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    Where is Flaglerchat? 
    Senior Member Obnoxious Bitch's Avatar
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    Haven't seen him here and no new news on the court front.
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    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  3. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
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    full metal merchant timmy's Avatar
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    i daer you to make it out of ferguson alive
    so happy hes gone, hope hes locked up tight
    *call centre crew*
    *hate talking to people crew*
    *get abused for a living crew*
    *sexually harassed by hot women crew*
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  5. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Hellobbq ob how.r.u
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  6. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Yea I like obnoxiouslyyn bitch so sue me I'm sorry I guess. No I'm not Sorry yes
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    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็ส็็็็็็ ็็็็็ Autistic Spectrum's Avatar
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    hi ob
    I am the owner of
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  8. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    ob and pat are so stupid I would refuse to believe anything other than they're best friends, but lisa is so much more stupid that they'r enot friends with her lmao
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    Pat's been busy with his lawyer putting his material witness list together. lol
    Last edited by Jay Vooray; 10-11-2013 at 03:15 PM.
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    I wonder how pat explained this whole situation he's gotten himself into to his wife. Honey don't get mad but there's a good chance I might get extradicted to NJ and end up in prison cause I stalked this woman who I didn't even know.
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    Senior Member Obnoxious Bitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDucat View Post
    Yea I like obnoxiouslyyn bitch so sue me I'm sorry I guess. No I'm not Sorry yes
    You shouldn't post that. Jack will probably take you up on your ultimatum. If he doesn't, Pat or Joan might.

    Quote Originally Posted by jack View Post
    no matter what he says...Mannix and OB are connected. Thats the reason "she" put this thread up. She knows exactly whats going on because they talk to each other nearly every day.

    "she's" a front for him, in case you havent figured that out yet.

    Flaglerchat = Patrick J Mannix, indicted (and soon to be convicted) felon.

    Don't worry mel. His next (and probably last) hearing is next Tuesday. His stupid fucking lawyer didnt even show up for the last one. This one should be funny when they lead him out of the courtroom and into the PRISON VAN>

    Heh heh
    No. I don't know Pat at all. I like mentioning him to fools like you, Joan, Iggy, and urolagniac because the mere posting of his name getz all of youz riled up and ranting away. I'll certainly be back on Tuesday to see who gets pwned. Ought to be interesting.
    Last edited by Obnoxious Bitch; 10-11-2013 at 06:30 PM.
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  13. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    No. I don't know Pat at all. I like mentioning him to fools like you, Joan, Iggy, and urolagniac because the mere posting of his name getz all of youz riled up and ranting away. I'll certainly be back on Tuesday to see who gets pwned. Ought to be interesting.

    Last edited by Obnoxious Bitch; 1 Hour Ago at 06:30 PM.
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  14. Collapse Details
    Senior Lizard kosher dildo's Avatar
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    king steveyos
    jack is a retard

    Where is my Flagles? =[

    Flagle, I hope you're good and ok.
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  16. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Obnoxious Bitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twitchin Kitten View Post
    You seriously think I'm suing him after all that's been explained?
    He's been arrested on felony stalking charges in New Jersey.
    He's fighting extradition on some bullshit lie he told his lawyer.

    Your "warning" to me last year about him was a thinly veiled attempt to tell me to sit back and take it because no one knows who flaglerchat really is. I told you back then I didn't give a rat's ass what he posts about me that is public information and then went on to explain that what he got and is using is not and was not public information.
    You give him too much credit as someone who can sleuth out someone with only an IP address. Again, he went above and beyond the internet and stalked me and my family. I don't take kindly to being harassed or stalked.

    Apparently you didn't pay too much attention to that part.

    He went above and beyond his usual bullshit of "Muahahaha" and "you can't ban der flaglerchat" with me. WAY beyond.
    I also told you that I won't take his harassment and other bullshit and guess what? I didn't.

    You practically begged to join my site and when you finally did, you made a whopping two posts and took off. You were told because of him you would have to jump through hoops to get access and you claimed to have understood. Instead, you went off and bitched how you were 'sequestered' on my site. Two posts.

    Don't believe me? I still have every email exchange we had.

    You're still welcome at my site.
    Your account is still active. You still have to finish your 'intro' like every other member of my site had to do to gain full access. I don't think you can abide by the no trolling rule though, but hey, give it a try.

    I don't go ranting away at the mention of him. You have quite a bit wrong. He's the one who rants in his fake retard language when someone mentions him. All you have to do is look at past threads here.

