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    Senior Member stevеyos's Avatar
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    so original story line so interesting I"m so mad that it was just spoiled oh no
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    2:23 PM - jumblecomb: Im Allergic to peanuts keep you're goobers away from me
    2:24 PM - 【ツ】: good to know. how're you doing?
    2:25 PM - jumblecomb: i cut off my foot last week
    2:26 PM - 【ツ】: can you still feel stuff like that?
    2:26 PM - jumblecomb: yes still to this day
    2:26 PM - 【ツ】: even with all the meth you do?
    2:26 PM - jumblecomb: im ok now i was weak for a long time
    2:26 PM - jumblecomb: blood loss
    2:26 PM - 【ツ】: hope you're okay now
    2:27 PM - jumblecomb: its quiet the scab
    2:27 PM - 【ツ】: i hope you're well enough to give me that fucking snowl
    2:27 PM - jumblecomb: nobody told me theres vains in your foot
    2:27 PM - 【ツ】: well be more careful. there are veins and arteries and all of that in your foot
    2:27 PM - 【ツ】: did you go to the doctor?
    2:28 PM - jumblecomb: not anymore
    2:28 PM - jumblecomb: no
    2:28 PM - 【ツ】: then it couldn't have been that serious. so no worries.
    2:28 PM - jumblecomb: i have a turner kit
    2:28 PM - 【ツ】: lol, a tourniquet
    2:28 PM - 【ツ】: i had to think a second
    2:29 PM - 【ツ】: okay good
    2:29 PM - jumblecomb: im afraid to take it off
    2:29 PM - 【ツ】: don't leave it on all the time
    2:29 PM - 【ツ】: and keep cleaning the wound. get some hydrogen peroxide or alcohol
    2:29 PM - 【ツ】: and wash that shit
    2:30 PM - jumblecomb: last time i losed up the turnerkit it bled a lot
    2:30 PM - jumblecomb: last time i losed up the turnerkit it bled a lot
    2:31 PM - jumblecomb: i might so it shut maybe
    2:31 PM - 【ツ】: it needs to bleed a little bit so it brings more white blood cells to the area and washes out bacteria and other shit
    2:31 PM - 【ツ】: but keep cleaning it and then shut it up again
    2:32 PM - jumblecomb: i dont want to black out again
    2:32 PM - 【ツ】: wtf, you lost that much blood?
    2:32 PM - 【ツ】: why didn't you just go to the hospital or at least a free clinic or something
    2:32 PM - 【ツ】: shit
    2:33 PM - jumblecomb: i cut my foot off theres vains
    2:33 PM - jumblecomb: my whole floor is red
    2:33 PM - jumblecomb: need a new hack saw blade
    2:39 PM - 【ツ】: ok, that's fine. let's talk about what's important
    2:40 PM - 【ツ】: 1) snowl. are you giving it to me? or are you wasting my time?
    2:40 PM - 【ツ】: 2) do you still do meth? and if so, how much and were you doing it while you cut your foot? did you step on your pipe or what?
    2:41 PM - 【ツ】: 3) caramel cum pants
    2:41 PM - 【ツ】: that last one is pretty fucking important
    2:44 PM - jumblecomb: give me you're snowl first. i will not say. i didnt cut my foot i cut off my foot. fuck you brown towel
    2:44 PM - 【ツ】: omg i don't have a snowl. i fuckign wish i did and that's the only reason i talk to you. just give me it.
    2:45 PM - 【ツ】: ok, fuck this, i'm giong to have to get a bunch of people to spam you about turner kits and caramel cum pants again
    2:46 PM - 【ツ】: jesus, why do you make me do shit like this?

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    2:50 PM - jumblecomb: im out of rugs
    2:50 PM - jumblecomb: i cant get more cuz my foot
    2:50 PM - jumblecomb: no delivery
    2:51 PM - jumblecomb: i sleep all the time
    2:51 PM - 【ツ】: you can cut up a few turner kits and cum pants and make a nice rug
    2:51 PM - jumblecomb: maybe i should light a brown towel on fire
    2:51 PM - 【ツ】: that's not going to help you make a rug
    2:51 PM - jumblecomb: and sodder my foot so i dont need the turner kit
    2:52 PM - 【ツ】: um, why not just get your meth pipe really hot and cauterize the wound?

