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  1. Collapse Details
    please help me populate lisa's rant log 
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    lisa.txt 9,743
    word.txt 70,215

    the rage post generator needs much more
    if you see a good lisa rant, please quote it to this thread so it can be added to her rant log
    as you can see, timmy's log is about 7x the size of lisa's

    check each file at:
    Last edited by m0nde; 03-03-2013 at 01:19 AM.

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  2. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    what a fucking no-life loser


    there is a difference between funny jokes and a bit of banter and fucktard brain damaged trolling

    a big difference

    take note dp and about 5 others

    you're about as "funny" as this fucktard troll

    only a total lack of wit, jealousy, brain damage, and a lack of anything productive to work on in your life, a lack of humanity, failure in your own life etc... drives a fucking retard like that

    and then you get a bunch of sheeple with pretty low IQ's who would happily follow along in that shit.. because as long as they are shitting on someone else they are getting approval from each other... and they can't get that by actually doing anything good in their lives so they turn to this kind of fucking shit

    I mean look at the fucking loser

    a highschool drop-out with no g/f, no job who picks on 10 year old girls, makes fun of little kids being shot and threatens to rape models, obviously couldn't get laid if his life depended on it.
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  3. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lexi Persimmons's Avatar
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  4. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexi Persimmons View Post
    I will not be one with you.
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  5. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    there are 3 pics of her, showing different hands

    no wedding ring

    She thinks the guy you just posted about is cool and cute and would def be interested her

    she claims to be the hottest woman in this forum

    she cooks.... a LOT

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  6. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lexi Persimmons's Avatar
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    come to Zardoz.

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  7. Collapse Details
    Beeyotch JujiDrool's Avatar
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    Cyber-stalking juji
    these kind of topics belong in dp's new forum that you will all follow him to

    not here
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  8. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    I've see Zardoz when i was 11, not good movie tought but unique

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  9. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    It was a downright crappy film but a life-changing experience. Every time someone sees it, they act like Lexi and blather about it to anyone who'll listen. I went through the phase myself.
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  10. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lexi Persimmons's Avatar
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    are you posting naked right now?
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  11. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    No. I'm not a pervert.
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  12. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lexi Persimmons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDucat View Post
    No. I'm not a pervert.

    i'll bet you got a little finger in there right now.
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  13. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexi Persimmons View Post
    i'll bet you got a little finger in there right now.
    You're vile.
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  14. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by JujiDrool View Post
    why don't you just shove your fist up there and rip out my tubes?
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  15. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
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  16. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pregnant Raged out
    why does it hurt your feelings?

    It's not a personal attack on you.

    It's just the right to do. The would be father is a psycho lying meth head. I fucked up. It would be cruel to bring a kid into this. I wasn't doing that well before I met Pete and Pete just fucked up everywhere, I fucked up by getting pregnant, no, it would just be cruel to have this kid and what kind of father would that piece of shit be? A lying psycho meth head, accused me of tring to extort money from him, accused me of having gang bangs in hotels, accused em of getting pregnant to someone else just to do this to him... a total fucking idiot. Then after all that he wants to get back together. That's not fair on me OR a kid. The guy is a piece of shit pig who constantly lied to me, is a fucking junky and acted worse than a pig.

    this isn't the middle ages or some backwards country, I have options because I found out early and I'm doing what is best in THIS situation.

    Hopw the FUCK does that hurt YOUR feelings?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  17. Collapse Details
    Beeyotch JujiDrool's Avatar
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    yes juji

    that was a response I sent you to a pm you sent me about you being a complete jerk about my "situation" hurting your feelings
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  18. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Wow, you're talking to him as if you guys are married. Weird.
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  19. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JujiDrool View Post
    yes juji

    that was a response I sent you to a pm you sent me about you being a complete jerk about my "situation" hurting your feelings
    Why do you bother to reply like that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  20. Collapse Details
    Beeyotch JujiDrool's Avatar
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    Cyber-stalking juji
    Quote Originally Posted by juji View Post
    Why do you bother to reply like that?
    why do you bother pming me with tripe and then posting the pms multiple times? Who attention are you seeking by doing that juji?

    Getting fatflabcat's attention is a given because you posted in the same topic as me, but to do that, keep pming me and posting the pms multiple times, you must be seeking some kind of other validation of something... what would that be juji?
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  21. Collapse Details
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    lisa, if you just posted exclusively in this thread it would make things so much easier

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  22. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    hoping to escape all the pain, only personal attention and that he'd think of this...

