Functions :
F1 – Lower Draw Distance Multiplier
F2 – Raise Draw Distance Multiplier
F3 – Lower Field of View
F4 – Raise Field of View
F5 – Creative Mode
F6 – God Mode
F7 – Volumetric Lighting On / Off
F8 – Render Grass On / Off
F9 – Choose New Weather Prediction
F10 – Always Show HUD On / Off

Features :

HUD integrated into Pedometer screen
Cannibals spawns modified to have less Cannibals during the day, and more at night
Fear lowers as the day’s pass, and Anger increases
Arrow Damage slightly increased
Arrows can always be retrieved
Inventory Loading Fixed
Weapon Switching tweaked
Molotovs now return 1 alcohol bottle when switching/dropping
Tennis Balls / Rocks only pick up when hands are empty
Rabbit Cage Uses Dead rabbits (I call it the Voodoo Cage)
Bench interaction moved to Z key (still says E on screen)
Eating from a fire moved to C key (still says E on screen)
Cancel Building moved to X key
Brand New Weather System
Weather dependent world temperature
Heart Rate fixed (sort of)
Heart Rate / Body Temperature effect energy use and stomach drain
You will pass out from starvation

The Pedometer :
As you can see, everything you need to know is right there on the PDA, so don’t forget to grab it!

Weather System
I have completely overhauled the weather system to make it a little more realistic. No more sunny day to thunderstorms in 2 seconds. Weather and all its associated graphics are now tied together in a scaling system that goes from Sunny to Thunderstorms.
Every few minutes, a new weather setting is chosen, and the current weather will slowly shift towards the new weather setting over several minutes. The PDA can be used to check what the current weather prediction is, and if weather is improving or declining.
With this new system, it is possible to go days without rain, however when the rain does come, it is possible for it to also last days.
Words and even pictures do not really do it justice, you really need to experience the changing weather yourself!