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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    wait he cut off his own foot and you told him to take the tourniquet off?
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    excuse me turner diary kit
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    Monday, December 21, 2015
    6:51 PM - jumblecomb: past out again
    6:52 PM - 【ツ】: ok, glad you're back. i was beginning to lose hope in ever getting that snowl.
    6:52 PM - 【ツ】: give
    6:54 PM - jumblecomb: never
    6:54 PM - 【ツ】: then, go put the tourniquet around your neck.
    6:55 PM - jumblecomb: my turner kit is blood

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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    I swear to christ I've never seen a group of people so easy to rile up and get angry as redditors they are such fucking vile people I love it
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    i was banned from /r/humansbeingbros
    A little girl mistakes an old man for Santa and he plays along. [x-post from r/aww]

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    Senior Member stevеyos's Avatar
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    haaaaaaaaaaaa that fat
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    3:57 PM - jumblecomb: past out again
    3:58 PM - 【ツ】: ok, glad you're back. i was beginning to lose hope in ever getting that snowl.
    8:42 PM - jumblecomb: sid tell me
    8:42 PM - jumblecomb: have you SEEN realty?
    8:42 PM - 【ツ】: what?
    8:42 PM - jumblecomb: you think you seen it but if you SEEN it
    8:42 PM - 【ツ】: i don't want to hear your bullshit any more. give me the snowl or face the consequences.
    8:43 PM - jumblecomb: the snowl is not realty
    8:43 PM - 【ツ】: ok i'm blocking you, bye
    8:43 PM - jumblecomb: i SEEN it but i dont catagory
    8:44 PM - jumblecomb: ize
    8:44 PM - 【ツ】: contacting child protective services
    8:44 PM - jumblecomb: you shut up now
    8:44 PM - 【ツ】: i seen what happened
    8:44 PM - 【ツ】: i mean i SEEN the meth
    8:45 PM - jumblecomb: meth is the path to realty
    8:45 PM - 【ツ】: can you set me up with ctrl-alt-cuck?
    8:46 PM - jumblecomb: you are basterd sid
    8:45 PM - 【ツ】: will she suck any dick at all for a pipe?
    8:46 PM - 【ツ】: what about you? will you smoke cock for meth?
    8:46 PM - jumblecomb: i have SEEN realty you can not reach my head space
    8:47 PM - jumblecomb: i cut off my foot all by myself
    8:47 PM - 【ツ】: the snowl is the ultimate dots item?
    8:48 PM - 【ツ】: and you are going to give it to me
    8:48 PM - 【ツ】: now
    8:48 PM - jumblecomb: your not being reasonable
    8:48 PM - 【ツ】: stop
    8:49 PM - jumblecomb: i tell you what man you cant even contrahend you're little brain would esplode
    8:49 PM - 【ツ】: you're right. but you know what would help me understand?
    8:50 PM - jumblecomb: you need to SEEN realty
    8:50 PM - 【ツ】: that snowl
    8:51 PM - jumblecomb: its like the monkees said
    8:52 PM - 【ツ】: did you hit the pipe?
    8:52 PM - 【ツ】: you seem mellow