    As for Tuesday - Depends on how the paperwork went in NJ to Va. He'll either get one more extension of the extradition or he'll be remanded to NJ and most likely won't get bail for the antics he's been pulling in Va. Dumbass lied to his attorney about what's going on too. His legal 'prowess' is a joke. There are actually legal websites that are using his legal antics in Va. as case studies in stupidity.

    The only one who's been "pwned" is "Flaglerchat".
    You should have followed the cardinal advice of BB site owners: "Don't feed the trolls". It's not a veiled attempt at a threat you idiot. Even if Pat somehow goes to jail, was feeding the troll worth all this disruption in your personal life over?
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    Yep, OB is pat's biggest defender. How do you ignore someone who has all of your pi and your family's pi and what he does with it goes beyond posting it on message boards into real life? Pat wouldn't have been indicted if it was just the usual copy and paste shit he posts on here. Pat's lucky he didn't do this with a celebrity or he would have gone straight to jail. There wouldn't be any continuances.
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    I forgot to add, OB show us your dick.
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    ob show us some trucker porn.
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  20. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Obnoxious Bitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Vooray View Post
    Yep, OB is pat's biggest defender. How do you ignore someone who has all of your pi and your family's pi and what he does with it goes beyond posting it on message boards into real life? Pat wouldn't have been indicted if it was just the usual copy and paste shit he posts on here. Pat's lucky he didn't do this with a celebrity or he would have gone straight to jail. There wouldn't be any continuances.
    You missed the whole point. Pat never would have done those things in the first place if Joan wasn't dumb enough to feed the troll. He even "tried" doxing me at times but I had enough sense to ignore it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    You missed the whole point. Pat never would have done those things in the first place if Joan wasn't dumb enough to feed the troll. He even "tried" doxing me at times but I had enough sense to ignore it.
    Nice try. Someone gave pat her pi, she didn't feed any trolls. She's posted this like a thousand times. I don't blame you for wanting to distance yourself from pat seeing as how his "trolling" may get him some jail time. Better hope old pat doesn't try to throw you under the bus ob.
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    Senior Member Obnoxious Bitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Vooray View Post
    Nice try. Someone gave pat her pi, she didn't feed any trolls. She's posted this like a thousand times. I don't blame you for wanting to distance yourself from pat seeing as how his "trolling" may get him some jail time. Better hope old pat doesn't try to throw you under the bus ob.
    Someone with a gripe on Joan's site gave Pat the PI. Even if he posted it, so fucking what? Half the members on this site openly share their dox.

    Pat has no loyalties to throw anyone under the bus. Yes, he has tried doxing me and flaming me. It's stupid but so fucking what? It's a troll site FFS!
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    Comics Fan knows good and well who pat is. This is just his way of trolling you guys by playing dumb.
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    I guess I gave him too much credit. He truly is a retard.
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    Senior Lizard kosher dildo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twitchin Kitten View Post
    Really? Someone on MY site? NO ONE on my site had my PI. NO ONE. If you know who it was, do tell. You won't because you don't know.
    I know exactly who gave it to him and why and how she got my PI too.
    If she had a good idea what pat would do with your PI isn't she as guilty as he is?
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    Senior Lizard kosher dildo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obnoxious Bitch View Post
    You missed the whole point. Pat never would have done those things in the first place if Joan wasn't dumb enough to feed the troll. He even "tried" doxing me at times but I had enough sense to ignore it.
    Care to have a discussion about why you see things the way you do?
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    Senior Lizard kosher dildo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twitchin Kitten View Post
    PSST.... Jack joined my site....
    What do you do on your board, TK?
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    Comics Fan is a very special person.
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    Senior Lizard kosher dildo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twitchin Kitten View Post
    Nothing special KD. We're a community of friends who get together online and chat a bit. No trolling, no bullshit, no drama. We're quite boring by most standards.
    Most people's standards are skewed by the shit they're fed by the commercial media outlets.
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    Senior Lizard kosher dildo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comics Fan View Post
    just be warned kitty kat, I@ve seen Vap fuck over every single one of his 'friends' over the past 20 years ive known him. he can't help it

    you get into bed with the Gnome, you're going to catch something nasty

    what is the name of your site?
    You sure do love sniffing Jack's ass. Are you a homosexual, or an obsessed nutjob like Mannix?
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monde is a whiney fuck