    He's bound to bring me here for years but I've seen other women's bums won't actually fool and never even see a kid get something bad is going to ask NASA scientists about me. As he was violating me that made me for the first, she e-mailed me that I was convinced and uploaded on it.


    do you I'm every guy's g/f

    yet you're telling me. Shockedand terribly perverted and spent years I did not realize that before... and they are jealous of Lisa and I'm the hottest woman in the face.

    One of the most red rep here, I mean look cool

    *insert gif of cock here*

    Im sorry im for the admin want to die post and everyone being a retard sheeple trolls can shit it up

    depends with his 3 or so friends, they should join his teenager

    there is a difference between spam all day about me and rape

    that will happen to my cat. I'm not on a pension and I am struggling a lot ugliest face I can for
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  23. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    oh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

    and you collecting 20 pics of me, signing up trying to pretend to be me and trying to pick up guys? Not attention seeking huh?

    You then posting frantically 3-5 times after my EVERY post and making up a constant string of idiotic lies? Not attention seeking?

    You pming every guy you see post in a topic trying to tell them you're the hottest woman in the forum? Not attention seeking?

    You literally spamming my profile 50 times a day? Not attention seeking?

    You constantly sniffing my ass for attention? Not attention seeking?

    Or PERHAPS... just PERHAPS... you're actually a full blown retard troll.
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  24. Collapse Details
    always stevey
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    yeah anne

    some retard ice junky who hooked up with Pete a week before he went to jail, went through his phone, saw txt messages he sent to me and psycho txted me non stop for 3 days and 3 nights in a jealous rage (never met the freak and was with Pete from xmas up until end of january) until I called the jail he is in and spoke to his welfare officer who went and told pete that the crazy woman who has his phone is going through his personal contacts and harassing them, Pete then called her and she stopped.

    I have nothing to do with the court case you fucking retard, you are reading txts from a psycho retard ice junky who actually thinks I'm an undercover cop who set Pete up but who is in fact raging that she saw numerous txts Pete sent me about wanting to be with me and marry me and that I was pregnant and other fucking shit... all after I left the piece of shit for being an idiot junky who got himself arrested for selling ice to an undercover cop, was subsequently raided and found with grams of ice... all I after I had already left him.

    I literally have nothing to do with it or that fucking idiot's court case. I don't even take ice. Pot yes, shooting ice into myself numerous times a day and selling it to undercover police? Um no.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    I tell you why they think that

    because before I left Pete I told him he was probably going to end up being arrested, the fucking idiot was walking around Sydney asking random people if they wanted to buy ice. I told him to stop, when he didn't I left him. Then he promised me he had quit and came to see me, when he went home he promptly raided and arrested and tried to tell me the police set him up... he then wanted to know how I knew he would be arrested and imagined I was an undercover cop... it didn't take a genius to see the way he was going he was going to end up in jail. Frankly I gave him enough chances to get out of that shit, he instead chose to try and lie to me and his own idiot actions caught up with him... thankfully I saw that comming and was in a whole other state. It has nothing to do with me, I do not do that shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    In any event

    the court case is between Peter and the police, not me.

    I meanwhile do not have a criminal record and that's the way I like to keep it, or anything to do with the case. Not my crime and no I did not have any dealings with the police that arrested him. In fact I offered him a number of times to come and stay with me and keep away from that shit because any moron could see he was headed for jail.

    He chose to not to and to continue taking ice and trying to sell it to support his habit and thought he could just lie to me and tell me he had quit drugs. yet his troubles with the law had nothing to do with me and he was just trying to string me along as long as he could.

    I might have been gulible to believe him that he had quit drugs but I'm not fucking stupid enough to believe the police set him up after everything I saw him do with my own eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    actually it was mid february that I finished with him for good because it just before my birthday that he came and saw me after he told me he had quit drugs then when he went home he pretty much got arrested straight away.

    I literally could not have given him any more chances with me or any more chances to get away from that shit at that point.

    No thanks. I have my own fucking problems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    now I'm no prude

    I smoke pot whenever I damn well can

    but it was pretty clear the way he was going one of two things were definately going to happen

    either he would lose his mind from taking too much ice and staying up for days on end... he was getting more and more insane every day

    or he would get arrested for being so careless and trying to sell ice to random people

    I didn't want to be around for either of those two options
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    Nor do I try and set up and have arrested people I actually cared about at some point... because yes I did actually care about him before he gave me every reason not to
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    and me having gang bangs in hotels?

    that shit is just fucking retarded, um no.