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    talking to timmy, this guy's asked about ctrl-alt-dick abd her baby and he says that she's a druggie, etc and could get the babby taken away. I thought ewockmahdick was the guy who knocked her up in the first place.
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    and I thoght rennoh said this guy was ewokmypenis
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    November 2, 2015
    2:01 PM - jumblecomb: barrypothead said you're a rapist
    2:01 PM - 【ツ】: i read that transcript and that's what you said, not barrypothead
    2:01 PM - jumblecomb: he lies
    2:02 PM - 【ツ】: he didn't say anything. you posted the transcript
    2:02 PM - jumblecomb: he said you raped a woman in toronto thats why you had to move
    2:02 PM - jumblecomb: he said he hopes you get caught
    November 3, 2015
    1:10 PM - jumblecomb: barrypothead told me you embezzled from you're last company thats why you have to work for homless charity now
    4:20 PM - jumblecomb is now Online.
    4:28 PM -
    【ツ】: is it true you're the one who knocked up that meth head ctrl-alt-kick and you never see your child, charlie?
    4:28 PM - 【ツ】: are you a meth head too?
    4:28 PM - 【ツ】: is the kid being taken away from her?
    4:28 PM - jumblecomb: what gives you the wright
    4:28 PM - 【ツ】: do you have to pay child support?
    4:28 PM - jumblecomb: your a basterd
    4:29 PM - 【ツ】: you're full of shit, lol
    4:29 PM - jumblecomb: you dont go their thats out of line
    4:29 PM - 【ツ】: uh huh. charlie bit my finger
    4:29 PM - jumblecomb: listen you fuck
    4:29 PM - 【ツ】: are yo okay?
    4:30 PM - jumblecomb: some things are off limits
    4:30 PM - 【ツ】: talking about meth heads is off limits?
    4:30 PM - 【ツ】: ruby's forum is full of meth heads
    4:30 PM - 【ツ】: there's the one in australia that the guy flew to see
    4:30 PM - jumblecomb: i will kick you're ass
    4:31 PM - 【ツ】: there are some dudes who lost their jobs because of meth and one guy, who went psychotic
    4:31 PM - 【ツ】: i know one guy from irc who went jesus because of it to get off it
    4:31 PM - 【ツ】: have you found jesus?
    4:31 PM - jumblecomb: not going to take this froma rapist and theif
    4:31 PM - 【ツ】: uh huh
    4:32 PM - 【ツ】: take another hit off the pipe, bro
    4:32 PM - jumblecomb: fuck you
    4:32 PM - 【ツ】: calm down
    4:32 PM - jumblecomb: you shut you're mouth
    4:33 PM - jumblecomb: dont talk about people family
    4:34 PM - 【ツ】: look, just give me my snowl and i won't mess with you any more
    4:34 PM - 【ツ】: also, remember to brush your teeth
    4:34 PM - jumblecomb: your not getting shit but my fist
    4:34 PM - 【ツ】: lol
    4:35 PM - 【ツ】: and you're a meth head with bad grammar and worse oral hygiene
    4:35 PM - jumblecomb: I never raped somebody
    4:35 PM - jumblecomb: like you
    4:35 PM - 【ツ】: yeah you did
    4:35 PM - 【ツ】: you did that ctrl alt cuck girl
    4:36 PM - jumblecomb: she was my girlfreind
    4:36 PM - jumblecomb: you fag
    4:36 PM - jumblecomb: ill bet you never had one
    4:36 PM - 【ツ】: she was a meth whore and you banged her and left her, bro
    4:36 PM - jumblecomb: thats what men do unlike you
    4:36 PM - 【ツ】: and she used to smoke the pipe while charlie was in the background on skype
    4:36 PM - jumblecomb: you shut you're mouth or ill report you
    4:37 PM - 【ツ】: report me for what? i'll report you for not giving me my fucking snowl
    4:37 PM - 【ツ】: give it to me now
    4:37 PM - jumblecomb: never
    4:37 PM - jumblecomb: ill give you a fist in you're fat face
    4:37 PM - 【ツ】: lol, i like you
    4:37 PM - jumblecomb: fuck you
    4:37 PM - 【ツ】: rekt
    4:38 PM - jumblecomb: well see whose rekt
    4:38 PM - jumblecomb: give me you're address
    4:38 PM - jumblecomb: ill bet you wont you pussy
    4:38 PM - 【ツ】: you're snowl, bro
    4:38 PM - 【ツ】: give me nao
    4:39 PM - jumblecomb: what do you care
    4:39 PM - 【ツ】: well, i'm interested because i want to know how much more it'll take before you either go over the edge or give me the fucking snowl
    4:40 PM - jumblecomb: you give me you're snowl faggot
    4:40 PM - 【ツ】: i don't have one, you junkie retard
    4:41 PM - jumblecomb: lier
    4:40 PM - 【ツ】: wtf is wrong with you?
    4:41 PM - jumblecomb: give me you're address youll see
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: give me that snowl or you're getting banned from steam
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: you have zero games and you only use this account to harrass people
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: that's a flag for steam
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: they will ban your ass
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: that snowl in your inventory is another flag
