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    So m0nde ran out stevey and brought back..... 
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    nobody, nobody at all.
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    Some of you just don't know how to forum
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
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    I went to a wedding 10 years ago, want to hear about it and see the pics?

    *snort* Hey guys I took a photo of me breathing down the neck of some underage girl on the subway, want to see that too? I'm a real hit with the ladies, even camoron and his never ending list of made up girfriends does not get this much imaginary pussy.

    Fat shit posting losers, GTFO of my forum.
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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    wtf is wrong with you? get off my dick and leave me alone you mental case

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    Oh you wish you fucking shit posting loser.

    Fuck off to your fake twitter account about me you utter no life PIG
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    I agree with stompleB, m0nde should be banned so that dp comes back

    and stevey too, stevey too will come back if you get rid of this obsessed bushpig loser. Go back to your own forum and stay there PIG
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    jesus christ go away
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    Get the fuck away from me you desperate unwanted creep
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    Ban the fat retarded losers m0nde and plug drugs and bring stevey back
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    Senior Member Poopalew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Battery View Post
    Ban the fat retarded losers m0nde and plug drugs and bring stevey back
    Hydroquinone penetrates the skin and may cause irreversible damage to connective tissue.
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    Senior Member TheElJoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Battery View Post
    Ban the fat retarded losers m0nde and plug drugs and bring stevey back
    Stevey is a fat retarded loser
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheElJoe View Post
    Stevey is a fat retarded loser
    Nah, not when standing next to m0nde or plug drugs, not by a long shot.

    Listen man, I don't want to see you align yourself with the wrong kind of loser here. M0nde is a cody and I'm going to get rid of him as soon as I've kicked him inthe head a few times ok?

    I think you're better than that, or could be, I don't know you very well but you do not seem to be AS big a loser as the most pathetic couple of butt sniffers here.

    I would be very carefull about believing even a single word that bushpig says. Just a heads up.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    took lisa off my ignore list, saw she's still obsessing over m0nde and talking about him in every single post, put her back on ignore
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    took lisa off my ignore list, saw she's still obsessing over m0nde and talking about him in every single post, put her back on ignore
    Yeah, funny.

    Dickhead I have been showing people the full extent of m0nde obsession and bullshit from his fake twitter accounts in my name to other shit he has been putting up on the web.

    Don't even. I am defending myself from an obsessed piece of shit stalker creep ass loser. And he is here making every fucking post about me. I am not going to simply not ever mention him while he posts this bullshit about me ALL OVER the internet. I do not take shit beyond this forum like that no-life loser does, take this for example and there is much more maks. So get a clue. Not only that while over 80% of m0nde's posts are about me only about 10% of mine here are about him amd guess what? I don't make any about him outside of this fforum unlike that losers stalking creep does so fuck off idiot. He WISHES I was. I just actually hate him as a person like seriously and that is the reason why so shut the fuck up maks and don't bother trying to shit stir me about this because it is NOT cool.

    Not only that this is simply a thread about m0nde ran stevey off and he did and I happen to like stevey a HELL OF A LOT MORE than than that pathetic obsessed loser pile of shit m0nde thankyou very much.
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 02-15-2016 at 07:29 PM.
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    I'm going to get rid of that piece of shit, you mark my words maks
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    I mean you have no clue how far beyond this forum that loser has taken this and I'm not going to sink that low but I'm not going to sit here quietly about it and not say a damn thing about it either. I mean even when everyone else leaves and this forum crawls up its ass and dies for some reason (lack of awareness I guess) you still just do not get it do you?

    I'm going to get rid of codys like that and I fucking bring it so sit down and watch and learn maks.

    Maksie pad.

