. how can we end the drug war without first draining the swamp? the cabal(s) operate globally- ive talked about how the border wall can hurt the cartel- how hollywood and local and federal lawmen from california are most likely lobbying in order to support human trafficking- so on and so forth. nobody wants to take time out of their day to read my thread WWG1WGA or find out who Q is. anyway imagine if Mexico was as healthy as our northern neighbors (Canada). there is absolutely no reason a nation like mexico with its natural resources and location should be as poor as it is. this is most likely due to corruption that is share between both of our nations. remember this- bad actors play both sides of the war...

    and the death penalty,
    i don't like the death penalty i want to see hillery bill hussein and the whole lot rot behind bars. so i guess if thats true you've won the debate- congratz. there is no way his stance on death penalty is just a projection to get more votes from hardline republicans- just like his new found faith in christ with that electro shock therapy my homo son pence. [i don't get caught up in political theater]

    and his personal charity gave money to jenny mccarthey's vaccines cause autism group
    ive only started looking into this vaccines thing- kinda makes sense to me that they renamed polio in order to skew statistics about vaccines success rates- big pharma makes a lot off this nation at the expense of its health. have you noticed anything fishy about these prophetic diseases that everyone gets a shot for- zika sarrs ebola all this shit (annual flu shot). could the entire nation be getting filled with heavy metals to keep us in poor mental health- idk if you agree with me that most people are like sheep. meanwhile the advent of the highway system allowed better food to be delivered nation wide during the very hygienic nifty fifties. could their be a correlation between better overall health and lower disease rates?
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubycalaber View Post
    but there is literally a lawsuit against Trump for raping a 13 year old girl while visiting that exact same island with underage sex slaves lmao
    i don't trust snopes- can't you see this is counter propaganda to the patriots counter propaganda?

    unless you want to really show me evidence i'm just going to post a url to something i didn't read entirely too
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    if you knew anything about trump (art of the deal) or being a skilled business man (art of war) you would understand his tactics
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    if you knew anything about trump (art of the deal) or being a skilled business man (art of war) you would understand his tactics
    what tactics, he just wants people to talk about him. he's essentially stevey.
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    Senior Member Cag.'s Avatar
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    What freedoms have you lost since Trump seized the throne of power?
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    what tactics, he just wants people to talk about him. he's essentially stevey.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. did you know hes a teetotaler? i think he might get buddy buddy with all the dems in nyc that loved him for years just so he can have leverage over them when they drunkenly gloat about how they screw people over like the narcissists they all are (including trump idc if you think this or try to use this as a point against me)
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cag. View Post
    What freedoms have you lost since Trump seized the throne of power?
    so many people have limited world views based off of some nihilistic 'man is evil by nature' bullshit
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    what tactics, he just wants people to talk about him. he's essentially stevey.
    oh and the tactics post was a reply to ruby- sure he vistited epstein's island i knew that but neither of us know what happened there. did you hear about the bunkers under epstein's island being demolished? cover up?
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    i mean ive been gassing the bikes for a race war ever since being alt right was cool! you think im not suspicious of kushner :P
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cag. View Post
    What freedoms have you lost since Trump seized the throne of power?

    he shit on transparency by refusing to show his tax return, shit on the first amendment with the travel ban, stolen land from a sovereign indian nation for the dakota pipeline, killed the right to sue creditors over payment disputes, took away the states' right to design their own work programs for welfare recipients, violated property rights by reversing a ban on civil forfeiture, the right to volunteer for the military if I decided to cut my dick off, the right to opt out of ISP data sharing, and the right to see a list of visitors to the white house
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    to name a few
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    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    In next years you will be ended to pay the taxes a lot because of the wall

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    he shit on transparency by refusing to show his tax return,
    earlier elz was trying to say he was stupid for not knowing how to act because the media will mischaracterize him. well he isn't stupid and is well aware of this fact so why would he give them anything like tax returns if he wasn't forced to? only people with a partisan agenda care about his tax returns because the people who elected him trust that his business was at the very most not any more compromised than the same unions and corporations their livelihoods depend on. think 'the almighty dollar'

    shit on the first amendment with the travel ban,
    i agree it sucks how the constitution and bill of rights only really apply to the government's interpretation of them. the framework should work so elected reps reflect 'we the peoples' will since the constitution protects both citizens and non citizens. but the travel bans and him beating back the daca stuff has also effectively immunized our nation from the migrant crisis occurring in europe. sure think of the families if you want but don't forget about the end game of uncontrolled immigration of fighting aged males. plus isn't it obvious theses refugees and immigrants are used at the polls to prop up the hemorrhaging support for corrupt dems?