    4:41 PM - jumblecomb: your harassing me talking shit about my family
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: scammer
    4:41 PM - 【ツ】: red flag, faggot
    4:42 PM - jumblecomb: im recording this
    4:42 PM - jumblecomb: for steam
    4:42 PM - jumblecomb: go ahead report it youl get banned not me
    4:42 PM - 【ツ】: i'm taking all this down. i have all copied
    4:42 PM - 【ツ】: it's going on the forum
    4:42 PM - 【ツ】: and you can read it, but you won't be able to reply to it
    4:43 PM - 【ツ】: you can whine to reno about it
    4:43 PM - jumblecomb: ill have ruby ban you
    4:43 PM - 【ツ】: ruby won't even let you on the forum you tweaked out lunatic
    4:43 PM - 【ツ】: just give me the snowl and i'll let you slink away quietly
    4:44 PM - 【ツ】: if you don't you're going in deeper than you can handle
    4:44 PM - jumblecomb: wait until ruby sees what you said about him
    4:44 PM - jumblecomb: youll get banned
    4:44 PM - jumblecomb: and ill laugh at you're tears
    4:44 PM - 【ツ】: lol
    4:44 PM - jumblecomb: laugh it up now fat man
    4:45 PM - jumblecomb: my words are truths
    4:45 PM - 【ツ】: look, you started this. do you want to give me the snowl or not?
    4:45 PM - 【ツ】: you changed your avatar to my pic
    4:45 PM - 【ツ】: you changed your name to mine
    4:45 PM - 【ツ】: and you're about to get banned from steam
    4:45 PM - 【ツ】: do you want that?
    4:45 PM - jumblecomb: your getting nothing from me
    4:45 PM - 【ツ】: i think you do
    4:46 PM - 【ツ】: i think you want me to have you banned
    4:46 PM - jumblecomb: i think your already banned you just dont no it yet
    4:46 PM - 【ツ】: i think you're so deluded and fucked up on meth right now that you're never going to see charlie or that snowl again
    4:47 PM - jumblecomb: stop talking about my family this is you're last warming
    4:47 PM - 【ツ】: you started harassing me
    4:47 PM - 【ツ】: not once, but multiple times
    4:47 PM - 【ツ】: now you're about to cry
    4:47 PM - 【ツ】: think twice about your next move
    4:48 PM - 【ツ】: be careful
    4:48 PM - jumblecomb: my next move is get youy banned from steam and pounch your fat fucking face witrh my hand
    4:48 PM - 【ツ】: ok, see you
    4:48 PM - 【ツ】: have fun in the next few days
    4:49 PM - jumblecomb: just talked to ruby your fucked now
    4:50 PM - jumblecomb: we go way beck
    4:50 PM - jumblecomb: befiore you
    4:50 PM - jumblecomb: way before
    4:52 PM - 【ツ】: are you a retard?
    4:57 PM - jumblecomb: no are you
    4:57 PM - 【ツ】: i'm just asking beause you got triggered today over a fucking snowl
    4:58 PM - 【ツ】: only a retard would react that way
    4:58 PM - jumblecomb: you stop talking about my family
    4:58 PM - 【ツ】: shut up and get some help
    4:58 PM - jumblecomb: lol you're dog is dead
    4:58 PM - 【ツ】: lol, yeah
    4:58 PM - 【ツ】: you want to be my dog now?
    4:59 PM - jumblecomb: you wish you rapist
    4:59 PM - 【ツ】: because you're behaving like a little bitch
    4:59 PM - jumblecomb: nice spelling fag
    5:02 PM - 【ツ】: btw, i like you. if you want to play dota some time, hit me up
    5:02 PM - 【ツ】: hahaha
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    5:04 PM - jumblecomb: fuck you
    5:04 PM - 【ツ】: relax, have another hit
    5:04 PM - 【ツ】: lean back, bro
    5:05 PM - jumblecomb: gona kick you're fat ass from here to paki sten
    5:05 PM - 【ツ】: i laughted out loud
    5:05 PM - 【ツ】: you fucking rock
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    5:06 PM - jumblecomb: your a fat black rapist ruby says your from paki sten lol muslim fuck
    5:07 PM - 【ツ】: uh huh and you're a meth head junkie who, along with some teen tweaker skank who you knocked up fucked up some poor little kid's life
    5:08 PM - jumblecomb: i hope osama nukes your shiutty country
    5:08 PM - 【ツ】: stay hard
    5:08 PM - jumblecomb: fuck you
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    5:11 PM - jumblecomb: your scum
    5:11 PM - 【ツ】: relax
    5:11 PM - 【ツ】: take a few deep breaths
    5:11 PM - jumblecomb: your hole muslim family is scum
    5:12 PM - 【ツ】: have you fucked up any other people's lives with your druggie lifestyle?
    5:12 PM - jumblecomb: i didnt rape nobody or embezzle from my company like you
    5:12 PM - 【ツ】: i mean, it's okay to fuck up your own life, but when you destroy another person's life. that's inexcusable
    5:13 PM - 【ツ】: you can say whatever shit you want to help yourself, i know you're in pain
    5:13 PM - jumblecomb: you hippocret
    5:13 PM - 【ツ】: you basically raped that chick and that poor kid because you destroyed their lives, bro
    5:13 PM - jumblecomb: fuck you hippocret
    5:15 PM - 【ツ】: everyone knows your story
    5:15 PM - jumblecomb: and ntheyl know yours troo
    5:16 PM - 【ツ】: everyone knows what you did