    You just worry and concentrate on getting rid of plug drugs, I'm going to get rid of m0nde.
    Last edited by Lisa Battery; 02-15-2016 at 07:42 PM.
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    Maks I've ALWAYS been more obsessed with you than a pile of creep ass obsessed bushpig shit. But I can say this about you, YOU are a few things but one thing you are not is a stalker and you have your own life. Do NOT mistake my open hate for someone as being obsessed. The reason I actually hate him is very much because of the other way around, because he has been obsessed as fuck for quite a long fucking time now and takes his fucking loser obsession well beyond this forum. My intent is to totally destroy him and make him fuck off. IRL I would put him in hospital and he would deserve it and I would get away with it as self defense. He is an old ass creep who stalks not only me but underage girls as well but he has fucked with the wrong bitch when it comes to me.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    lisa I just told you I put you back on ignore, why would you make 4 (no doubt very, very long) posts in a row when you know I'm not going to read them? Let me guess, they're all about how m0nde is actually the creepy stalker, even though he didn't even mention you when you were gone and you've mentioned him about 800 times since you came back earlier today.
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    lisa I just told you I put you back on ignore, why would you make 4 (no doubt very, very long) posts in a row when you know I'm not going to read them? Let me guess, they're all about how m0nde is actually the creepy stalker, even though he didn't even mention you when you were gone and you've mentioned him about 800 times since you came back earlier today.
    You do not put me on ignore.

    And yes he does maks and he has done so for many many months. He mentioned me constantly maks. Not ALL my posts are about this but he has been doing this for MONTHS and I've had enough and am calling it out.

    You do not seem to understand that he takes it well beyond this forum as well.

    There are two small differences between m0nde and cody, maks, one is m0nde has about 3 more brain cells than cody and the other is m0nde is not racist. Aside from that he is basically the same sociopathtic stalking obsessed loser lying retard pathetic trying to fit in desperately pile of shit.

    It's not open for discussion maks. I am going to get rid of that pile of shit and he has more than asked for it, more than been warned to back off and fuck off and it's more than high time someone more than pulled him up for this bullshit and fucks him off. Capish?
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    If you are concerned and do not want me to destroy this piece of shit then I suggest you tell him to take down his fake twitter account in my name and any and all other bullshit he has put up online and to get his nose the fuck out of my ass and to stop being a pathetic retarded loser.

    I don't hate on someone for no reason maks. I have very good and extensive reasons for this.

    If he does those things and makes an effort to not be a nasty ass old creep ass obsessed bushpig loser then I will consider a pardon and consider not destroying him but while he continues his bullshit I will continue to openly hate him for all the reasons I have already said.

    Have a nice day maks and don't forget to brush your teeth.
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    And he encourages other piles of shit to stalk me too and I don't care because I will fuck them ALL up but I'm telling you now m0nde is a common element to all of it and he's fucked mate, I'm telling you now that guy is FUCKED and I'm not going to stop kicking him in the head until he's fixed.
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    And I don't whether it is mainly because he's always trying to be involved, you know, cody style trying to fit in, hey I'm just one of the guys kind of thing but the particular shit I keep finding him being a common element in being involved in is utter bullshit loser shit. And that is aside from the open obsessed fucking loser ass bullshit he has carried on with for months.

    So no. Do NOT appeal to ME to cut that pile of shit a break.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    lisa I just told you I put you back on ignore, why would you make 4 (no doubt very, very long) posts in a row when you know I'm not going to read them?
    stalker is as stalker does
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    A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
    king steveyos
    Lisa who the fuck are you posting to or what are you posting about? Stop
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour View Post
    Lisa who the fuck are you posting to or what are you posting about? Stop
    I wish she was well enough to see the irony in what she's doing, if only for a second
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    stalker is as stalker does
    Lol *stalks you*
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    I wish she was well enough to see the irony in what she's doing, if only for a second

    Go get doli maks and we can discuss what irony means
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    Guys can't read thread titles they click on

    Dipshits lol
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    A Dolla Danya of Dubla Dour
    king steveyos
    It's actually pretty sad everybody IRL hates her, but imagine how much worse she must be IRL compared to the forums. IRL she has access to breaking shit, being physically violent etc... rather than just mindlessly dribbling on a computer screen etc...
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monde is a whiney fuck