Lisa the Meter Maid has reported a post.

Your links were literally nothing relevant

Here have some fucking links retard

Also humans and neandethals have a common ancestor however the only time they were alive togther was long before homo spaiens wandered off into different ethnic groups and all races have the same amount of DNA in common with neanderthals but we both had a common ancestor, what you tried to claim, that white people bred with neanderthals is literally impossible because literally all neanderthals had died out like 50,000 years before pale skin in humans evolved. Everything I say can be backed up with a link but you obviously can't even do simple math and not one of your links was actually relevent to the utterely retarded claims you tried to make. Sorry you are and always will be wrong and frankly just really stupid.

So no matter how you look at it RETARD you are wrong in every thing you tried to assert.
Post: Reported Post by Lisa the Meter Maid
Forum: golden showers
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: KKKody
Original Content:
KKKody has also reported this item.

no, lisa is a fucking retard who believes the god crap

sorry lisa you can fuck right off with your conjecture i provided LINKS to back up my shit.