    5:16 PM - jumblecomb: rapist from paki sten stoled money and lost his job hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    5:16 PM - 【ツ】: lol
    5:16 PM - 【ツ】: what did you do today to better your life?
    5:16 PM - 【ツ】: are you on the 12th step? did you let life rest in the hands of your higher power?
    5:17 PM - jumblecomb: im exposing you carma is a bitch
    5:17 PM - 【ツ】: lol
    5:17 PM - 【ツ】: yeah it is
    5:17 PM - 【ツ】: how does it feel to get destroyed over a snowl?
    5:18 PM - jumblecomb: i dont no how does it feel?
    5:18 PM - 【ツ】: did you read the thread where i posted this transcript?
    5:18 PM - 【ツ】: read that and you'll know how it feels
    5:18 PM - 【ツ】: i mean, you must feel pretty bad already
    5:18 PM - 【ツ】: but try to keep your head up
    5:19 PM - jumblecomb: you dont dare post this
    5:19 PM - 【ツ】: it's already done
    5:19 PM - 【ツ】: about 20 mins ago
    5:19 PM - 【ツ】: go look
    5:19 PM - 【ツ】: page 4 of this thread which marks made
    5:19 PM - 【ツ】:
    5:19 PM - 【ツ】: read the whole thread
    5:20 PM - jumblecomb: your a lier
    5:20 PM - 【ツ】: go there and see
    5:20 PM - jumblecomb: you would never post PROOF THAT PROVES YOUR a rapise
    5:20 PM - 【ツ】: uh huh
    5:20 PM - 【ツ】: the bot's in there looking for something to markov chain right now
    5:20 PM - 【ツ】: look at it
    5:22 PM - jumblecomb: youlkl get your cupupants
    5:23 PM - jumblecomb: for raspe when you go top prison someone will RAPE YOU
    5:23 PM - jumblecomb: thats carma
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    you'll get your cumupants. that's carma
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    5:37 PM - 【ツ】: uh huh
    5:37 PM - 【ツ】: so, the snowl are you going to give it to me or not?
    5:37 PM - jumblecomb: you're snowl will be you're only friend when im done
    5:38 PM - 【ツ】: give it to me so it can be my friend then. don't deny that to me. i mean you denied your love to that poor little boy
    5:39 PM - 【ツ】: don't make me feel like he does every day
    5:39 PM - jumblecomb: YOU GET NOThing
    5:39 PM - 【ツ】: wtf, stop messing around and give it to me. i'm not playing here
    5:51 PM - jumblecomb: ill give you a FOOT IN YOU"RE ASS
    5:53 PM - 【ツ】: you'll give me that snowl
    5:53 PM - jumblecomb: your meet
    5:54 PM - 【ツ】: lol, what does that even mean?
    5:54 PM - jumblecomb: YOUR MEET
    5:54 PM - 【ツ】: you're fucking hilarious
    5:58 PM - jumblecomb: not for long
    Quote Originally Posted by ewok
    you'll get your cumupants. that's carma

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    dont' cum near me ewokmyweewok's Avatar
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    thats stom0leb not me
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    dont' cum near me ewokmyweewok's Avatar
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    st0mpleB for sure
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    well, stompleB trolled all of you

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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    династія Cams Purple Lambo's Avatar
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    What was the end game for impersonating Ewok for like 6 months on steam?
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    династія Cams Purple Lambo's Avatar
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    Also Reno got all mad at someone here for making fun of junglecomb/Ewok
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ewokmyweewok View Post
    thats stom0leb not me
    would you even know if it was you
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    Junior Member BYOBgoblin's Avatar
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    can i add you guys on steam? i wont ask for passwords.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    do you play dots?

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    Junior Member BYOBgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    do you play dots?
    not yet
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    this fucking faggot just asked for my password
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    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    I just reported him for it
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    steam said never tell your password to anyone, so I told him because he's no one
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ewok
    you'll get your cumupants. that's carma

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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    judging by his stream he still has both feet, though I didn't get a chance to count the toes
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    I wish he'd do something interesting this christmas

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monde is a whiney fuck