    I was with Pete and only Pete the entire time.

    nor have I EVER had a gang bang in a hotel

    ... well not in a hotel anyway and while I was with anyone ;P
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    the only thing is

    it's just embarrassing that I would ever even hook up with someone like that and give them as many chances as I did.

    It's what happens when you never go out and are wandering the streets of Sydney aimlessly on xmas day and in shock after getting out of hospital on xmas day after your brother bashed you and some guy comes up and offers you to go to his house for coffee or whatever you like and having a lack of any other options you look them up and down and decide they are cute enough and go with them.... then you get caught up in having someone seemingly fall for you when you haven't even left your fucking flat in months and after what you've just been through any fucking jerk seems like a really nice guy that you should give a chance to.

    Not an excuse but that is just what happened.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    um no

    you have the psychotic delusions from a fucking ice junky who is now in jail

    talking about me having gang bangs in hotels and setting him up with the police

    you fucking retard

    yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah that must be true
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    yeah anne

    some retard ice junky who hooked up with Pete a week before he went to jail, went through his phone, saw txt messages he sent to me and psycho txted me non stop for 3 days and 3 nights in a jealous rage (never met the freak and was with Pete from xmas up until end of january) until I called the jail he is in and spoke to his welfare officer who went and told pete that the crazy woman who has his phone is going through his personal contacts and harassing them, Pete then called her and she stopped.

    I have nothing to do with the court case you fucking retard, you are reading txts from a psycho retard ice junky who actually thinks I'm an undercover cop who set Pete up but who is in fact raging that she saw numerous txts Pete sent me about wanting to be with me and marry me and that I was pregnant and other fucking shit... all after I left the piece of shit for being an idiot junky who got himself arrested for selling ice to an undercover cop, was subsequently raided and found with grams of ice... all I after I had already left him.

    I literally have nothing to do with it or that fucking idiot's court case. I don't even take ice. Pot yes, shooting ice into myself numerous times a day and selling it to undercover police? Um no.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    I tell you why they think that

    because before I left Pete I told him he was probably going to end up being arrested, the fucking idiot was walking around Sydney asking random people if they wanted to buy ice. I told him to stop, when he didn't I left him. Then he promised me he had quit and came to see me, when he went home he promptly raided and arrested and tried to tell me the police set him up... he then wanted to know how I knew he would be arrested and imagined I was an undercover cop... it didn't take a genius to see the way he was going he was going to end up in jail. Frankly I gave him enough chances to get out of that shit, he instead chose to try and lie to me and his own idiot actions caught up with him... thankfully I saw that comming and was in a whole other state. It has nothing to do with me, I do not do that shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    In any event

    the court case is between Peter and the police, not me.

    I meanwhile do not have a criminal record and that's the way I like to keep it, or anything to do with the case. Not my crime and no I did not have any dealings with the police that arrested him. In fact I offered him a number of times to come and stay with me and keep away from that shit because any moron could see he was headed for jail.

    He chose to not to and to continue taking ice and trying to sell it to support his habit and thought he could just lie to me and tell me he had quit drugs. yet his troubles with the law had nothing to do with me and he was just trying to string me along as long as he could.

    I might have been gulible to believe him that he had quit drugs but I'm not fucking stupid enough to believe the police set him up after everything I saw him do with my own eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    actually it was mid february that I finished with him for good because it just before my birthday that he came and saw me after he told me he had quit drugs then when he went home he pretty much got arrested straight away.

    I literally could not have given him any more chances with me or any more chances to get away from that shit at that point.

    No thanks. I have my own fucking problems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    now I'm no prude

    I smoke pot whenever I damn well can

    but it was pretty clear the way he was going one of two things were definately going to happen

    either he would lose his mind from taking too much ice and staying up for days on end... he was getting more and more insane every day

    or he would get arrested for being so careless and trying to sell ice to random people

    I didn't want to be around for either of those two options
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    Nor do I try and set up and have arrested people I actually cared about at some point... because yes I did actually care about him before he gave me every reason not to
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    and me having gang bangs in hotels?

    that shit is just fucking retarded, um no.

    I was with Pete and only Pete the entire time.

    nor have I EVER had a gang bang in a hotel

    ... well not in a hotel anyway and while I was with anyone ;P
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    the only thing is

    it's just embarrassing that I would ever even hook up with someone like that and give them as many chances as I did.