    stolen land from a sovereign indian nation for the dakota pipeline,
    im in favor of assimilation- reservations will never be anything more than casino fed ghettos with poor education, drug abuse, and overall poor quality of life. just give them all the same rights as us and they can preserve their cultures in mostly the same way. as for the pipeline im not in favor of coal oil or gas just like any other sane person but is it really any different for our planet if we're dependent on the same oil from saudi arabia- the pipeline would effectively remove the thumb they hold over us. dems like hillary and hussein who receive kickbacks from the middle east and obstruct industry in the states want to cripple our nation in order to keep funding whatever the fuck their ultimate agenda would be- tyrannical power or nuclear war- who knows?

    killed the right to sue creditors over payment disputes,
    i can't find any info about what you're talking about. i did find the fair credit billing act which protects consumers from unfair billing practices but doesn't extend to installment contracts. maybe there is more you can tell me?

    took away the states' right to design their own work programs for welfare recipients,
    sorry same deal- i see that he signed an executive order increasing the work requirements for welfare recipients but nothing on 'work programs'. idk if this is relevant but a bloated welfare state isn't healthy for anyone but the neolibs and neocons who want socioeconomic stratification.

    violated property rights by reversing a ban on civil forfeiture,
    freezing the assets of people suspected (but not always convicted) of participating in criminal activities? am i off, is this what you're talking about? how do you enforce the law and be really nice and civil towards the suspected criminals?

    the right to volunteer for the military if I decided to cut my dick off,
    gender dysphoria is a mental illness. idc if people cut their dick off but there is something to be said about having the mentally ill attempting to serve in the military.

    the right to opt out of ISP data sharing,
    it was never a right it was a regulation stopping ISPs from selling your data without your consent that was struck down. ISPs don't necessarily want to tank their credibility with the consumers by being exposed selling data. the real issue isn't with the ISPs who have to compete in the market place- its the social media platforms that have what are effectively monopolies over the dissemination of information of their users virtual intellectual properties. if a ISP was caught throttling bandwidth to conservative websites- the consumer in outrage will switch providers but when facebook twitter and youtube have an obvious liberal bias and censor, or screw with the notifications to subscribers, or sick bots against the pages of any conservative content creators (or anyone who goes against their agenda this includes REAL libertarians who are being cast by the MSM as 'nazi gate keepers') they now can no longer effectively spread their content to the same number of people as 'accepted narratives'. I support the right to anonymity and free speech including the inability of any isp or platform to censor based on religion, race, sex, political views, etc... (obviously illegal content like CP needs to be removed). the user needs to be given an ability to block any content they don't want to see- its currently being controlled by a BS algorithm that amounts to nothing more than a left wing bias. i think people are trying to codify these rights under the name 'internet bill of rights'. by the way- notice how all the social media platform's get everyone's dick up about net neutrality (which is fine but doesn't go far enough at all), its just a distraction so sheep will be complacent as so called 'extremist content' gets censored.

    and the right to see a list of visitors to the white house
    again this was never a right, hussein obama was voluntarily disclosing the names of white house visitors (prolly cuz he didn't do SHIT when he was in the white house, especially the first two years of basically DEM super-majority). if trump had to he would have been forced to disclose. as for his claim that its a national security risk hes absolutely right. the election was rigged, the mueller probe is part desperate attempt at impeachment and a clinton coup. have you ever heard of the clinton body count? what about mcmaster's father- what about seth rich. i am totally in favor of transparency but you're failing to see this from a pragmatic stance.

    how you consider his actions to be authoritarian, i see as you harboring some sort of idyllic world view of what elected officials should and shouldn't be doing. I consider these 'authoritarian policies' to be completely pragmatic and if you consider this some kind of weakness in my support of trump let me ask you this- what politician's policies have you been in favor of? someone like ron paul? im just asking because you said you have disdain for anyone who runs for office- of course i completely understand the whole keep government shut down fuck it perspective if that's where you're coming from.
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juji View Post
    In next years you will be ended to pay the taxes a lot because of the wall
    do you know that for sure? could just be spin. how could he get reelected if he breaks promises to his core fanbase? all i'm saying is only time can tell.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    idc how you personally feel about the end result, there is never any excuse good enough for the government to violate the bill of rights, we the people shouldn't allow any latitude on that and it's sickening that you're trying to rationalize it
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    idc how you personally feel about the end result, there is never any excuse good enough for the government to violate the bill of rights, we the people shouldn't allow any latitude on that and it's sickening that you're trying to rationalize it
    we the people don't even give a shit about going to the polls. this is such a generalized statement and yet again you haven't rebutted any of my counterpoints. what violates the bill of rights?

