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  1. Collapse Details
    going down the list of traits on wikipedia is an accurate description of me. 
    Senior Member oOBatteryOo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear) - I say and do many ridiculous things that most people find absurd behavior. Last time I was at a party I got bored so I began punching guys in the balls. I then stood there and gave them a shot to hit me back. No one would do it.
    stress tolerance - I pissed off my friends girlfriend so bad she started screaming and punching me in the face, and I couldn't have cared less. I don't ever feel stressed by anything, more just annoyed by things.
    lacking empathy - I can understand why people feel certain things but I just don't feel anymore. I remember I used to feel things, but in the past year I just really don't actually feel it. I just pretend and go with the flow but usually when someone's going through some extreme emotion I get bored with their inability to control themselves.
    coldheartedness - 2 people have crushed on me really hard and I didn't care because I didn't find them attractive. I just brushed them aside. Didn't feel a thing, except I kind of liked the ego tickle.
    egocentricity - People compliment me because I'm attractive, which is nice. I compliment them back because I think it's polite, but I don't compliment people other than that. Why should i
    superficial charm - oh easy, when I try I can get people to like me, it's so easy. It's easy to find a sincere compliment and flatter someone, it's easy to give the right looks. But I don't have much interest in making people like me
    manipulativeness - I'd say I'd be more manipulative but I don't really have a reason to be. I guess this one I'm not so much of a manipulator really.
    irresponsibility - highly. I'm late all the time for stuff and don't really feel bad for making others wait. I screw off alot and lie to get out of work.
    impulsivity - highly, i do shit on a whim constantly. usually i go buy a couple red bulls and chug them or get drunk because i feel like it
    criminality - yeah i steal shit alot
    antisocial behaviors such as lacking guilt and living a parasitic lifestyle - very parasitic lifestyle, i'm staying with a friend who's being really generous on my rent because i'm "having a hard time finding work". I'm not really i just keep the money hidden so i can be richer.
    I guess that's being manipulative though.
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  2. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    ok Lexi aka Bitchface aka Gloria Stilts aka oOBatteryOo

    I agree that is an accurate description of you, thankyou for educating us on your personality disorders
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    stinker Pronoun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    fuck you
    going down on wikipedia
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monde is a whiney fuck