    It's what happens when you never go out and are wandering the streets of Sydney aimlessly on xmas day and in shock after getting out of hospital on xmas day after your brother bashed you and some guy comes up and offers you to go to his house for coffee or whatever you like and having a lack of any other options you look them up and down and decide they are cute enough and go with them.... then you get caught up in having someone seemingly fall for you when you haven't even left your fucking flat in months and after what you've just been through any fucking jerk seems like a really nice guy that you should give a chance to.

    Not an excuse but that is just what happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    yeah anne

    some retard ice junky who hooked up with Pete a week before he went to jail, went through his phone, saw txt messages he sent to me and psycho txted me non stop for 3 days and 3 nights in a jealous rage (never met the freak and was with Pete from xmas up until end of january) until I called the jail he is in and spoke to his welfare officer who went and told pete that the crazy woman who has his phone is going through his personal contacts and harassing them, Pete then called her and she stopped.

    I have nothing to do with the court case you fucking retard, you are reading txts from a psycho retard ice junky who actually thinks I'm an undercover cop who set Pete up but who is in fact raging that she saw numerous txts Pete sent me about wanting to be with me and marry me and that I was pregnant and other fucking shit... all after I left the piece of shit for being an idiot junky who got himself arrested for selling ice to an undercover cop, was subsequently raided and found with grams of ice... all I after I had already left him.

    I literally have nothing to do with it or that fucking idiot's court case. I don't even take ice. Pot yes, shooting ice into myself numerous times a day and selling it to undercover police? Um no.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    I tell you why they think that

    because before I left Pete I told him he was probably going to end up being arrested, the fucking idiot was walking around Sydney asking random people if they wanted to buy ice. I told him to stop, when he didn't I left him. Then he promised me he had quit and came to see me, when he went home he promptly raided and arrested and tried to tell me the police set him up... he then wanted to know how I knew he would be arrested and imagined I was an undercover cop... it didn't take a genius to see the way he was going he was going to end up in jail. Frankly I gave him enough chances to get out of that shit, he instead chose to try and lie to me and his own idiot actions caught up with him... thankfully I saw that comming and was in a whole other state. It has nothing to do with me, I do not do that shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    In any event

    the court case is between Peter and the police, not me.

    I meanwhile do not have a criminal record and that's the way I like to keep it, or anything to do with the case. Not my crime and no I did not have any dealings with the police that arrested him. In fact I offered him a number of times to come and stay with me and keep away from that shit because any moron could see he was headed for jail.

    He chose to not to and to continue taking ice and trying to sell it to support his habit and thought he could just lie to me and tell me he had quit drugs. yet his troubles with the law had nothing to do with me and he was just trying to string me along as long as he could.

    I might have been gulible to believe him that he had quit drugs but I'm not fucking stupid enough to believe the police set him up after everything I saw him do with my own eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    actually it was mid february that I finished with him for good because it just before my birthday that he came and saw me after he told me he had quit drugs then when he went home he pretty much got arrested straight away.

    I literally could not have given him any more chances with me or any more chances to get away from that shit at that point.

    No thanks. I have my own fucking problems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    now I'm no prude

    I smoke pot whenever I damn well can

    but it was pretty clear the way he was going one of two things were definately going to happen

    either he would lose his mind from taking too much ice and staying up for days on end... he was getting more and more insane every day

    or he would get arrested for being so careless and trying to sell ice to random people

    I didn't want to be around for either of those two options
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    Nor do I try and set up and have arrested people I actually cared about at some point... because yes I did actually care about him before he gave me every reason not to
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    and me having gang bangs in hotels?

    that shit is just fucking retarded, um no.

    I was with Pete and only Pete the entire time.

    nor have I EVER had a gang bang in a hotel

    ... well not in a hotel anyway and while I was with anyone ;P
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    the only thing is

    it's just embarrassing that I would ever even hook up with someone like that and give them as many chances as I did.

    It's what happens when you never go out and are wandering the streets of Sydney aimlessly on xmas day and in shock after getting out of hospital on xmas day after your brother bashed you and some guy comes up and offers you to go to his house for coffee or whatever you like and having a lack of any other options you look them up and down and decide they are cute enough and go with them.... then you get caught up in having someone seemingly fall for you when you haven't even left your fucking flat in months and after what you've just been through any fucking jerk seems like a really nice guy that you should give a chance to.