    eminent domain - No person shall be deprived of... property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation
    there it is in black and white.

    that's just one point if you would like to keep going im willing but if you simply stop caring- you have yielded
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A tyranny apologist
    but the travel bans and him beating back the daca stuff has also effectively immunized our nation from the migrant crisis occurring in europe. sure think of the families if you want but don't forget about the end game of uncontrolled immigration of fighting aged males. plus isn't it obvious theses refugees and immigrants are used at the polls to prop up the hemorrhaging support for corrupt dems?
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    come on don't yield actually refute my point do you really think unrestricted immigration isn't an issue that 'we the people' have suffered from?
    Last edited by Lina Goldberg; 05-19-2018 at 06:32 PM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    I think the federal government treationg people differently based on their religion is illegal 100% of the time and no matter how much of a hard on you have for this president's policies violating the core values of this country isn't the way to go about enforcing them

    your point is stupid, wrong, and patently unamerican. consider it refuted.
    Last edited by maks; 05-19-2018 at 06:37 PM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by An enemy of the constitution
    freezing the assets of people suspected (but not always convicted) of participating in criminal activities? am i off, is this what you're talking about? how do you enforce the law and be really nice and civil towards the suspected criminals?
    yeah god forbid the 4th and 5th amendments prevent us from punishing people who haven't been convicted of a crime
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    under current civil forfeiture law siezed assets aren't even required to be returned after the suspect is found not guilty, sounds constitutional to me, make america great again!
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    I think the federal government treationg people differently based on their religion is illegal 100% of the time and no matter how much of a hard on you have for this president's policies violating the core values of this country isn't the way to go about enforcing them

    your point is stupid, wrong, and patently unamerican. consider it refuted.
    what about immigrants who hold anti american ideologies, practice them under the guise of religious freedom, and refuse to assimilate to the overarching american values (sharia law).

    it would be unamerican for trump to deport illegal immigrants who hold american values but how can you say an illegal immigrant who is convicted and deported harbors american values? im in favor of naturalizing children brought to america who are 100% american (speak english, attend public school, love american culture, and would have no real ties to central or south america if they were deported). they are disposed to criminality not because they are from a specific race but because of the nature of their illegal status. these non citizens are being used like pawns as cheep labor, to traffic illegal substances, and as sexual commodities by the same sanctuary state politicians and people of influence that actively undermine federal immigration policy. Immigration is not a states right- its the job of the federal government to protect its borders and is completely justified to enact any immigration policy it feels necessary in order to protect the nation from people who are largely considered in the public eye to be anti american. think of the children at this point is just a partisan wedge issue used by the same people who profit off of illegal immigration, gang activity, cartel drug and human trafficking etc.

    yeah god forbid the 4th and 5th amendments prevent us from punishing people who haven't been convicted of a crime. under current civil forfeiture law siezed assets aren't even required to be returned after the suspect is found not guilty, sounds constitutional to me, make america great again!
    'If the property has been used in association with criminal activity, the property is subject to civil forfeiture proceedings... most[states], regardless of innocence or guilt, require the property owner to carry the burden of proving the property was not associated with criminal activity.' its time to consult your defense attorney! hypothetically if the cops seize the wad of cash you had because they had some sort of reasonable suspicion you of participating in a drug deal, you are now the defendant and if the cash was legally obtained you shouldn't have a problem in court proving your innocence. how do you expect criminal investigations to proceed if you obstruct law enforcement from obtaining evidence? if there is no wrong doing the 'blind justice' court system should rule in the defendants favor. the abuse of power isn't in the civil forfeiture law, the abuse is coming from cops without oversight who bend reasonable suspicion and judges whose rulings are unjust. How do you operate a criminal investigation if the law enforcement can't obtain evidence? if there is no wrong doing or abuse of power by civil servants than there should be no problem here.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Part of the problem
    7 paragraphs of "but the bill of rights gets in the way of the particular form of racism I support!"
    no you goddamn sheep the constitution is absolute and anyone who violates it is your enemy
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    R.i.p. Garfield 1986-2016 Garfield's Avatar
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    man why dont you guys just post jokes and stuff instead of getting so mad about things
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monde is a whiney fuck