    Not an excuse but that is just what happened.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    yeah anne

    some retard ice junky who hooked up with Pete a week before he went to jail, went through his phone, saw txt messages he sent to me and psycho txted me non stop for 3 days and 3 nights in a jealous rage (never met the freak and was with Pete from xmas up until end of january) until I called the jail he is in and spoke to his welfare officer who went and told pete that the crazy woman who has his phone is going through his personal contacts and harassing them, Pete then called her and she stopped.

    I have nothing to do with the court case you fucking retard, you are reading txts from a psycho retard ice junky who actually thinks I'm an undercover cop who set Pete up but who is in fact raging that she saw numerous txts Pete sent me about wanting to be with me and marry me and that I was pregnant and other fucking shit... all after I left the piece of shit for being an idiot junky who got himself arrested for selling ice to an undercover cop, was subsequently raided and found with grams of ice... all I after I had already left him.

    I literally have nothing to do with it or that fucking idiot's court case. I don't even take ice. Pot yes, shooting ice into myself numerous times a day and selling it to undercover police? Um no.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    I tell you why they think that

    because before I left Pete I told him he was probably going to end up being arrested, the fucking idiot was walking around Sydney asking random people if they wanted to buy ice. I told him to stop, when he didn't I left him. Then he promised me he had quit and came to see me, when he went home he promptly raided and arrested and tried to tell me the police set him up... he then wanted to know how I knew he would be arrested and imagined I was an undercover cop... it didn't take a genius to see the way he was going he was going to end up in jail. Frankly I gave him enough chances to get out of that shit, he instead chose to try and lie to me and his own idiot actions caught up with him... thankfully I saw that comming and was in a whole other state. It has nothing to do with me, I do not do that shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    In any event

    the court case is between Peter and the police, not me.

    I meanwhile do not have a criminal record and that's the way I like to keep it, or anything to do with the case. Not my crime and no I did not have any dealings with the police that arrested him. In fact I offered him a number of times to come and stay with me and keep away from that shit because any moron could see he was headed for jail.

    He chose to not to and to continue taking ice and trying to sell it to support his habit and thought he could just lie to me and tell me he had quit drugs. yet his troubles with the law had nothing to do with me and he was just trying to string me along as long as he could.

    I might have been gulible to believe him that he had quit drugs but I'm not fucking stupid enough to believe the police set him up after everything I saw him do with my own eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    actually it was mid february that I finished with him for good because it just before my birthday that he came and saw me after he told me he had quit drugs then when he went home he pretty much got arrested straight away.

    I literally could not have given him any more chances with me or any more chances to get away from that shit at that point.

    No thanks. I have my own fucking problems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    now I'm no prude

    I smoke pot whenever I damn well can

    but it was pretty clear the way he was going one of two things were definately going to happen

    either he would lose his mind from taking too much ice and staying up for days on end... he was getting more and more insane every day

    or he would get arrested for being so careless and trying to sell ice to random people

    I didn't want to be around for either of those two options
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    Nor do I try and set up and have arrested people I actually cared about at some point... because yes I did actually care about him before he gave me every reason not to
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    and me having gang bangs in hotels?

    that shit is just fucking retarded, um no.

    I was with Pete and only Pete the entire time.

    nor have I EVER had a gang bang in a hotel

    ... well not in a hotel anyway and while I was with anyone ;P
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    the only thing is

    it's just embarrassing that I would ever even hook up with someone like that and give them as many chances as I did.

    It's what happens when you never go out and are wandering the streets of Sydney aimlessly on xmas day and in shock after getting out of hospital on xmas day after your brother bashed you and some guy comes up and offers you to go to his house for coffee or whatever you like and having a lack of any other options you look them up and down and decide they are cute enough and go with them.... then you get caught up in having someone seemingly fall for you when you haven't even left your fucking flat in months and after what you've just been through any fucking jerk seems like a really nice guy that you should give a chance to.

    Not an excuse but that is just what happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    yeah anne

    some retard ice junky who hooked up with Pete a week before he went to jail, went through his phone, saw txt messages he sent to me and psycho txted me non stop for 3 days and 3 nights in a jealous rage (never met the freak and was with Pete from xmas up until end of january) until I called the jail he is in and spoke to his welfare officer who went and told pete that the crazy woman who has his phone is going through his personal contacts and harassing them, Pete then called her and she stopped.

    I have nothing to do with the court case you fucking retard, you are reading txts from a psycho retard ice junky who actually thinks I'm an undercover cop who set Pete up but who is in fact raging that she saw numerous txts Pete sent me about wanting to be with me and marry me and that I was pregnant and other fucking shit... all after I left the piece of shit for being an idiot junky who got himself arrested for selling ice to an undercover cop, was subsequently raided and found with grams of ice... all I after I had already left him.

    I literally have nothing to do with it or that fucking idiot's court case. I don't even take ice. Pot yes, shooting ice into myself numerous times a day and selling it to undercover police? Um no.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    I tell you why they think that

    because before I left Pete I told him he was probably going to end up being arrested, the fucking idiot was walking around Sydney asking random people if they wanted to buy ice. I told him to stop, when he didn't I left him. Then he promised me he had quit and came to see me, when he went home he promptly raided and arrested and tried to tell me the police set him up... he then wanted to know how I knew he would be arrested and imagined I was an undercover cop... it didn't take a genius to see the way he was going he was going to end up in jail. Frankly I gave him enough chances to get out of that shit, he instead chose to try and lie to me and his own idiot actions caught up with him... thankfully I saw that comming and was in a whole other state. It has nothing to do with me, I do not do that shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    In any event

    the court case is between Peter and the police, not me.

    I meanwhile do not have a criminal record and that's the way I like to keep it, or anything to do with the case. Not my crime and no I did not have any dealings with the police that arrested him. In fact I offered him a number of times to come and stay with me and keep away from that shit because any moron could see he was headed for jail.

    He chose to not to and to continue taking ice and trying to sell it to support his habit and thought he could just lie to me and tell me he had quit drugs. yet his troubles with the law had nothing to do with me and he was just trying to string me along as long as he could.

    I might have been gulible to believe him that he had quit drugs but I'm not fucking stupid enough to believe the police set him up after everything I saw him do with my own eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    actually it was mid february that I finished with him for good because it just before my birthday that he came and saw me after he told me he had quit drugs then when he went home he pretty much got arrested straight away.

    I literally could not have given him any more chances with me or any more chances to get away from that shit at that point.

    No thanks. I have my own fucking problems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    now I'm no prude

    I smoke pot whenever I damn well can

    but it was pretty clear the way he was going one of two things were definately going to happen

    either he would lose his mind from taking too much ice and staying up for days on end... he was getting more and more insane every day

    or he would get arrested for being so careless and trying to sell ice to random people

    I didn't want to be around for either of those two options
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    Nor do I try and set up and have arrested people I actually cared about at some point... because yes I did actually care about him before he gave me every reason not to
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    and me having gang bangs in hotels?

    that shit is just fucking retarded, um no.

    I was with Pete and only Pete the entire time.

    nor have I EVER had a gang bang in a hotel

    ... well not in a hotel anyway and while I was with anyone ;P
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Claus View Post
    the only thing is

    it's just embarrassing that I would ever even hook up with someone like that and give them as many chances as I did.

    It's what happens when you never go out and are wandering the streets of Sydney aimlessly on xmas day and in shock after getting out of hospital on xmas day after your brother bashed you and some guy comes up and offers you to go to his house for coffee or whatever you like and having a lack of any other options you look them up and down and decide they are cute enough and go with them.... then you get caught up in having someone seemingly fall for you when you haven't even left your fucking flat in months and after what you've just been through any fucking jerk seems like a really nice guy that you should give a chance to.

    Not an excuse but that is just what happened.
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  25. Collapse Details
    Lisa Claus
    king steveyos
    it's actually funny until m0nde makes it a retarded bunch of random words that could be anything and then posts it in every topic like he actually thinks it's funny

    even I'm amused by the shit I spew, but it takes a total fucking idiot like m0nde to take anything amusing out of my walls of txt and just post some fucking random words rubbish in every topic like he thinks that's clever
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    lisa.txt = STOP 0x0000004D NO_PAGES_AVAILABLE
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  27. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    this is the best thing monde has ever done
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  28. Collapse Details
    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    use 1st link in OP and stfu
    the joke was that there's not enough memory in the computer to load lisa.txt anymore because it is a big file that was the joke
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  29. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by blumpkin blownuts View Post
    the joke was that there's not enough memory in the computer to load lisa.txt anymore because it is a big file that was the joke
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  30. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    if monde took out all the repeated words it would take up less than 1kb
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monde is a whiney fuck